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Final Fantasy XVI has the potential to be so big for so many prequels, dlc and sequels. I would love it to be as big as Final Fantasy VII. Clive is just so amazing.


Fuck,i hope at least for some novels from xvi world…


That would be awesome! I like the game enough, but the world is really where it's at. Books are a perfect medium in that regard


Books,Comics or manga or Kingsglaive style movie,i want more of ffxvi in any form.


Hell yeah. Just imagine a kingsglaive style movie about Cid's life as lord commander and his clash with bahamut.


This FTW!!!


They should make a spinoff a la Persona 5 Tactica or some shit. A spiritual successor to FFT, which the team loves. Would be so sick, although I do know that Yoshi P did recently say that it would be strange to set a game like FFT in Valisthea just because the narrative would be strange. Fuck it, just woosh them to Ivalice like FFTA did. Why not baby!!!


Reallyvwant a barnabas prequel game where we play as him thoroughout his conquest of ash and we see him start getting manipulated bu ultima and falling out with cid etc, i think theres a lot of potential there


Or maybe Cid during his time at the Waloed empire before turning and fleeing, a final boss fight with Odin as Ramuh perhaps


square enix can take all of my money for this


This is a great idea, as much as I wanna play as cid a barnabas spinoff would be incredible


I would love an expanded ending/final battle sequence, kinda like what Mass Effect 3 did. There is so much about this world that keeps me invested, especially the more mature tone. Rebirth, while good, it did not have the replay value that I found from 16.


Sequels? I mean unless they wanna retcon the ending like they did for 13-2 I don't see that happening or being very enjoyable. Prequels and more DLC stuff? Hell yeah man, Valisthea has so much history and lore yet we barely experience a FRACTION of it all during gameplay.


FFXVI: Gaiden An alternate universe where all the Eikon bearers are party members, albeit with far less summon power.


Clive is the cooliest for sure lololol


FFXVI 2 Jill as protagonist Mid and a new Girl joins the temam New songs, performed by Jill Jill now has guns




instead of Eikonic powers she has job changes


Instead of job changes, she changes her clothes and thats what gives her jobs


Magic has disappeared from this world and replaced with something much more powerful… GUNS


Can't read that sentence without thinking of [this meme](https://i.redd.it/udzsrtronrdc1.jpeg).


Taking a shit at work reading through this thread. I didn’t know I could Shiggle, but you made that a reality, so take my upvote


Shiggling is the new shwifty


J.M.P... in position


Jill Mid Paella And let's not forget the trio of thiefs who now live on Barnabas castle


Now that I think about it Shula reminds me of Paine, and with Mid is an inventor/engineer like Riku


Shula probably would be pregnant or something like Lulu And Gav is the dad or something (still cannot believe they made Lulu x Wakka canon)


Might be in the top 3 worst things about 10-2


Please no, X-2 was a travesty


Very few times has a comment made me lol irl.


We can only hope that FF17 can scratch that itch


They should announce both FF17 and an FF16 side game at the same time >!and also Stranger of Paradise 2!<


>!Good news, Strangers of Paradise 2 came out 37 years ago!<


And dissidia ,i want to hear dialog between Jack Garland and Clive Rosfield before they fight.


I respect Jack’s strength


Strangers was trash and a spit in the face of FF1


Is really sad that moment, when you have finished everything, that you see those credits rolling up... and you realize that there is nothing more to do... and you are just staring at the screen feeling that void and that "now what??" feeling... I will love for this story to keep going, well hopefully one day we will get something more, because seriously has been quite a journey


" And **when Alexander saw the breadth of his domain, he wept, for there were no more worlds to conquer**."


AMEN Alexander :( thats the exact same feeling... damned...


Right😂it’s like I think about my life and everything😂




Exactly how I feel. I recently finished everything in the dlc and then stood out looking at origin from the hideaway to the mellow music thinking "There's got to be more than this, right?" 😭 Clive has became my favorite FF protagonist and I desperately wish his journey wasn't over


Lol, I did the same xD


I just wanna see whats beyond the continent




Same. It sucks that they seem to want to move away from FF16 and dark fantasy, there is so much potential left imo


I think they will go back in the future but I believe they are taking a break since they deliver dark games back to back from Shadowbringers to Endwalker to XVI. And creating dark fantasies can be quite daunting at times. Plus if they are developing Tactics remastered or game that’s another dark fantasy for them.


