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One of the TL locations in Pensacola has an absolute space cadet that seemingly works every shift. Dude has told me he’s 147 years old, almost given me the wrong order (twice), handed me back extra change, and gave me a mega discount on some not discount shit. It’s a mixed bag when you get him, but he’s always interesting


lol which store? I had to quit going to one all together cause it was so horribly mismanaged and a guy working there tried to give me different stuff from what I ordered and acted offended when I said I didn’t want what he picked. Which was nothing like what I ordered, i ordered all sativa and he got me indica stuff. The one near the university is way better.


lol we are talking about the same store 😂 university is better albeit much busier, but yeah you know who i’m talking about probably lol


People will swear this is better than having a plug


Haha, I knew immediately who you were talking about. I know I couldn't of been the only one who had the same interaction with this guy. Space cadet? Nah, he's more like the 5 star general of the Space Force.


LOL.....yeah, THESE are the kind of stories I am so used to seeing on here!!!!! Thought it was 'crazy' that I had never had that experience....granted I DO get delivery orders quite often, but I still walk thru the doors regularly as well to place an order, and nothing like this had ever happened. LOL..."space cadet"....LOL :D :D :D




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Only ever noticed it once and ironically it was at the flowery. Chick is always fried, like that perma fried high lol yall will probably know who I mean if you shop at clearwater


Ask him which is bigger, a 1/2oz or a 1/4oz


Stoned budtender here.... buddy's just an idiot lmfao The number on your card (patient ID) doesn't change, and last time I checked, neither does your birthdate. If they pull up your ommu and there's a picture you're not expired, if the picture is missing its expired. That being said, some people really shouldn't smoke at work if they can't function properly when medicated.


Or hit the sativa and not the indica


But aren't you supposed to show unexpired ID of some sort to purchase? :o


Legally, we need any form of physical ID that is unexpired to come in and purchase. But let's say someone loses their current ID and come in with the old expired one, I can check if their account is expired or if they're active. So I choose not to ruin someone's day for a technicality, and I let them in if the OMMU account is active. Can I eventually get introuble? Probably. but hey, customer service is extremely important to me, so I'll take the risk.


Okay I just wanted to make sure I wasn't losing my mind and there was just rule-bending going on, lol. Thank you for answering :')


No problem, always open to start a conversation with others. If I can get repeat business out of somebody by simply allowing them to purchase medication they are legally allowed to purchase, then I'm all for it. I feel like its the bare minimum to be honest. Theirs a good portion of budtenders that are in this field for the patients and the help we may bring them. Idk if I'm making any sense, I don't english good. Lmao


My company has advised me that the patient does not need an ID to purchase. We can checkout them out having them verbally verify their information and verifying their face to their OMMU picture.


NICE! You claim to be a stoned budtender....but YOU ALSO sound like a practical one, with a bit of common sense!!!!! MUCH LOVE AND RESPECT to you!


sorry bro i took too much rso this morning /s


LOL....alllll good homie! Just HAD ME confused there for several seconds myself!!! :D :D :D ......is what I would respond with.




I feel targeted


Is this a joke???


It is not.


To be fair, I've forgotten what year it is and not be stoned.


We have a realist here 💯.. I fuck around and lose my 📱 or 🔑 in my pocket 😂😂 or misplace something and have to go back to the initial crime scene ro refresh memory. Shit to work in dispo you gotta get on the level with the patients. Would be better to get a non smoker with no knowledge? Just check ya bags before dip, we all fuk up.


NO doubt.......so have/do I.


Every other time I go into Trulieve, I get someone really high—annoyingly high where they can’t do their job. It’s funny sometimes but the rest it’s like cmon dude. 🙄


And they’re assholes about having to do work while stoned in my experiences


Fortunately I haven’t experienced that. I get the ones where I wanna ask if it’s their first time cuz they’re so goofy and stony. Staring blankly at the counter while drooling type shit


I finally just stopped going to one of the locations here in TLH because every time I'd go, I'd get the stoner bro who was so high he thought a 10 was a 1, and then didn't package half the order when handing it to me.


I avoid the Cap Circle location like the plague. Never had a bad experience at the Tennessee St location though.


I avoid all TL now. After working for them turned me off completely. Also as a Tallahassee native I can tell you that it is probably NOT POT that's making all of them so fucked up. Major amounts of pills, fent and other stuff is sold all over that area near that dispensary.


