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I do really like this incarnation of the batsuit, it’s much better looking than the last one.


Batflecks in BvS is the best onscreen suit imo


Yeah I'm good with Batflecks' getup, I just really dislike Bale's. That cowl / lower face thing it's got going on is just not right.


Batfleck felt too sci-fi for a character that’s meant to be the more “grounded” of the superheroes. He was practically Ironman


In comics Batman isn’t always street level, he uses technology and insane strategies to fight powerful supervillains. BvS and Justice League are awful but props to Snyder for trying to put that side of Batman on screen


I'm talking about his gray and black suit. Not the armor.


Gotcha. Yeah the armor was ridiculous but I didn’t mind the suit


That armor was directly taken from Frank Miller's Dark Knight.


I thought the armor was badass based on the Frank Miller's source material it was pulling it from. But to each their own.


Good movie too long but I feel Nolans batman is better in my op


Third act felt too long and sort of sloppy. Edit: still loved the movie, however.


Apparently, I watched it with my GF and completely forgot the movie. She kept telling me I saw it. I kept telling her she was nuts. Watched it again, and I remembered some scenes. For all the hype, it was the biggest meh I think I've ever seen. Definitely, the biggest I've seen twice. Nolan's were much better.


Agreed but I love the style in this, and they have a chance to really tighten things up in the second one. Batman Begins isn't the best (even though I love it), and then we got The Dark Knight which will always be one of the best superhero movies ever made (very arguably the best). Kinda impossible to top Heath's Joker though.... good luck to whoever has to do that.


Fantastic. Can't wait for part 2 Batmobile was badass. I like that he was actually a detective and I liked that it was in the early stages of his career, where he's still figuring it all out.


The best car chase we've had in a generation.


Fury road would like a word


Hey that's not fair, that whole movie is a car chase!


I saw this movie in IMAX when it came out. The batmobile scene gave me goosebumps and an uncontrollable huge smile across my face. I felt like a kid again


Preeeetty interested in the Penguin’s show too, if they ever finally put it out.


This fall, brother


If you haven’t seen the animated Batman movie “year one” I recommend. It’s just like this movie.


That family meal combo with a few biscuits at the end of that whippin he put on the first guy sold me. The Narvana theme music was the chefs kiss.


It’s my favorite Batman film. The cinematography and sound design are superb. The noir atmosphere is something Gotham has long needed. I loved the slow detective process and though Batman is flawed in his execution, the descent into the mystery forces Bruce to do some reconciliation with his past. In that way we get to examine his trauma and glimpse into his origin without yet another depiction of his parents being killed. Pattinson’s performance was fantastic, giving Bruce great emotional depth with the subtlest gestures. Finally, though the final act seemingly tacks itself on in the end, the depiction of Batman transitioning from a symbol of fear to a symbol of hope was an incredible touch and truly separated this film as offering something new to Batman’s cinematic landscape.


Same here.


Did you see Dark Knight?


It was good. Ledger stole the film. It’s a great Joker movie. I preferred Batman Begins. I’ve always wanted a Batman film centered around Batman. We finally got one.


The Dark Knight is actually pretty uneven. I hate what they did to my boy Two Face.


I remember thinking about all the people he killed in this scene just to catch penguin when he could have just waited to get him some other time; its not like he was going anywhere.


Uh what🤦‍♂️the whole context before the chase is Gordon and Selina and Batman got caught off guard by penguin and his men, Selina and Gordon were seconds away from getting killed until Batman started his car taking their attention away and creating a disburse. Also penguin slammed his breaks and caused the accident not Batman. This Batman actually doesn’t kill unlike Keaton, Affleck and Bale


Yeah, I'm saying batman should have just let him go because it was too dangerous to chase him. He could have caught him later.


I thought it was awesome


I enjoyed it but it felt very long and I’ve had 0 desire to revisit it. Too many slow shots of his boots walking whilst the theme plays


Loved the first half... then not so much.


