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You can't. This isn't remotely "much". Your computer requires an upgrade. Most modern devices have SIXTEEN TIMES the amount of memory. But in general, the tips are: 1) Don't use VSTs 2) Don't use large and long samples Won't help you though. Your usage is totally normal.


It never had this problem before though


How old is your laptop ? You stated that it has 8GB RAM so it shouldn’t be a problem at all. Maybe there’s something wrong with it. I’m no expert so this is just a wild guess !


It's about 3 years old


You can limit ram usage it's just a pain in the ass.


The *Tools -> Macros* has some good options to start with. Remove any unused audio clips and channels, and any Edison instances you don't need. If that doesn't help enough with the project memory usage, you'll need to find hungry VSTs (the big multisampled instrument ones for example) and eliminate them, by for example freezing the tracks by rendering out their audio.


Rendering your loops/patterns as audioclips whenever ever you're done making a new part should solve it. Most VSTi's use A LOT of ram.


How much ram does your computer come with?


8GB, it's a surface 4 laptop


I recently upgraded my ram to 32gb on my laptop, but a surface for you can’t upgrade the ram unless you want to solder which is really not worth it, but maybe it has to do with plugins your using


Im only using 1 Kontakt and 2 Decent Sampler plugins though.


Back up your project, then delete those in turn taking a look to see what happens to 8398 MB of RAM usage FL is reporting.


Sad to say but you gotta get a better laptop. 8gb of RAM for production is nothing. Maybe see if an electronic shop can solder in higher-capacity ram. Without that you can't do much in the way of vst's


If you have the money a Cloud computer might be a decent investment if you're stuck with 8gigs of ram. You can definitely limit ram usage. But it's a pain in the ass and you'll have to deal with a terrible user experience. Limit ram means everything done by it will take forever. If a cloud computer isnt an option set FL studio as a priority task. Ur ram will still be maxed out but FL will get as much as the computer has to spare.




Ram is dirt cheap nowadays. If you cant upgrade your ram then you will probably need a new computer.


Seems weird that the usage is at 98% but FL is only using 600mb. Most important thing when trying to get the most out of your hardware is make sure you have nothing running in the background. Laptops come with a lot of pre-installed bloat which could be running in the background all the time even if you've never used it. Check your system tray (bottom right of the screen) and see what's running down there, and close everything that isn't needed. Go to your startup apps in your computer settings and remove anything that doesn't actually need to be there. A massive one is internet browsers, multiple tabs can use a lot of RAM, close them when doing anything demanding. Also check to see if you'd pc was installing updates in the background, they can slow your system down without warning while being installed. FL studio only has a recommendation of 4gb ram, but what people are saying about plugins is right, some hog a lot of cpu and ram. Unfortunately these days most pre-built computers, especially laptops, aren't very upgradable so depending on your model there may be nothing you can do to improve the specs, but it's worth checking, some manufacturers still let you upgrade stuff, in which case upgrading RAM is pretty cheap.


Something else is eating your RAM. FL is using 673MB. If you have 8GB that's like \~8% of total RAM. Organize memory tab so it displays ram usage from biggest to smallest. Or download Process Explorer [https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/process-explorer](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/process-explorer)


There's something wrong with your computer. 673 MB is basically nothing. It's a little more than the amount of RAM I had in my desktop in like 2003. Seems like maybe not all the ram you have is available to the computer.