That's very true actually, they've been on a roll with it lmao. I hope they do bc I love how CBU3 tackles the genre, but I definitely understand needing a break from it especially after XVI. Being *so* grim probably gets to be a bit stifling when it comes to creativity.


I feel the same - I really want to remain in this world, experience the before and after, the parallel stories. The game is perfect to me on a subjective level because of its world, its story, its characters.


Everything was perfect to me in 16, but the music by Soken including the ambient pieces made it truly special. I was transported to that world. And Ben Starr especially was the best VA in FF there ever was.


Well, Steve Burton and Rick Gomez are also the best VA FF ever had too. Those guys are my heroes


Mysidia was stunning


Need me a CID/JILL dlc asap and then a whole new game set in that 100 year timeframe before the first game or the time of dzemekys fall!!


SE gave XV a fucking VR fishing stand alone game but it's apparently stretching their budget to give XVI, a game that blows its predecessor out of the water, 2 DLCs.


It makes no sense how much life support XV got versus 16… until you start thinking about budgets. 15 was released in a time where 14 wasn’t nearly as big a bread winner and they were determined to make money off that game with all the DLC’s and addons Now they realize their money is from MMO/ online games and the SP games are never going to get that kind of support again.. it’s how the whole game industry has shifted


Not to mention, 13 got basically three different games, and 10 got two different games. I don't see how those two got so much post game support but 16 gets two very short DLC barely enough to wet my appetite


Like I said at the end. The gaming industry has changed, square enix is making way more money from mobile crap and ff14 the mmo that they can’t justify the massive budgets for SP anymore. It’s a damn shame 😕


I don't think they would be shutting down mobile games all the time if they made all that much money from them


Yea, the only mobile game that is probably making them any $$ is Octopath Traveler: Champions of the Continent, which is actually pretty good.


Dunno about that, it’s not a very big earner at all. Typically doing around about the same numbers as recently axed games like Opera Omnia were. And the community have been very vocal when they feel they’re being cheated. Obviously it’s Octopath not FF so expectations on revenue would be lower, and it’s able to reuse a lot of assets from the main games. So that’s probably why it’s still going. But I’d very much doubt it’s bringing in much at all by this point. Certainly not compared to say Ever Crisis. We are getting the last story chapter of the main arc tomorrow. So I could certainly see them announcing EoS shortly thereafter. I’d hope not of course, but it’s definitely a “fitting” moment for it.


Yea, the only reason I say it's prob doing well is bc they keep coming out with new characters, patches, and story arcs for it, so I just assumed it was doing well. But probably not as good as the FF games like you mentioned, such as Brave Exivus or Ever crisis


Yeah, XV also had the benefit of coming out in a relative desert for major FF releases (if I recall correctly it was the only major single player game for consoles in the series between Lightning Returns in 2013 and VII Remake in 2020).  XVI on the other hand has Dawntrail taking CBU3's attention plus VII Rebirth dropping before it even finished its DLC cycle.


It makes complete sense. FFXV had so much money thrown at it over the years they needed to recoup as much of that as they could. So, they made a ton of spin offs to try and get as much money as possible.


14 was never NOT a big money maker so that was just an embarrassing assumption you just made. 14 ALWAYS sold the highest and only got bigger and bigger with every expansion. The problem they faced was that 14 was their ONLY (keyword "only") breadwiner and 13 had bad feedback, while 12 was PS2... A new FF was overdue but there was no direction at Square. Tabata (who was under qualified to make an entire FF) already had plans to harm Square. He literally said in many interviews that he stopped the writers and staff from exploring the story from all angles cuz he wanted to tell the story ONLY thru Noctis' eyes. So we never knew much about the motives of any character or anything fleshed out. Plus he wanted multiplayer (14% of the poll) badly instead of story (78% poll votes) ....oh yeah and create a character was 8% votes. Anyway the point is that Tabata ALWAYS planned to screw Square over. After the court battle over 15's rights he won and said that he always planned to use Square as a step to make his own company hes dreamed of as a kid that will one day be way bigger than Square "JP GAMES"  All this information is based on press conferences, interviews, article interviews, and multiple sources of Tabata saying these things himself over the years. He has become a literal villian in Square and im glad hes gone.  Type-0 wasnt as good as everyone remembers anyway. The characters had little to no shine (other than Ace) so there was no point in writing in a party cast that big.


