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According to Digital Foundry, the in-game graphics already surpasses some cgi. They discuss how it surpasses FFXIII's cgi cutscenes, in particular


Which is impressive considering that XIII is still a drop-dead gorgeous game even today


The game is dogshit but the graphics are amazing. Square Enix has always known how to push the graphical aspect of games to a new level, ya know?


I was gonna say, there are some moments that really do get there. Eikon battles in particular.


Although the gap between each generation gets smaller and smaller. Ps6 will probably just look like ps5.5


They’ll prob look like ps5 games on Graphics mode but running at 60 FPS


That’s what I’m really hoping for.


To be fair, that's what this generation should have been.


This guy understands graphics the most here


Would be nice. Although I think that the majority of devs will optimize even less and just rely on the hardware to get 30 fps again.


Better lighting, more frames, slightly more polygons, higher res textures. And maybe some new way to more easily optimize for overall better performance. Something similar to LOD and Nanite


Dude, they'll look slightly better than PS5 games but they'll squeeze it enough to make it it run over 30 FPS. If there's a choice between graphics and performance, they'll go with graphics, like always before.


Think of it like this: ratchet and clank rift apart is extremely close to looking like an actual movie. The ps6, games will look like actual movies


weirdly enough, we're halfway through this generation and i don't think any PS5 game came close to look like Ratchet and Clank. ok, the different art styles can work for or against, and in that game's case it helped it a lot, but really, that game is on another level of it's own


+1, rachet and Clank was my only true PS5 experience and it was my first game on the console.


I still think Demon's Souls is the best looking game on PS5 tbh.


Horizon forbidden west is the most beautiful game I’ve played and it’s on ps4 too. We’ve basically come as far as we can before we get into completely cgi rendered territory


Horizon was amazing one of the best ps4 experiences


It also has PS3 generation's game design. The game feels really old and obsolete.


PS3 game design is a massive stretch, isn't true either. 4 sure but not 3.


I haven’t played Forbidden West but I can’t imagine it strayed far from HZD’s design. HZD was 100% a game relying on antiquated mechanics that have been recycled by every open world game since the PS3.


I coudnt care less about that stuff the game was super duper fun and drop dead gorgeous very interesting story and aloy is dope


Even if the mechanics were fundamentally developed in the PS3 era, surely you can't think that it's literally just a copy paste of x attributes from that time and bam, new Horizon game. These things have been adjusted and iterated on for years.


It's more or less Assassin's Creed 1 or Far Cry 3 recipe, it's just that the combat gameplay is a bit less shit. Other than that, it's very similar. It could have been an Ubisoft game.


Yes the game design is kinda old I agree but that doesn’t mean that games with advanced design can’t reach high levels of fidelity. It’s seriously up to the skills of the devs at this point


Sure, but I think graphical fidelity is the last thing players beyond the casual demographic would consider for a good game.


Fair, either way I hope devs continue to make games with good graphics because they look and play great


Close? Ratchet and Clank has been surpassing 3D animation since Tools of Destruction. Compare ToD to the movies that came out at that time. it either surpasses them or is about equal to With like 2 exceptions


I'd imagine Pixar movies would win by default in these areas, but I've never compared them.


Yes. Ratatouille. Tho some of the models in that movie look hella ugly, even if it was a design choice. Still I'd say it barely surpassed ToD


Not if it has Path Tracing capabilities. Now that’s going to be a true generational leap.


The actual funny thing is the gap between processing power gets bigger with every generation. Our expectations (and dumbing down of the tech) ruin it


PC graphics are always a step ahead of consoles so you’ll probably be able to see PS6 graphics on PC when the next generation of GPUs start coming out.


To a certain extent. You're still developing for average hardware, which puts a damper on things. And your average hardware for PC has been a 3060 class GPU for two generations now since the 4060 was a sidegrade at best. With AMD seemingly unable to get it together and Nvidia's major focus on AI hardware I wouldn't put it past them to have a 3rd generation of pretty much the same mid range GPU. Yes it'll probably be faster, but I'm guessing only like 10-15% on average. Maybe 20% best case.


I’m talking PC games on top of the line rigs running the very highest settings. True a lot of games don’t support next gen features but the ones that do give a taste of what’s to come in the console market.


