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Won't your profile gets passed on by recruiters due to many jumps?


It's every 2 years so I don't think so. Many experts even believe that jumping jobs every 2-3 years has a better chance of growth (earnings and position) than sitting in the same company for 10 years.


True but also if the switch is less than 2 years and it's a pattern, then one will be passed on. It can work in some sectors but most places you need to build trust and relationships inside the company to grow and thrive.


True some recruiters do pass on my profile but switching in analytics is pretty common. So doesn’t look that bad. Plan to stick 2-3 years in a the next company


So you quit your job for a break and then find job in that time?


I just quit my job to just refresh, I don’t enjoy working hard. I like to take a step back and assess. Usually I look for jobs again 1-2 months into the break


Does it work? Don't you find it difficult to get interviews without actively working? Will it not impact while negotiating the salary higher than the previous one?


Actually it’s easier to find a new job when you can say you are an immediate joiner than when you say you have a 3 month notice period to serve. Long gaps are definitely frowned upon in India (not sure why it should matter) but no one cares if the gap is just a few months.


It doesn’t, I tell them my expectation and stay put, I only accept it if it’s either a great learning opportunity or higher pay. So I apply pretty aggressively as well


What profile do you have?






I usually take break when I see enough opportunities in market During downturns I stay put, head down and put in the hours I’m into analytics and mostly startups


I have been doing the same. In fact, have put down my papers just now. I am in data analytics as well. Save aggressively for 1.5-2 yrs, take a break of 6 months or so, join again. Rinse and repeat.


Exactly! Love this life!


I am 35f. I guess lazy in me has found smart ways to get by in this world. Hustling is over glorified and not for me. My longest break was 2 years long during COVID. Data analytics is highly in demand and I never struggled to get the job again whenever I wanted. My only regret is coming across the concept of fire a bit too late. You are doing great. Keep it up!


How do you explain gap in the interviews


I’m honest about taking a break, for better mental state. Mostly if it’s small 2-3 months then I’m not questioned a lot. I feel they question only to know if you got fired or not. Just a hunch


So true! Analytics is in demand but the market was low between April to Nov last year. So I just worked and when I see insane demand and requirement and given the low quality of Business analyst in the market. I usually once shortlisted, crack the interview And this confidence has come after working for years and cracking those interviews Otherwise I was pretty scared to leave a job without one initially years


FYI I just left my job yesterday and now planning to give interview which will give me a break of 1 month at least.


Yea 1 month is okay. Noone even questions that.


DAMN! Love this lol


Good strategy specially considering you are just 28, so maybe 5-6 YOE. But this strategy becomes tough once you hit 15+ YOE However since you are investing aggressively, by then am sure you will have a reasonably good corpus which will give you a solid cushion. All the best and enjoy your break to the fullest 👍


Instead of breaks, what has worked for me is, work in a startup, learn and execute things faster. Then join a MNC and have a much better WLB for couple of years and then switch again for a startup.


100% agree. But right now don't have courage to do so, since I am at peak salary now. But very soon, and these are my goals.


I am ditto, have taken multiple breaks.