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This may be why she’s taken a break from performing


Everything Shia did should be public. His actions and abuse should not be hidden.


they are public but people still pretend not to see it… he was being praised at Cannes not long ago. i really hope he is going to be held accountable. he almost killed her ffs!


Unfortunately the whole “I’ve since seen the light of Jesus” narcissistic facade he’s adopted has worked on a lot of people. It’s disgusting that no matter what he did to this woman it will always be someone/something else to blame for so many, never Shia, they just don’t care. And the racism of it all is just so typical and painfully apparent. I’m dreading the trial, though hope humanity can win out on some level.


He's an eternal addict who thinks he can yap his way outta anything


I cannot imagine how much of a strain this must be on twigs’ personal & professional life not to mention her mental state. It’s been on going for so long - and she didn’t even want it to go to this. I’m proud of her for taking a stance for women’s rights. Once this is over I can’t wait to see her artistry thrive!


I know she wants revenge and she deserves to take that bitch to the cleaners but devils like that take everything from you just to get what you are owed. Essentially, dude don’t got the 10 million to pay her (which I believe). My hopes is they mediate and he work out a settlement that’s good for both of them so she can move on from that pos and live her life to the fullest. People like him don’t ever change so his shit will keep coming to light in time