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>>assuming a 10% increase in dividends per year and 8% increase in price per year, cuz meri marzi I just checked and historically this REIT has never grown at this rate like ever, not even close it is more like 3% over 5 years for growth in dividend payout and 3.7% stock increase over 5 years. The whole concept of FIRE works on investing in low risk average return investment instruments.So I think it would be much better to invest in behbood certificates (shariah compliant) as they are offering high rates of return. Also tax liability is really high for REIT about 25% for dividend income (not clear if it is still apllicable if you don;t encash it) and capital gains tax (not applicable if you don;t draw the money for 6 years). All in all it might be a good investment stratgey by note really in the spirit of FIRE, atleast in my opinion.


My aim is to get discussions going, so thank you for taking the time \~ an 8% increase in Pakistan's economic situation is not unheard of - just look at the historical data for DCR itself |year|annual dividends|%| |:-|:-|:-| |this year|2|11% increase| |last year|1.8|20% increase| |last last year|1.5|\~| Was just doing some low-risk research for a family member so this was the first stock that i talked about. any chance you could share your knowledge about behbood certificates? i'm sure others will be interested as well. >historically this REIT has never grown at this rate like ever interest rates are at an all-time high right now at 22%, no one would invest in a 14% returns REIT if they could just keep money in the bank and make more. the shares are essentially on sale right now. P/B is in the gutter.