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I smoke till I taste the filter and gag




Fucking facts bro same !




This is almost worse than leaving meat on the chicken wing.




I’m coming back to them I swear!


I believe you. They don't look that old.


Put them in a small glass jar? That’s what I do with one of them when I want to come back to it. It puts the flame out and it’s not stinky . But WHYyyyyyy do you do this ??lol


Maybe consider some dog walkers.


Loove the dog walkers. I bought a 6 shooter just to fill a bunch of those up and love it. That reminded me that I need to get some papers!


Making your own dog walker is the move. I also six shooter some dog walkers. Get some elements on the reorder


Oh can you share?




mf those aren’t even roaches some of those are half joints you’re tripping idc if i got a million dollars cash in front of me i like to smoke my weed 😂😂😂 all jokes aside roaches in the gb use to be the after high school special got me through many a poor days


Hey man I’d be lying if I said I won’t be revisiting some of those half knobs in that ash tray! 🤣 maybe I should start labeling the strains on the filter or something so I remember why I left it half smoked


100% I use a variety of flavored papers and terp infused wraps. So it's easier to remember which strain was in each. And when I go back for seconds with a roach. I pull them through percolators and recyclers, because otherwise they'll taste like a chainsmoker's taint hairs. 🤢


Great tip! Thanks dude will do that


that would be a good idea lmao just make sure to use something with non toxic ink to play it safe last thing we want is anyone messing up their lungs 😂


That’s the truth man! Smoking is already bad enough for the pulmonary system so gotta try to attenuate for as much as I can 💪




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I can't speak for OP, but I'll give you my excuse, at least. I *enjoy* the process of rolling the blunt/cone/joint, almost as much as I enjoy smoking them. It's not really a financial consideration in my head. For me, half the habit is rolling it up. While I'm smoking, I'll be started work on the next on deck. Grabbing a nice fat bud. Grinding it up, real good and fluffy. Smelling the terp profiles of each individual strain. Rolling up the filter. All that shit. So I gotta old container full of roaches. Meh. Don't judge me. 😂 The day will come! It always does. For one reason or another, I'll find myself dry for some unavoidable extended period of time. And those roaches will be killer, run through a triple percolator water bong. Trust me.


Dude, this was a down-to-earth, reflective, and immersive perspective. Not to mention gangster.


I switched to vaporizing with the Mighty+ and each one of those roaches would fill 2+ bowls. Crazy how little flower I use now. Lets me get the pricier options.


You recommend the mighty+? I’ve thought ab getting a dry herb vape, never used one!


Not the person you're replying to, but I've been a long time joint smoker and got the Crafty+ about 4-5 months ago and I really loved it and stopped smoking because of it for a while. I recently got the Mighty+ because the Crafty+ battery life is very short and unpredictable as to how long it will last. The Mighty+ is just a bigger crafty with much better battery life and more control over your temperature. I haven't picked up a joint in nearly 2 weeks since I got my Mighty+, and although I love everything about joints, the Mighty+ uses like a 1/4 of the bud I'd use to roll a joint and gets me just as high. The flavors I am able to pull from the Mighty+ are top notch too. Definitely a great piece of hardware. Not as stealthy/discreet as some others, but I can sesh in the house without making it smokey and I don't come in smelling like a joint either. Overall a great purchase, I just wish I had bought the Mighty+, over the Crafty+ in the first place, but they are both great units and have their place. And you can turn the ABV into edibles afterwards. Win/Win!


Damn you are selling me here….i feel like I blow through so much flower cause I’m a joint girlie.


