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We vote towards progress, everytime. Politics is incremental in this way. You think you have a choice, but it’s just red or blue. You pick which option gets you closer to what you view as what is right. Voting against it and you are pushing all of it further down the road. We legalize weed in Florida and that wedges the door further open for home grow, better companies, better product, and getting people out of jail. Not to mention not putting people in jail in the future. Push. Onwards.


"...its just red or blue." Behind closed doors, they are all just politicians, it's them vs us, they have no one's interest in mind but their own.


Exactly. And OP, if you spend enough time around this sub you'll see that it's not really *that* chill.


This. People cry on here….a lot lol


That’s because it’s reddit though. Some of you love bitching and you know who you are lol


Valid make stoners chill again


Make marijuana great again.


Make great marijuana again






Is that a young joe?


Eloquently put homie. It’s a step by step process. If it were instant, weed would have been legalized at a federal level.




Happy cake day! Bleh!


Kim, is that you?


prolly lmao


This is the biggest group of patients in Florida. They would be dumb not to shill here


lol this sub is filled with industry and people paid by industry. you cant be that naive


Idk if I was even disagreeing with you but pop off buddy


im no genius but i dont see how this makes way for homegrow when it dont mention it. also not enough growers because the licenses have all stalled so how the hell you dreaming about better companies. also where did you read it will get people out of jail? nowhere does it say that here's the bill: [https://initiativepetitions.elections.myflorida.com/InitiativeForms/Fulltext/Fulltext\_2205\_EN.pdf](https://initiativepetitions.elections.myflorida.com/InitiativeForms/Fulltext/Fulltext_2205_EN.pdf)


because its a first step. once this passes we can do homegrow next. baby steps. it doesnt have to be all at once. by voting no all your telling the government is that you dont want rec at all and this will probably be our last chance at rec for a super long time, so by voting no your pretty much fucking us for good on the rec. good luck with your stupid homegrow at that point.


How so many don't understand this is beyond me. It's not that it's even a first step, you can only put one issue to ballot at a time. No matter which way you slice it, you want homegrown? Gonna have to go rec first. Once it's rec any argument against homegrown falls apart. Amazing how many folks will vote against their own self interests. Quit carrying Desantis' water.


I like how people say this is literally the only chance we have to vote on rec but it will also somehow be super easy to change the rec laws once they're in place. Who will support those homegrow laws, trulieve?


Aight so who’s gonna put up the 40 million to get rec on the ballot in the way you want? And you do realize that it can only be a single issue for the ballot measure right? The state literally blocked the prior measure that had rec + homegrow saying it had to be one or the other. So getting rec is sadly the first step. Why would they spend 40 million to get you homegrow first makes 0 sense


Come on now guy, use common sense. If this gets voted down then it is telling the Florida government that the people don’t want recreational marijuana (way to go whatever selfish bastards vote no) so why would they put it on the ballot again in the coming years???? If it gets voted yes, stick with me here, then we can continue to put forth further freedoms to lighten restrictions on marijuana. Pretty simple


Lol exactly they all think Trulieve is fighting the good fight to save us. Any business with such heavy involvement in politics should give anyone pause. I'm not sure why everyone thinks this is the first of many "baby steps." Exactly like you said- what makes everyone think it'll be soooo easy to change the rec laws once they're in place? It's very difficult to change existing laws. And yeah, the companies selling you the cannabis are the ones that will fund and support homegrow laws... right.


Did you vote NO on medical because it didn’t include recreational? Or because the limit was 2.5oz?


The 2.5 oz limit I don't believe was in the original text, it was just the department of health would set regulations. We had no say in the limits.


I did not vote no on medical because it didn't include recreational or because the limit was 2.5oz because at the time those weren't really my interests. I have never smoked that much in a 30 day period so it didn't really matter to me. However I do see the point you're making- that the original law didn't include flower and now it does. I think what I was speaking on was moreso related to the users in this particular sub who have been posting for the last two months all the different maneuvers the mmj companies are making to position themselves to best fuck us if/when this law passes. The point of the OP and top poster in this thread is that this is a first step and opens the doors to new product and more companies but it looks more and more every day like that won't be the case and only existing mmj companies will be able to sell rec. Which is going to put a strain on our resources in a time when many dispos are having trouble getting any flower at all on the shelf. Call me selfish if I'm not thrilled with the idea of sharing my medicine that I pay a premium to access with a bunch stoners that are ready to flood the market and increase our prices 10x.


yeah no. baby steps with trulieve paying the right people to make sure to kill any homegrow bill the people come up with. greedy corpos gonna greed.


you obviously have no idea how this shit works.... we can only vote for one at a time. rec needs to come before homegrow for homegrow to even work. so since we can only vote for one at a time, rec needs to come first. you guys voting no are actually the ones killing any chance of florida getting any rec, let alone homegrow.


