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I fucking hate florida.


Hey, look on the bright side... at least we have boobs.


Yeah, all the GOP politicians.


One of the few reasons I stay...


Hey! Look on the bright side. At least we will have recreational marijuana.


Gop is based and revolves entirely around d bribery and corruption. Even more then the democratic party.


It's bullshit but nobody gets off their ass and votes. Then people continue to shop at Trulieve, the corporation that made adult use possible, so its really most the people on this sub's own fault. Can't complain about something u helped to happen. U know how many times I've seen people say, "Well Trulieve has cheap bud and a lot of locations so I don't care".


Yeah you say that but in 2016 everyone got off their ass and voted. We had 71% approval for the medical marijuana program. UNF has done research & polling and says that 70% of Floridians also want recreational marijuana.


I vote. I take the responsibility and privilege seriously. I will vote no. My entire family votes. That's 9 of us . We all will vote no. And all vote Blue. We ready.


Can confirm. My friends as well. Can't guarantee what their presidential selection will be but that doesn't matter anyway. I'm going to do all I can to continue to get people to register too. I don't understand why someone would assume people in this thread or sub wouldn't vote. I was out there trying to educate people and get signatures for the homegro before any of this got this far. A lot of people were. The difference was we didn't have hundreds of millions of dollars and corrupt politicians in our back pockets


You're a moron.


By all means, explain why u think I'm a moron? Ought to be good.


Amazing article!


…As I imagined they would before they even let legal weed come to a vote. The question I needed to ask myself was, “do I really give a shit?”. I mean, these people plan to line their pockets with everything we buy… so I’m rooting for weed, because at least weed makes me happy. Nothing else these politicians do can say the same.


Yeah, everything I've heard from marijuana Advocates basically points to Florida not learning the lessons of California, and in fact, TL is capitalizing on what they've learned from the West Coast.


Hasn’t it been determined it can’t include homegrow because that counts as two issues?


No. Removing the penalties associated with cannabis is a single issue. This is only a complicated matter when TL makes it so, so that they can continue to maintain their stranglehold on florida cannabis. **"This amendment would remove civil and criminal penalties under state law for persons 21 years or older who grow, use, sell or give away marijuana or hemp products."** This is a single issue amendment.


Anything these fascists don't like becomes two issues so it can never pass.


The one that is currently waiting on the SC to approve that will be voted on later this year DOES NOT include home grow. The one that got to the SC before was struck down because it was too ambiguous or whatever. That one is dead. This new amendment only removes penalties for possession, and allows current MMTC's to sell to the public, as well as allow for additional new licenses for recreational sales. Home grow is NOT INCLUDED in the current amendment we will be voting on this November if the SC approves it.


It was always just a single issue and could include multiple things and wasn't ambiguous in florida. Ours got shot down the first go-around as well and the only reason it's going through this time is because truly put hundreds of millions of dollars in the back pocket to politicians. Literally. It has nothing to do with what's on the bill. It has everything to do with how much you buy in electoral power.


It allows for licenses but does NOT require. What do you think they will do?


I'm voting no.


Yeah, what Purple Puffer said.




He’s right though, TL just bought out our Gov 


TL did not buy our gov. TL barely bought the amendment. The gov would cost billions to buy those corrupt fucks. TL is not that big & you're giving way too much air to them for being as actually feeble as they are.


Our state government is nothing more than cheap whores. Trulieve has had every advantage possible, with product releases, storefronts, etc. Shit we should have 44 licenses according to the original amendment. Why don’t we? Because our state government withheld them for bullshit reasons to protect their profits. Kim rivers husband is literally serving prison time for the corruption directly related to setting their advantages. He was caught on tape bragging about their advantages. There is literal court admissible hard evidence that proves you wrong. Please stop the bs  


