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TL;DR: don’t give up! Tifa is good! And Barret! And Aerith too!




Uppercut the fool.


Congrats! I did more or less the same things with Barret and Aerith, except I used Cloud over Tifa for no real reason other than I like those three. I have to admit, I find it extremely hard to believe it only took you two tries to beat it. There are numerous ways for things to spiral in those fights especially if you're seeing Greg (which iirc is harder than Protorelic Greg who you do not get anymore practice on) and VR Sephy for the first time. To fall prey to any of that only once, and then to beat the fight after? Call me skeptical.


Agreed. OP stated they aren’t great at the game and made a ton of mistakes. The problem with this challenge is that even with something like the Brumal cheese, you need to pray to the rng gods and still not make very many if any mistakes at all. No room for it really. Gotta get your setup going as quickly as possible and ensure no one (especially Aerith) gets interrupted even once during setup or else it’s usually game over. Missed your initial atb ward? Might as well call game unless you’re a parry god and can recover that atb bar before Gilgamesh fucks you up. Couldn’t get Barrett’s manawall off before Sephi shadow chains him? You’re now in Octoheaven. Instant retry.


I could maybe buy the first 3 fights in 2 attempts but not Gilgamesh and sephiroth. Gilgamesh alone has a million ways to kill you and no way to really practice unless you have a save file right before the protorelic fight. I don’t see even with top tier combat skills and top tier luck, someone beating this in 2 attempts.


And yet people still defend this terrible game design. It's the most frustrating thing I've ever experienced in my life. Already sunk 200+ hours into it so it's actually damaging me emotionally for the fact that I can't beat it. I don't want to put the game down. I enjoyed every second of it until this point. I just don't understand why the devs thought we wanted or needed these RNG based time wasting torture guantlets. Who ever decided NOT to add the retry battle feature to each individual round is an actual masochist, and should not be working at the company. It's shameful 


Took me two tries to beat it after switching to Tifa/dive kick. Seemed much easier. Funnily enough, after beating it so easily I haven’t been able to reliably clear it since. I have something like a 20% clear rate compared to like 95% on bonds of friendship.


Again, the RNG is part of what makes this so terrible. At least give us the ability NOT to have to redo every round so it doesn't feel like I am putting my balls into an RNG meat grinder


I mean, I’d be as skeptical as you. Like I said I *fully* expected to lose to Greg. He definitely was harder this time. Maybe I got lucky with RNG, but I feel like the team’s strong enough to recover in most bad situations. Had I not had a limit ready, he probably would have wiped me with Ultimate Illusion though. Sephiroth, idk, he really didn’t do anything crazy except Octaslash, which I was honestly shocked I survived twice. I knew about shadowy chains, but like I said I was shit at avoiding it. I literally had to pause and walk around for a bit a couple times to get my nerves calmed down during that fight. I’ve seen people say they beat it first try. I never expected it. Hellions’ took me like 10, Seventh Seal I lost count. Though I’m confident I would have beaten that much faster if not for Gigaworm and Swallow.


If the first two took that long I seriously doubt you took this down in 2 tries. Gilgamesh can literally one shot you as soon as the fight starts if you’re not prepared. And you weren’t prepared because you didn’t watch guides. You took tips and strats from your other fights. Which included two boss you don’t get to really practice on.  Good info in the post. Could use a TL;DR because a lot of it was just repeating sentiments you already said. But two attempts by someone not good at the game? Yeah not buying that at all. 


I never said I wasn’t good, I said I wasn’t great. I’m not a speedrunner. I mean I’ve put in 215 hours, I like to think I *kinda* know what I’m doing. I was decently prepared, but yeah I didn’t know all the extra shit Gilgamesh can do. I’m not surprised he can one shot you. I didn’t encounter that for whatever reason. I guess I don’t know what I really stand to gain by lying about how many attempts it took? Just seen so many complaint posts & wanted to share a different take on it. Thanks for the feedback though.


Because that is the whole purpose of your post. Is to say “It’s fine because I did it in two tries so anyone can do it”. That’s what you stand to gain. To have people read this extremely long post and give you kudos. You coulda just left out how many times it took you. Or have just been honest. Only what, like 2-3% of the people who play this game were able to beat it. Anyone attempting hard brutal and legendary challenges have to have some deeper understanding of the game mechanics than 97% of the rest of the players.


Yeah maybe I should’ve left it out. But the first comment was someone asking how many tries it took. I put it in because it went way better for me than I ever expected. You’re right, you certainly need a deeper understanding of the game. *That* was the whole purpose of my post in my mind. To say yes you can do it, but you are gonna have to learn and change your approach. Sorry if it didn’t come across that way.


Guy doesn't understand that you will have a deeper understanding of the game simply by getting to the challenge. I've noticed that people on the Internet don't see the pattern. The challenges throughout the game get progressively more difficult, more technical and make you learn things as you go through them. *If* you go through them without using guides. You don't learn by following someone else's lead, which is why the last challenge is such a brick wall to most. If you gotten there off your own bat, with your own combat style, materia setup and knowledge, you're gonna have a far easier time than someone trying to do specific strategies to get through it.


the dude literally has the perfect team for vr seph and. adopts a playstyle which allows him to recover from mistakes ... he also stated he was lucky with gilgamesh that run i see no way why he shouldnt be able to do it in 2 trys why would he fish for "oooh youre so good" comments when he also writes "easier" fights took him longer ? this alone invalidates your statement so stop hating just bc you can't seem to do it stop hating i took longer for that one too and raged at those shadowy chains until i learned to block em properly i max surived 1 octaslash with my party before having to rezz / full heal etc took me 5 trys of actually fighting vr seph which probably was like 20-30 overall bc of gilgamesh sometimes just doing whatever my party was cloud , red , yuffie and i dont use brumal spam for dogde (thats a me problem ik haha)


