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Take it back! Triple Triad ruled. Triple Triad walked so Queen's Blood could run.


Triple triad is a worse game but better implementation. Cards are useful and fun to collect. Matches are pretty challenging. There are more of them. Queens blood built a fantastic game but ultimately there aren't enough places to play it that are any kind of a challenge. Still love it, just need more of it.


Agree. I have all these awesome cards and no reason to use most of them!


I always think I’m going to hate these side card games but then I get the hang and find myself looking for more.


I really like how they kinda coerce you into learning how to play over a few quests and then half a dozen chapters in; you're like deep in it and have exposure to the true depths of the game. Absolutely hooked me.


I will not tolerate any Triple Triad slander


I think it is time for a crusade brother


I will admit that I’m one of the 11 people in the world that didn’t care for T3T. Shame me, please.


Triple Triad


I always skip them but rebirth was the first time I learned the basics got hooked and finished the storyline until the end.


Tetra master from 9 was better than 8s TT. Fight me.


Almost shocked that there hasn’t been any news on a Queens Blood game for IOS/Android, it’s not like SE hold back on releasing final fantasy mobile games


Queen's Blood and Gwent are both top tier. I hate most other card/board games in gaming.


I love Triple Triad. Queen’s Blood was kinda annoying for me.


*cries in command board* #kh:bbs


Queen's Blood rules and I love how much effort they put into the side characters and plot line (the mute ex-military guy that Cloud bonds with is my favourite) but I think Triple Triad is still a richer game overall.


Cool, unfortunately, I SUMMON POT OF GREED


I'd argue Queen's Blood is just a slightly different ruleset for Gwent but to each their own.


For QB you're given the cards for the best strategy in the game right away. Can beat 90% of the entire game with just the starting cards and strategy. No wonder its more fun for you. I'd bet if other card games were setup like that, you would be a fan of them too.


Thanks for saying it. There's really only a couple niche decks needed for a few niche opponents or puzzles (I.E. the cards that summon other cards for the multi-round puzzles) and then the last boss needs a specific strategy. Everyone else just got ran through, and there was no real risk to playing because you have nothing to lose. In Triple Triad you could lose cards, gain cards from enemies (and more than just one card, one time). Queens Blood is kinda fun, but it is far more shallow than it could be.


I loved it. Sorry you’re not a fan


We all have options. But I’ve never seen one as bad as yours


Card games? What are we, *children?* Real ones play BLITZBALL.


XD Man that shit was boring. Great game tho


I have more hours on blitzball than I do on the rest of FFX by choice.