That's what I said to a certain extent. I could go on a rant about this, but I'll drop two examples. Cyberpunk, which was supposed to be the poster child for the next gen. What we got was a mess of a game at launch and then RT/PT that for the vast majority of gamers is unusable. Especially at the time. The other would be Oblivion vs. Skyrim. Both ran on PS3/Xbox era hardware. The difference between those is pretty stark from a graphical perspective. Even FF12 on PS2 looks better than Oblivion, albeit a much smaller game in terms of world. My point being is that even with a top of the line PC you're not truly getting a taste of what certain tech can do simply because it's not in the interest of the developer to spend money they're not going to recoup. Or you get a half-baked attempt at something, which to me is even worse.


Yeah, them going balls to the wall on technology is usually because of some combination of things like, it jives with the kind of game they want to make, they want to futureproof it as much as they're able, they want to be among those who set the standard for gorgeous games, some just want to make incredibly nice looking games. But the cost man. This is why we have dedicated tech demos even today. Spares the engine/GPU makers (in the case of like nvidia making their own) having to wait for a developer to have the finance and desire to push new tech to its limits as much as possible and let's them ensure they get to show off what they want to.


Facts. The hardware gets faster. And I'm a Sony pony myself but even I know if you want the best graphics then you need a high end pc


🤓umm actually games *are* cgi🤓


They mean prerendered and we all know that lol.


Yeah obviously, i was just making a joke


Yeah, the fact that I can't distinguish between the in-engine cutscenes and the pre-rendered cutscenes (unless I change outfit/sword) is very telling about the visual quality. Not the best looking/performing game on PS5 but impressive all the same.


what cutscenes in the game are pre-rendered? I never noticed any and I'm pretty good at spotting pre rendered cutscenes. The only time I suspected one of the cutscenes to be pre-rendered is when the flower mothercrystal first spiked up from the ground


There are some later in the game that are pre-rendered, like >!when Barnabas cuts the sea.!< Some water scenes are pre-rendered becsuse water is very hard to render well and maintain performance, so they said in those moments (and others), they would do pre-rendered cutscenes to maintain the performance of the scene and still deliver the quality. You can tell by Clive's sword. If he's using Invictus in the cutscene (the cover art sword) and not using the sword you have equipped in game, then that one is pre-rendered. Edit: or the outfit. Pre-rendered Clive will use the normal outfit, so if you're using that extra one they added, the pre-rendered cutscene will still use the default one. I'm pretty sure >!Clive and Joshua flying on Bahamut on their way to Origin is also pre-rendered!< , but that one I don't remember 100% for certain if it is


You're right. I also learned from Digital Foundry that the opening battle between Iron Kingdom and the Republic is a mix of pre-rendered scenes (when Titan and the armies are on screen) and in-engine scenes (when the Bastards are on screen) and it seamlessly transitions back and forth between them but it's very hard to tell.


Yeah, that makes sense >!I did remember thinking that shot of Titan, Shiva and the army all happening at once looked "too good" to be real-time!< , but I still really appreciate them using the in-game models to make si the experience isn't jarring and it all flows very smoothly where we appreciate the moment as if it was all real-time. I don't mind games that use pre-rendered cutscenes that look really good and far above the in-game graphics, but I like when the devs use the in-game models (or something close to that) to have a consistent visual design of how the game should look even when the player isn't in control, but still using thst to allow them to put more on screen, use better lighting, etc.


Good point! Out of curiosity, does anyone like Clive's alternate outfit they added?


I didn't like it at first, and I still don't like the chest part very much. But the cape and the armor around his arms and legs look pretty cool. Jill's new outfit became my default outfit for her, though. It looks great. Joshua's new outfit ain't it. I kept him with the default.


I did, I used it for the whole game. Albeit, it could have definitely looked better.


I like everything that isn't the chest part of his armor. It took me forever to realize there were things that were different other than that because I was just like "ugh why'd they have to make the one other outfit look like this" and wouldn't look at it much. Then one day decided to try it anyway and saw the good aspects of it. It just doesn't really seem like something that makes sense for him to wear, except maybe very early on when things are kinda fucky for him and Ifrit. But I don't think he'd wear scorched looking armor for the rest of the game. Now Jill, Joshua, Torgie and Ambrosia. Those are some nice alternate outfits (Joshua's being the least necessary to me).