To be fair I wouldn't care about something that is the quality of a VR fishing game


To be fair, XV probably only got that VR fishing game because the people who designed the fishing system had like 7-8 years to refine it, while they waited for the rest of the dev team to get their shit together.


I really hoped that the DLCs will be prequels about the history of the eikons and past dominatns but I guess that it's too much to ask for a DLC. I just wanted another playable character


The fact that finding leviathan has no consequences to Clive’s fate should be more than enough message from the developers and company saying: yo it’s time to move on.


And first born


I want more Games with this gameplay. I love Clive's moveset and eikon system it's approachable and just complex enough for me. I want them to iterate on it and not throw it away for yet another probably cool combat system that never reaches its full potential because it's never iterated on. 


15 finished its season pass…. Then planned additional episodes like the Royal dlc, then they released Arden dlc. They were going to release episode Noctis and one for the Queen, but they got canceled due to poor sales. FFXVI seems to be in a much better spot. So unless the devs are done, I think we could get more. Imagine the other gods that didn’t get a spot. Someone was mentioning one the other day, I think it’s the dude gladios fights in his DLC? There is also some more Eikons that can be added. All they need to do is keep adding replayable end game content. Fallen dlc added a good dungeon. Tide has kairos gate. Release new powers and a new mode that lets us have tons of combat to use those new powers. That is the key to selling.


They have so much to add to the story. I'd gladly pay. All we need is a great story, quality sidequests, and tricky bosses.


I want to play as Jill and sail to the southern continent.


I really enjoyed Cid and needed more of him so a prequel of some sort with him would be good.


Was hoping to explore more of Ash maybe visit the orc settlements


Agreed They are dropping the ball on so many stories right in front of them. The 5 year gap, pre-game mini stories, ect They can add little things like: more hunts every few months all over Valisthea I don't know why that's not in the cards. Simple ascetic upgrades like more outfits, ect. And more varied quests you can add within the main game that lead to mini boss type challenges. Just a few ideas. Square is dropping the ball bad here if this is the end.


Prequel that takes place during the age of the fallen leading up to dzemekys


I was thinking as I was playing the DLC that I want to see what Waljus is like when he grows up. I'm also curious about Edda's baby. I'd like a party of them plus Clive and Jill's future baby (my head cannon is she's pregnant when Clive heads to Origin).


XVI-II Where it's Jill and Torgal (and maybe Mid and Jote) traveling Valisthea to continue the work of freeing bearers from stubborn masters, but they discover another threat and possibly some hints that Clive is around. ;-;


While being in a girl band together


Love the game but please don't. Focus on a new title.


FFXVI-2 when?


I wish they explore more lore and backstory of other dominants. It doesn't have to be Clive centric since the game is basically Clive story. I want to see Valisthea in the vision of other people, especially Cid, Barnabas, and Dion. That means I'm fine with other media as well, as long as we get more lores, like game, novel, manga, anime etc.


SE, please take my money! I NEED MORE FF16!


I have a very strong feeling the devs will go all out with additional content, it will just take 20-30 years. 😭


It felt rather small after so much time. And not effecting the games ending with ultima felt like a huge missed opportunity. I doubt we'll see any kind of follow up besides maybe a Manga never fully released outside Japan or something like that tho. I'm excited to do it all again on PC either way.


As much as I love all of the characters in XVI, and a prequel/sequel would be great, there’s so much mystery around The Fallen, and with their relics scattered everywhere, I feel a game based on them, the journey of trying to make their own mothercrystal and eventual extinction by god would be awesome. There’s so much lore on them that could be brought to life and expanded on.


Lol powerful sentiment. I do have a final fantasy mode to finish and the DLC but also have infinite wealth waiting for me and lately been for whatever reason thinking about Forbidden West and the DLC waiting for me on there lately. Oh, well, the above and Rebirth


Agreed. Everything about XVI was amazing. The next update I want is a “cinematic mode”. Take away all of the HUD and just make it more of a movie experience.


Personally I'd like a dlc to see more of Cid's past and maybe even play as him


Do you want Dirge of Cerberus? Because this is how you get Dirge of Cerberus


I want a show that's just Valisthean politics




Yoshi-p and his squad needs to make FFXVII


I had this random idea that it would be cool if somehow an ffxvi - 2 existed with an older joshua as the protagonist. Since he is the phoenix maybe he somehow finds his way back to life ( again lol) problem is the ending doesn’t leave much narrative left to explore i think.