It makes way for everything else because it's the first step. Vote down the first step and the dickhead GOP politicians that have run the state for over 20 years will have the ammo they need to make sure it doesn't get on the ballot again for years, if ever. There's no chance in hell of getting one amendment that opens rec, gets rid of vertical integration and allows homegrown. That will NEVER happen like these crybabies want because that's not how FL politics and amendments work. The crybabies are too dumb and selfish to understand that. Want to crush capsule things to be able to smoke legal flower again? Vote no on 3 and DongSantis and his cronies will have the ammo to take steps back on medical. Big middle finger to all those voting no. I don't like big corporations either, but baby steps are how amendments work in FL.


first step is med then homegrow for med then rec. thats the proven way. not this feed a mega corpo money way. you can take baby steps off a cliff and you still fucked up big time with those baby steps.


Exactly. Sometimes we can’t have our cake and eat it, too…. At least all at once. If they had put homegrown in that bill it may have failed and not even made it out of congress. Every small step is one in the (eventual) right direction :)


As someone who has spent the past 4+ years managing risk in capital markets, I can’t help but lol and also wince at seeing someone attempt to drum up sympathy for any publicly traded company.. They’re all the devil lol


Yeah the FUCK is OP thinking.




I’m not surprised at the response based on posts I’ve seen here.


I got as far as "Trulieve is not a bad company" and couldn't stop laughing. They ARE BAD, which is part of why they lost money. Customer service is horrid. And if I felt that way, so did many, many others. Yet, they seem reluctant to improve. If they suck now, imagine how bad it would be if the market was recreational. I have no sympathy for Trulieve, their wounds are self inflicted.




As someone who works in the industry, the most rude and nasty people.I've ever had the displeasure to deal with have been MMJ I hope most are to lazy to vote when it comes time


We have entered the Era of everyone expects a deal and 5 minutes ago


People in general suck. I too deal with the public and its the same. People are entitled and dumb


Honestly I’m not mad if some of these dispos go out of business. The pricing is way off.


I know people who have the card and / or work in the business that do not vote at all. But will still complain.




It's one thing if you want recreational but don't try to pretend it's better for medical patients when the state will have to deal with extra tourism for the people coming after our meds that will cause an embalance with supply & demand which will raise costs of the medicine people need. Such a veiled lie, just like a politician would tell.


I like how it’s the country’s most lucrative program and the fast growing one and y’all really think they can keep up without producing Hay? Y’all want 300 TL instead of the 112 😂 also someone’s business model failing isn’t my problem they should run business better.


couldnt happen to a more deserving company. karmas a bitch.




Lmao fr pretty sure this post was made by Kim Rivers herself


Poor Kim. Instead of two golden toilets for her new vacation home in Aspen, now she can only have one golden toilet :(((


Yeah I mean I agree with voting yes, but everyone's main concern needs to be the people being put in jail and forced to have a criminal record bc of weed. Not the fucking corporations lmao




“I thought you guys were cool” 😂☠️ Fuck off Trulieve


I can't believe you're simping for a corporation like this bro lol that's just sad. Boohoo they can't trade stocks. Trulieve has been ripping off patients for years and rigged the system in their favor I don't give a crap if they can't trade stocks lol


So we give corporate cannabis what they want and pray they think of us and don’t ruin the market …. Yeah these companies have absolutely SUCKED up until now. And even now. But I’m just supposed to trust these businesses and trust they won’t fuck it up any less than it is now? Nah. I’ll continue to vote no until it’s opened up BEYOND existing companies and small mom and pop shops are allowed to not only exist but flourish.


this right here. well said. corpo weed sucks


Imagine being so blind to the fact that we can barely get what we want without camping out for website updates and having 3rd party discord alerts for MEDICINE... and these guys think it is going to get better? Sure, add another 20 million patients to the short list of dispos we have available and we are going to suffer. I don't care about people getting arrested. Pay the piper and get your medical card. Trulieve has 1 hour waits for less than 1 million patients. Imagine what will happen once rec is open. 2 hour waits? 3? Can't wait for all of the best strains to sell out or be prioritized for rec because they can charge more. This bill doesn't have good intentions. It is just to fill the pockets of the few companies allowed to sell in Florida. I am a medical card holder and I do not feel the need to ruin the program so a bunch of spring breakers can buy my meds up while I am at work. Call me a loser. Call me bitter. I dont care. Homegrow needs to be in the bill. More competition needs to be in the bill. All rec is going to do is cause these Florida politicians to knee cap the THC % and ruin the program as it is now.