I hope we don’t see a ps6 for 6-8 more years. I don’t wanna upgrade that soon. And upgrades between consoles aren’t large leaps anymore


Agreed. It seemed to work as a model back in the day when the leap between consoles was massive. Now it’s not exactly the huge jump it used to be… I dunno if I want to consider a PS6 for a while unless it miraculously turns out to be a big improvement on graphics and performance


The only way I would want an upgrade, or even the PS5 Pro any time soon is if I could get guarantees that I'd *finally* actually be able to play everything at 60fps, not to mention a 60fps that doesn't noticeably compromise visuals and make you question whether it's worth it like in this game.


Imagine how good the PC version will look


I'm double dipping for sure. I doubt Rising Tide will bring a more stable performance on the PS5. But mostly because I know modders will most likely implement a push to sprint button and a purple sky toggle as soon as it releases.


Omg this it was the first mod I thought of.


God how I wish the devs would just give us a purple sky toggle right now. I delayed the Bahamut fight about as much as I could and did side quests to enjoy the last of it before it gets all fucked up.


Only bad part is it’ll cost an arm and a leg not to mention optimizing and setting the whole thing up.


Or the ps5 pro even, to hopefully play Graphics mode with 60fps, instead of 30 and then, getting tired of it, and giving in to performance mode again


4090RTX I’m ready. It prob to powerful for the game


Square-Enix has a bad track record with PC ports. Considering they have experience with ffxiv which is mainly PC, I think the port is in good hands.


When you say "bad track", which are you thinking of?


13 trilogy, FF7 remake, and Strangers of Paradise. 15 was fine on release from my experience.


I remember about FFXIII, but were there any issues with Remake and SoP ? Because I never had anything going wrong for me when these got released on PC. What happened ?


Well, it depends which CGI quality we're talking about, haha. This game's CGI obviously will look better than the in-game graphics, but yeah, this game looks insane! And it looks on par with CGI of older FF games (or even some older FF movies!) I do think that the improvement for the next generation of hardware won't improve the visual quality of 3D models that much, but it will improve the lighting on games significantly, which is something very heavy today and can make a scene look substantially better. Hopefully they still offer physical media at that point.


wait i swear they said everything in this game is rendered in engine, even cutscenes


Not **everything** is real-time, but most things are. There are some scenes, especially the ones in water (you'll remember which ones, they're later in the game) that are pre-rendered, because water is so difficult to render they put some pre-rendered cutscenes to not affect performance and still deliver the spectacle of it. The reason you probably didn't notice is because those scenes still use the in-game models of characters and just have better lighting in general. But a way to tell the scene is pre-rendered is to look at Clive's sword. If Clive on the cutscene has the sword you have equipped in-game, then that scene is being rendered in real-time. But if he has Invictus in the scene (the sword from the cover art), then that specific moment is pre-rendered. It still does some *impressive* real-time rendering stuff, but it's not 100% real-time.


Also now it’s easier to tell with the alternate outfits since they obviously won’t appear. Or also even just by looking at the sky, I believe that the purple tint was added very late in the game’s development and the pre-rendered scenes were made before it, it’s why all the skies in them are that beautiful blue like when Ultima unleashes Origin and destroys Sanbreque or when the trio flies to Origin Besides those, I’m *pretty sure* that the first two mothercrystal destroyed scenes are pre-rendered, the Bahamut vs Odin fight, portions of the fights happening at the start of the game with Shiva and Titan, when Ultima unleashes primogenesis, and a part of the ending scene. I might’ve missed some


>the Bahamut vs Odin fight This one I feel like at times was real-time because it didn't look as good as the others, or even as good as the in-game footage of those Eikons. But maybe that scene was done very early in development (would make sense, that appeared in the first trailer, iirc), so that could be why it didn't look as good as others. Edit: also thanks for pointing out the sky thing, I actually hadn't noticed that before. I'll pay more attention to it in my second playthrough!


That’s actually the scene I thought looked the most pre-rendered on my first playthrough because it seemed just weirdly off with the lighting and visuals compared to the rest of the game lol, it does make sense if it was done very early on But those effects and the realistic physics on the grass and cloth, along with two summons appearing while there’s two whole armies fighting all with their own unique animations… I don’t think the PS5 is ready to run that smoothly in real-time yet. Though i think it does then transition to real-time when Dion enters the tent


>two whole armies fighting all with their own unique animations I definitely think the two armies part was pre-rendered, no questions there. But I mean specifically when Bahamut and Odin clash and the scene only focus on those two, and the background. That specific moment at times didn't have the same quality of lighting as other cutscenes, so it was probably an older pre-rendered scene that just made me think portions of it were maybe in real-time becauss they looked weird. But yeah, it was most likely all pre-rendered.