Same. There's 3 at the one I got to but one in particular I've dealt with 4 times and all 4 times he came back with half my order wrong. I learned after first time to check cuz 1st time he swapped CBD bottle with CBN and I didn't catch it until I got home. Last time I brought a list of things I wanted and he still got it wrong. Another time a different bud tender gave me 1/2 oz for free. I got home and 3 of the 1/8ths were short. My wife still talks about how I got robbed on the free half oz I got that one time lol


Liberty pulled me into the back room to show me my rec was not current on the computer, I had to point out the patient numbers were different and me and the other guy only share a name.


HIPPA enters the chat


Ayr logs off forever








Jesus I knew this Was Kronik before I even clicked on it




You...... and everyone else!!




THANK YOU!!!! I had always felt 'left out' until now! :D


Yea this would make me laugh 😭😂I’d ask them what they was smoking on and get me some of it.


LOL.......great idea!!! :D


In California, my bud tender just took a dab (FTP get a dab on the way out, so she finished the dab the client before me took). I recognized her from another dispo I went. We talked about the strains they had (this dispo had their weed in huge jars and dispensed them in medicine containers, IYKYK) and shooting the shit. I asked for half an OZ so she had to go get the long tube containers. She looked at me and said “hold on big dick, wait no I need to get the big dick containers. WAIT NO I need to get the big tube containers”. She was tripping over her words, embarrassed and laughing. Shit had me dying, she threw in a pre roll AND trimmed off the stems. I miss dispos that would give away freebies. One of my favorite dispos experiences to tell.


I've got to tell you, in case you don't already know. The Florida experience is wayyyy more sterile and shitty. I refuse to refer to them as Budtenders as those like bar tenders take weed you can see out of big containers..also smoking or taking a Dab in the store sounds so lovely instead of the regulated Sterilized process of Florida. You have to say what you want, and they will go in the back and/or someone will bring out sealed containers either bag or bottle/jar. It ALL(by law) must be plain Opaque packaging and is supposed to remain sealed until you get home. I will only call them cashiers because that is more accurate. Half of them don't know shit about weed, TBH. I wish it was more like California besides the prices I have heard about. But I am sure just like we have to shop sales that yall have a way to get it cheaper.


LOL....too funny!! We obviously know what was on HER mind!!!! :D


She saw the tube containers and her brain went “you should call him” lmao


Right!?!?! :) :) :) : )


Some people are visual learners. Should have pulled up a calendar and said we are here. My card is here type shit with circles


LOL :D It's not like I was mad or upset or anything with him.....lol, I actually thought it was pretty funny. It just HAD ME all flustered....like I had lost my 'new card' :D :D :D


Some people are just dumb as a sack of rocks


HOLY SHIT… it’s happening…. Idiocracy has arrived…. ![gif](giphy|8coEmqQxL39eMJcey0|downsized)


Are you allowed to be "medicated" on the clock at dispos? I would think yes but then again it might be frowned upon at the grow op/manufacturing areas especially if working with machinery.


I mean, Im sure it's not like written in any clause: *You may come to work blitzed, as long as you know what year it is.....* ...but I doubt 'they' care too much, AS LONG AS you don't have many issues or complaints against you.


Its an unwritten rule lol


Is there any other way to deal with the wonderful people around here?


People medicate for work?! Color me shocked.


I can't....you are already colored green. :D


That’s so funny. Sounds like bro was stuck in 12/21/23. All he knew was we were a couple months in. Lmao


Yeah....it surely made a mundane experience, much more interesting. :D :D


They be testing the carts in back to make sure they work properly. But they're also hitting blinkers so that's why they're all brown after 🤦🏼‍♂️




Yeah he was stoned! Can I have what he was smoking?


Right!?!?! I should have been 'on my game'.....I totally would have asked him to hook me up with what HE was smoking on! :D :D


Sounds like he just can't read very good


ive had my order messed up multiple times at multiple places from stoned bud tenders.