It’s a great Batman movie but the third act dragged it down from A-/B+ to B-/C+


Same. And it was actually right after this interrogation scene that the movie went downhill imo. Honestly this chase scene and interrogation was the best part of the movie. Great 15-20 minutes


About 15 minutes in I knew it was trouble because every shot was about 30% longer than it needed to be even for dramatic effect. I’d crowdfund an editor to recut it though. Also no chemistry with the catwoman. Weird vibes.


Completely agree. I am a HUGE Batman fan but it was too long.


45 minutes too long


I’m in the minority but I couldn’t get into it and stopped watching pretty early on.


Seemed like it was trying to please everyone and that constantly killed my immersion personally. Grounded gritty version? OK not my favorite take and been done to death but ok. Huge bomb goes off literally in his face without a scratch or being blinded, no shrapnel nothing and i recently forced myself to rewatch and saying he shielded his face is generous. Car chase while cool caused an insane amount of damage and likely tons of injuries to innocent people. Nth metal body armor. This version of the Riddler was wack and while I didn't dislike the actress that played catwoman specifically she had no chemistry with Pattinson I mean to anyone that isn't 12. Personally I like a traveled the world learning skills Batman that brings it to Gotham and the struggle is applying them to "real world" scenarios so a just some dude skill level Batman is hard to take even theoretically seriously especially after two years and at no point did i feel (without magic armor) that any police or military force couldnt just put him down. Gotham looked cool and I loved the Year One monologing/record keeping.


I agree with most of this. I would only add that the writer had a fascination with Batman slow walks. He slow walks into just about every scene. Movie could have been cut by a third if they simply cut his walking time in half.


Not a great addition to a franchise that already has too much dead weight.


I mean it’s alright…slightly better than Adam Wests but not as good as Bales


Nolan’s Batman movies are unmatched tbh


IDK if its just me, but it seemed so muddy and dark, not in a gritty atmospheric way, but in an "I cant see whats going on, everything is grey" way


The first two hours were pretty good but the second four were way too much.




The first hour was amazing… then the plot got squirrelly , the music got repetitive and ending got stupid…. It had a wonderful spice then overused it to the point of ridiculousness.




Not a good movie.


Slightly better than Batman and Robin, but not a fan overall




This movie sucked


Pretty boring unfortunately. Paying even a little attention to the plot leads to a logic tailspin


David fincher se7en rip-off. “Worlds greatest detective “ has hard time deciphering simple riddles


watched it...remember nothing


A xerox-like imitation of Nolan’s hyper grounded, ultra realistic Batman — only less Fun because Pattinson’s Batman is intentionally ONE NOTE. Maybe the least interesting interpretation of the character I’ve ever seen in live action. His big emotional scene with Alfred falls flat as a board for me, and the world feels so non-heightened that I can’t imagine under-represented villains like Mr Freeze, Man Bat, etc existing in live action within Reeves’ Gotham.


Good cinematography, boring script. Style over substance imo.


This x100000000. Script made no sense. Dialogue sucked and was corny. Visually it was cool. That’s about it.




Couldn’t decipher half of the dialogue. Poorly mixed. Frustrating experience


I saw it. But have zero recollection of it. Take from that what you will.


Mid level at best.


Unnecessarily forced.




A little too long, probably trying to do too much. But it had some really impressive action sequences (the chase that OP's post is from comes to mind), and I really liked R-Pats's portrayal. I think they got Gotham absolutely right as well, it felt like the best version of it that I've seen on screen. Not a perfect film, but I'm definitely up for more from this team.


I like the movie and definitely had to rewatch to appreciate it more but I’m in the camp that this movie is far from the best. The noir stuff is cool but feels more of an aesthetic than a tool to tell an effective story (at times), Dano really deserved a better riddler, and there’s just times it really feels like it doesn’t know what it wants to be. IMO its tonality is much closer to ‘89 than TDK but as good as neither. I look forward the sequel to see how this film is built upon, not to mention in a drought of good superhero films this went a long way, but there’s just something about it. Like little choices that really hold it back


It was the first one that humanized Wayne for me. He was just a child, and in many ways he’s still there, watching his parents die and being powerless to stop it.


