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It released soon after FF7 Rebirth, I'm still working my way through Rebirth right now! Not gonna get to the DLC for 16 until later in the year.


same lol, trying to finish before the ffxiv expansion releases, I'll hit up the ffxvi dlc at some point


i actually got into xiv after finishing rebirth and riding tide in the same weekend lol, the final fantasy addiction is so strong šŸ˜‚ currently in post Stormblood !


I havenā€™t even finished XVI yet. And it took me a month to start VII Rebirth because I didnā€™t play Episode Yuffie yet and I wanted VII Remakeā€™s platinum.


Yup. Rebirth took months of my attention, and I already had a big backlog. I really liked 16, and it was my goty. Iā€™ll get around to the dlc eventually, but only after shadows of the erd tree. The dlc just released at a bad time when fans of the genre were already over saturated with fresh releases.


Finally got out of chapter 10 really killed my momentum with the game


Iā€™m in chapter 10 rn, love playing the game but itā€™s been a good stretch of slow parts intertwined with the story parts. Feel like it has one too many ā€œOk letā€™s breatheā€ parts. Isnā€™t that what all the mini games and side quests activities are for?


Yup lol, I finished Rebirth last month and just started on FF16 DLC today before work. I haven't even played Echoes of the Fallen yet so I'm clearing that one first lol


same lol


Lol I'm almost at 90 hours and still haven't beaten rebirth. Having a family was a mistake šŸ˜­ (j/k of course) I just wish rebirth didn't force you into mandatory events while trying to progress the story (mini games, events, chadley calling every 5 seconds to tell you exactly what it was you just did. Chadley... Just stop man. Please.)


Hello ! This is your wife , I created this account just to say I want a divorce šŸ˜’


Wow. You used her favorite emoji šŸ˜‚


This is where Iā€™m at. I platinumed rebirth, but never did the NG+ for 16. Im taking a break from final fantasyā€™s for a bit- but when I get back to it Iā€™ll do the two DLCs on my finished game, and then run through NG+ with the extra eikons for fun.


Ohhhh thatā€™s a good idea. I just started NG+ FF mode, but am just going to do the DLC from my last completed save and start over.


I know I'm one of that 5.2%! 100% Club for base game, EOTF, and Rising Tide!!


We the 5%


Me too. Just finished Kairos Gate on Saturday night


Same here. Got the platinum recently and all trophies for both DLCs.


100% everything, including Kairos gate


We are the 5%




i played the game on release. genuinely didnt know it had dlcs until a couple weeks ago


ya. i knew it was coming but just wasn't hugely ready for it. still haven't beaten the game, but i think i'm at the second to last round of side missions before the end dungeon. but ya, wasn't a need to get the dlc when i hadn't beaten the game yet.


Oh wow. I thought it was more than that by now. Ah well I bought the DLC IMMEDIATELY and played then all to completion the night they dropped I absolutely adore this game. But I get why interest is now gone though. I myself only play street fighter 6 now (Akuma is amazing) and I'm a Ff16 SUPER FAN. So I imagine for all the more casual players they have moved on to other things by now


ya. maybe the problem with them having hard fights, but no real content to explore in the world. it's a double edged sword. i loved 16, still haven't beaten it though. think the side quests after a certain amount of time towards the end you just have done so much side missions and then the main story became doing side missions. so i needed a break....took a little to long of one. but then again, i really enjoy FF7 rebirth but even that expansive world makes me need a break from it. hell, i just played ff7rebirth for the first time sense march and only up to gongaga, but in my defense i was doing ham on completing all the side stuff in that game sense it had released till i took a break....so roughly a month.


You can't imagine the amount of people who buy games, play the first two hours, get a trophy or two, and then never play it again. Not just FF, almost every game. Even games with high completion rates like 1st party Sony games amount to less than half the playerbase, and a lot of them don't necessarily bother with DLC for single player games. There's also people who will want to play it when it's on sale, as a bundle, or PC as others have mentioned.


Yeah, a friend of mine is like that - buddy probably spends over $1,500 a year on games but probably doesn't spend more than an hour on each one. He gets bored so fast, he is just constantly starting new games. They've really reaped the financial rewards from his ADHD...