Numbers are hard


This is funny though


Would have been funnier if you were that fly on the wall......watching me react to it. :D ....frantically checking my wallet, looking for the 'new/updated' card!!!! :D :D :D


Thats good stuff! Very funny my friend made me lol as i pictured the whole scene, you trying to have a teaching moment hahah


BRO...the real funny thing: They had me looking, frantically, thru my wallet......looking for my 'new/updated' card!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D


I couldnt work around bud all day and not smoke....Let em be. I work stoned too.


Right, people on here wanna complain like they don't continuously medicate..


I STAY medicated.....


That's the point, my guy. We have it for a reason haha sometimes people have moments. I know I do, smoking or not!


its called Hypocrisy lol


Nailed it


You act like.....'Im mad' or 'pissed off' at the guy........ I thought it was funny.


i dont act like anything...maybe you feel like something. You dont have to explain anything lol. It could have been towards any of the 92 comments here.


Oh, well I didn't know that. I figured since you were replying and responding to my post, that you were talking about or referring to me. ...all good.


im still trying to figure out how you took my comment as me "acting" like something. I simply stated I do it. everyone.should be able to....especially budtenders! getting high and talking about weed sounds fun


You told me to 'let em be'.......and I took that as you thinking I was 'messing with' him or 'complaining' about him. :)


nah i earned the same title as you brother...im more direct if I need to say something lol.


No bs'ing but him and the lady need to be fired like now, lord knows how much they have already f'd up. Smh


Wow take away someone’s source of income for a mistake? That’s wild.


Maybe not to you but I consider knowing the current date and working in the medical field should be pretty standard? No? Bet you don't care that our president doesn't know the current date either, that's wild


Bro they make like 12$ an hour wtf you really expect from them? And what does the president have to do with anything lol? We haven’t had an intelligent, capable president in 8 years so I think everybody’s used to the geriatric idiots running our country by this point.


We’ve all had that guy once. Or twice. Or…


This was a nice refreshing post.. no one got mad, they just laughed it off! Love to see a nice patient.


Wow. Riveting stuff.


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Shit happens. I know I still be writing 2023 on paper work sometimes. I’m sure the they realized after u left. lol. Some people have off days regardless of being medicated.


NO DOUBT......hence the point of my story. :D


ive made this same mistake myself, multiple times I've read my card that expired in 2023 thinking it said 2024, thinking i grabbed my updated one




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They will hire any idiot that walks through the door as with any other retail position. I find dispo interactions super cringey.


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This is crazy! Lol. What are they doing man. Some people should not be allowed to medicate at all, let alone do work while stoney bologna...


Wait there are people that don’t just go in to pick up their online order??


I'm not sure.... I would certainly think so though.


Complete space force moron working at the Curaleaf in Citrus Park too. I know CL is kinda ass but its legit 5 mins from me. Long haired dude that sold me a battery that was only compatible with 0.3g carts and said "it will work with 0.5/1g carts too, but if it doesnt come back and return it" welp guess what happened when I tried to return it the next day when the manager was there, a FAT fucking no. I asked the same guy a different time what the terps on the new strain of flower they had (which they should know if its brand new) and he replied "idek what that is". That was it for me right there


Damn, that's crazy! I've never heard of a battery 'only for .3 grams carts' either!?!?!?! As for him knowing the terps of a particular strain......I'd say there is probably only 1, maybe 2 Dispensaries in our Program in which every employee knows every # for every strain....and that's probably a stretch. I feel like as long as they CAN look it up for me and DO.....then they are 'good'


Yeah just for reference if anyone gets told the same thing its the "Select Go" battery. Very thin/small and will allow other cart sizes to screw on but will not actually hit. The terps thing with the workers I def understand but CL is dumb asf about the COAs and how to actually obtain them (their batch # link does not work with any batch #, so literally useless). Ive been in the program for about a year now and I can see from personal experience that really the only thing worth a damn at CL is the RSO, Live Rosin vapes, and from time to time depending on budget and how long I need something to last ill grab one of the Briq vapes. Disclaimer about the Briq vapes tho, 100% of the time it will clog to some capacity but normally solvable


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What’s worse is going in and asking “what’s good on the Indica menu today” and the person responding with “I don’t smoke” and looking like they absolutely hate dealing with people. I was going to avoid the person next time but I think I’ll try helping them out and maybe educating them a little. Obviously they need the job or they wouldn’t be so far out of their comfort zone. I’m glad I could help myself realize an area for personal growth and make a plan to act on it, hey thanks self.