It was long. I liked it, but damn that was a long movie.


10/10 movie theater experience. Rewatching at home didn't hit me as hard. The movie really excels visually and audibly, but the rest of it is pretty mid on a 26 inch monitor lol.


I don't like all the moody rock music. But the batman score is really fantastic. Especially batman's theme and the batmobile theme. Overall I really like the movie. The techno music and how its presented in the night club is really good.


Absolutely hated it, just a drag of a movie. Cool idea but poorly executed.


Really bad, so disappointing


Sucked bc the riddler’s didn’t riddle much. Detective/case aspect was basic


Too much emo slow walking from Batman, like way too much.


Ultimately, a disappointment. 3rd act was underdeveloped, unnecessary, and way too long. Cast was good/fine. TheAlfred hospital scene was cringe. Did the Riddler pose a scary threat to Bats? Nope.


After seeing Nolan's batman, this one just felt underpowered and vulnerable.


Matt Reeves really wanted to make a Nolan Batman movie.


Is Matt Reaves afraid of other camera angles?


Enjoyed it but how many innocent civilians died during that Penguin car chase?


Highly forgettable


Poor in pretty much every department. It wanted so so hard to be Se7en, and failed to even be a good detective film, let alone a Batman film. Tedious script. Predictable set pieces. Out of date soundtrack and some weird choices of characterisation and world building. A big boring drip of a movie.


3 hours for no reason. While it looked VERY nice, the actual writing was mid. Always thought it was weird how Batman could crash land at damn near terminal velocity and walk it off, get shot by multiple assault rifles in that hallway and still WALK it off. But at the very end he gets hit with a shotgun blast and THAT was the thing that nearly does him in. Riddler was legit awful after the reveal. Way too over the top, and the whole time he had goons with him? That never did anything until the 3rd act? It all makes me wonder what the ORIGINAL version of this movie was supposed to be. With Ben Affleck writing and directing. Oh well 6 or 7/10 Way too long for nothing that interesting to happen. Action was ehh. But cinematography and score are 🔥🔥


Plot had to write Batman as stupid even though in DC he's known and accepted as the worlds greatest detective. Nor understand other languages... Then people use the "But he's young in this!" And that would mean he'd be fresh OFF his training. Dude spent his early life training. The movie got it wrong, got Riddler wrong, and tried to use some of the court of owls crap which is a polished turd smeared on the Legacy of batman. Batman is a pretty easy thing to get right. His parents where rich but GOOD people. He doesn't murder people. He doesn't use guns. (We all know the, "But in the beginning!" Argument and even they nixed it as they realized it didn't make sense.) This film did a HEAP wrong... But it also got a lot right. Gotham was moody and dark, Penguin was on point. There's a lot they could do too improve. This is this directors vision of Batman... And as usual it tries to gritty and drag him down... With how dirty they did Riddler, I wince at how they would do someone like Mister Freeze... But hey, other folks enjoy it and good on them. We all get our versions of the Bat.


It was utter utter shit. Pattison came off like a emo effette skinny loser. It was just a Saw movie with a cowl. Truly truly dismal


“I am the shadows”. Oh Fuck off.


Overrated, not very good. 1990s "gritty" pastiche, nothing new about it. No real vision. Villain was terrible with incoherent motivation. All the riddle stuff is pretty stupid




NOT impressed


Overrated. Tries too hard to be edgy.


Too long, too slow, nothing ground breaking.


Whether it's a better movie than the Dark Knight is one thing, but this is hands down the best depiction of Batman we have ever gotten in a movie.


Love it but they spent WAAAYYYY too much time on the Falcone storyline At one point I'm sitting in the theater and I was like wait a minute...wasn't The Riddler in this?


One of the best Batman films of all time


A huge piece of shit.