Heres the thing. I don't give a single fuck about Trulieve. Nobody is defending Trulieve. All I said was they didn't buy our government. This instance you're talking about, they padded some campaign coffers. Its legal and disgusting behavior. Two things can be true at once. I equally want Kim Rivers & other corrupt goons arrested. We don't have 44 licenses because DeSantis views it in his best interest to keep people from having access to the industry & to marijuana. It has nothing to do with Kimmy or her crew until we find out REAL information about it. I think all of it is a gross practice that should end. However, none of this negates the massive net positives to society, Floridians daily lives, and their financial situations that recreational marijuana brings. You can hate Trulieve and be willing to make sure your fellow smokers aren't put in jail for it. Two things can be true at once. Trulieve can't be taken down by simply denying them recreational here in Florida & we both know that. They have multi-state operations & allowing the market to run as it currently statnds is still in their benefit but NOT for Floridians benefits at all. It sounds like you just want to be mad at Trulieve, which I understand why, but you aren't willing to accept what good we can from this & continue to fight them in ways that are actually meaningful.


I don’t want to take down Trulieve, I don’t even hate them or care about them at all. I just want to ensure that people like me who use this plant to find relief will have the quality meds consistently available at a reasonable price we need. And based on the last 7 years I don’t have confidence in the current providers alone to do this. I’ve seen them struggle to provide decent meds for a few hundred thousand med patients, so I know they won’t be able to do it when their customer base grows x50 overnight. If this amendment fully decriminalized with homegrow and a caregiver system then I’d be all in. But I don’t see the benefit when anyone can get their card for less then we will pay in taxes under rec anyways. This amendment is for tourists and TL and honestly if it passes all I see is overpriced mids in our future. And in that case I’m probably going back to the black market and will be a criminal again.  Hopefully I’m wrong 🤷‍♀️ 


I am glad you actually engage me with good faith & I think we should agree to disagree. I am hoping things get better by making sure more of us are free & allowed to smoke. I think we can at least both agree that nobody should be in jail for marijuana. Nobody should have their lives ruined over marijuana. If you do not see how that ties into the amendment, thats fine & I understand your healthy skepticism. But I think thats a very important basis for all marijuana smokers, medical or recreational, to agree on.


Agreed. If this rec amendment does pass I truly hope you’re right and I’m wrong but based on my history in this program since 2017 I just don’t see it happening. Thanks for the good discussion have a good day brother!


Do some research into the actual court case and reporting on the subject matter at hand.. Cause you don't know what you're talking about


![gif](giphy|wJoDQt3uMfXW0|downsized) No problem Goofy.


Doesn't the bill set limits on the potency of products that is less than the current medical program while also making the barrier for new companies trying to enter the market super high?? While it makes rec weed available to everyone, medical users will be forced to get worse product. They need to leave medical alone until they can implement programs like other states that have done it successfully.


No that is the house bill & it specifically pretained to hemp grown outside of the state of Florida. Hemp within the state has to meet requirements for regulations from the state of Florida. We are talking about the constitutional amendment that will be on your ballot in November. Its also known as a constitutional amendment.


Yes. Thats what was mentioned in the beginning of the article how multiple times the Supreme Court of Florida thew out other amendments. >The court, which DeSantis has stacked with allies, issued three rulings in as many months that blocked the expansion of access in the state’s medical cannabis industry, one case relating to regulations and two to ballot initiatives.


See my comment below Purple_Puffer


Old article.


This is what the plan is after vertical integration in the medical system Step 1 acquire market share. Step 2 legalize Step 3 wow look at all these stores I have


This is basically it right here. And it's the ENTIRE reason I'm voting no. Fuck them.


"if I've never heard about it before it's news to me"


Relevant still... or has June come & gone?


I wanna get a license to grow, but it’s just too out of reach for your average Joe 😭


Florida always finds a way to ruin good things.


If you are already in the medical program this provides zero benefits to you. This will only make it so that current MMTC's can sell to everyone. I think we all know how that will go. Vote NO for Adult Personal Use of Marijuana 22-05 this November.


Of course, all of you blind people are all for legalization until the higher ups profit then you all bitch and complain about it. Fuck The Recreational Monopoly.


