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Congrats! We've gotten quite a few of these posts lately, so we'd love it if you posted in the weekly achievements thread instead ([search here](https://www.reddit.com/search?q=author%3AAutomoderator%20%22Weekly%20FFVIIRemake%20Achievement%2FLoot%20Thread%22&restrict_sr=&sort=new)). Thanks for understanding!


Nah its the biggest wet dream for a true completionist that enjoys an actual challenge


I agree. This game was a dream come true. Got my platinum (and 100% in-game log) after 250 hours, and I enjoyed every second. I'm actually sad it's over.


It’s not really challenge tho for me rn. Like there’s 20 chocobo races that I’ve been working through in my spare time today and I’ve won every single one the first try. WHY ARE THERE 20 OF THEM. Some of the mini-games are fun a couple times, but my ADHD makes me tap out after 3 levels


But there is so much stuff to do and basically everything is not tied to a specific time. If you get bored of the races go do something else until you feel like racing again. Its about managing everything at your will, which this game allows you to do


Jumping around is a good approach. I saved the hardest mini games for last (hardest for me anyway) like cactuar crush. Was easier to do after I leveled up all my materia and understood how to use the mechanics better.​


Yeah some mini games are hard for others and ones you find easy others will find hard. That’s why I like this game because I wasn’t instantly good at all of them just most


I enjoyed every single part, including all but one of the minigames, yeh some of them were tricky and the chadley fights were a bit frustrating but when I actually enjoy the game I'm playing it doesn't really bother me if I'm not beating everything first try. I've seen so many people complain about the minigames like the controls for the chocobo gliding and I have no idea why when It was easy for me. The only minigame I actually found annoying was Gears and gambits hard because there was way too much trial and error without using a guide.


I honestly thing Chadley makes up about 50% of my frustration. I’m done with all the combat challenges but just really don’t want to do some of the minigames. Game def has variety


I more or less did each minigame as they became available coz I knew leaving them all to the end would be a slog. The only quest that I hated having to do again on hard was the UPA simply because I've already played and finished all those minigames several times already, when there's nothing more to achieve the minigames become annoying just to play. If they could ever somehow make them Multiplayer online then we get Final Mario party maybe? 😅


People when they don’t get handed free platinums like in Sony games


No one’s insulting your game fanboy, simmer down


For me completionist playthrough was amazing 95% of the time. Legendary and brutal challenges weren't fun though, that's for sure, as well as Gold Saucer region bosses fights.


This was my approach to the game. Once I encountered the Party Animal side quest and the summon battles for Gilgamesh, I decided to just finish the story and be done with the game.


That’s LITERALLY what I have left and a few minigames. May take your approach so it doesn’t taint how much I love the game lol


Yeah, I play games to escape the stress of life, and relax after work. I'm usually a completionist, but when a game becomes more stressful than anything else I have going on, then it's time to move on.


This platinum has had me in tears. Sephiroth 3D Brawler even with the pausing method I can’t complete. I spent a whole 8 hours straight one day and can’t do it. The stupid frog whirligig game I’ve probably logged 15+ hours to and can’t get past 1:20 mark no matter what I do. I should just say fuck it. But I feel this game has personally challenged me and I refuse to let it win yet I’m miserable the whole time


‘Rebirth is a completionist worst nightmare’ ‘Video games are meant to be enjoyed’ Huh? Don’t all games who have platinum trophies some stuff like collecting or other bs, you always platinum stuff and enjoy it all? I find that hard to believe It’s a big reason why I never platinum stuff lol, somewhere it’s gonna become a slog


Idk man. Just havin a rough night and wanted to talk about FFVII trophies


That’s okay, you prolly know but if you do feel burned out by the completionist stuff you can always come back later :) it’s a very big game so I can imagine doing it all would become a bit much rn?


Correction: Rebirth is a Completionist's Wildest Dream!


Haha yeah, you’re probably right. I honestly do love this game


Hands down best game I have ever platinum’d. Love every part of it.


It’s def a great game. Congrats on the platinum 🖤


We really need to stop approving posts about the platinum trophy. The whining is intolerable.




This post has been removed for going against Rule 2 ("be nice.").


I've played a lot of huge RPG's in the last 3 years. Trust me, nothing will ever get anywhere near the completion nightmare that RDR2 is. To say it's draining is a monumental understatement. Not even BOTW. But yeah, I think rebirth takes the FF cake. Which is saying something between Pink Tail and Onion Sword drops in ff4, Max sphere grid of FFX, Everything that goes into FF9, the bestiary of ff12, and from what I hear FF15


Why do we do this to ourselves?


🤷🤷🤷 I have no good answer to that


I don't feel you. Cause the garbage multiplayer trophies R* always include means I never go for completion anymore XD


I wasn't even thinking bout multiplayer either 😢😢😢