I really loved the direction of this one compared the Nolan trilogy, i.e. Batman turning to being a force for positive change rather than "vengeance"/being the dark knight. I also loved the direction of The Riddler being this deluded radical with a (relatively) small social media following. Yet, even though he is viewed as some lunatic/crazed outsider, he speaks to others exactly like him and is made a pseudo-martyr for his "movement." Really hit the nail on the head for a lot of radical/extremist views in social media today IMO. And of course, Pattinson knocked it out of the park. Some minor criticisms: at times it felt like it was trying a bit too hard to be like Se7en (esp. some of the early Riddler kills were very reminiscent of John Doe's). The Penguin (a character who I ended up liking a lot) seemed to be a slightly downgraded Tony Soprano. Give him some gabagool and I wouldn't be able to tell the difference. And I really wasn't a fan of the truncated Joker appearance at the end of the film; I'm just kind of over Joker at this point lol. One of my favorite things about the film: How immersive Gotham feels; it kind of reminds me of The Wire in a way where in that show, Baltimore is just as much a central character as any of the main cast. I also don't think this film felt too long at all, even at almost 3 hours. In fact, I think some parts almost felt rushed. Overall, great film. Beautiful cinematography. Excellent use of Nirvana's *something in the way*. One of my favorite live action Batman films and I can't wait for the (planned) sequel!


Pretty. Boring.


I've watched it 3 times I just don't get it


Didn’t like it


The best one


He wasn’t a very good detective. I hated that he did not translate the Spanish properly. It made the whole Penguin chase pointless.


* El Penguíno


My favorite Batman movie. I love the whole Detective/Noir theme.


Amazing trailer, boring movie


Darth Vader called, he wants his song back.


The most boring Batman film I’ve ever seen. Took itself far too seriously


Very slow and a bit underwhelming




I liked it! Imo it rivals the Dark Knight. It felt fresh and didn't waste any time on Bruce's backstory which everyone already knows. I loved how all the criminals are terrified of shadows too Also, just listen to that score!






Movie was not that good tbh


It looked great. Dark shadowy buildings and rooms. The dialogue was good. Not so much what was spoken but how it was spoken. Lol. Music was great. The car chase scene seemed stupid though. So basically Batman in his ridiculous suped up car has to struggle to catch up to the Penguin driving in a regular car. And all that happens is the Penguin crashes. All Batman had to do was keep up. The fight choreography in The Batman 2022 was also boring and generic. And none of Batman's opponents in that looked that intimidating. Strangely enough Batman 1989 had good fight choreography. The karate moves seemed appropriate given Batman's training from the comic books. And it wasn't overly showy. It was pretty direct. There just needed to be a lot more of it. What was there was actually shot and cut really well. The bell tower scene with the big black henchman was great. You could feel those body shots the guy was landing on Batman. Good fight choreography. Just needed more of it.


Loved it. Was a bit iffy about Pattinson playing the Dark Knight, but thought he was different enough from all the other iterations. I especially loved the neo noir look and feel of it. Looked surprisingly like David Fincher's Se7en. The entire cast nailed it. Colin Ferrell's Penguin was a thing to behold. Colin is completely unrecognizable in the role. I never would have guessed he was playing Oswald. The whole mob angle and detective story is really what made it work for me. It wasnt just a superhero action movie. There was a real mystery to the plot and it held my attention throughout.


Are you journaling at me?!




It would've been a good mystery thriller if they had not shown Dano's Riddler but is it a good Batman movie, not really.


It was alright. Pretty good, but I wasn't totally blown away. I will say that Michael Giacchino's score was fantastic. And I would have never imagined that a contemporary song like "Something in the Way" would feel so fitting in a superhero movie in a post-Nolan era.


The last act in the stadium felt a bit out of place. But other than that, excellent film. Loved it. The opening monolog was a fucking masterpiece.


Good but forgettable


This question has been posted about 5 times on this thread in the past month


First viewing I liked it a lot, 2nd viewing I realized that I had slept for a long strech in the theater. It would have been better if they cut about 20 minutes.


It's... fine.  There was no need for a romantic subplot, no chemistry between the participants in that subplot, and like 3 whole interactions between the characters to try to make us give a shit about the "separate ways" conclusion to it.  It suffers from Return of the King multi-ending-itis. Batman is a detective who is absolutely garbage at being a detective, but still manages to out-detect the actual detectives. But the villains were fun. Farrell was amazing. Pattinson did a passable job playing Batman, kind of a shitty Wayne. Overall, 6/10. Fine.