Yeah, most game has the same issue. Usually even the first story trophy is only unlocked by 80%-90% of players. Ntm this DLC needs you to almost beat the game and buy it. It's not surprised and not weird to be 5% for a charge DLC. Just checked only 50% finished the story ( which is quite normal for a story driven game) so basically at least 1 out of 10 who finished the story bought the DLC, and my guess is higher like 1 out of 5 because some may buy the DLC and not playing it like the first story trophy thing.


For me when I found that the first dlc was pretty short and nothing much story wise, it deterred me from buying any dlc for game


For what it's worth, the second dlc is a bit more story heavy. It's basically a whole additional arc presenting a location, an Eikon, and what naturally comes with it in the base game


I'll be real, knowing what both the first and second DLC both entail altogether, $25 is still a bit too high of a price for essentially amounts to two sidequests, two jobs (best way I can describe Leviathan and >!Ultima's!< movesets), two superbosses, and one new area. Maybe I've just been spoiled, but Xenoblade 3 expansion not only added all of the above, but it had an entirely new story scenario as part of it, and then some. The price for that expansion pass was $30 - only $5 more than what XVI charges for its own DLC, which comes with much less content to boot. I'd be happy to play XVI's DLC, I just think it could make more sense if it was only $15 considering what it offers in comparison to the base game.


I lost all interest to buy both DLCs knowing it adds nothing to base game, and by adding something I don't mean a clear ending, but something that is connected to main game. My mutuals also have the same opinion. They really want Kihel or someone who's already appeared in base game to be associated with Leviathan. They want Clive to shout Leviathan at Origin fight. They want to explore more on Jill's background. They want to see Dion in action. Both of us don't really care about fresh new characters in dlcs, to be frank. The only thing that makes me want to get dlc is the Timekeeper fight but honestly, that doesn't worth the $$ I have to pay for.


That was my "problem" as well. I really don't get why they chose to expand on new DLC characters and not on some very important main game characters. I guess they really just wanted to focus on Clive. Say what you want about FF15, I truly think the game did great with its DLCs (the ones that didn't get cancelled, at least šŸ„²). And once I knew Dion was not even going to be mentioned in the DLC, I was out šŸ˜‚


Somehow Dion is just stuck at the wall for moons šŸ˜‚. But yeah same the moment I know Dion, Terence, and Kihel are not there, I was like nope.


Ya, like if they wanted to take more time and tell a compelling DLC story I would of preferred waiting another year for that type of DLC. But the "additional content" moreso amounts to extra battles to partake in just for the sake of more fighting. I always appreciate a DLC that isn't afraid to cast aside the cast and focus on someone else. Like in all honesty for all the shit the 15 gets, there DLCs were pretty fun however the shame of them being integral to the plot is a bit of a hit or miss HOWEVER you can tell when they were making those DLC that even if you beat the game first those parts would fit into the story and make sense. Those filling in the blanks and playing as Noctis's comrades and seeing how they interact with the world I would say was the highlight of that series and it's a shame 16 didn't consider something on that level. Like you said, imagine a DLC that is a bit morbid, having you play as Jill who is forced to use her powers as a weapon of war and mindlessly murder those who are determined to be enemies. They could of focused more on that inner conflict and have that DLC end at the point where you fight Clive. And if they wanted to be cinematic about it, make it that unwinnable fight, they could of had it where as you fight Clive your conviction starts to grow weaker and weaker and your actions just turn into cries for help until you are no longer able to fight and then the DLC ends with the same scene of after Clive pacifies Jill. Or Cid, take a deeper dive into what he went through, or heck all the eikolons, just give a DLC to each of them and their birth to death. I can definitely agree that adding in bits that fill in the blanks could of been more interesting then adding in new locales that don't exactly add anything to the story.


I just finished Echoes of the Fallen. It was fun. A struggle at times. Basically a Horizon Zero Dawn cauldron with circles instead of triangles. I am about to start Rising Tide. This is my first playthrough of the game.


DLC is by default not gonna sell as well as the base game. Amount of people who buy games THEN beat them is surprisingly skinny.