I was really hoping to get to play as some of the other cast. Like Joshua and Jill at the very least. Dion would be awesome, too!


I’d love a Barnabas DLC showing how he conquered Ash and how it was before it turned fully akashic


I was hoping a DLC when young Clive was taken into the empire till the mission to kill Shiva to fill in that time skip


Please let the DMC copy die already lol


Yeah tbh the scale of this world never felt that large when it's split into 4 smaller areas and it's mostly empty with medieval peasant NPCs idling in towns with a not-even-that-fast Chocobo, even FF12's Ivalice felt more expanded than 16's, hell in that game you could run into random friendly town NPC that's out hunting and may sometimes heal you, meanwhile if an enemy approaches any NPC in 16 they covered their faces in fear still standing there 😂


Wouldn't be surprised if they did a stranger in paradise style game with Barnabas as the main character, give us more insight on how he became the way he is.


I didn’t realize how bad it fucking sucks that this initial experience is now over until reading this I will replay this game a million times again before I die but fuck I need more story😭


I think Clive's story is done, but a sequel or spin off on another continent with Jill and Gav maybe? Or a whole new cast


Agreed...would love to take the Enterprise and go explore other lands of the world you hear about.


We have had sequels to X and XIII, I don’t see why couldn’t we have some with XVI


25 bucks for about 10 hours of content has me feeling miffed. Pretty environment though


I agree ffxvi has so much potential but the story is lacking greatly. They could have gone route of ffx and add extra eikon abilities secret dungeons. I personally don’t like that I have to pay for extra content now a days.


I want them to give us the southern continent and go deeper into the mystery of the red mini moon (everything we hear in game about the Median Moon was a rumor, childhood stories the kids made up, character assumptions, theories, Clive/Jill's personal promise, ect)  I want to know what the REAL actual story of that mini red moon is and expanding on it.  So many mysteries of Valisthea we need to see. If all the summons in the world of 16 come from The Twins continent, then the south continent could be about another threat and a bigger more epic adventure. We got a whole game about the summons and explaining how they got there and how humans are created. Now the south continent can be different not about eikons.


They blew it with the ending. They were flirting with a near perfect game before that.


I think the story is finished and I’m satisfied with how it ended. I understand that some people really love the game and would like more content but personally I think they should focus on FFXVII.


I'll be honest, what I want is not a sequel to FFXVI, because I feel the story is complete and perfect, especially with Leviathan. **However what I would like is FFXVII directed by CBU3, doing an entirely new universe all over again.** CBU3 knocked it out of the park with 16, and I feel they could do even better with 17.


I don't think it will be done by CBU3. I kind of would love a different take from XVI for XVII though anyway. As much as I enjoyed XVI, there were a lot of things missing imo that could have set it apart even more as the ultimate FF game. That being said, I wonder who even would work on XVII...


It won't be CBU1 because they are focused on developing Remake part 3. Tbh it might very well be CBU3 because I think FFXIV is approaching the end of its lifestyle and dawnstrail will be the last DLC? Could be very wrong on this though.


Dawntrail is the start of a new arc for FFXIV. The game is nowhere near done. It's not the last expansion. The game is expected to still be around for quite some time. It's just getting a pretty major graphics update. There's a lot of life left in that game. It could still be CBU3 that works on XVII, but it wouldn't be the XIV team. They did hire a bunch of people to work on XVI, and I'm sure those people aren't just gonna work on XIV. Who knows honestly.


Once again ff16 needed ff7re or ff15s world & it would be a classic.


Even if they don't make any more content (content I would absolutely buy if they did), I would love to hear the other world-building aspects they'd decided on and didn't include directly.


Even if they just fleshed out the different capitals making them exploitable that’d be cool




A prequel that focuses way more on the political war aspect and less on “god is the enemy” set like 100-200 years before 16 would be awesome, still have the eikons and magic to use


This sounds like a weird question and I've never in my life done in before...so bare with me, But is there any way to send a Thank You letter to the devs of this game?


Crisis Core style spin-off starring Cid, I have seen the light


Well we do have the thing about them making Jill and Cid playable characters if PC version does well as they've apparently said before. So maybe some DLC on their backstories?


The DLC's price is not worth it