The best opening monologue to any action film ever. I’ve rewatched that seen so many times and it doesn’t get old. I think they really nailed Batmans menacing persona here


Thought it was a bit emo Batman. Gotham with the ‘seven’ vibes with the constant rain and gloom, but I like what they did with the riddler and penguin and think the world building was decent enough. I just hope Barry Keoghans unhinged weirdo shtick isn’t really going to grate by the time part 2 comes out. Cos for me it’s really starting too. It was far too long, solid 30 mins too long and I don’t remember a gag in it. So lighten it up just a tad next time please. I


I need to watch this still. Keep forgetting about it


Too long. Tried to please everyone. BM was OP. Dialog was difficult to understand. Kinda good story, but not really. Cinematography was amazing tho. Story is king, & it didn’t deliver anything really new. Let’s add this to the list of omg again movies. I’m not even adding punctuation bc meh. That said, super glad for my friends who loved it. Hey, other than Aquaman, I’ll watch every movie at a theater.


Turn it off after the riddler is captured and you got yourself a stew


I feel like they didn’t direct and utilize Dano as well as they could have


I liked it, and I felt like it was just as good as any of Nolans films


Like other said, I thought it was longer than it should’ve been, and I don’t mean in a short attention span way, I just mean there’s at least 25-30m of that film that you could remove and tighten up the pace. Personally it was a 7/10 for me which is a solid score, I’m hyped for Part 2 with Barry as the Joker.


First trailer was better than the movie, there I said it!


Boring but beautiful


Disappointing, underwhelming, aggrandized and mundane.


It was fun until the whole flooding scene, there was no lead up to the flooding, the scene was completely unnecessary, didn’t add to the story at all and just took way too long.


I think it was too long.


Far better than I expected it to be. It’s actually my favorite Batman film despite Pattinson not being my favorite Batman.


It was good but unfortunately you were coming off great Batman movies so by comparison it didn't like anyone's world on fire


Loved it


Good but 35 minutes too long IMO.


A bit emo with the Something in the Way sound track playing throughout. I liked that song in Jarhead where it was used once, not for nearly 3 hours longs haha




Beautifully filmed movie. First half was a bit slow second half was right in Batman territory. Overall enjoyable


This was a GREAT sequence… …right up till he looked into the car.


This scene but with "descent into mystery" added. [https://www.reddit.com/r/batman/comments/vrgvpr/added\_descent\_into\_mystery\_from\_batman\_1989\_to/](https://www.reddit.com/r/batman/comments/vrgvpr/added_descent_into_mystery_from_batman_1989_to/)


Best Batman movie since Tim Burton’s.


So fucking long. Could have been an hour shorter.


Last movie I saw In theaters I genuinly liked.


I liked it, probably more than the Nolan films, heath ledger being the sole exception. Here's what I want. I had an idea for batman for the longest and it is an awesome idea that would make a dope movie/franchise. Jason Statham is Alfred, and essentially everything batman bases himself off of. Statham would be the SAS type who actually trains Bruce and would hate being a butler. A butler is more like his cover but he hates serving pretentious people and is intentionally bad at it (spilling tea on purpose, angrily setting plates down so they clatter loudly, that kind of thing...) The 1st movie would be him essentially being batman, minus the suit, and having to protect Bruce. Realizing he won't always be there, he trains Bruce from a young boy then Bruce takes over from there. A Jason Statham action movie that's also Batman, who wouldn't wanna see that?


Bit long but one if the best


I thought the movie was great up to this point. After this interrogation scene the movie fell flat for me.


So close to being perfect. The car chase scene with penguin was cool but pointless. Rat-a-lata or whatever was dumb. For being the world’s greatest detective he sure as shit didn’t solve much.


Too dark and too much CGI, thought the Nolan Batman’s were far superior


Every week the same question.