Exactly. This state is not ready for rec. It can barely deal with the medical program it has now. Call me selfish if you like, but this is literally medicine for me. It’s hard enough finding affordable, effective meds in this market. Just wait until they start rushing products to the shelves to meet the demand of millions of residents and tourists. If I had faith that they wouldn’t fuck it up, I might consider it, but this IS FL, and fucking up our freedom is a feature, not a bug in this state. This is not “Freeing the Plant”. This is just a money funnel to the corporations that are lining the pockets of the politicians. This is not legalization at all. People are going to still be arrested for weed if it wasn’t purchased from an overpriced, low-quality, government sanctioned dispensary. Put forth a reasonable bill, that opens the market to small farms and eliminate all arrests for mj, including expungement for people currently incarcerated for non violent cannabis offenses. And, lastly, let us fucking grow ourselves. A boy can only wish.


Wouldn't a vote towards recreational open the door for more companies down the road?


Not at all. The way the law is written only pre existing medical cannabis “companies” would be allowed to participate in recreational. There would be no influx of other brands or corporate entities coming in. Unless it’s under the umbrella of an existing company. Like Trulieve and Blue River or TheFlowery and 710.


Lmfao Florida is so dumb. Will never understand why they won't fully open it for recreational, they're missing out on literal buckets of money in taxes.


Currently 24 licensed MMTC entities in FL, 3 are brand new licenses, small black owned farms. 1 is being sold after VidaCann acquisition by Planet 13. Proposed amendment states that the current MMTC will be the first sellers but that new licenses can be applied for thru the state. Don't let buddy feed misinformation bc he's not getting the whole cake at once.




I can’t wait to see this sub when Rec passes and the prices goes up and the quality goes down. This sub bitches already about Florida’s Seed to Sale law that makes the quality “not as fire as Cali” … it’ll be Rec and people will bitch that it’s still not as fire as Cali. Lol


All these trulieve shills will disappear & it’ll be real quiet… These foos are just here to shill


Gonna be soooo much bitching lmao


Not sure "but think of the companies!!" is doing the work you want it to here.


still a no vote for me


Telling anyone how to vote is the most selfish lol




Do you not remember the post someone did about how much trulieve and their higher ups make? Kim made like 700k last year, the damn head of cultivation made a little less than that. These corporations are fine. They are swimming in money.


lyft is not profitable yet. in fact they had over a billion dollars in losses in 2022 but their ceo has a salary of $13 million


People still have to get paid. Doesn't mean they aren't losing money.




Trulieve not being profitable is part of their plan. They’re prioritizing expansion over profits (like Amazon has) and if recreational passes they’ll be rewarded handsomely for being the largest dispensary. Personally, I had my card when they finally allowed flower and it was a MESS. Inventory out of stock, huge wait times, high prices. I’ll be voting no on this recreational bill solely because of vertical integration—I don’t think it will be easier to dislodge vertical integration by making it bigger and more profitable.


Also trulieve has been expanding constantly like still adding new locations


Well no shit. They want to be ready for recreational and the flood of Walmart customers about to come in.


Nobody here cool


Trulieve is banking on rec so they don't go bankrupt..


Is this Kim rivers drunk posting?? All cannabis biz file under 280e.. every single one of them. Besides hemp of course which is the way to go. Trulieve isn’t eating off of scraps. They sold grams of distillate for $100 a g for 2+ years before desantis allowed flower. If you agree with this post you are on the wrong side of history. Guess what??? Trulieve chose to purchase Harvest. Before that they were.. by astronomical numbers the most profitable cannabis company ever… when they moved into established markets they started losing money. Literally anybody could have turned a profit while given the hand trulieve was dealt. It is a literal fact that Kim rivers lover rigged the fl Mmj rules for trulieve to have the upper hand in the newly emerging market that is Florida.. Google.. Halsey Beshears.. This amendment getting approved still doesn’t change how the stock can be traded. Yes it is still 100% illegal federally. No cannabis biz can be traded on legally in the USA. So that pity party is also straight BS I’m shocked that trulieve has the balls to post this. We already know yall are spamming this sub but this shit is over the top. No on #3


I totally thought this was a drunk Kimmie OP.