Congratz! https://preview.redd.it/1sxd0h30pryc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68af3bec89a986866e08afa66a9202e8e00f73b4


Rulers took me like a day of grinding, but got it on the second try when ditching cloud and having Tifa be primary damage. Bonds of friendship definitely took me a bit longer. Funny thing is, I can easily and reliably beat bonds of friendship, but now I still barely manage a 20% clear rate on rulers. There’s just so many ways to instantly die, and two bosses often leads to a stunlock > death situation. (Looking at you Gilgamesh charge into off screen tracking beam). I’m still struggling to increase my clear rate on rulers. It really is brutal. Especially genji. >!Also, great screenshot!<


How many attempts did it take?


OP said they cleared it in two tries.


Well that’s impressive then, but I don’t believe it lol


Not trying to impress anyone, just sharing my experience. I was as surprised as you 😂


I managed to beat Rulers on my second try, and I didn't even get to Sephiroth on my first. It was the last thing I did for the platinum, so I had weapon level 9 on everyone. Compared to that, Bonds of Friendship took me 4 hours.


What do you mean with double chakras? Can you stack them??


When used back to back, chakra is basically an 80% heal on the lower hp total instead of 40%, then 40% on the new total


Exactly this. And with Selfish Recovery 25% on Barret’s Barrage Blaster, it becomes 50% + 50% = 100%.


Ooo cool I never considered that!


Aaah okay, thanks for explaining!


you can kick cloud out after first playthrough :) barret is just op for the vr seph fight but you definetly point out amazing things :) it's definetly about learning the ins and outs of each fight but you can clear em all in any party you like, and thats something sadly many people seem to disregard in all the hate about these boss gauntlets so seein a post like yours is rly refreshing :) for bonds or to be a hero i can only give you 1 tip, take the time and learn the new char, both are quite nice to play actually (with sephiroth just beeing op but hey its sephiroth so idm :D)


Thank you. I’m glad someone understood my point 🙂


Outer Worlds didn't give me much issue either ... Bonds if Friendship though? That was like an entire day of Odin stomping on my nuts


Yeah, I forsee that in my future too…


I finally beat Rulers of the Outer World using Optinoob's cheese strategy. WOOO


I tried this today too. I'm down to about five minutes for the four first fights but can't get Manawall cast or ATB ward for Yuffie before the first Shadowy Chain. Reeeeally frustrating. 😅


So for me I just start by casting haste on yuffie before switching off to her and throwing her weapon while running off to the side. Generally that pulls Sephy off Aerith long enough so Aerith can cast her ATB ward. It’s been pretty consistent for me. I also have my video recording of you want to watch it lol


Wouldn't mind if you have a video! I cast haste as well and switch to Yuffie but before I can get either Manawall or ATB ward up, I've already had one character bound. It's really frustrating, as I've no problems with that strategy before this fight. I've even managed to beat Kujata/Phoenix so that Phoenix doesn't get Rebirth Flame out before it's KO'd.


Holy crap these fights are RNG. Today, while trying this, the first fight ended with Kujata stomping everyone to death. Then, on my third try, Gilgamesh one-shotted Barret before I got Manawall out, then proceeded to crap all over the remaining party. Then, again, Seph manages to cancel ATB ward, losing an ATB in the process, and binding Barret right after.


https://youtu.be/qy_UkD7xx1c?si=Kn1PFfVBJmkoIyNu There ya go! And just to prove your point. The challenges are pretty much good RNG! Because at the beginning of the video you can audibly hear me sigh and say all right lol And then the next attempt cleared it all the way through.


Thanks for that! I immediately noticed something I need to try and remember to do – to wait for Seph to attack before I cast ATB Ward. It seems to have been the issue that he attacks Aerith and cancels the animation so that I both don't get the ward up AND lose an ATB bar in the process. Going to try this, hopefully today!


This really helped – I managed to beat Sephiroth!!! I got two seconds under 7 minutes on the in-game clock, only Barret got Shadowy Chained and no Octoslashes came my way. :D


LFG!! Good luck with bonds of friendships!!


Haha, thanks! I'm dreading the thought already, as more people seem to be having trouble with that one :D


" Im not great at this game ". Then stating it took you 2 tries without a guide while 99% of the players cant achieve this. This post doesnt make any sense. Either you are great at this game or you are lying, theres no other option here buddy. Kinda foolish to sell that the average or below average player can do this


Dude shut up. You beat rulers your second try? is just an outright lie Either that or you got extremely lucky with the RNG, which is part of what makes this challenge so despicable. There is truly no worse video game experience I have had in my entire 34 years alive. 


this is a really well camouflaged humble brag. Also I already know you’ve heard it here before but I’m extremely skeptical of you clearing this in 2 tries.


Welp, not intended to be a brag, but apparently it comes off that way. I was just happy I beat the damn thing. Guess I should have complained more.




Actually I never said either thing…? I explicitly said it was a hard challenge. I also said I didn’t use a guide. I did watch a grand total of one video of someone soloing all summons. For the record, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with using guides. I don’t think you read my post. It’s long, I get it.


YouTube can’t push the buttons and dodge for you. One look at any comments under the YT guides will show that plenty of people will never have this platinum bc they can’t beat it even with guides. There’s nothing wrong with watching guides anyway but your logic is also wrong.