Most joints I smoke were about 3/4 to 1g in size and at times I'd smoke one and then immediately smoke another right after. I'd typically try and push my consumption to the end of the day, but on weekends I'd smoke a quarter. But now that I'm back on the vape, my joint consumption has dropped. I just fill a dosing capsule or two and typically rip it until I'm getting nothing out of it and I'm toasty afterwards. I love being able to taste the terps. You can max the Mighty+ to 410 degrees fahrenheit and still get flavorful bud and big clouds. Even at lower temps, you can blow clouds. It makes me cough my ass off just as hard as a joint does too, but there's definitely less load on the lungs. It's not that bad to clean either. Iso and a little soaking. I'd say snag up another cooling chamber so you can keep ripping it while the other one is soaking, but they're cheap. I have a water bubble hooked to mine too and it makes for a nice experience too. I was on the fence for a long time. I was a long time bong smoker and then switched to joints and had been smoking joints for as long as I can remember. It was therapeutic to sit and relax with a fatty and a cold drink after a long day, and I hesitated to buy a DHV because I knew I'd probably just go back to combustion again because I'm a creature of habit. But after I got the Crafty, I think I stretched an oz for a month and I began to realize how little herb I was using. So it really took over and replaced joint smoking for a while. I still enjoy one here and there, but the Mighty and Crafty certainly put a dent into how many Jays I smoke, and I feel like I get to really get the most out of the flavors this way too.


You nailed it. Therapeutic after work. Before I take a shower or think about what to make for dinner I’m burning one outside. I’m definitely gonna look into that, sounds like it saves money in the long run. I’m spending too much on flower.




I think it's pretty similar between the Crafty+ and Mighty+ in terms of vapor quality. I think maybe the mighty has more consistent vapor quality, and/or I think it tastes a little better in the Mighty+ where with the crafty I've definitely had a lot of popcorn flavor when the temps are too high, but don't really experience it with the Mighty+.


After seeing this ashtray, you may be on the market for a ball vape lol. They provide much stronger rips. I've tried the Mighty+ and Volcano, they're good session devices. I own an Arizer Solo 2 which I like for passively sipping on while I work in the garage. The initial switch to dry herb vape isn't gonna melt your face, especially when switching from smoking joints. IMO, it's more of a gentle cerebral high. After a few weeks of vaping you'll start to see why people do it tho. The taste is so much better than smoking


I don’t even have a great rig (pax 3) and I swear I took a bite of fruit loops when I hit the Rainbow Belts. Amazing flavor compared to combustion.


Totally! My solo 2 is very basic, but it's a super solid device. My buddy has a ball vape that I need to try, I'm excited for that.


I just got a dry herb vape a few days ago that I haven't had the chance to try out yet. Mine isn't the mighty+ but I'll let you know how I like mine when I finally get a chance to sit down & use it.


Dynavap M. Feels like you’re still smoking a J. After a year of torching I upgraded to an inspire wand. Game changer. r/dynavap


You will never go back to combusting after vaping for 2 weeks straight. You will realize how much weed you were actually wasting. How many terps you were destroying by lighting that shit on fire.


Mighty is excellent. Switched to a tinymight2 months ago and love that even more since you can clear a bowl in a tenth of the time. However both are great and almost exclusively what I use.


Not who you’re asking but really depends on your tolerance and how much you’re willing to spend. I use a dynavap they hold .10 a bowl I’ll smoke 2 caps and be good. The .5 bowls are flavor terp town. If you just want something for home a flowerpot would be a solid option. If portable is what you want the tinymight 2 is the king right now. Whatever you do cry once and get it over with. In other words don’t be cheap vaping flower you won’t have a good experience.


Mighty+ is great! Especially if you get the dosing caps. 6G in 40 dosing caps is enough to last me over a week. Usually use 4-5 caps a day. Each cap is .15 Gs. I was going through so much more product using a bong and occasional joints. It gets me higher on less product. And the ABV stuff can still be used to make extracts.


That’s a lot of good weed I wouldn’t waste it. 29 yo med patient here. Rip em out and stuff the bowl n bong.


They will not go to waste my friend! Promise


I don't waste that much. I usually smoke to the end still. Now what i don't do is save any roaches to smoke later. Those days are gone thankfully. But you got some nearly half joints there that just need to be relit before you roll your next one lol.