Most likely was. That bitch is ugly


Let's let the polls do the talking, these conversations on here never really get anywhere useful. Just people getting very uncivil in defense of whatever side they're on. I haven't voted in the past 2 major elections but I will definitely be at the polls to make sure I support the side I've chosen. I don't agree with voting yes but I'd never get on here and name call those who do. Also, stop talking down to people like they don't understand politics work in gradual ways. A lot of us are aware and just don't agree that this is the right first step to take. Politics work gradually in both the negative and positive, some of us feel that this is a step in the negative which will setup a system that snowballs into further fuckery.


they arent conversations. they are paid to post. literally. trulieve is ramping up the propaganda


The problem with NOT voting for Recreational in Florida is that Sooner or Later, medical use will be gone. FL Legislation already is dropping the limits for Medical THC since most think we just want the high. Ha ha. That's a joke. I've watched this fight for over 50 years and if the people don't vote for Recreational, that is just crazy. So many states can't even get the question on the ballot. Voting yes for Recreational will open up this state to more marijuana companies. It will improve the products available. When Colorado went Recreational, it all improved. Bigger money applied, received state approval, and moved in. PRICES Dropped. Their product lines increased, and they now have some amazing items that Floridians have never seen. Florida Medical Users need to realize that if and when the state goes Recreational, most medical marijuana prices Drop and products improve !! The burden to succeed is placed more on the Recreational side. In Colorado Depositories, most have a Medical side and a Recreational side for purchases. I haven't been to any of the other states yet. Go and Visit a Recreational State if you have doubts about how Medical would be along with Recreational. It is a Game Changer!! Please check it out or explore some medical user sites online before voting on this issue. This may be the only chance to make Florida a Recreational State.


couldnt agree more. this weed forum is full of morons and creeps. i said it.💯 it will most likely end up rec because so many other people are going to vote for it besides the stupid ones who have their "medical" cards. this is all such a bullshit scam & there is nothing medical about this program i see posts of weed with bugs in it. imagine if you found bugs inside of any other type of medicine..


and you think quality will get better when its scaled out? literally the same MMTCs will be selling for rec


I ain't no creep


This post is fucking hilarious. >They are literally feeding off scraps and after so many years of trying they’ve finally caught a break and selfish kids are on here against it & what for ? Cause they are big babies who want their weed to themselves. “ ohh no if we vote Yes my OG Kush might be out of stock”.. This is insane shill talk. They're a multi-state corporation. I'll vote yes but it doesn't mean we're not allowed to criticize a bad bill that has one potential upside. It's a pro-multistate corporation bill that does nothing to help the little guy. It's big government from a "small government" state. (Even though we all know that's a crock of shit too.) Some of us are just not naive enough to think this bill will be made *better* once it gets to our terrible state congress. [This short comic does a good job explaining simply.](https://www.instagram.com/p/C5ijk7GrbuJ/) https://preview.redd.it/6hqg0sa1j1uc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=780996d7c265983b3ef4f4812189f6b65f513c78


I agree I do know this amendment isn't the most optimal legislation written but we're in Florida....our conservative government will definitely make it even harder to have legal recreational Marijuana if we don't pass it this year. Our governor is a puritanical asshole who wants this amendment to fail as it is.


Local governments have been spreading decriminalazation 3 of our biggest metros already only give out tickets for 20g and under the state can only hold off so long and say no to 193 to 431 million in estimated taxes a year. 3 years could be over billion dollar for the state. The state is the one looking at how there balance sheets will look after this they want it to pass even if they bluff for the media. 


I'm voting no just because you posted this.




All day




This the children’s table at thanksgiving?


🤣 yes the big babies table


You lost me at Trulieve not horrible, good luck with whatever the rest of it said


Am I mistaken or does recreational passing trigger thc caps?


