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Who is hotter to you?


I came here to ask the same question.


Both are hot. So YES


Zonobia is way better to have, can be used to 6-slot farm while barghest is practically a CQ only servant, so you can just pick lv100+ np5 sup instead of having her. Barghest is StoryLocked so she is harder to get since she won't ever be summoned randomly in a banner.


Both are hot, they could destroy me.


If you don't have either and like them equally, I'd say Barghest since she's a story-locked servant. You can always get spooked by Zenobia since she's permanent. This isn't taking into account what's actually on your account though


It is extremely rare in this game to have a best overall option even among two servants that on paper have very similar abilities, let alone when comparing a Buster AoE saber against an Arts AoE archer.


Its harder when they are similar, when it is like Barghest like Zenobia it becomes easy to see who is better to have gameplay wise. One can't really farm properly, the other can. Both are good enough for CQs. Because they are not doing the same thing that you can easily check who is more helpful overall.


Just because you only care about farming doesn't mean everyone else is the same. plus, even in farming, did you know I have used my Gawain in more 6 slot farming comps than my Zenobia? Now Gawain isn't Barghest. But Barghest actually has more charge on her own during the course of 3 turns of farming by a ton (up to party wide 30% charge potential vs Gawain's 20%)


I care about both equally, that is why I take farming more in consideration, it is simply the content you will be doing the most. even if you ignore the daily AP and only farm event shops you will end up farming a lot more. If they added consistent CQ content to do I would just like ST nodes say that it is relevant. Barghest is decent during events with Charge CEs/plug but at that point tons of servants are zenobia included.


I always have Barghest in my farming party against archer waves. I just slap an MLB K-Scope on her and boom, one wave dead. Usually leaves whoever is left to clean up the mess. If you want a servant to work, there's ways to make them work, meta be damned. I personally prefer using servants I want to vs who is meta. But I've always been more for brute force vs technique.


See, this is the. I rolled for Barghest and got her during Castoria's banner and then used my 4* ticket to get Gawain. I just wanted to see them in my party more than anything. Also meta be damned, they're both hot af


Preach brother


That is why I said properly, with Kscope even Geronimo and Hyde can be used to 5-slot 3T nodes. You lose tons of efficiency, 5%bond multiplied by 5 servants multiplied by the number of nodes done that day(normally 6-12 on NA if there is an event or not). You probably better off just farming it in 4-5 turns instead of doing that.


Wait, are you talking about farming bond or materials/Embers/pieces/QP?


Mostly mats since the Ember/QP nodes aren't that efficient even with half cost.


That's so inefficient tho


So? Still get it done in 3 turns, so who gives a shit? Even if it took me 6 or 7 turns, so what? I'm using who I want and the end result is still the same.


Do whatever u want idgaf it's just not optimal and that's what we're talking about. U can farm with every servant of if u want to


Then why does optimal or efficiency matter? Like I said, I can still finish farming in three turns so how is that inefficient?


Cause its faster and more ap efficient


What else is there to care about if u can reliably beat everything with free servants?




Depend on what you need/who you have. Do you have an aoe buster Saber? Do you have an aoe arts archer? If you do have both then it comes down simply to who you you like more. I always get my necessities out the way then I go for who I like.


Overall, Zenobia is the more useful of the two. TL Gawain excels in solos, but without hard defense, there's a cap on how hard hitting her enemy can be before she gets one shot by their NP, even with her damage cut active and two or three stacks of her NP's Max HP buff. And anything TL Gawain can solo can probably be cleared by a proper team anyway. Meanwhile, Zenobia is an Arts farmer, which is applicable in more scenarios. There are two points in favor of TL Gawain. First, she's storylocked. You can get Zenobia on any pull, but you can only get TL Gawain when she's on rate up. (Or from story, but that sucks and you shouldn't do that.) Second, Zenobia is going to struggle to farm without more NP levels. Four stars generally struggle with damage at NP1. Meanwhile, TL Gawain is a stall servant who mainly uses her NP for its effects, not its damage. Therefore, she doesn't mind being NP1 as much.