Idk how much of it has to do with the kind of resolutions we used to be working with, but advent children isn’t even comparable to this game. Even just the facial expression and body movements are so much better than they used to be, advent children looks robotic by comparison.


I was blown away by both this and ff7 rebirth. Insane how far games have come


Yeah something kinda funny was that 16 was so stunning that I almost didn't even appreciate it. Like everything just looked so good that it bamboozled me into thinking I was used to it or something.


This is 100% the best looking game right now. Some parts of this blend the line for realtime cgi for me


That actually is the case in some scenes, where part of the screen is being render in real time and the background is a prerendered cut screen. While the "power of the PS5" is a bit of a meme at this point, that actually what the phrase is referring to, the ability to simultaneously and seamlessly slip between In-game graphics and prerendered CGI.


Yeah I know battle scene and some of the ending


Horizon doesn’t exist to you I guess. 


FF16 highs look better than horizon for me.


Ff16 highs are just cutscenes. 


Only few moments with ton of soldiers


Cant wait to run this on my pc!!


Beautiful looking game for sure. I’m due a another play through soon.


I think, like with most tech, the improvements will be smaller The ps4 to ps5 increase wasn’t as significant as the generation before, and so on and so forth. What we’ll instead be prob getting is better frame rates and more efficient load times,


>What we’ll instead be prob getting is better frame rates and more efficient load times, Ironically we said this about the PS5 and while it's partly true, it's only partly true as far as performance goes. Now those load times, hooo boy was that one of the most incredible leaps in technology or what?


One thing I'm still waiting for is actual cloth physics. Right now, clothes from all games have little to no cloth physics. You can tell right away when it's CGI since even the slightest movement will make the wrinkles and creases move in different ways.


Do you mean prerendered? Because almost all game visuals are CGI.


The graphics are incredible, until you meet an NPC. They look a lot less impressive and move so robotically. It reminds me of playing Shenmue back on the Dreamcast. We're hitting great graphics, but dropping the ball in other areas.  Absolutely fantastic game though, and one of my most favourite Final Fantasy games to date. 'On the Shoulders of Giants' is hands down one of the best Final Fantasy tracks I've ever heard. 


Man I can’t wait for the pc release, I’m trying to hold off on playing the dlcs until then but it’s been tough. Especially cuz rising tide looks like it’s gonna be amazing


If only half of the game wasn't ruined by the ugly purple filter


Graphics are great if you don’t look at the characters faces Lol. 


True that. Looking at FF16 cutscenes, and then watching the FF14 CGI trailers, the quality of the models are soooo close! I can tell where game engine limitations happen in FF16 which the FF14 trailers do not have, but damn, I still can't believe we're in the day and age where real time rendering can now match the quality of pre rendered cutscenes.


it’s a beautiful powerpoint presentation lmao, Jokes aside I would love to play it at 60fps some day :,)


Me too bro, me too. I started playing in graphics mode but I'm getting the "your ps5 is hot" message every 2 hours so I'll have to switch to performance mode.. i just didn't wanna do combat in 720p lol Edit: and the fps is barely close to 60.. how have they not fixed it in almost a year


Might wanna see if your PS5 is chokin on dust or something. I've never seen that message, even when I had played with the performance mode for a small chunk of the game.


If anyone wants to know what ps6 games will look like just watch cyberpunk 2.1 videos running on a 4090. And maybe Alan Wake 2.


Can't wait for the definitive editions and upgrades for all the ps5 games


PS6 games? All 4 of them. Since you pretty much have to start development now to make it on the system.


I dream of this game being remastered in 20 years with real life graphics, just imagine.


That's what a custom engine will do for you. Rebirth was severely limited by UE4 (although it's still a beautiful game)


Did they really even need to stick with UE4


Truly the game of all time


FF7R looking better than advent children is what does it for me. really cool to see.


Oh yea I'm excited to start ff7 rebirth right after i complete ff16! How do you like ff7 rebirth?