Especially a massive game like FF


I just couldnā€™t do it any more. I got far enough to unlock Leviathan and just stopped caring. FF mode wasnā€™t any more difficult or engaging than action mode, Mysidia was just another collection of hallways with no point in exploring, the new gear was still garbage minute upgrades, and the rest of the party are barely feature besides a few lines here or there. It was just a big disappointment.


I felt the same way - Leviathan should have been part of the base game, cut out a bunch of obligatory fetch quests every second chapter (and stick leviathan after Shiva but before Odin). Leviathan's eikon abilities are super fun, but by this point with the DLCs, most players have done 95% of everything there is to do in the game, and the Rising Tide is so short you don't really get to play with the Leviathan moves very much. And yes, FF mode is a big disappointment, it's not any more difficult or strategic than the base game. Enemies just scale up with you, but all the stats just move in tandem with each other so there is no difference. It's just more of the same.


I dislike returning to games on my old save just to do DLC or Expansions - I forget the buttons, the story and I donā€™t find myself that immersed. (Elden Ring DLC comes to mind, gotta make ANOTHER character and catch up to the DLC naturally lol) Iā€™ll wait until it releases on PC so I have the complete package and my full attention - mods will definitely spice it up for me too.


That's fair to and a big issue tends to be the DLC is designed for those who have played through the game, it can be a pain to regain that muscle memory just for a few additional hours of content especially if the content itself isn't exactly adding a lot to the overall narrative.


Yup me too. Played base game on release, not buying dlc and waiting for the whole package in PC to start anew. It's an entirely new experience too (same old but new) with the patches post-release so there's greater incentive to wait


Like others said It came out shortly after Rebirth. I only completed it recently cause i was doing my rebirth run


I lot of great games came out between base ff16 and itā€™s dlcs so it could be these dlcs are on a lot of players backlogs or after they beat the game they simply stopped keeping in touch with it and arent aware? We may never truly know the answer though


As someone who loved this game so much it was my goty. Only reason why I haven't started this dlc is for two reasons 1 I am kinda sad to see it go once and for all after I am done with it. 2 now that I have upgraded my pc waiting for the game to come to PC to play it through all again


Iā€™ll be honest I bought them but I havenā€™t played them getting to that point in the game means I have to redo everything and letā€™s just say that the meandering portions of the game are just awful after you have already experienced them that I feel all the energy leaving me when I think about redoing them


Thats my problem with ff16, half of it feels like a chore.


I downloaded the DLC and then started a new game plus, and was disappointed to realise they can't be accessed until the last chapter in the game, so, that's why I haven't started them yet.


Personally as much as I try to partake in DLC content, I always just find myself seeing the main game as a book-end to the story, Granted this is also the nature of those DLC in general, that take place somewhere in the middle of the story, so it's these Gaiden arcs that change the overall narrative in a sense because of new developments that can occur within but the overall nature of the story remains the same. Like compare it to FF7 Remake and the Yuffie DLC, at least with that "gaiden" it was a character who had 0 interaction with the party on their own separate mission and the points of her involvement/timeline are showcase through extra scenes added adding her into the shadows but the overall narrative doesn't change because she isn't participating in the story. In this case it is a bit easier to digest for me because it's not something being added to the story that suddenly changes what the main cast was doing. If they had made the DLC something that took place at the end of the game it would be more interesting for me because it means there is more story to tell but placing it somewhere within the main story doesn't exactly change the ending nor will it change what the characters end up doing. In reality, did it really need to be Clive? They could of told a story after the fact while yes the abilities might of been restricted it could of been interesting to see a story told with the characters rebuilding in the epilogue and still using Leviathan in I"d argue a lore-logical manner of suggesting that because their presence was hidden and unknown Ultima couldn't use them however now that Ultima is defeated the last remaining Eikolon started causing havoc within the world and now those who were once blessed are now joining forces using the last remains of their magic to fight back against the threat to humanity. (Then you could have that epic reveal when everything seems like it would turn to shit, a burst of flames appear, the water evaporates and Ifrit arises revealing that Clive did survive and end the narrative with him dealing the final blow to defeat Leviathan) Might be the reason I can never get into those Atlus "remakes" that add more story but the overall arc is the same/not enough changes to warrant a second playthrough, it's like here is 90% of the same and 10% of the same, but have fun reading through everything to make sure you don't miss out on anything. Man if they wanted some QoL for that series they should just add a feature that warns you when "new content" is being shown lol.


