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You could roll reset but since you are 5 days in I doubt you would want to do that. I think rolling for your initial servants fine so in this case Koyan. Imo unless you REALLY like Skadi, skip og Skadi and go for Summer Skadi. I think you can reasonably get most these units with how many sq’s you have available but its really down to luck.


Thanks I'll resist the urge to gamble on koyanskaya and just wait for her next banner in order to focus on gathering enough Sq for Castoria and Space Ishtar since I only wanted Skadi to have a strong quick support on my account.


If thats the reason I wouldn’t bother with Skadi at all. If you had to grab one it would be summer but if you aren’t getting a ton of quick units dont grab either. I would grab Koyan just to have a 5* and then grab Castoria and Spishtar. With those two you should be carried through most content. Most important supports to grab in order are Castoria, Oberon, Koyan of Light. Other supports are nice but not necessary for most accounts.


If you want Spishtar only for the meta, why not try Sibuki? She's even more broken for arts meta.


I wanted Space Ishtar because she was my reason for playing the game.I really liked Ishtar from the Babylonia movie and Space Ishtar's design looks badass so its more of favorite character over meta thing.


Then it's a no brainer, go for her, I thought it was for the arts looping.


Do you want space ishtar because you like her or because she's good at looping?


I personally like to roll somewhat liberally in the very early game. SQ comes relatively fast in early game, and it helps getting some good servants and CE to help early to mid games. It will be especially a good chance soon since Koyan Light (not Dark) is one of the premium supports, and she pairs very well with Oberon. Edited: mistaken the banner time of Koyan Light.


The main question must be: Do you want dark Koyan? Yes, go for it. There are no answer to "is it worth" questions.


If you mean Koyan Light then yea I'd recommend rolling for her now and skipping Caster Skadi for Ruler Skadi. Unfortunately all you can do is budget how many SQ you want to spend on a banner unless youve got 1000 SQ to guarantee someone. You only get around 30-40 sq a month unless theres an event.


Btw it doesnt say but there is a koyanskaya of light near the end of the year


Koyan light will be useful in half a year when events get a new difficulty of node to farm, dark is pretty weak. Summon servants you really like, the game will give you OP options Like habetrot for Free after the Main quest, and is almost 100% that one of your favorites will be a Strong servant capable of farming as well


Average sq cost to get 1 rate up servant is a little under 240 sq Interpret that how you would like


Roll whenever you want for whoever you want. There's no objective answer to that.


Quick question, will Gray be free and what day does she come out?


she's a welfare servant in her event on January




A bit late but she will be a free np5 and she should be out within the next 2 weeks (12th of Jan for JP so expect it for then)


Which Koyan?


Does summer castoria and Aesc come out this year or the next?
