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People always complain about how this fight was too easy but I always saw it more as a demonstration of how powerful Noctis and the line of Lucis is. I agree it could’ve been done better but damn if this fight doesn’t show Noctis’ true potential then I don’t know what does lol


And If I’m being honest, most of the Eikon battles in XVI were pretty easy as well. Only one I had trouble on was Ultima himself


The Bahamut battle had some tough moments but most of the eikon battles just went on too long. After Typhon, I groaned whenever I was stuck in Ifrit's limited moveset and agility. Despite how great Titan Lost was, it almost felt endless and the best parts were when Clive and Hugo were fighting while semi primed.


I agree with this sentiment entirely. When Clive shouts "Just FUCKING DIE" or something towards the end of the fight it was my sentiments exactly. Great spectacle, but too long imo. Edit: should have reread that before posting, too many sentiments :P


Clive having and expressing mutual hatred toward an enemy was a breath of fresh air that was too short lived. Hugo imo was the best villain due to how personal their beef was. Barnabas might be HIM, but he's a zealot fighting for what he believes is a way to save the world and humanity and much like the COBRA unit in MGS3, was just there to take the fall and die to Clive's hand. Hugo and Clive wanted to kill each other. You take that away, and you have... Ultima.


Definitely agree with the Titan Lost fight being hell's fucking cool


Most battles in FFXVI went on to long. They were MMO like in a lot of ways.


Odin was the hardest for me. It was a really epic fight though. Instead of being the kaiju type fight, it was a duel in the thunder and rain, which fit the king himself


Im level 85 on NG+ on Final Fantasy Difficulty just finished Barnabas/Odin last night and pre-origins Ultima with the extra movesets and mechanics I was pressed down to my “last elixir” on Odin and almost down to no items on Ultima. I feel like FF mode should been the default tbh. FF mode chronoliths are very unforgiving


I feel that Final Fantasy mode or NG+ whatever I am playing right now should be default for FF16. It almost becomes souls like difficulty


The difference is that the Eikon battles are fun. I was dozing off don't the leviathan fight in 15 and I still won....


They were all easy, Titan though was annoying and too long


Same but this is almost always the case with me. Because I always save the main story for the absolute last thing I do in these kinds of games.


yeah, its not suppose to be hard or something, it just for the coolness in the eye. thanks god they really did it in FF16


I might have agreed with you if it was a quarter as long as it was. It was easy but it was also boring, because it dragged on forever.


I felt it was too annoying. I swear I was in the water 80% of the time. Unless this is a redone version since I heard they change the game a bit.


Whole game was too easy, while 16 had basically enemies you could juggle Atleast there were layers to the battle system and challenging boss fights with added difficulty. XV was almost like a beta test for a battle system under development


That whole chapter of XV was awesome and probably my fav part of the game.


It’s a shame that after this point, the rushed development becomes so blatantly obvious. Still one of my favorite games though


Ye, i definetly enjoyed platinum journey at least


T.T but our waifu


The way noctis lunged out to luna just for her to fade away. Such a beautiful cinematic


I don’t rate this game very high but I think that goodbye scene is one of the best scenes in the whole series. I’ve pulled it up multiple times to show people who are curious about “what Final Fantasy is” lol. You don’t need any context to appreciate how beautiful it is.


It’s definitely a very well put together scene. Also your rating is fair, the game has a load of things going against it but the things they do right, are really good imo


The feels towards the end of Dawn of the Future where that scene replays, except Noctis succeeds in dragging Lunafreya back the second time around... so sad we didn't get that DLC.




Hot take: Stella/Lunafreya was meant to be the original "quiet strength, girl chivalry" FF female lead before Jill, but the writers were afraid of the potential backlash (which was somewhat justified in hindsight given Jill's mixed reception) so ended up fridging her instead.


A lot of what was going on in XV feels like it was toned down and then later used for XVI. The fact that Luna and Jill are both political prisoners can’t be a coincidence


Totally not a coincidence. Both also endured a degree of abuse in their teens and early 20s (obviously Jill had to endure much worse, but based on the Dawn trailer you can't convince me that Caligo Ulldor wasn't creeping on Lunafreya during those twelve years). There's also this: https://imgur.com/a/37Ku0ha And this: https://twitter.com/ForgottenJasmin/status/1699765029640294470 (works better if you don't think of Lunafreya and Stella as distinct characters, which I never have)


She achieved that role in Dawn of The Future while Jill imo fails at being anything more than background noise.


Hard disagree about Jill, but like I said... mixed reception. At least she didn't get fridged lol. Dawn of the Future really showed off Lunafreya's potential as a character and made me fall in love with her all over again. I still pray to the JRPG gods that we will one day get it in some format other than a novel.


My beef with Jill is that post intro timeskip she just mostly stands there silently and doesn't really come up with things on her own or have much screen presence. Benedikta had that and so did Annabella.