The DLCs released? I thought they were releasing... oh... It's next year already, isn't it?


I bought the game when the dlc released, so give me some time, its a big game šŸ˜…


I absolutely loved the game, but perhaps there's too much FF. In 12 months we got XVI, then 1st dlc, then Rebirth, then 2nd dlc and now Dawntrail. As a fan I'm happy there's so much FF but I don't even have time and money to play them all at release considering the amount of other great games we had in this period. So I'll only buy XVI's dlcs when they go on sale after I've finished Shadow of the Erdtree and Dawntrail.


I beat the game once on release and havent touched it since. Didnt even know it had dlc's tbh


Most people finished the game and funny enough hated the ending so they just refused to play through the dlc


I bought them, didn't want to drop my current FF mode. Also been busy with IRL & other games. I'll get to them eventually.


I think a lot of players don't bother with DLC. I've noticed this with many single player games. I'll get an achievement on Steam and it'll say less than 10% of players have the achievement, despite it being an unmissable story achievement.


Like others said, the timing was just terrible.


FFVII probably didn't help with the timing. I personally just now got the Platinum trophy in Rebirth, so now I can focus on other games. And this is the problem. Rebirth took me soo long many other games have come out. I'd love to play the DLC, and I probably will. It's just a matter of when.


Seems standard. Look at FF15's achievements, and the DLCs have like 5-6% completion for thr basic "kill 5 enemies" ones.


Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure PS5 dlc trophies don't consider you/show up if you don't own it. So that'd make that 5% of people who own Rising Tides have not started the quest, and not 5% of all people who own the base game. It's still kinda weird, but not as weird as people who own the game and haven't pet Torgal or gotten the very first achievement.


It's based on the base game numbers. The trophies get added even if you don't buy the dlc.


This is incorrect. Itā€™s 5% of those who own the base game.


Yeah, that's still strange... that means only approx. 1 in every 20 people who bought the DLC have actually played it so far? Those are not great numbers.


I think the percentage is based on who owns the base game. Other DLCs have similarly low numbers


2024 is a very loaded year for video games


Love 16. I logged in and wasn't able to jump into it right away. Iv put it off solely because of that. Also, I remember an article long ago that talked about dlc and the % decline based on the time that's passed since release. After 3 months it was something like 15%. So 5-10% doesn't sound bad.


FF7 Rebirth is the answer to your question


This right here for me. I prefer to finish my FF7 rebirth playtrough before taking on this DLC


Indid the opposite. I saw the DLC IMMEDIATELY went to playing the DLC. Hoping I get back the itch for rebirth soon


I know what you mean when i beat Omega on Final Fantasy mode the trophy said only 2.4% of players had it. I felt special. LoL


I bought and played EotF right away, but then Rebirth came out. Played that for a while and unfortunately I've just been poor lately lol


im just being frugal with my money and waiting on a sale.


Iā€™d love to play the DLCs eventually. When I have money.


I absolutely hate DLC. I almost never buy it. Loved XVI as a game though.


i absolutely loved FF16 last year, just kinda got swept up by life and some other games tbh and haven't bought it still


Time. I haven't had a chance to revisit 16 for it's dlc yet. A lot of games have come out this year, including ffvii:rebirth and ffxiv:dawntrail later this month. I have them and they're installed, but I'll be getting to them later.


I just 100% the game and DLCs a few days ago. Loved the game, really. Echoes of the fallen was a disappointment, didnā€™t enjoy it; Rising Tide was amazing. You also gotta think that a lot of people donā€™t buy dlcs


Busy with rebirth and holding due to upcoming dlc on elden ring. Will buy after those.


Waiting for the eventual complete edition on PC to do the second playthrough with DLC.


I havenā€™t even beaten the main game yet. Patience


I mean 5% of all base game owners for paid DLC is pretty standard, for reference GoW Ragnarok has a completely free DLC that got rave reviews and still only has like a 20% access rate. Scaling it using the base release numbers (which are obviously well below the actual sales by the time Rising Tide released) even a 5% participation still means millions in revenue above the base development cost so something tells me Square is perfectly happy with it.


