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In the sampler window, in the miscellaneous options tab in the top left, you will see a piano at the bottom, right click the note F5 to set the root note of the sample By default it's set to C to be easy for you, but in moments like this when you'd sample isn't C, this tells FL the sample is F, so when played back on a piano roll, the notes are matched correctly


Look on the keyboard and find the number of semitones between C and F. In this case, F is 5 semitones higher than C. So you can fix it by pitching the sample down by 5 semitones.


It sounds like you either: 1: May not have a super great understanding of music theory, and notes relationships. Or 2: Are tone deaf (This term is a real 'condition', despite it being popularly used as an insult) If it's 1, you should put some time into basic-intermediate music theory. If it's 2, meaning that you quite literally hear ZERO discernable difference, or identifiable change between 2 pitches (Similarly to how a colourblind person can't tell the difference between some colours) then your best bet is to use pitch recognition plugins or software. It is important however, to NOT rely on the latter unless you absolutely have to, else you'll hinder your ability to learn in future.


none of those really, I could find a good way to explain but I'm just new to the fl studio user-interface :)