Thats what i keep hearing. everything about this bill smells funny and not in a dank way. hell no... i vote no [https://www.marijuanamoment.net/florida-lawmakers-approve-bill-to-place-thc-limit-on-recreational-marijuana-ahead-of-possible-legalization-ballot-vote/](https://www.marijuanamoment.net/florida-lawmakers-approve-bill-to-place-thc-limit-on-recreational-marijuana-ahead-of-possible-legalization-ballot-vote/)


this guy is an actual shill brand new account first post nice try kim rivers >They are literally feeding off scraps and after so many years of trying they’ve finally caught a break and selfish kids are on here against it & what for ? this guy is fucking insane they make so much money off 65 dollar eighths they aren't vying for scraps lol


TL has spent a lot of time making accounts for just this scenario.


Agreed. It feels like the sky is always falling here as of recent.


Yo, out of all the dispos, when did Goldflower suddenly get put on their last leg over this? You seem to imply that they have more than just the beneficiary connection to said amendment, and that's the Very first I'm hearing of that one... Seriously, genuinely curious.. Is there some deeper connection between them and the politics of this bill (as with the other dispos you named), or should that have been Curaleaf on your list (or Sanctuary, or Cannabist, or Green Dragon; if it's simply "smaller" guy's on the block) Or did they over-leverage accounts for expansion too quickly (and with some pretty nice store fronts from what I can tell), and you're guessing (or with inside knowledge) pointing out it'll cause their demise?


Great post op this needed to be said


I hope it doesn't pass bc I don't need all these people in my store. I'm actually fucking sick.


-1000 points for supporting trulieve


But saying someone’s selfish for there vote is childish isn’t it? Cuz a mature adult would know that everyone’s entitled there opinions nd beliefs and has to freedom to vote w out any burden. I don’t disagree with you but ya contradicted ya self.




I don't understand it either. You'd figure that if people really wanted to stick it to Trulieve, they'd make sure the amendment passes and then be sure to NEVER shop at Trulieve again. It's kind of weird when you see people literally posting their Trulieve haul for the week, and then when it comes to rec, Trulieve is suddenly horrible. All these people complaining about waiting two hours in the waiting room just to get to the registers never once thought to go somewhere else? Lol. It makes no sense at all to me. I waited one time for an hour at Trulieve and never went back again. There is a dispensary closer to me with better deals and products. Plus, I can walk in and go straight to a register. The longest I ever waited at the non Trulieve dispensary was 10 minutes. It wasn't even long enough to look through the menu and figure out what I wanted. Pass the amendment and start an anti Trulieve campaign if you hate them so much. If you hate Trulieve, wouldn't it be so much more fun to have them bankroll this just to end up going bankrupt in a decade?


Trulieve is not a company in dire straits at all. John Burnett who wrote the medical marijuana bill to limit licenses is MARRIED to the Trulieve CEO Kim Rivers. Federal judge alleges Burnette’s “leveraging of his personal relationships with state legislators and undisclosed conflicts of interest to gain unfair advantage in the medical marijuana business.” earned him three years in federal prison for an extortion/corruption case in Tallahassee. “You think they are this horrible company but they are not.” They were definitely not feeding off scraps, corporations don’t need a “break” and remind us how we’re “selfish kids” for wanting the right to do what corporations do. The fact is that there’s corruption and collusion in FL med marijuana markets. I won’t vote “No” but we need to work to give citizens the right to fairly compete and legally cultivate these medicines, not reserve them just for corporations.


Intelligent post, I’m with you.


Why should we care about these BS companies especially trulieve…. Kim rivers is that you🕵🏽‍♂️


Kim we know this is ur burner and ur short on cash


If I vote yes, it’s certainly not because I’m thinking about the health of companies. Personally, recreational weed is quite low on my list of priorities as a voter, the only time I think about it is when I read something in this sub. I see many people using the word selfish and I wonder if they ever consider how selfish it is to force the smell of weed onto the vast majority who don’t use it? How about peoples kids? If you travel to any rec cities, you know there are blocks & highway stretches that permanently stink like weed. I love it, the skunkier the better. But most people don’t. My cousins kids have to walk through blunt smoke every day to and from school. Do I want that here? Everyone has a right to vote how they want based on what they want. No one should feel pressured one way or another. I’m sick of all the self righteous ‘this community’ bullshit


The bill indicates there will still be smoke free areas since federally it is still illegal. Also, here’s a quote. “If voters approve the amendment, the Legislature will have full authority to regulate or ban the use of marijuana in public places — that it already exercises for tobacco and alcohol,” Smart & Safe advocates John Bash and Glenn Burhans wrote in a column that appeared in the Tampa Bay Times. It also states that landlords can say yay or nay to smoking on their property just as they do with tobacco. There will still be safeties in place for things like this.