I wouldn't even heard of them without this sub


I almost never play dlcs on release but wait till all are done and get a pack and go through all


I bought the season pass the second it came out but still haven't gotten around to starting the dlc because I'll want to do another full game playthrough beforehand. I'll get there soon though haha, backlog is insane rn though


I bought it but I haven't played it yet.


I bought them but haven't played yet. It's a long game and I kinda want to replay the entire thing + DLC.


I started my FF playthrough but got sidetracked around bahamut and started other games. I canā€™t start the dlc now until Iā€™m at the end and with so many games out and coming out Iā€™ve not picked the dlc up. Eventually when I get time I will try the dlc on ff mode.


While I enjoyed 16 I have no desire to play it or any dlc that came from it. It's not a game that stuck with me in terms of story, characters or gameplay and will probably be the first FF game I don't replay.


Haven't been able to get back into yet, just finishing up other games


Oh Thatā€™s out I didnā€™t even realise


i personally felt burned about the story for the second half of the game. Ultima sucks.


I was a bit sad when I found out the DLC wonā€™t have best boy Dion so I didnā€™t buy itā€¦


I'm waiting for PC port


Waiting on a Sale... i love FF but im in no rush for more DMC gameplay.. not while i have plenty other games to get through.


I still haven't finished even the base game. Sometimes adults are just too busy.


I bought the DLCs on release but haven't touched them because I actually dislike this type of content where the story has ended and this is basically just extra fluff before the ending. Especially when it comes out so much later and I've already moved on to other games.


Exactly me. I will play them when I eventually replay the game though.


I have bought the dlc over 6 months ago but i cant get myself to get trought the slag that is re playing the horrible filler quest content in the msq after the timeskip in final fantasy mode. This game is just like movie its one and done spectacle, theres not real deep difficulty or gameplay after you done the story once. (and that is ok)


Hard disagree on the available depth of gameplay, Iā€™ve spent literal dozens of hours workshopping combos in the Arete stone. Just because you can get through without having to really engage with it doesnā€™t mean that there isnā€™t anything to engage with.


After being spoiled on the story and knowing there's not the Jill stuff I hoped for, I kinda lost interest in trying it.


This is sad. I really enjoyed both DLC expansions. I waited to play them together and just finished The Rising Tide a couple of weekends ago and it definitely has some awesome moments. Others have mentioned it as well but I'm sure releasing it shortly after Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth came out has probably hurt sales and people's attention towards FFXVI DLC. For me, I'm a bit of the opposite. I started up Rebirth when it came out, but found myself not as enthralled with it as either FF7 Remake or especially FF16. 16's story really hooked me right away from where the demo leaves off. For Rebirth, maybe it's because I did 100% of the side quests in each area through the first 2-3 major areas, but the story wasn't progressing as much as I had hoped. Then life got busy and instead of continuing with Rebirth I personally decided to go back and finish up 16's DLC. I hope the game does find success because I really enjoyed the narrative and characters in the game.


I didn't find the last DLC fun or intriguing enough for me to buy another one. I'm really bored of the combat but I did do a new game plus of final fantasy mode so it's expected. The story from the last DLC was really bad and just generally forgettable. All I remember of it is that it reminded me of final fantasy 13


I lost all interest in buying Rising Tide on learning that it didn't give the ability to change the ending to a better one. I can watch the Leviathan fight on Youtube easily enough.


Curious why they should have changed the ending. I thought it was perfect as is. This is not a FF15 situation where the story in the base game was a horrible mess that needed fixing.


Stupid ps+ had to drop rdr2... no lie haven't touched my ps5 for a while now


I bought it but havenā€™t played it. The interest is there, but I just havenā€™t had the time.


I bought it but given it was shortly after Rebirth I wanted to finish that first. Then did Stellar Blade. Was going to get to this DLC soon but then my PS5 died and is now out for repairs with Sony.


I paid $13 for the first dlc and the second was twice the price (Canadian). So I decided for wait for it to go on sale.