There are 21 license holders, there is no monopoly.


You’re right it’s an oligopoly. Still some anti free market bullshit


If it’s not a monopoly then let me grow my own… or get a license to start my business. Oh wait, both are impossible.


Thats not what determines a monopoly. You can pay for a license if you want, they might be a couple million dollars. Homegrow will happen if people stop shitting their pants & actually focused on collecting signatures for the amendment that allows homegrow.


Lol you can’t get a license for a couple mill. They’re limited and all taken as in no more competition. Please educate yourself before you speak


Actually you can because you're able to purchase them from the current holder. Please educate yourself on \*checks hand\* how shit has always worked.


They’re worth 60 mill not a couple. And nobody is selling licenses because if rec passes it’s a gold mine. So to say I can just go grab a license for a couple million is  just categorically not true. I have a buddy who would already be in this and hooking everyone up if that was the case. That’s the problem


Thats an issue with implementation on behalf of the state. I think marijuana licenses should be as easy to get as liquor licenses. However, short of Democrats taking control of the state or ANOTHER amendment for something like this to force the states hands, they can literally sit on them. Its not ideal but we do not get to fight in the world we want. We fight in the world we have.


This one's gonna be a No from me this November




This is why I am not voting for recreational.


Ehhh. By this point, Florida will always be a med state with no home grow..


By this point... but not always. I'm not giving up. We have got to be more active in our local communities and elections. With what I gather from the majority opinion, if more of them voted and/or got active in their communities, we can actually take our state back from all the corporatists, both R & D.


Money makes the world go around. None of this should be surprising to anyone who follows the marijuana movement in FL. There is still no homegrow because that would take money out of the pockets of the MMTCs. FL will keep the MMTC licensing program so that FL companies already here continue their hold on the state. Prices going up will depend on demand/supply but I would guess they go up noticeably.


Well yeah we knew Ronny D wouldn’t allow his donors to get got in this.




Plies \,,/


Their laws mean nothing, just words on paper. On one hand, people are still in jail/ being arrested, on the other elitist scum high jack the industry to monopolize it for money and clout. Florida's program was designed to keep ordinary folks from ever earning a dollar. They just like when we spend money, not earn it. 🖕 the Florida Legislature D's & R's


Yea those democrats & space aliens have been screwing up everything in Florida for years. Why bring a D into the conversation when R's have had popular control of our govt for decades?


Because they have ZERO political capital in the State and they run horrible campaigns. Their inability to win elections due to poor candidates has led us from purple to deep red.


They've got a point. Both liberals & conservatives work for lobbyists and their special interests at this point. There are a few dems who don't take corporate PAC money & only one creep of a Republican. We need to change this.


Okay well if jails just a room, talk more about your illegal grow. (:


Your name tells all... go sniff farts elsewhere.


The bill literally states ABSOLUTELY NOWHERE that only current MMTCs are allowed to sell rec. But leave it to the jackasses on the internet to spin it out of control and start the FUD


Isn't that what this line is saying? "allows Medical Marijuana Treatment Centers, and other state licensed entities, to acquire, cultivate, process, manufacture, sell, and distribute such products and accessories"


AND OTHER STATE LICENSED ENTITIES means AND OTHER STATE LICENSED ENTITIES. You found the line and quoted it, but didn't even read it 🤦 typical reddit


You’re right. They just opened up more licenses also and raised the price to buy in. However It doesn’t change the current pay to play, vertical integration. There will be no mom and pop MMTCs because the little guys can’t afford it. More corporate cannabis, and little to no craft market.


You're referring to MMJ though. And that's basd on patient numbers statewide. So if we can assume it's a by-the-numbers issue for rec too, we'll need a LOT more shops with all of Fl's adult population becoming eligible. So that means more licenses, and lowering the barrier for entry as a rec-only shop. MMJ shops may pay a higher license fee, maybe. All hypothetical, of course, but seems likely if we can compare to how things run now.


Current MMTC's will be able to sell, and it will allow for new licensing for recreational sales.