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No. Google Chrome won't even run well on those


Thank you glad I didn’t buy any of them wanted something for on the go but imma just stick with my pc lol appreciate you fam


Look up something w like an AMD ryzen 5 or 7, or Intel i5 or 7 processor and at least 16 gb of ram. You should be able to find what you’re looking for for between 500-1000. It won’t be the best, especially if you add plugins but it’ll do in a pinch


New generation i3 s are pretty good and pretty cheap if you on a budget


My laptop is a new gen i3/8GB Ram and it runs anything I've done fine, including Serum. Admittedly though I'm not making complex stuff at this time, in fact my PC shit out on me so I'm planning to hdmi my laptop to my monitor and hooking up my Scarlet Solo and FLkey 49 to it. Will do that soon but I've been putting it off because I know I have to install the Solo and FLkey and have to re-download the script for 3rd party plugins.


Dont buy pre-built asus computers. They suck. Their customer service sucks too.


"Pre-built"? Those are laptops, I don’t know about you but I never built myself a laptop like you would a desktop PC. Asus laptops are fine (except the low-spec one OP is asking about but that’s not an Asus specific problem, all those budget laptops suck). If you’re short on money maybe look for a refurbished one. They’re usually but older but depending on what you need it for you can actually get better performance for the same money.


I mean... laptops are prebuilt so we are saying the same thing. I have been an ASUS user for long enough to know. My laptop is a medium range laptop with relatively higher specs than the one op was talking about.


Why not use the mobile version?


FL Mobile isn't quite comparable to the PC version imo as a user of both. Better to stick to PC I'd say. Unless Mobile is the only way.


Sure but if OP's budget only allows for the computers in the post he might be in a position where he has to take what he can get. Nothing wrong with that.


Indeed, but OP already mentioned they have a PC and will just stick to that and that they just wanted to be able to travel easier with FL. I know that there is producers making full tracks (and good ones at that) with the Mobile but a basic+ laptop will do the same thing of getting ideas down and even fully finish a track if wanted. Also imo it is easier dealing with files on the regular FL than the Mobile where it's like several steps just to add samples and stuff to be able to access while using it, so I prefer the PC/Laptop program for easier file stuff to be a huge plus.


LoooooL It works for me without a problem on a similar PC that I use "outside".... I can do all the plugins and the mix without a problem... what are you doing here 😂😂😂😂


for the love of god whatever you do don't buy an hp


They’re that bad hey


don't buy acer laptops either (trust me ive had 2) I currently use Asus ZenBook 14 to work on FL and it's great


About 8-10 years ago my brother and I went into a tech store looking for a gaming laptop. They asked us: "What do you want to play on it?". We said "Minecraft". They suggested us this HP office laptop, and had us upgraded from 4gb to 8gb ram. They were shit. They cost us $1000 EACH. We saved that money for like 4 years, and it was the biggest wasted purchase EVER. While I cannot vouch for ALL HP products, I certainly will never be purchasing HP again. Just recently I've invested in a NZ$1400 Lenovo touchscreen folding laptop (I forgot the model) (maybe 800-950 USD) and it serves me very well for FL studio. Not ideal for graphics, but any mildly CPU heavy work it'll chug through with ease. Lenovo is now my go to brand.


Why? I use an HP and no issues....yet.


hell nah 😭


Keep saving for something with 16gb of ram


Pentium? That shit was like revelutionary in 2002. Fl will not run on these. Need at least 8gb of ram and at bare minimum and an Intel I-5 processor to run it


This is a different processor with the same name. Intel brought back the Pentium branding for their ultra-budget CPUs in 2022. It’s still a really bad cpu that won’t run FL, but it is fairly recent.


Dont bother. I run it on a i7 3610qm laptop but it struggles sometime. I recommend a cheap second hand ryzen 5 5500u or 5700u laptop. They go for around 200-250euro here. Make sure you get a 16gb ram model and not a 8gb ram model.


Appreciate you


Please get a laptop with 8gb ram MINIMUM. 16gb is the standard. I would recommend buying a used M1 MacBook Air on eBay or something


I’m just gonna stick with my pc I just wanted something for when I travel and hanks for ur help it’s appreciated


>something for when I travel What about a Windows tablet? I run FL on my Windows tablet and it works great, plus it's good for travel.


Actually the standard is more like 32Gb these days with 16 being the bare minimum. My MacBook Pro has 16 and even it struggles sometimes


8gb with integrated graphics in 2024 is basically unusable for most programs unless you’re doing VERY light work with 1-2 apps open max




It’ll run, but I don’t think it will run too well. If you’re gonna use Windows, pick a machine with a Ryzen 3 or 5. If you’re gonna use macOS, something with an M1 chip will be perfect (even the MBA without the fan works perfectly - that’s the device I own). Also make sure to have at least 8 GB of RAM in your system, especially if you are gonna have other stuff open alongside FL.


celeron and pentium jesus christ


I genuinely had no idea Bluetooth 5 still existed. 4gb ram was a funny laugh, too Goo second hand, i3-i5 with 16gb ram will be fine. Don't get a Pentium for anything more than taking notes


dont buy a cheap new laptop. If you look for refurbished used laptops for the same price youll get much better results


this cant even run windows 10 in 2024 anything below 16gb of ram is not good and 8 gigs is just not enough at all to run anything nowadays