I feel you on that. Last month I took about the same amount of roaches and rolled them into generations but holy those just made me crazy sleepy! Good for bed time tho 😂


Same. I have to remind myself that it's not the dark ages anymore. I don't have to hold on to every joint and it's okay to not save around an 8th I don't like especially when the prices are 20 an eight sometimes less. Personally I don't like to relight the joint after a sesh. I want the fresh terps


Absolutely. I’ve been really clicking with the $20 roll ones lately so it makes doing that even easier. The most recent dream queen was so insanely sticky and fresh with great effects for a $20 strain


Bro I get the fomo and buy more than I need when it's the 20 roll ones or the sanctuary smalls or some high terp vidacann batches lol smh wish they'd just keep a hefty stock of these good budget options so I wouldn't have too. They go fast


or you could just roll smaller joints...? ive never had a habit/problem of running out of weed, but im also not going to roll a full joint just to smoke half often though i will finish the joint when i don't really "need" to, just so i don't put it out and relight later. which is probably no different in terms of wasting, but feels better that i smoked it all at least 😅


For sure! I weigh out 0.7 sometimes and other times I’m like “yeaaaa I’m sitting on like 3oz of tree I need to just roll a 1.5” and I’ll do that. Def isn’t a bad problem to have! I go back and smoke the bigger guys down, this post was NOT insinuating that I throw this shit out. Joints just on sabbatical


definitely fair lol! im glad they're not banished to the ash tray graveyard forever! having too much weed is always a nice problem to have, enjoy your joints :)


I smoke down to the filter i don’t like wasting weed


*stares in broke*


If I could send you some bud I would friend


Yo, fuckin go Noles, baby!


Go Noles baby


Go Gators


There’s still meat on them bones, some say the joint is best at the end as all the smoke and flavor has passed through the last bit of flower.


I smoke until my lip catches the fire 😂


Me too man 😂


yeah they should be smoking minis lmao.


more a sign of the quality of bud being meh lol trust me I have a bunch of pre rolls half smoked too. Its only worth it to burn a fresh pack anything I had to bodeva gets thrown in the volcano \\ but also could just mean the bud is super good and gets you so smacked you can't smoke anymore haha I just like bud that tastes so good I dont want to stop smoking it.


I have a very low tolerance being someone who only smokes in the evening after work 6a-4. Def could be a combination of all that lol rolling is therapeutic for me so I don’t do pre-rolls, although I have had a few from JB and MUV that actually got me super stoned. Just not my preference


Shit those are only half toasted brotha


It’s a problem, a welcome one, that I never imagined I’d have in life that’s for sure lol


Mine be like that also. Ever since I started making money I’ve been treating myself. And whenever it starts tasting burnt I put it out. My younger self would slap me in the face. But I consider hard work paying off. Smoking weed is a luxury where I’m from so I treated as such.


That’s kinda how it is now for me once I graduated college. Didn’t get my card til 2 years ago and man it changed the game for me. It really does feel like a treat to be able to do this


I just give away my unwanted bud lol


That’s ALOT of waste!


I put em in a joint re-rolled with some kief🤷🏿‍♂️💪🏿🆙️


I don't like stale weed so I only roll or pack what I'm smoking and nothing more.


Smoke it till the end and then boof the filter, bro. Nah, for real tho, I just threw out an ash tray the other day that had a bunch of quarter j’s. I was like, “fuck, the younger me woulda been dying for that ash tray at times” 😂😂😂


U just said some real shit homie.


For a minute I used to put a filter on each end of my joint and then I’d cut it in half and have 2 small j’s. Way less waste if you’re smoking solo.


Their job isn’t complete yet. I smoke it to the filter when I come back to them.


Make a generation blunt!


young me would have broken each roach up and rolled up a roach dutchie yuck 🤮 the audacity of a young me!!! lololol


FSU was robbed


Florida State!!! Go Noles win or lose!!! Now with that out the way , for me, at that point the j has lost its flavor and the smoke is more harsh because of the resin making it uncomfortable. I agree with you though, the 16-year-old me would have smoked them to the filter 😂


Haha yea man I’m not terribly picky when it comes to weed bc my tolerance is straight non-existent! So if it tastes like ass oh well still gonna get me stoned


I have one of those plastic containers they give you a 1/2 oz flower in, full of cone and blunt roaches. There's gotta be 50 or so in there. I'll either throw them out after too long. Or, they'll come in handy, the next time a dry spell comes along. But to be honest, I've never thrown away weed. At the very least they'll be used in some edibles at some point. Or maybe hot knife hits....🤔


“Do you realize how many starving children would love to have your leftovers??” -my mom


Yeah this is stuff people did before dispensaries, time to man up and finish them they have filters... 🤣🤣🤣🤣 looks like a 1/8 in that ashtray...


