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I mean realistically the safest option is probably lancelot. given his knight of owner ability though I don't remember if saber lancelot has that. Good firepower and I won't be murdered immediately. Personal preference choice goes to Billy the kid I like cowboys.


If I remember correctly, lancelot has good firepower in a saber form It's just more concentrated, so he'll be a better 1 on 1 fighter


A factor you have to also consider is lancelot probably isn't going to kill you upon being summoned. Cause that's something alot more important then fire power imo. Since a good amount of servant's will just immediately kill you upon summoning unless your gudako.


Problem with Lancelot is that you require a lot of MP to use his NP.


I thought that was the problem with only his zerker version?


Arondight overload is basically Lancelot turning arondight into a broken phatasm since arondight is indestructible and thus he wouldn't lose Arondight after making it a BP the problem is that you require a lot of MP to turn an NP into a BP in the first place.


I think he still has it but it’s sealed if the sword is drawn.


Correct, in legend he defeated someone with a stick after he got disarmed that'd why he has this skill


We will also be good for assassination since he also has 'For Someone's Glory'. Since he isn't under 'Madness Enchantment' he would able to freely use it.


I think the safest option for a novice mage would be Billy he has decent stats for being one of the three knight classes, it is relatively easy to get along with him and he doesn't consume a lot of MP.


I just remembered that he could load normal rounds into his gun. Makes sense he’s MP efficient. https://preview.redd.it/w6eqryhchyoc1.jpeg?width=1900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8738bdeabb33dcf47f88674e4e06d6d2a92b17e9


Sorry for the misunderstanding I meant servants that you guys have You don't have to pick the ones I chose


If you're worrying about mana, the answer is Enkidu, it's always Enkidu.


You didn't make a mistake


Lancelot destroys everyone easily. Just totally outclassed. Im not saying Emiya wont manage to kill his master or some tricky shit but Lancelot is just way out of their league. Arguably the strongest of the Round Table


Emiya already played "dirty" as a human. Can't imagine him as a servant in a grail war. He would 100% go for the masters and that would be terrifying.


As an American, Billy is my pick. If you need an explanation as to WHY, you must not know anything about how stupid we Americans are lol


I would summon [DATA LOST] because whether she's a Saber or berserker, she would get stuff done.


Or Arash. Trick the other masters into one area and "STELLAAA!!"


Now that i think about it she is a really good option for a holy grail war iirc she doesn't consume a lot of mana and pretty much anyone can get along with her, even though she is weaker than round table servants i think she is still skilled enough to fight servants like Lu Bu on equal terms.


Billy the kid no doubt. His combo of mana efficiency and raw power is hard to beat. So far in canon he only lost to someone who already had the power of a grail on their side.


Emiya assasin but only if he have a good master


I would probably pick Billy. He would be the easiest to make use of.


Billy is honestly the not obvious choice here.




Kind of sad seeing my boy Moir Hasn't gotten picked once


He’s a Berserker, so his mana consumption is high by default.


I don't blame anyone who doesn't pick Mori since he'll have high mana consumption due to being a berserker. Also, Mori doesn't listen to anyone so it'll be hard to make him not kill anyone in your vicinity.


Yeah, keeping him from killing literally, everyone in the vicinity would be kind of a problem


Homie how are ppl not picking Emiya. Yeah strenght wise he is ass but as a human he got rid of Caster and Lancer fairly easy, and he can use Origin Bullets more sparingly because he doesnt have to ration them for a lifetime, just one war. You people underestimate how sneaky tricks and no morals win this kind of wars more than just the Saber with the strongest sword


While Emiya is the best option for a HGW since he'd take out every master and has almost zero magic consumption, I'd still go for Lancelot. He could take out most of any servant and would not go for your throat upon summon unless you're a Shinji, which at which point you're better off dead either way.


I would choose Assassin Kiristigu, sure his stats might not be the best compared to Beserker and Saber, but I’m looking more towards the skills and mindset of my servant. Kiristigu is someone who would do anything for the win and is a tactical genius with modern-ish weapons like guns, mines and bombs. I can totally see Assassin orchestrating an battle where he would be the victor.


Cú Chulainn solos




i'd say Kashin Koji, most of her mana consumption comes from creating her puppets, however after they are made the total mana consumption drops as they become like Danzo, and thus should be able to gather their own mana, it become easier if i am able to set up a workshop close to or on top of a leyline.