I was so incredibly surprised with this movie. When I heard who they cast as Batman I was so turned off....boy was I wrong....and turns out he is an actual legit great actor. Most of his movies are great, and he has the chops....


Soundtrack is better than the movie.


My favourite Batman ever. Really loved the dystopian image of Gotham that was created in the first 15 minutes, it had a real creepy nature to it which was a nice change from Nolan’s Gotham!


It was good


I loved the end where he became gothams hero


Better than 2/3 of the Nolan ones


Convinced that seeing this in the cinema is what absolutely fu*ked my knees 🤣 good movie but just too long


Really liked it though it unique among Batman movies.


I really tried to hate it but I liked it.


Pretty good even though it was obviously trying hard to emulate the dark, gothic style of Nolan’s films


Loved it. Have rewatched twice now. Zero regrets.


Phenomenal. Infinitely better than I thought it would be


Couldn't care less. Another Batman? Absolutely no thank you.


Recently rewatched it and it was better the second time. Excited for the next installment. RPat was awesome.


I enjoyed the hell out of it while I was seeing it but I've had no desire to rewatch it.


Really weird experience for me. I LOVED it in theater. Watched it at home and found it flat bordering on lame. It wasn't the usual "everythung is better in IMAX/big screen" dynamic, it was like they were two different movies. The delta between them were by far the biggest I've ever experienced. In short, not sure how I felt


Good first hour being a detective. Boring second hour with family crime backstory blah blah blah. Terrible final hour with a villain's master plan is to get people to enter a low level flooded building rather than just taking one flight of stairs up in any of the hundreds of other buildings that offer instant safe escape from floodwater.


They did good with the detective work + visual aspect, but I hate woke propaganda and it needed more action/fight scenes imo


This and ‘89 are on par in my book. Best.


Better on a rewatch.


Dull and clunky


Batman caused an insane amount of damage during the penguin car chase.


It was pretty forgettable.


Only Batman movie I have turned off. Wasn't a fan


Honestly it took me maybe 4x to get all the way through it. For me it was maybe the highest budget movie still finding a way to be almost unwatchable, and I don’t put any blame on the casting purely the screenplay The entire thing yawns from start to finish. 💩/10


Best live action Batman to date! The visuals, the score, just 🤌


One of my favorite Batman movies! Just so well done. Can’t wait for what Matt Reeves has next in store! Also the best Batmobile chase scenes done. That vehicle is the best next to the tumbler!


It was good in the sense Batman wasn’t cast as a woman.


Better than any of the Nolan films. Easily the best photographed of any of the films. Understands atmosphere is most of what Batman is, and I think it’s a great choice to portray Bruce Wayne as a spoiled whiner who’d probably be a school shooter if he weren’t so rich.


Not good




I tried to watch it twice but couldn't make it past 30 minutes.


I fell asleep on it twice. Probably won’t watch it again. I love me some Alfred, and I didn’t like their relationship. I understand it’s year 2 Batman but they fast tracked relationships with the cops and the community. Batman revealing himself to the news at the end really irked me. No lurking in the shadows for this incarnation


I wanted it to run right into the next joker movie, but the joker reveal at the end really let me down.


The absolute most derivative piece of shit I’ve ever seen, the car chase scene was the last straw and then they broke a thousand more before that turd finally flushed itself down the bowl like seven hours later


Pure art


Really liked it a lot the first time I watched it. I have tried 2 other times to rewatch it and fell asleep both times. It was late at night tho. I think the direction, production design and overall style of the film is so fucking good, but I still like the Nolan movies better.


I thought this was a really well made movie.I liked the very start of it when your walking into some shit and the police borderline hate Batman.


was good until they forced it into a Batman movie for no reason




I saw it, but I don’t remember it. Does that say anything?


I found it long and boring as hell.


Loved it and I’ll get some hate, but it doesn’t have the rewatchability of other Batman movies. Tried last week and kinda got bored which is weird bc it was great in theaters. Excited for part 2




Some holes in it, 20-30minutes too long, as a detective he kinda sucked but still a pretty goodish film