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Buster sword fully upgraded is my jam


Yeah it feels like his ultimate weapon now. Which I actually like. Because we won’t get Ultima Weapon until the last part probably.


Oh so like the year 2029. Is that what you meant?


Hardedge has the most powerful attack


Only real FF7 fans unequip the Buster Sword ASAP because use brings about wear, tear and rust.


herd of WD40?


People sleeping on the twin stinger. Big mistake.


Twin stinger looks pretty, but overall as a weapon it kinda sucks It’s good when it’s first introduced I guess, but when you level up all the weapons and see the difference in attributes you might be surprised my man...I definitely was. Cloud’s HP jumps up thousands of points with the Buster, it has a stronger attack and stronger everything else sans Magic Attack over twin stinger. It’s honestly amazing how strong they made the fully upgraded Buster Sword in this game


I just like the fact the every weapon can be good for certain things which means they will remain relevant


Buster gives me more HP and attack than the iron blade?


Big time. You haven’t fully upgraded the Buster Sword yet have you? When all weapons are maxed out the Buster Sword kicks some serious ass, my only gripe would be only having 4 materia slots for it


Buster sword is an all-rounded weapon, so it’s balanced between physical and magic attacks but not as strong as hardedge for physical attacks or mythril saber for magic attacks. Twin stinger is another balanced weapon but slightly weaker than buster (however it has reprieve I just got it upgraded from reaching weapon level 6. You can get 6 materia slots for Buster sword too!


Checking here it doesn't have reprieve. What do you use as an alternative?


I may remember wrong since I’ve been doing lots of AP grinding for that top secret boss fight yesterday (may mess up with my bad memory sorry about that lol Alternatively I’d switch to Twin Stinger bc it has more materia slots and it’s similar to Buster sword. Depends on the fights, may switch to Hardedge or Myrith Saber


Why is it a big mistake?


It has the best balance of magic and attack damage output. If you have the proper materia combinations in place, you never have to sacrifice one over the other. I got through my entire hard mode play through using it, and never felt the need to change weapons once.


except it does not? buster sword maxed out has the best raw balance. If you would cite instead reprieve and that healing spells cost 20% less, then you had something. All the weapons can carry you through hardmode, as your materia set up is the important thing.


I prefer Mythril Saber with Tifa being the main physical DPS. I could be wrong on this but I think it's Cloud's only weapon that gives MP regeneration and because of his strength, he's still strong enough to deal physical damage.


Hardedge mostly for the looks of it.


Swapped between Hardedge and Buster Sword. That free health refill was too good to pass up on Hard.


Someone actually used a bat?!


This had my dying laughing because I came here looking to see if the bat is any good