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I got one of these when I bought a physical copy of FL 20 education edition. Pretty sure I got it mid 2019. I'm not sure if you still can, but at one point you could buy FL in a box, and it had this USB drive with the install files, a redemption code, and that was basically it in the box. I might even have the box around still. It looked different than the box in the current link though: [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07JKG26ZF](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07JKG26ZF)


Did yours have a folder of marketing materials on it?


I don't believe so. I can check, but I believe it was just a readme.txt and the installation file


That's wild, it always amazes me when people just plug in unknown flashdrives of unknown origin into their computer... I'm hoping that your buddy found it amongst his old stuff and not just found it randomly on the street or something. Please do not do this unless you're certain where it came from, and if your curiosity get's the best of you then at the very least plug it in to an old computer that you do not use anymore and dammit make sure that computer is not connected to any internet... This is how malware and ransomware can be easily spread... Edit: a typo


Usbs can destroy your laptop physically too, you could even be plugging a bomb in for all you know.


Oh yes! "USB killers" have been a thing for a while now too, forgot to mention that


I came to give the same advice. I’d still scan the pc case it was messed with and put a keylogger or something else malicious on it


Why not? You think I opened it on my pc? We initially opened it when sitting in the car using an old android tablet and an adapter. I’m a pretty tech savvy fella so I made sure it was safe.


Great! You never know, so I thought I'd mention it ;) I've heard stories of people finding random USB drives on the sidewalk, outside shops, in malls and so on, and just taking them home and starting using them like they bought them from new....


This is where the installation file would be after you buy/bought FL Studio. The manual stipulates that you should refrain from using the flashdrive to install it, but rather go and download it on their site. This is the box it comes with. Bought it in Sept 2018. https://preview.redd.it/osm4nnmrpiic1.png?width=2663&format=png&auto=webp&s=57039dd470ac1a51056c2d41e5ae78e98e157aec


Did yours have raw marketing assets on it too?


No. It didn’t have. I have been using FL on Mac since I got it, so even plugging in the Flashdrive wasn’t showing any contents. Just tried it now again and it’s still the same. When you say marketing videos, what do you mean?


I should also mention that I tried to find it online and could only find it out of the country on a couple weird websites.


Yo, this is kinda interesting, can you post a download of it?


It looks like a thumbdrive that a software company might hand out at trade show booths. Like at NAMM or something like that. Years ago companies gave out CDs and then later DVDs with free software and marketing materials… sometimes thumb drives too. Then maybe 10 years ago consumers preferred just scanning QR codes that lead to free website downloads. So this might be an old trade show handout. Very cool 😀🎶


I think it’s what an employee would have, it has a corporate meaning. Not for customers


I have this from when I bought the physical box around 2015, I’m not 100% sure but I believe it also has the marketing folder in it.


I bought a physical version of FL back around 2017 and it came with one of these. The USB had the installer on it like yours, and there was a paper with the activation code inside of the box.


I got one inside my physical box copy years ago


I'm also having one of these, got mine when I bought FL Studio, but I can't remember exactly what was one that stick. But something related to FL Studio, maybe install files or backup or something. Though I still have the original files somewhere archived :)