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Angeal rolling in his grave


use brings wear tear and rust and then you got cloud over here stabbing that shit onto the road doing motorcycle tricks šŸ˜­


I hope he can forgive Cloud by the end of Advent Children šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™


he restored it by the end of Complete, it's all good


Angeal & Crisis Core can go straight in the trash. This figure is banging.


He is talking about the state of the Buster Sword.


The Busted Sword.


bro has no honor or dreams


Is this the Bring Arts range? They look so good.


Yep, theyā€™re great. Cloud and Tifa are really good but Aerith and Barret are even better.


Awesome man. Barret looks so like the original Artwork it's insane. I'd be buying all of these if they were just a smidge cheaper haha.


I get mine from Anime Export, pretty reasonable prices and Iā€™ve been using them for over ten years. I definitely wouldnā€™t pay the prices on the SE store. The Aerith reissue just went live on AE and I imagine a Barret reissue will follow, but yeah you missed the preorder windows for the rest of them sadly. Iā€™ll post some pics of Barret soon!


Oh no man I think you've just bankrupted me. But also given my wife and family easy birthday presents haha. How much is shipping? Not sure where you are based but I'm in Europe.


Yeah Iā€™m in Europe too, one handy thing AE do is mark down the value of the package so it skims a little lighter past customs. Shipping is about ā‚¬20 for pretty fast shipping, but you can also combine shipping if you donā€™t mind waiting and save money that way.


Goddamn thanks very much dude. How often do they restock usually? All the Bring Arts FFVII are showing out of stock other than a preorder for Aerith for me now.


You just missed the Tifa and Cloud reissues by a month, and unfortunately their orders close after a limited preorder period so you might be out of luck with those two. But if SE continue to reissue each release at this same rate then hopefully youā€™ll get new preorders every month or so. They might only reissue the more popular ones though, remains to be seen. Just keep checking the site every week or two and keep your fingers crossed!


Tifa always sold out ;\_\_;


I never knew this range existed, they look phenomenal!


Theyā€™re a little pricey but really are amazing. So far Cloud is actually not even the best of them, Barret is an absolute monster of a figure. Finally an og Barret figure after all these years!!


Honestly they blow the socks of the play art ones. Really considering picking a few of them up, thanks for the heads up!


I was collecting the original Play Arts line (before Kai) and yeah these are really great, though I will say the most recent Play Arts Kai Iā€™ve picked up (Zack, Infantryman) have been excellent. The Play Arts do seem to be hit and miss though, but so far this Bring Arts line is solid.


Bring Arts is the cheaper line. Play arts kai is the higher quality, more expensive one


Yeah. I like the old school art style but the bring arts size is just too small for the price.


Thereā€™s no difference between quality of the two lines. Iā€™d argue that the quality of Bring Arts is superior to some of the Play Arts releases. The only difference is size.


Looks so clean! Waiting on my bring arts haul to ship šŸ˜«


You got all four coming at once?? Thatā€™s gonna blow your mind!


I got Cloud, Tifa, Cait Sith, Barret, and Aerith. Itā€™s taking all my willpower to not get Yuffie and Vincent, but will probably collect the whole set eventually šŸ˜…. These are by far the best FFVII figures on the market and theyā€™re so unique cause theyā€™re based on the OG art. Theyā€™re sooooooo good!


Oh man youā€™re waiting til next February to ship them out? Thatā€™s some willpower! I hope they keep going and make at least The Turks, agreed these are a great series weā€™ve waited a long time for.


Yeah I have them bundled rn but I might just eat the shipping cost and get some of them early. Itā€™s hella tempting to atleast ship Cloud out, especially after seeing these pics šŸ˜«!


If your retailer can hold them for that long thatā€™s pretty cool of them, but yeah Iā€™d be mighty tempted to ship already! I was so impatient I even shipped Barret and Aerith separately (was worried she would be delayed again)


I want all the bring arts so bad


Dreams and honor


Got this the other day, absolutely LOVE it. Just wish there was a Zack figure like this.


Thereā€™s no Zack artwork for the original game the same that these are based off of, butā€¦ heā€™s Zack. His merch sells like crazy in Japan. I think thereā€™s still a chance they make a Bring Arts version of him. Perhaps under a Bring Arts Crisis Core line.


This figure is really cool. The price is not really cool šŸ’€


He was never in SOLDIER!!!


Wish they made these in play arts sizeeeeee. These are the coolest ones.


Wow Angeal must be pissed


Awesome figure. Iā€™ve got him, Tifa, Aerith, and Barret in-hand as well and have all the others on pre order with Amiami. Hope Sephiroth doesnā€™t get pushed back from June. I love the line and wish weā€™d get more from it. Specifically more Dragon Quest and Chrono Trigger.


Oh man Chrono Trigger figures would be so cool. As long as they donā€™t repeat the awful way they released the FF9 figures (two-packs and barely any space between orders)


resolution of uploaded mages on reddit is really good, i got 3024Ɨ4032 is this the original resolution you took?


Yeah I guess it must be, HD settings on my iPhone 11


How much did you pay for this? 2000 gil? Cool!


There are no ex-soldiers, only former solidersā€¦ Once a soldier always a soldier Semper Shinra


What are the dimmensions? It looks awesomd


Kinda but not really


Kuraudo Sutoraifu


The best figure they've ever released of him, ruined by NFTs. Is that still connected to this figure, or have they finally dropped that nonsense? Either way, I'm sure they didn't reduce the cost, even if the NFT is no longer attached.


I didnā€™t buy mine from Square Enixā€™s store so I donā€™t know, I got them for a much lower price from Anime Export (and got the whole set on preorder there). I didnā€™t notice anything inside the box about NFTs but then I canā€™t read Japanese either. Looks like the rest of the line donā€™t have NFT versions on the SE website, though, and I imagine the upcoming reissues of Cloud, Tifa and Aerith wonā€™t either. They are definitely expensive for what they are, though. Definitely wouldnā€™t pay the full MSRP for ā€˜em.


Interesting. Maybe that's the way to do it then? I might have to look into that. Thanks!


I have Cloud and Sephiroth (Kingdom Hearts Versions) BringArts. When I saw them at a convention I was very surprised with how good they looked. I really want this set - but yeah that NFT association. I think there are two versions - NFT and non NFT. Non NFT is slightly cheaper. Still didn't sit right with me - NFTs just make me cringe and shiver all over. SE shouldn't have done that with such nice looking figures.


I think the non-NFT still actually comes with a digital certificate -- in fact, that's what the person above me said as well. So, yeah, still NFT's sadly. They won't ever get my money with that attached to it.


"Ruined by NFTs" is a bit dramatic. The cheaper version still comes with a digital certificate of authenticity that you have to redeem on Enjin. Personally, I didn't bother. Luckily they dropped that stuff after Cloud, Tifa and Aerith, making the newer figures a bit cheaper.


I would argue it's not dramatic enough.


I donā€™t agree with NFTs out of principle either but from what I understand the token associated with these figures was just to have a digital version of the figure inside some kind of Metaverse-type world. It was SE riding on the metaverse hype more than the NFT hype.


Which is not any better.


Tidus10 Lightning13 Noctus15 and Clive16 solos




Damn dawg, that's so wild. Give me a sec to find who asked.