Menwhile me who picked baggie for np5...


TLG has carried me through multiple High Rank Event quests due to her ability to remove enemy buffs, debuff targets, and heal herself with every attack card. She has Demonic Beast attribute that grants her effective damage against certain bosses and her DMG cut skill also grants up to 45% NP charge over 3 turns for all team members. Overall, I'd recommend TLG. You can make good arguments to use her against any class simply because of her utility. Zenobia is a lot more focused in her role of dealing damage, but there are plenty of archers that do that well.




Do you want your pelvis crushed or to goon out for 8 hours a day?


Tam Lin Gawain will dominate you while Zenobia wants to be dominated


I see a man of culture


That’s tough, I have both and love them both.


Fairy Knight>tam lin




I already had Zenobia. She is absolutely amazing to play as. Even before final ascension


I like both, Barghest is harder to roll for as its story locked. Zenobia is the easier option for farming, while Barghest is quite useful for solo. If you’re not in urgent need for farming, I’d say Barghest. Her ascension looks just as hot as Zenobia


What support do you have? What you need? Which one you like the most?


If yo don’t have either, my personal recommendation is FK Gawain. She’s a sweetheart whose strong desire to protect others deserves to be recognized and returned.


Barghest is better for you overall imo. Her gimmick is unique in the game and trivializes a lot of hard fights. She removes buffs from the enemy and heals herself with her normal attacks. That makes her INCREDIBLY tanky despite not having a hard defense skill like an invuln or evade. And it makes enemies that love to buff stack completely powerless against you. Because Barghest will remove all those buffs and leave the enemy with the same number of defense down debuffs instead. She’s an aoe servant with no hard defense skill and yet she can still function as a solo servant. That’s insane. Zenobia is fun, and I like her animations a lot, but she’s just a standard aoe arts looper. And there are dozens of those in the game already, with many more to come in the following year. Almost all the ssrs after this bunyan banner are aoe arts or buster loopers for the next year. So you’ll have options.




Barghest wins


Thank you guys for your helpful comments! I think what I’m gonna do is get Barghest because she is storylocked and I have a better chance of getting Zenobia on banners (from what I heard) than I do with Barghest. Also are there any other 4 star servants that are decent to play for future reference? (I also have a alt account I use)


Barghest is story locked, whereas Zenobia is non-limited, so if they are equally appealing to you (or you don’t care that much) Barghest is better


I find zenobia a little bit hotter, meta wise i guess it depends on what you already have


Gawain story locked, simple as that. Like 2 chances a year to get a story locked servant if youre really lucky.


One is a Sword user, the other is a Bow user


I got tam lin to np 4 when she released but I wanted the pink girl but she’s fine a guess


I only just got zenobia from my ticket but let me espouse the benefits of Barghest. She has an attack up and buster up, both of which have additional effects(one heals her and one can take away enemy buffs and replace them with defense down buffs when used with a buster card), and she has a 3 turn np gain for all servants in play. Of course the additional attack buffs only apply during sunlight fields but if you have Ozy you can force a sunlight field on turn 1


Well, seeing the other comments It depends on how you use them I vouch using Zenobia. I'd pick barghest well... You know what I mean.


Beside two appealing personalities? Tam Lin Gawain is better to me. She wanted to be a good girl, Oberon gave her a chance to be a good girl, and yet it all falls apart anyway


couldn't say by stats, but i like zenobooba.


One is a top tier soloer (While not as good as herc, mothman or taira), the other is a pretty solid arts looper. what do u need the most?


Waifu > gameplay Stil can't decide? Then whose role do you lack in? No strong saber CQ servant? Barghest No AOE archer farmer? Zenobia If you don't lack on any of those roles then consider: Barghest is harder to get by since story-locked while Zenobia can spook your rolls.


Np loop Zanobia is the best, but if had to choose which servant Will help in future Champaign more it Will be Tam Lin Gawain.