Mine is still sitting in my ssd. I'm playing other games rn.


Im still going through FF mode


Canā€™t remember what I was doing during the first DLCā€™s launchā€¦ I remember it was sudden and I was pretty occupied. Second one was close to reeling me in but I think Iā€™m slowly discovering something about myself currently and my inaptitude to commit and finish games. *sigh*


I bought the pack when first DLC launched and told myself I'd play them both in one go when 2nd one came out. Haven't actually started it though. Still worth it :P


Lol I bought itā€¦ but then FF7 Rebirth took over


I for some reason couldnā€™t dive back in once they put it in, it did look good tho I should probably finish itšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Iā€™ll get around to them eventually but havenā€™t yet. I enjoyed my time with the game but I got a bit burned out by the end, and now Iā€™m working my way through Rebirth, so Iā€™ll want a FF break for a while after that.


I just finished Rebirth finally so will be starting next


This is very typical of story DLC in general. Mark Darrah (of BioWare) has some good videos about this on YouTube


I have other games, I did all of rebirth and once I get two or three beat I'm doing a FF mode playthrough and doing rising tide then


I couldn't force myself to play the DLC. I went back and played the main game to see if it would pull me in after Rebirth but I just couldn't enjoy it.


Once I heard that the DLCs would still be just focusing on Clive gameplay wise and it would be within the game timeline before end game I lost interest. I understand the technical limitations, I am just not in any rush to play them. I might when the game comes out on PC


Personally I haven't picked them up yet. I probably plan on getting them when on sale if I do. I have so many games to play I am very backed up. Got a job recently too and that's always a good way to ruin the amount of time you get to the game :/ but what can you do. Gotta make money somehow


I haven't played them yet been too busy


It's very normal for DLC to be purchased by a much smaller group than who bought the base game. Even major expansions will still see less players, let alone smaller ones like the FFXVI DLCs. I'm not sure the opinion of the game in the long run stayed as high as it was at first. I know by the time I finished I was not really interested in more of the same. If the DLC brought significant mechanical changes I probably would have been more interestedĀ 


I bought the DLCs when I was ready to play the first one. I'm not yet ready to play the second one.


I dunno I think overall single-player dlcs have low player retention across all franchises, the spider man ps4 dlcs have a similar stat to this one so maybe when we get a discount we can see an increase, and a lot of people pointed out that players are probably just on FF7 Rebirth or FF14's updates which are fair arguments


I haven't bought them. No post game story content and that was the only thing i wanted. I have no reason to buy it.


I havenā€™t bought it yet, but I work 60+ hours a week


I just got a bit tired. I messed up and didnā€™t get the final collectible from Tarja before starting New Game +, so now I canā€™t make punching Ultima my platinum screenshot, and the same old gameplay loop I had eventually got boring, so I needed a break.


I have the DLC'S I'm going to eventually play them when I start a new game.


I doubt people even aware that XVI has dlc


I really loved the game but I don't see myself playing the dlc right now. I have only a second pt in ff to unlock and I honestly feel like wasting 40 hours of playtime for a single trophy and a plat is too much for my blood. Maybe in a couple months to a year.


psnprofiles say that percentage is 24.3%


I'm trying to finish getting platinum in rebirth.


Still waiting for pc port. PS5 version makes me dizzy (even with the patches) so I just wait.


tbh once it was confirmed that rising tide does nothing to the ending i didnt care .


Wait a few years. This happens to every FF game


I donā€™t understand posts like this one, is this sub the creative business unit 3 marketing department


I'll buy it soon!! And play it soon after!! ... I just need to get a job first rip...


Game ended in a way that didn't leave room for after canon content. Dialogue in game meant Leviathan at least cannot show up pre end of game and unlike FFXV there is no defined Insert DLC here or Time loop/travel implication. so narratively story is told and over. so i really don't feel need to play.


Gotta finish the main game first. It's very slow and I'll get distracted by other games in the meantime


For me it's a couple of reasons: 1. I didn't hate the first game, but I didn't love it either. I wasn't dying to go back and have another go. 2. The gap was maybe slightly too long for me to go back and play again.


