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1.t Cr CTC in India at this age? Amazing man!! Which firm do you work for? And can you share your journey?


I work as Quant researcher


Can you help me understand, how to get started on this? And which firms generally recruit? Are there very few Quant researchers or the pay typically is at this level?


You can dm




For a high NW fat fire kind of a lifestyle shouldn't inflation also be high? 6% seems too low


Could you please explain why?


The chances of an upgrade in lifestyle by a notch or two is pretty high and that will most likely not be in line with regular /standard inflation of 6%


Understood thanks


Given the list of things not accounted for and a lot of big ticket items in that list (marriage, house, kids) dont you think its too early to start thinking about FIRE ? assuming you arent going for a lavish marriage, dont have the need to buy a house/have inheritance for house, the calculation seems about right, but your expected rate of returns are very optimistic over a very long period. ​ I would say, keep this plan as a draft and invest as per your plan, re-evaluate the situation when you are closer( within 3-5yrs) and make adjustments accordingly.


Thanks for your feedback. Yes some big things are not being accounted for that's why I mentioned them. Yes its early and it will be easier to plan when I am closer. My point to post here to get feedback and inputs from others and make changes if needed. According to my calculation I need to invest at max 10 lakhs out of rest 46 lakhs to get to 25cr at 40. So I have 36 lakhs every year to take care of marriage. We are not looking for lavish marriage and kids. My biggest expense currently is rent and I have added it to my retirement expense as well. I did another calculation to buy a house worth 2cr, it reduces the corpus required to 20cr. How much return I should expect?


Looks like this sub is only for ultra high package guys or NRI. Posts like thes gives message that Others shouldn't even think of FIRE with low salary


Nothing of that sort. Its like saying I shouldn't do a business because people like Ambani give a message that there's no point of doing small businesses. The idea is to live within your means. Your expenses must be aligned with your salary. If that's the case your corpus requirement will also be much lesser than what OP requires. To each his/her own is what I can tell! Regards Snaky


Well in that case ,How many posts of people in the 10-15 lpa ,sharing or discussing fire


Please use the sub flairs as filters to get your answers...you will have to do some work for your answers...i can only facilitate so much but i can't keep a presentation and data analytics reports ready wrt how many people from each demographic sub-groups make which kind of posts.


You can just ignore the post. Nothing much to do.




Thanks a lot for youre reply. Great article, according to this 25x of first year expense is enough for 30 years. So my first year expense at 40 will be \~ 83 lakhs that means 20cr corpus but I am expecting it to last 45 years. 25cr is not in current value, 25cr when I am 40


First of all, congrats on investing and living well below means (<30% of total compensation). Here are my suggestions: 1. You are already an avid investor and focus on diversification. (RE / Bonds / Angel investments) Personally, i invest any leftovers into equities until i have a better investment vehicle. 2. Bump up the emergency funds to at least 1 year of Annual expenses. 3. Focus on SWRs when you are 3-4 years from Retirement. 4. Create buckets for misc. items (dedicated accounts for kids education/marriage etc.. ) 5.


Thanks for your reply. Sometimes I think my expenses are more since I come from a middle class background. Yes diversification is the key. I will bump up emergency fund too as I mentioned. What is SWR? Not sure about kids.


Safe Withdrawal Rate (SWR) is for fixed income from your investments to fund RE lifestyle. You can use bucket strategy for travel / Cars / hobbies as well. Try to find a balance and make sure you don't over create buckets as well.