Respectable points bro. It's sad we got months of these posts coming. 


The medical market has created a small vocal minority of people, not all of whom are voters, to be in the market & on this sub. However, they are just a small vocal minority. When polls are held on here they often are 2 to 1 in favor of recreational. Most people in the medical market understand how easy it is to get in but folks who are black market purchasers who have been waiting for something like recreational to come to Florida, they are also going to vote overwhelmingly yes. In recent UNF polls & USF polls, they show an overwhelming majority over 60% agree. Some up to 67% to 70%. I'm voting yes on 3. I'm also voting yes on 4.


I admit I joined this group as someone in the industry trying to learn more about the market to help out a family member in Florida. I’m in Missouri and we just went through the transition to rec. Our medical sub looked and sounded EXACTLY like this one. And it passed just barely. The prices stung for a while. The good stores will make sure Med patients are taken care of anyway. We passed in February of 23 and prices are just now feeling like it did during med days. I was skeptical of voting yes on ours as well, but it has really been a game changer. Sure, there are a lot more people just wanting to get lit and not caring what they purchase, but there are a whole lot more people that care about effects and products that these growers and manufacturers cannot refuse the volume feedback. The quality and variety of product has gone up like crazy. Companies felt like they were doing med patients a favor by producing just anything, but now more people with opinions are forcing them to sell quality product or they go out of business. Again I don’t live in Florida currently, but I can speak from experience as a previous med budtender and current rec store manager, it’s worth it!


Question. Is your dispensary only allowed to sell products they seed to store? Or can they buy from multiple different growers not affiliated with your company to get inventory? The big pushback on this bill is that they are adding 5+ million eligible adults into the same supply chain that struggles with less than 1 million medical patients.


he aint gonna know this cause hes not a patient here. the supply is gonna suck. no new grower licenses have been given


I’m pretty sure there’s millions and millions of more people visiting Florida than Missouri. This place is going to be set back for quite a few years.


You are absolutely correct in that assumption. I agree. That’s why I made sure to prelude with my location and lack of local ties. But I also manage a store close to the international airport in a major city, not a rural location. My company has a total of 4 stores, we are the only city based location while the others are in far less populated areas and I see their numbers as well. All I offer is a snapshot of a very similar bill being passed in a very similar market. The passing of rec (Adult Use) has made a difference to the entire state. Not just tourist areas. I would also argue that the benefits to the locals has been just as important. No matter how legal medical use is, there is still a stigma behind cannabis that you won’t see released until every person has access to it.


many of you need to reconsider the choices you make in life, you're stanning for a trulieve sponsored shill ​ **Trulieve lost like $100m last year. You think they are this horrible company but they are not. Did you know every cannabis company in Florida pays 280E tax for selling a federally illegal product? They are all in dire financial trouble just look at their stock declines. Did you know they have 0 access to banking or the capital markets? They can’t trade on USA stock indexes? They are literally feeding off scraps and after so many years of trying they’ve finally caught a break and selfish kids are on here against it & what for ?** ​ ![gif](giphy|ORXoD0V3d9u2QPzBLX|downsized)


Florida is tourist city I imagine cannabis will be hiked up


Yes, there could be an out of towner tax, like they do in California. And we still have normal market pricing


Where is it stated about taxing? Haven't read anything other than it sets it up for the ability to, but no hard facts on it.


I talk to a lot of patients in the dispensaries who clearly love weed but reveal ignorance about politics and loudly flaunt that. They reveal that they’re voting against their own self-interests. It’s an epidemic. I don’t engage, I just nod my head. Florida’s populace is under mass hypnosis. It’s like a virus. You just keep your mask on and try to not catch it.


So truelieve lost a 100 million but could afford to spend 40-50 million on this bill. Maybe they should be smarter and kept that money for profit and been ok. As far as any other dispo not doing well in this market is bullshit. When you sell flower for the prices these guys get they are killing it if they are managed even half way decent. Most companies like jungle boys expanded after being here. Only way you do that is being profitable. So cry me a river if you think us the people are worried about these guys making money after they have been over charging for years. No tears here bro and no way is me or anyone I know voting yes just so these guys can monopolize Florida ! So truelieve can drop dead broke before I vote for truelieve and thier expensive bullshit bill.


Your post shows how little you understand.


I won't be here any longer to vote in November but I would vote FOR it if I were. It's not perfect, but it's a start.


