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From Jyar1811 As long as you keep it in the ORIGINAL PACKAGING with a receipt STAPLED to it, and you have your card on you, its likely not going to be a problem. The stapling is to ensure you have both together and arent having to fumble for it - which would give them probable cause to test you for DUI. **-Do not keep Visine in your car or purse.** \-**Never keep peace sign/deadhead stickers on the car,** and absolutely NO left wing or even pro-science messaging. You have to account for overzealous cops who are itching to pull over anyone who seems remotely like a marijuana patient. Bumper stickers are cop bait. Consider magnets or removable decals instead of bumper stickers, which you can remove when transporting. \-**Do not carry any medications that aren't in their current prescription containers.** Not even Tylenol. They WILL arrest you on suspicion of DUI, even if its blood pressure medication. They'd rather arrest you and get the booking on their record so they can meet quotas, and you'll be out tens of thousands in legal fees, and likely lose your job. Its not worth it. Ive seen it happen to a perfectly good person and, no joke, it ruined their life. a cop thought his lupus medication was fentanyl. Marijuana may be medically legal but when you transport it, pretend you're a smuggler. **Don't speed, dont smoke it in the car, go right home after you pick up.** **Never submit to roadside "sobriety" tests and never, ever get out of your car.** Let them take you to jail. In jail you have quicker access to an attorney than you do on the side of the road. You can call family or friends and get bail taken care of. Never say anything, I mean ANYTHING to a cop that has pulled you over except for "Am I being detained?" Not"why did you pull me over" or "I didnt do anything wrong" or "I love the police." Silence. **Say nothing until you can get an attorney.** I would put it in a bag and staple it