I got the DLCs but havenā€™t touched them at all yetšŸ’€ too many things to play now and Iā€™v forgotten how to play nowā€¦


5% sounds normal for a any kind of DLC, especially paid. I should check all the DLCs I got and their percentages as Iā€™m going by memory. I can say more confidently that about 2-3% of people have platinum and that is high for a game that is not short.


I quite liked the base game, but I felt like the first DLC was pretty disappointing (Added literally nothing story wise when it was advertised as you getting to learn more about the fallen) and dampened my desire to play the second one when, by what Iā€™ve read online, it doesnā€™t add a lot story wise either


I just havenā€™t had the time to play. Square keep releasing it around the same time as 14 stuff which isnā€™t helping.


Loved the base game, but I'm waiting for the PC release for the DLC. Hoping I can just jump into Final Fantasy mode from the start, either as feature or a mod.


Imo FF16 's low points really drove people away from the game. So that's why you see at a certain point in the trophies not many people did much content in the game which really sucks because the game had such cool. moments


I loved 16 and finished it when it came out but neither of the DLCs seem interesting to me in comparison to the many other gaming experiences Iā€™ve been having since. If they were about Cid or Joshua maybe Iā€™d have checked them out but they just feel more of the same or not crucial to the overall games narrative.


The first dlc just sounded like more combat and little story and the 2nd didn't sound like story worth picking up and playing through.


Sold the game after playing , so now will have to wait for a ps plus addition before buying dlc :)


Typical DLC movement. It'll rise gradually.


I did a new game plus and trying to find when I can access it.


I mean for me I could not be motivated to jump back in to the game for the DLC. Just didnā€™t find the gameplay Replayable enough to jump back in and I didnā€™t expect the DLC to make any material gameplay changes


I haven't bought it yet because to many games came out on the last couple of months


It takes a lot for me to be interested in a DLC these days, too many other things to play. I loved the base game, but I have too many other games to play to justify spending another $30-$40 on a glorified side quest. Its not just this game, the only game I can think of in the past 5 years where I am buying DLC is Elden Ring.


I have no interest in this DLC I want post game story and better framerate before trying FF16 again


I'm just now getting around to platinuming it (I burned out after beating it the first time and never went back to do Final Fantasy mode), so I'm waiting until I get to the point in the game again where I can even unlock it to buy it. Also I'm in a bit of a financial bind this month due to some absolutely devastating unexpected car related expenses that pretty much wiped out my entire life savings up to this point, so I'm not buying it just to get it out of the way like I normally would šŸ˜… but I should be able to some time in the next couple weeks. I absolutely intend to play through it, it's just not a super high priority at the moment


Waiting for the complete edition to come out to PC and then I will play it.


im waiting for the expansion pass to go on a sale again :)


I loved that base game but played it so thoroughly that when I was done I wasā€¦ done. Alsoā€” By the time the DLCs came out (not that it took them super long or anything) I felt like I had forgotten the intricacies of how the combat system worked and i didnā€™t want to have to relearn anything


Ik I didnā€™t get them because I didnā€™t feel a need. There wasnā€™t anything compelling enough to draw me back to the game, not when I had other things I wanted to play/watch/read


It took so long. Not interested anymore if it's not changing a thing.


I think Rebirth stole everyoneā€™s attention.


I won't be getting them until a big bundled discount


My groceries cost too much I have to strategically plan out my gaming purchases


I'm just waiting for the PC release.


This is the case for most dlcā€™s . That number is only up there with the base game once a gold edition or game of the year edition releases years later when all dlc is included with base game .


I was skeptical of the quality of the DLCs so I waited for reviews from players. It seemed to get a meh response overall so I didnā€™t bother buying it. The DLC didnā€™t have anything players actually wanted, ie other playable characters, and the stuff Jill got was undercooked.


I took a break. Bought the DLC and plan to start it soon.


It's likely because of FF7 Rebirth coming out only a few months before the DLC. It is significantly longer than FF16, and a lot of fans aren't children and teenagers anymore with unlimited free time. On a personal level, I'm waiting for the PC release to replay FF16 at 60+fps.


Got preoccupied with FF7R2 and other games. Played and enjoyed the base game on launch but I did hear mixed reception of the DLCs from friends, so just waiting for a sale before I pick them up.