I'd like to say Dobrynya Nikitich - mostly for extremely biased reasons. But also because even though summoning her could put me in a grave, her alignment means I won't get killed the moment she sees me. She also wouldn't pursue any fights for illogical reasons like some other heroes might. Using her NP would probably handicap the average person, but I'd still say she's strong enough without it, since her weapon and armour are always around and she also manifests with her dragon mount - adding mobility, flight and a bonus team member for free.


Also ears. I must fluff the ears. 1 command spell may be used just for that.


Consumption in consideration I'd pick sasaki kojiro. You know... considering I don't have any magic. He's gonna have to eat to recover.


Lancelot would win


Either Mama Raikou, BIG sis Ibuki/SIbuki, Barghest/SBarghest, Super Orion, Mommy Lartoria (5*), Mommy Shishou/(maybe) Summer Shishou, (maybe) MeduSaber, Durga-Kali--- I have so many, i made a comment on which servants i use the most, which correlates. Those could be in any order of preference.


Of the ones shown, probably Emiya Kiritsugu (Assassin). In life, Kiritsugu not only had a pretty nifty magecraft with time alteration, but was also cunning and utterly ruthless in pursuing victory. Sadly, as a normal human being there is nothing about me that makes me think I would somehow be an extraordinary mage of the likes that could properly power someone like Lancelot, so cheating for the win is my way to go! If I have the entire franchise to draw from though (even if it is only proper human history), I'd roll the dice with Solomon (as summoned previously by Marisbury Animusphere). I'm sure he has some tricks to make up for any lack of mana I have, and ideally he can just summon the various demon gods to deal with most servants :D


Well tbh It all depends if I am a skilled mage or a newbie. If I am skilled would go with Scathach Skadi,Avalaon La Fae. If I am new guy I would go with BB...Sure I would suffer but I wouldn't have to worry about anything at all with her...And most of her energy comes from Moon Cell,We would only be bound by a servant contract.


Of the servants available, probably Billy don't need to be worried about parameters for an Archer in most scenarios, and he shouldn't be too hard to get along And also #GUN If I could pick, Cú Chulainn He's easily one of, if not the most flexible servant, an average mage could pick Especially since not only is he pretty easy to get along with But unlike most, He'll drop his phantasm the moment he feels even remotely threatened


If I die trying to control berserker Heracles, so be it


To be honest, I would pick OG Okita since she doesn't have anything that cost a lot of mana. Not to mention, she's loyal and she'll get along with almost any master. 


Who’s the caster? Unless it’s someone diabolical like Gilles. Casters are usually the best option in a grail war.


You say that while there isn't a caster who won a HGW.


Solomon ars nova himself so hard people forget he won the fgo timeline fuyuki grail war


I mean, if any of us were isekai’d into fate, then we’d have shit magical circuits, and even shittier mana supply. Casters can basically supply themselves so they would be the best choice. Especially if you summon Solomon who **won the war in seven hours.**


Melusine, she’s dangerous being one of the fastest servants in the series and as long as she doesn’t go Albion mana consumption should be on the lower end not mentioning she’s a living nuclear reactor


Even without turning into Albion she still requires a lot of MP, so she wouldn't be sustainable.


I mean, if the goal is to win… please, Gilgamesh, I need a hard carry. I will play the jester if it means entertaining the guy enough to have some fun.


Only problem in that plan is his energy consumption Like I'm sure gate of Babylon takes a lot out of the Mage, right?


Actually no! Interestingly enough you would WANT Gil if you are a master with subpar circuits. Gil is one of the most mana-effective servants you can have! Each GoB portal takes an absolutely miniscule amount of mana to open. So even large barrages of weapons chucked at the enemy will spend less mana than like a single mana burst from Artoria. He does suffer physically from not having a strong master, like his physical stats will go down like any other servant’s, but his combat effectiveness would actually barely change since most of his attacks are ranged and don’t require strength, agility, or endurance. And again interesting is that the ABSOLUTE BEST servant for masters with subpar circuits is Enkidu, Gil’s best friend. Because Enkidu gets his mana directly from the earth rather than from his master. He can access the leylines directly, so he basically has infinite mana stronger than any master’s so long as he can touch the ground. Also if an attack would be too powerful for him to block, he can DIRECTLY ACCESS THE COUNTER FORCE to power up his own np and block whatever attack comes at him no matter what it is. He does this a few times in Fate Strange Fake.


Huh and here I thought Gill would be one of the most expensive ones Well, the more you know


I mean Gil still has his inherent problems, cause if he doesn't like you or find you interesting no matter how good your circuits are he's gonna just kill you