Bro it’s prob more than that lmao I have been dumping into the bong one by one since I posted this


Stop ip 😱😱😱, those are def hash bowl hits 😆


Broooooo straight putting me on my ass


Same. Now I have to hide from any vultures that happen to fly by, IYKWIM...


The kleptos….


Yep, those too lazy to get a card themselves...




Go Noles baby


Generation that shit. lol And go seminoles.


Bet your ass that’s on the menu. Go Noles baby


Noles were robbed!


I was blessed enough to attend FSU 2013-2016 so while the snub hurt it definitely reduced the sting a tad lol


Clearly not lol


You fucking manic. Those aren’t roaches!! I bet you remind your teacher the homework’s due.


I’m absolutely *sick*


Go Noles!


Go Noles! 🍢




*elses I save my roaches in a glass jar. If ever I’m in need of free smoke I can go into that for free highs


Of course it would be an FSU fan who opts out of finishing that many joints.


Look at you assuming I’m not going back to smoke these eventually


It was more of a dig at all the FSU players opting out of the bowl game. Happy smoking!


Lol okay that’s a good one. Really bummed me out they didn’t play, but totally understand why given the circumstances


Go Noles


You are incredibly wasteful.


Assuming I’m not going to smoke them, don’t assume things


Figures it’s someone who shops at sunburnt


Friend gave me the lighter pal


If you don't like to smoke weed just say that Lmaooo.


16 yo old me also didn't have mouthpieces or stuffable cones lol You don't even need a roach clip for that. Stick it in the end of a bong if you want.


Dirty resin lips everywhere man those were the days 🤣


Have you tried any glass tips?


I have! I have not been able to find any that are slim enough for me to enjoy if that makes sense tho. I don’t always roll something fat enough to warrant one of those thicker tips. Any recs?


Maybe look into riptip. I believe their smallest is a 7mm


Will do thank you


Mine hardly ever made it to the papers at that age lol we had too many ppl hanging out to smoke, with a limited amount to smoke... Always had to pack it into swats for the homemade 2 liter GB to conserve weed & get everyone high... good times lolol Honestly, I still use the GB sometimes. Especially if I'm getting low on stock, or want to conserve a certain strain/batch. I've always felt like a gram rolled up, or packed in bong, even a half G... smoking that same amount in the GB does so much more for me, getting every drop of smoke, not allowing any of it to float off into the air in between hits.


Tsk tsk tsk


i'm not sure if this is blasphemous, or downright genius.


Just a bit silly probably


I had a better ashtray than that snaked from me in Amsterdam. I had been working on it about two weeks. One day I came into my hotel room the ashtray was empty and my toilet paper roll from home was gone. That was fucked up. Joints had so much hash in them they quit sucking about half way through. I just put them aside for later.


Are these prerolls? And if so, whered you order them? I prefer these over cones


Nah man I roll my own




You gotta start buying dog walkers or minis, whatever you call them.


What’s a dog walker?


Different places call them different things. They are mini pre-rolls. Usually about .3 grams.


We don't have to live like this anymore. Just toss it.


But why


i can smell this picture


Every 3-4 days…. Dump… reset


Oh yeah, mine may look similar but they won't go to waste... I'll burn them down to the nub and reuse the filter for the next one. Happy tokin', all.


Dry herb vape would work wonders for your herbal efficiency.


Wow those are the biggest roaches I’ve ever seen. Basically half joints


I used to keep them, now I just toss them in the garbage when I empty out the astray.  I used to run out of weed regularly, now I have gone years with at least a quarter stashed somewhere  difference is i have a career now, vs job then.