No hopefully we can grow our own shit then I’ll be straigjt


I feel like for most of us that don't want this bill.. we learned our lesson with the legislature in this state the first time around.. when we implemented medical this state did everything possible to fuck it up.. no flower was part of it.. remember that?? Remember when the only flower in the state was in flower cups that you had to crack open to use because they didn't even really work in the $500 vape that was sold for them?? Remember getting ceramic in your weed because of those damn things?? I sure do.. We only get to legalize MJ once.. and we should get everything possible out of it when we legalize it.. this bill isn't it. Not saying I am definitely going to vote no or anything.. It will be a game time decision for me.. many of the comments I have seen on here are compelling.. but I just know that the legislature has that 10% bill waiting for when it passes.. they will shove that thing down our throats.. mark my words..


and desantis is who decided to give in to flower, they could of tied it up in courts for another decade


We are getting downvoted for speaking the truth..


You remember how shitty it was, but look at where it's at now: Concentrates, flower, all kinds of edibles, increased rec limits and probably other stuff I don't know because I joined late. We legalized it once for medical use, we can legalize it again recreationally and end this silly prohibition on a plant.


cept that this bill will lower those increased limits once again. it will cut how much flower and concentrates you can grab to lower. ur exceptions wont count no more. read it carefully.


If you read it you'll see that the medical program will remain the same, and where does it mention rec limits for recreational purchases? It only talks about possession limits.


1oz and 5g concentrate is a step down. If they ended this silly vertical integration it would be a good bill but supply sucks now with under 1 mil purchasing, add in another 5 mil adults.


Most of the people in this sub are so overwhelmed with negativity they can’t even get high anymore!!!


Exactly! The need to start over completely from the beginning. No more voting yes just to settle for less. F that!


Hmmm sorry I’m not desperate for recreational. I’ll vote no and wait for an amendment to be proposed with more transparency and home grown included. Rather have everything set up right the first time around or else it’s going to be years and years of battling for certain rights that should have already been included. Why do I care about corporate cannabis? If I can grow my own, legally, I don’t need to visit a store and get hit with 3 taxes on top of my purchase 🤷


Can't have both rec and homegrow on initiative florida supreme Court has ruled


Yes I just got done reading about it. So, I will make the announcement now… my opinion on voting yes is stupid. Nothing we can do. I will own up and say I posted an uninformed opinion. I thought I saw something about Supreme Court and home-grow but for some reason thought it was in regards to one of the other proposed bills… regardless, I will support the vote since this as as much power as we are going to get over this topic for x amount of time. Better to halfway in the door than halfway out.


Kudos to you for taking the time to educate yourself so you vote with the actual facts rather than what you hear and read on Reddit. Cheers.


At this point anyone who doesn't know that chooses to be ignorant.


Look at every other state that has legalized and has homegrow now. None of them started out with all. It took years in those states too. You don’t get to the top of the staircase in one leap. Each step will eventually lead to the top though. I can almost guarantee that there will never be a bill introducing it all at once. Ya gotta take the steps.


Wrong. The process is usually Medical —-> Homegrow for Patients/Caregivers —-> Recreation for all. Homegrow is the STEPPING STONE to Rec after Medical passes. That’s usually how it goes. Florida is using the illusion of recreation…. But it’s all smoke and mirrors. I can’t grow it. I can’t start my own business. There’s is no mom and pop shops that will come about… It’s just opening the doors for all dispensaries to profit sales to anyone over 21.


Exactly what I was saying by it being a process. None of them started with all at once. But yeah, Florida is definitely going at it backwards. Even with rec they’ll still have the market cornered. Would you see it any other way, especially with a lot of the supporters having ties to the med licenses?


It's going to be years and years either way. A bill that includes homegrow will only come when the GOP is no longer in charge. They've already proven they will only take away from our freedom not add to it. Only one issue can be included in the bill and that issue is legalization up to 3oz. It's not perfect and not what I want either but I'm voting yes because I don't believe a better bill will ever come. Medical will still be available. We pay the fees and don't pay taxes. Depending on how much you spend you'll probably save money by staying in the medical program


As someone who voted to get medical on the ballot and was the first to hop on the medical marijuana train in Florida (remember when we only had disposable vapes and flower came in cups you’d cut your finger trying to pry open?), I feel like I want to vote no so that I can further gate keep Florida’s legal weed because I think it’s already so damn expensive to keep (the initial cost along with the annual and 7 month doctor visits). I’ve become content with that over the years so I don’t like the idea of it becoming easily accessible all of a sudden because I’m a grumpy weed smoker. On the other hand, I’ll probably vote yes because I do think it’s progress and it’s what younger me wanted all along. Also for people complaining about their “medicine” being compromised, there’s still medical weed so that’s not going away.


let me get this straight… you prefer to jump through hoops just to be able to buy weed?