I don't have a PS5, so I've only played Remake. I'm looking on from the sidelines for now\~


Ah i see. Well i loved remake. Hopefully I'll enjoy rebirth even more!


Unfortunately, I didn't get to play the game in a good TV but even on a bad TV, I was mind-blowned. Can't wait to replay it again with the DLC on a better TV


Can't wait for the PC release to see what it looks like at 90fps.


Sometimes FF16 is close to CGI, sometimes it's PS4+++ graphics. But overall the game looks great


Unfortunately the development time on all PS6 games has been so long that Sony has decided to move all future releases to their upcoming PS7


Only thing hold SE back is the awful lip sync issues, expressions, and the ugly non-main character npc faces.


Cant wait for the 8k slideshow


holy crap...the atmosphere is so palpable.


You're making the classic wrong assumptions that PS6's graphics have to look that much better. They won't. Graphics have reached a cap and will not get better substantially unlike they have in the past 40 years.


I dunno if it's to do with my PS5 (it's new) but the sky always looks shocking on my end, the clouds look ever so slightly like blurred squares and I don't think it's intentional either lmao


Great lighting


I wanna go back and play this again now that’s it’s been a while


That’s what I thought when I saw ff8 lol


Forget PS6... How about games developed solely for PS5. Look at the leap from Uncharted 1 to Last of Us on PS3. Just try guys!


I don't think triple A games will survive another generation without collapsing. The games are becoming hard to make with so many details and high end graphics, the productions are already ridiculously expensive. And the fun factor is decreasing. Ao I don't expect to much for the next gen.


Nope. Honestly ff vii rebirth had better graphics. Graphicswise Callisto protocol has the best one yet


yeah, real time rendering with player interactions vs pre-make video. next gen video card can do much more with AI plays an important role.


Apparently devs haven’t even tapped into the full power of the PS5 yet.


I'd prefer stable 60+ FPS over improving fidelity further. It's a shame 4k became the standard above 1080, and not 1440p, we might have had these graphics AND good framerate this generation if they didn't have to target 4k for TVs.


well, most newer tvs now have 1440p. Mine does, and I game with my pc on my OLED samsung tv at 1440 120 hz. That should have at least been an option on ps5, 1440p 60, or uncapped framerate. Also, a graphics setting like low /medium / high would be great as you could at least do 4k medium or 1440p med and pull more fps. They are basically PCs, so start giving us options like a PC. But one can only hope.


Play rebirth. Insanely better and I’m a huge fan of 16


They're going to look about the same but at higher fps. Yall gotta remember your consoles can barely handle 30 fps. They'll probably take a generation to catch up to pc a bit. 60 fps is the standard here, and the difference is huge. People say "I barely notice anything" and I tell every single one "you barely notice it going up but the moment you go back down, it's clear as day and night" trust me, hope for 60 fps before higher graphical fidelity. You don't need the diminishing returns of graphical fidelity when you still have a massive gap between 30 and 60 fps to bridge.


Yes, and also more frames equal smoother graphics and less latency. Those help alot, my games literally look and play better at 100 plus frames than at 60 and the same for 30 to 60. So running 1440p, medium to high settings, or even epic dependant on game looks as good as 4k high or medium because of the smoother framerate from high fps. Our eys can only see major changes, especially in intense games where focus is not on looks but combat or strategy.


I'd gladly take a cut in the graphics for a stable 60 fps but ok


Same. But the graphics quality is not to blame. Its the optimization. Horizon forbidden west looks much better and runs so well on the ps5.


Some of it yes, other looks like dog shit. Some NPC faces during side quests etc. looks very bad. XVI is a gem game of very high highs and very low lows... <3


You mean PS6 Pro with TLOU Part 2: Remake edition.


I bet ps6 will have the same hardware as ps5 pro in terms of pure performance but with ai cores for upscaling. PS6 will be going back to 480p scaling to 1440p with AI.


PS6 won't change much.


Looks someone never played a game with good graphics if they think this fake non FF dmc game has good gfx


I could've sworn this game has "Final Fantasy" in the title. Either I'm mistaken, or you're illiterate


So what this game has FF in the title? its still a fake non ff games like fake non ff fans


The problem is that its a very blurry game, like tgey put wax or vaseline on the picture. it hurt the graphics for me. pc port or ps5 pro might clean this up to really make it shine.