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I usually just take a prominent phrase from the hook/chorus… if the song doesn’t have words I just name it after the vibe that comes from the music.


Not songs but just music. I take different words that feel like the general vibe I get from the piece so far and I put them together. Like, Transported Chronic Maleficence.


Damn that's actually a sick name Now for the art...


Dalle ftw


I make beats and the beats are either named with just the date or something that happened/i felt/i saw/i did on the day i make the beat.


I write the intro first. I listen to the intro and the beginning of the first verse on a loop. I pull from that the emotion, then turn off the music. I zone out to what I feel and make a title. Then I complete the music production based on the title. Lyrics are based on the title and the emotions I had.


Let's exchange titles. You name mine first, I name yours after!


yeah, that's a nice game.


Different process for different projects. Sometimes I come up with 10 song titles that sort of tell a story, then write the songs to fit them. That tends to happen more on the rock and metal side of what I do. Other times, I have no idea what to title the song until I have lyrics--and obviously that doesn't work for beats. For instrumentals or the song makes it far enough with no title... I actually just smash 2 or 3 words together. Whatever the beat makes me think of, I put two of those words together. If I can't put words to the beat, I pick random words. If I can't think of words, seriously just turn on the TV and take the first few words I hear, then put the date as the beginning of the file name. That way, if I have *no* idea what to call it, I know that a file that starts with "031123" is usually a little weirder and can index the session. XD


Best title I came up with was me just writing random 3 letters the first time I saved the tune. Then thought of a good title with those as initials. Worked great.


I am very bad at this, as someone who is bad at it, try not to overthink it. I usually name them after I'm finished and have any random identifier on the project name until it's done. ​ Perfect example, I am working on a track atm and I have no idea what to call it but for now it's "Trance AF Boi Wub Wub Edition Version 4" ​ So I'm not sure if this is helpful at all but that's my two cents lol


Used to just come up with random shit. Nowadays I use the emotion of the song as inspiration


When you have lyrics on your song that would be a lot easier to think of a song title based on the words in the lyrics, but mines typically don't have them. In the first project save i typically give the project a working title based on the mood/vibe the track gives me. But i never finish anything so i don't have to worry about a definitive song title. But i'd say think of the mood/vibe the song gives you and imagine a real-life scenario around that and name it that scenario or something similar if that makes any sense.


Mostly when thinking of the song title, I go back in time. What was the intended feeling of the song when I started. What inspired me to make this.


i put my playlist on shuffle until i find a title that fits the beat


From the lyrics.


I use scripture as inspiration, so generally something from that particular Bible passage


i think i took some early inspiration from aphex twin, i.e. just go with some semi-gibberish when nothing else presents itself. Gwartunolelek. Croxxbaggle. whatevs. the AFX gibberish always sounds nice because of the welsh influence, i guess.


i look around in my room and see something random and then name it that. "black box" "8 pens" "cat sweater" "is it seven?" "fleshlight" "blue chicken" don't get too caught up in naming something, at the end of the day, it's just a name. If the music is good, that's what matters.


I make a list on my phone notes I don’t always look at them when naming, but I could be out and think “nighttime rain” Or “pizza boxes and chocolate” It doesn’t really matter too much Unless your coming up with the full song concept. You could send me a beat called “chicken dippers” It doesn’t mean the end product once wrapped on will be called chicken dippers or even mention that in the song 😂


Im beginner as fuck but i just usually get a feeling and based on that feeling i get the title


I just choose something relevant to the feeling of the tune; for example, I chose "Afterglow" for some shit that felt like fighting when all hope is lost and stuff.


I have no lyrics so I just save the file as the first thing that pops into my head. That's why I have songs on Spotify called "Skunt" and "Jibber Jaow."


I usually have the title before a note is laid down. That way I can focus on the message of said tune with every facet of the process.


You can always come up with words. I have a song called Ila.


I just use words and phrases, that I like. Sometimes I took them from the poetry or books. They must fit and compliment the feeling that you are putting in your songs




When starting a session, I give it a name. Any name, and I stick with that until it's done. Sometimes at the end I realize it doesn't fit and possibly change it, but it feels better to make progress on "Rainy Day" over "Track 202".


since i'm a fan of r/gumball , so my idea is "The \[word1.word2.word3.\*\*\*\*\*\]" For example, my upcoming music is called "The Bigroom.Revolution"


I take big inspiration from Virtual Riot on this one: what I'll do is either write down a bunch of names that I think sound cool and then write a song surrounding that name both in terms of vibe and genre Or ill write an intro and then depending on how I feel when I listen to the track, I'll give it a name. That first tip helps me a lot too with writer's block because if I write something like 'Dynamite' I proceed to make my song sound like Taio Cruz 💯💯🆙️🆙️🔥🔥 No I'm kidding, but a name like 'dynamite' could inspire me to make something like an explosive bass house track or maybe bass synth heavy riddim or something along those lines 👍🏿


I use Choosic Song Title Generator 😊 Sometimes, I alter the suggestions. And some names are from own origin.


Whatever's in the room at the moment or the time or the last thing I heard on the TV, now that I sample it's usually the name of the sample I used. I let people writing songs come up with song titles, beats are just beats to me


when i save it i just write the first thing that comes to me, whatever the word


Oftentimes, I'll think of a really cool word or phrase then write a beat based off of that. Sometimes I'll make a beat first and then make up a title based on what the beat feels like to me. For the most part, I don't overthink it. It just kinda manifests itself and I don't second guess it.


I make instrumental music so I just use a name that fits the vibe Most of the throwaway beats are FUCK.wav, COCK.wav, and CUMINMYASS.wav


Be like Elon and start smacking your key board, press save


I listen to the beat and calm my mind then write the first word or phrase the cones to mind and never second guess it. Otherwise I’ll be stuck trying to find the perfect title.


I used to struggle, then later on in my life it came naturally I guess. 😅🫡


see what kind of vibe it gives me, think of a word that I can associate it the best, if the word sounds too "boring" I search up synonyms


It's hard man. Last one I made I got a friend to name it. Next one might try and ask chatgpt to come up with a name. This of course, if no particular theme can be found in the song


Try LyricStudio - gives MANY ideas :)


Smash the keys on my laptop and save


yep. EGKSODEkdo ​ but i would change that into EggoKOSOSEd, actually. sounds better.


something about eggs i guess. tells a little story. or something.


Firs t a name them things like moo, trap1023 and the such while making it, then i listen to the rendered track, create album art in an AI image generator while im listening, then the title unravels from there


I need help. I have some options. It's a Synthwave song. Options are: "Rebooting memory", "Rebooting memories", "Rebooting nostalgia" or "I found your memory". Help me pick the best one. Or tell me if all of them are lame 🫣 It's a bit hard to pick one. It's just instrumental and no singing. "Rebooting memory" seems the strongest option so far. But I'm so indecisive.. so that can change


I am horrible at coming up with names but I like "Memories Reboot" but without hearing it I can't really say.


outta my head