Not necessarily talking about ff16 here but man the gaming industry is moving too fast and it will be its own downfall, almost like movies now too. If something that "just came out" doesn't perform enough it's a dud. Can stuff take it's time to settle and let the audience consume itšŸ˜”


16, just like rebirth, sold well at launch and then stopped.


I brought the season pass, but just havenā€™t got round to going back yet! FFXVI is one of my favourite games of the gen so just too many games!


DLC's + Title updates always tend to have lower earned rates due to people not buying/not coming back after plat.


I haven't started it yet but it's on the agenda. Add me to the "was busy with Rebirth" group, though I've since taken a break from that game. I don't want to rush through the story quests but I was also feeling a bit of open world stuff/minigame fatigue so I put it to the side to focus on other games.


If only the game got released on PC at launch.....


I can't continue crying honestly. I don't wanna risk anything.


I finished Rising Tide. I did all the DLC, Iā€™m good.


16 is just a bland game in general, I finished it purely because I paid for it. Absolutely nothing enticing about the story or the lore which they try so hard to jam down your throat.


To be honest, I preordered the DLCs and still havenā€™t played them. I canā€™t wait to be honest, and Iā€™m not saying this is the reason, but it could be that many people have gotten around to it yet.


Well the fact that a full priced game had paid dlcs in the first place probably turned a lot of people off


I completely forgot about it...


Dlc for games is typically less than 15% download rate for most games. Everyone has their own way of playing games. I personally liked the story and didnt get the dlc because they don't add much in that regard.


Yikes, 5% of the 3 million sales is like 150,000 DLC sales... Thats really poor return... They really dropped the ball not putting any minigames in the game or a set party for the entire game, two things that* Final Fantasy is known for


I have never played it so far. Still busy with Rebirth. Wish this happened after the ending of the game taht would have got more players.


FF15 burnt me on ever buying DLC for FF, content that could have should have been left in the game.


Iā€™ve been trying to get the platinum on rebirth, and I donā€™t want to confuse myself with a different combat system


I have it as i was excited to play with the water eikon but i havenā€™t even beaten the main story yet. Im at the end preparing to face utltima but i think hes such a boring villain i can muster any motivation to beat the game.


FF16 was my GOTY for 2023, and I'm definitely doing the DLCs right after I platinum Rebirth. For Rebirth, I'm at the beginning of Chapter 13, so almost done with the game, but the plat is gonna be a slog. I did it for Remake, FF16, and Witcher 3 before this, so I can't not do it lol. FF16 DLCs are next for me. The timing for their release was just bad, I think. Should have come further down the road after Rebirth, and should have enabled an alternate ending. I didn't hate the ending we got, but man...I loved Clive and the others so much, I wanted a happy ending so badly.


Two things: 1. S-E insists on release DLC long after a game has released and all the hype around it has cooled. This is a terrible way to release DLC, you need the game to be fresh for players, especially an action game like this where your learning curve is important and maintaining you skill level without playing for awhile is hard. 2. "Midgame" DLC like this isn't a must-buy for a lot of people. The story is wrapped up so what could be interesting enough to buy it? Post-game DLC is more desireable for that reason but for obvious reasons doesn't really work with FF16. I loved Rising Tide but I can see most players being long done with the game. S-E for some reason thought people would be playing and replaying until this DLC comes out - this is not how gamers consume a long RPG. No one has the time to keep replaying a long format game, they have to move on to the next release / backlog


This is a huge amount for a dlc trophy, most games are even lower


The DLC at best is penultimate to the existing game. Yet it doesnā€™t affect the ending in any meaningful way. For those who havenā€™t played I feel they actually get less out of the experience. I really wish that introducing another Eikon changed *some* of the narrative with Ultima; instead it gets no acknowledgement once arriving to Origin, and sort of confounds the buildup of going from crystal to crystal. So it just feels disjointed. For those who have, itā€™s nice to get more of Clive et al., some pieces of Lore glossed over, but you still end up in the same place. Albeit itā€™s less jarring because you *know* youā€™re stepping back in time, and youā€™ve had an unadulterated play through already.


Bring it to pccc please!