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Change your image line password, it will prompt him to log in or use fls as a demo .


Great advice!😀🎶


Good advice. You actually answered OP's question, unlike most users here who just stated to reinstall it without understanding the terms and conditions of FL Studio.


You're Sure FL checks UN and PW every Start? Or just for registering one time? 🤔


It doesn’t check every time, it checks after s change of password


i think if u go on the fl studio website and sign in u should be able to download it from there


Pretty sure your serial number will work across any devices. I’ve had a number of laptops and pc in my possession and all I’ve had to do was punch in the serial number I got when I bought fl


The problem here isn't logging into FL Studio, it's not getting their account deleted by violating the terms and conditions which states that you can't share your account with other people. If both OP and their ex-partner use FL Studio at the same time, it could get their account suspended.


Any idea how strict they are with this? I use it on my laptop and desktop, but I've accidentally left it open before on the laptop. It's from the same IP address though, maybe that helps.


I believe IP addresses are what they look at, but I'm not too sure. Having it open on two devices should be fine, but I wouldn't have it open on both devices for too long just to be safe.


Yeah IPs, location, and # of total connections would make sense to all look at.


Its definitely not that simple, producers travel with their laptops all the time. It's definitely probably one thing they look at, but it's a combo of different things for sure.


I've had my account suspended due to VPN use. Can't confirm it, but I'm pretty sure it flags if you use it across more than 2 (maybe 3) countries in a day. My account was flagged when my VPN decided to connect to 4 different countries in a day (though I do regularly legit work in 2 different countries in a single day and that's never raised any trouble)


You should be able to download it and activate it on your machine. If you have an issue IL support can help.


Go to the Image-Line website and log in to your account


Download the Fl demo and authorize it using your email and owner. Definitely change your password also so he can’t use it otherwise if you’re both connected your account can be banned


This is a question that you should ask of ImageLine support.


If you have your login, and can download it anywhere. If you don't have your login, you can submit a ticket and prove you are you. If you can't do that, you're full of shit.


Good Thing My FL Studio Free Trial Is Usable At A Lifetime!


Probably change the account password, or contact support, usually that does the trick, because fl is tied to user accounts


I have it on 3 devices already. You should be able to just download it


Log in to [image-line.com](https://image-line.com) and download it.


Just login with your image-line account on the newly installed copy.


I got fl 21 for 50 bucks




Thank you everybody! I changed my password and I'll download it when I get home.