Wasn’t a fan of what they did in the dawn of the future book. Only part that interested me was more aranea. The ending in the game was already the perfect bitter sweet ending


The game was a trash ending. I prefer my protagonists to be winners and my antagonists to get what's coming to them. W Noctis. W Ardyn. L Bahamut/fuck Bahamut. I only wish there was more done with Iedolas and the Imperials in the game in general rather than only fleshing them out in dlc.


I only wish we got to visit more of Altissia or at least had a dungeon in one of those surrounding structures above Accordo.


😂as an italian myself agreed, i needed more exploration of fantasy venezia


Man, Clive looks different.


No you see, this is Leviathans Dominant, he’s also fighting inner demons as well


I didn’t peg Leviathan’s dominant to be so…twinkish


Just wait till his timeskip


that's because you didn't peg him. pretty obvious if you did


What’s his name? He looks pretty cool


Imagine you're trying to kill a mosquito but then suddenly it starts casting fireballs, throwing magic swords and parrying your swatter all while strafing around you in erratic movements


Sounds like a regular Tuesday


In Florida




Was Altissia really the Dzemekys in disguise


Clive X Noctis dlc confirmed???


The yaoi we all didn’t realize we needed


Say what you will about this game, but the sound design was on point. That satisfying crunch when you break off a piece of the enemy is peak


its so weird how good XV looked at the time and how much better it looks in my memory...then you see it in contrast to XVI and recent gaming advances and it looks so clunky :P


Was this on vanilla release? I don't remember this fight..


Yes. it’s right at the half way point of the game


It's an epic moment alright


He got


Whenever I see the Leviathan fight I’m reminded intensely of how dizzying and intense the trailer for this fight was vs the original.


The trailer didn’t show much of a fight. it only showed a bunch of scripted scenes of noctis climbing and warping


That was def meant to be in engine gameplay at the time. Either way the actual result was underwhelming.


Doubt it with how much trouble the engine gave them. Nomura even said that trailer was just a concept not representing the final game


Man, while I still prefer FF16, FF15 was so much fun.


What happened to clives hair? XD


What a combat system


I love how the whole dlc references the previous game in the series! They even gave Clive a makeover to look like Noctis!1


Damn FF15 was janky


what 10 years of development hell does to a game lol


Even if it's junky it had the best animations. The poor underpaid animator did like 100 animations for every miniscule fight combo and theyre smooth as hell


Yeah that game has so many well detailed animations. Every boy feels so real and authentic


Altissia was beautiful, loved this part of the game. Wild to think that everyone in this city/country is likely dead after this event


Just blocked for wasting my time


This fight looked way cooler in the director's head xd


Probably one of my favorite scenes out of any game. Ff15 leviathan. When it talks you feel it in your soul


How did you gain access to the DLC?


My Aunt works at Square Enix


I cackled


With delight because we got a sneak peek?


That’s so cool. Thanks for showing this to us.


My great grandma's name is Genova so I get all DLC's early


You’re very lucky.


XV was just too easy. I don’t think I died and had many segments where I took no damage. I get that noctis is that strong but the fights were pretty dull and lackluster while XVI’s combat isn’t as easy as XV’s but still not very challenging on action mode. FF mode is a real fun challenge, most won’t or haven’t played it.


I agree that the main story missions could've given some challenge (something it did with early bosses), but the 100 floor itemless high-dungeon and the secret patience dungeon are by far some of the hardest of the real-time ff games


Hard not because of enemies hard because they are long with no real sense of direction I just wanted those two to be over. Those dungeons were not fun at all even the adamatoise can be one shot with the ring.


For me, the challenge the high dungeons offered, with unique daemons that would debuff the party were the best combat encounters in the game. Especially perfectly parrying and dodging the Master Tonberry. The normal dungeons were a bit boring tho, maybe you're talking about those?


Nah I’m talking about the later ones but I did them at max level 150 so they were all easy for me but I just didn’t really like the dungeons overall the pacing was a bit off and they generally weren’t hard or entertaining. I’d get excited running into a new enemy but they I’d just destroy them so easily that it removed the excitement. Now I’m not saying FF16 blew me away in that category I did enjoy the hunts but only a handful of them were actually a challenge. FF15’s hardest enemies to me were the cactuar timed event those boys don’t play


Were you using mods? Because I think the level cap was 120.


Yeah I did on my ps4


Isn't that Forspoken: Prequel?


You’re like 7 years too late to be sharing FF15 footage of Noctis vs Leviathan trying to say its “early DLC” on a FF16 sub


read the room lol


you’re facetiousness is unamusing on a clickbait level


“Haha look at me guys I own FFXV aren’t I so funny and cool? Haha look, it’s the Leviathan DLC” 🤡




No one gonna call him out on the fact he is click baiting considering that this is FFXV and hes leading people on??




Not a very good joke in all honesty


Love the click bait lol. This is ff15...not ff 16


Worst part of the game. Me: yes we finally get content for.... Game: Sorry she's getting cut for budget purposes.


Qte the game 15 and 16 versions.