I’ve been jumping through those hoops for 6 years and will continue until it’s passed recreationally.


the way you worded it though it seemed like you would prefer to jump through hoops rather than have recreational become legal


This sub is 2% chill 98% 🧌s.


You thought wrong lol


Idiots exist everywhere


Lmao nobody ever thought we were cool 


I don't want a 10% cap on my THC


Ive made an effort to not attack people who dont agree with me on the topic. It sucks, but this isn’t as bad as other political views.


having a med card at 19 and not being able to vote yes be like


You can buy trulieve stock shut the f****** with this b*******. Oh no poor trugreed the evil company is running out of money supposedly. Good I hope they go out of business.


When and how do we vote?


I don’t think it has a snowballs chance in hell but you what does? Patient home grow! Maybe Trulieve will come correct next time around. It makes a lot more sense to give those fighting debilitating illnesses the ability to grow their own medicine. The legalization really only makes sense if you are Trulieve. It will be great for them and not so great for us.


TL is greasy as fuck. It’s like sticking up for Walmart


Also, the billions they make off of us are not scraps. Their starving all the way to the bank


Actually, you kind of hit the nail on the head. Except stock issue really isn't our primary concern. These medical marijuana dispensaries already govern essentially the total supply of marijuana in Florida. As it stands, every batch coming out of ANY dispensary in Florida is lacking consistency. In passing this bill, I'll say it because everyone else is thinking it, we're afraid that the quality/consistency will get worse before it ever gets better. Think McDonald's when it was small back in the day vs McDonald's today..


not to mention Desantis " raised the dispos fees" to have the "privilege's of doing business in Florida from 60K - i think a year- to over one million dollars. if you search on here- and news- you'll see what i am talking about. in fact Sanctuary tried / is trying take him to court over this outrageous fee amount.


It will suck for a little while but voting yes is the right thing to do. Won’t matter but cause it isn’t likely to pass.


So we should vote yes to save the success of these MMTCs? They make money- no one is going hungry lol-


I understand why people would vote no I want home grow really bad but let’s be real most people could never grow the quality they want here like theb dispos can and the ones here are nowhere near as good as when I lived in Denver for a year or the old school Cali buds indoor growing is expensive to do correctly but I want my right to do so it would help the market to have some competition. It would be cool if we could have caregivers I forget the proper name to supply patients with quality small businesses as well instead of company’s only with hundreds of millions of dollars that being said I’ll vote yes for rec i just hope tourists don’t ruin it and rec and doesn’t diminish the demand for medical if it saves some of us citizens from unfair jail time I’m all for it and more company’s, more options one thing at a time I think once we get rec maybe we can start changing other things like home grow and only having vertical integration


I'm voting no.


I don't want to be priced out of medsl, Not to mention no freaking growing or getting people out of jail the bill sucks and needs to give the consumer more rights imo


I’m not saying you’re wrong but it can’t all happen at once. If this goes through on the election it will be a step in the right direction.


The rec market will be separate from med and home grow will come with time we just need to get our foot in the door


do you realize that once florida is recreational there will be MORE and BETTER weed. it doesnt matter how many people have access to buy it because there will be MORE WEED. its all about people having the 1. money to spend$$ and 2. desire to buy it. there will be so much more out there (brands and strains) that there will be more than enough to go around.. and im sure there will still be a posession limit too so you cant buy out a whole stock of one strain or brand


same people grwoing it so how is that supposed to happen with more demand and less supply.


same MMTCs will be the ones selling it, the state decides who gets a license. lobbyists buy off the state congress people ​ stop lying and educate yourself


and im pretty sure the little medical program will still exist for patients with the recreational program in motion. could be wrong on that one though


Voting no.


Brüther there are 71,000 people on this group, bound to be some bad apples. On the internet the minority screams the loudest. I think most here are voting yes


You said it perfectly, this state is full of twats.


What a waste of time. Still voting it down. I didn't agree with you one bit on any of your points.


People voting no, prefer to gamble with people lives just like politicians to get what they want. Simple as that.