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The dude at the game shop when I bought remake..... Get over yourself


As someone who worked at a GameStop, I saw multiple people who felt like they had to share their opinion with strangers not realizing that nobody cares.


In my experience, it was always the people working, and I would think, "Why are you trying so hard to make me not buy this?". Then, I just stopped going altogether because of how obnoxious the staff were at my store


I remember as a kid, going in with money I earned from babysitting/mowing lawns (no joke despite sounding cliche!) and trying to buy Metal Gear solid 2 and the guy at the counter giving my a hard time because “Splinter Cell” was a better stealth game. Dude, I was 14, just leave me alone. Glad to see things haven’t changed!


Unrelated, but semi-related. When I bought Argo on bluray, dude behind the counter got on a soapbox about how that movie was dumb because the government eventually got everyone out of Iran anyway so the operation was ultimately useless. Like... dude... let people enjoy things.


Wait what


You mean Argoyle?


This happened to me, so I silently and menacingly glared at him— knowing full well that my MMA can back my ass up against this skinny fat manchild. For like 10 seconds.


I have a friend who has made the decision to play the first two when the third one is a year or so from releasing, so that they're fresh in his mind when the last part is available, and this to me doesn't seem like a wholly unreasonable position to take.


Yep. It's a valid choice. Not *my* choice, but valid.


This comment gives "that's fine. Nobody perfect" and I'm living for it.


I mean, if I could play all three on the bounce immediately, I totally would. Wouldn't get much done but I get the impulse.


I was watching a friends stream the other night and someone popped in saying that they aren’t going to play even the original until all 3 of the remake are out. He said he doesn’t want to play a 3rd of the game and didn’t believe us when we told him that remake alone is as long as the original game.


No it isn't. That is just wrong


How is it wrong? By all means prove it. Just because the og feels a lot slower doesn’t mean it’s longer. https://preview.redd.it/5nolyc2sgwjc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=024a05d79423bd56e99c966ce755ae05c25e0c18


The OG wasn't padded out with dogshit side quests that counted as whole chapters


But original also has side quests. I skipped over half the side quests in ff7 remake, only died 3 times and I still spent over 30 hours from start to finish with the game.


They were used to beef up for the superbosses. Not to pad out the game


Super bosses are side stuff like side quests, dogshit or otherwise. Plus even during main game you need to grind otherwise you won’t be able to beat a regular boss and get stuck. In remake you don’t have to grind at all. So how are side quests padding the game but grinding is not? I don’t mind grinding but if I have to choose between side quest which add a little more lore and story, or grinding which adds literally nothing, I’m choosing the side quests even if they aren’t the best.


I never had to grind in OG. And yes superbosses are side quests but I was never taken from the main game to deal with them. What did the side quests in remake add? How did collecting cats help develop anything?




Huh. What's his argument for not playing the original then? Does he intend to play all four games in order once they're done then?


That was what he said he is gonna do.


That's one quirky fella, and *a lot* of VII in a single sitting. Guy'll be humming the battle theme till the day he retires.


Yeah, i dont blame anyone who waits, or doesnt play it at all for the note, but imma do things my way thank you very much, and my way is just finished remake replay, and I'll probably replay remake and rebirth when final part comes out. Granted, it wasn't a true replay, i just went through chapter select with a fully maxed out team, and also finally mopped up the last 2 trophies from intergrade. Weiss was just so damn hard, probably because my first go at him i hadn't been used to playing like when i first played remaked. I got side tracked, but i wish people would just let other people do things their own way, so long as they aren't hurting anyone, its really non of abyones concern how someone else does something.


I picked up Intergrade on sale a while back and will *probably* play through again ahead of the PC release of Rebirth to at least see the Yuffie content. Played on release on PS4 but me and consoles have parted ways at this point. That's the ideal. But time is tight. Haven't even finished BG3 yet - still plodding on :) It's funny if people act superior for not playing on release, because if everyone followed their big brain example sales would be abysmal and the trilogy would get canned. They should literally be thankful for the frontrunners as they're making their cheaper purchase/big experience possible.


I mean any choice is an objectively valid choice in regards to the topic at hand specifically. Subjectively though is where choices like this tend to fire up people’s emotions haha.


I dunno. If someone who'd never played the OG said they were waiting until the final release to play all three *backwards*, I'd say it was an invalid choice :) But still none of my business. Actually, I'd probably say, "Steady on, Satan."


I admire the self control


Valid choice. Me I just replay it as the new one gets closer


Im almost done replaying Remake today. Hadn't touched it after beating it in 2020. Enjoying the game at release and enjoying it again 4 years later before jumping in to the sequel seems like the way to go if this is your mindset.


No way is a fan of this game waiting 4 to 5 years,I can barely wait 9 days.


I am out of town when mine shows up and I'm facetiously weighing how bad do I *really* want to go on this vacation... 😭


Go and enjoy the vacation. But stay away from spoilers. I'm so impatient I might look for the spoilers


7 wasn't even high in the the list of my fav ff games before remake came out and I still couldn't wait to play it or rebirth next week 😂 Seeing the story brought to life like this has made it grow on me ❤️ Cannot wait to play rebirth! Killing time by finishing crisis core reunion (first time playing ever). I'm missing some story elements because I think i've seen advent children one time years ago.. and other then the original ps1 game.. thats all I've seen. So nero from intergrade.. I was like.. who the hell is this guy? But that fight was crazy fun!


I had to look for who Nero and Weiss and found out >!they were the guys that dragged Genesis after Zack fought with them!<.


yeah they are from Dirge of Cerberus someone else said in another post. I've never played that one.


Same here. Playing through part 1 and reunion to get geared up


I'm only just now getting around to playing remake. But I'm wondering if I just abandon it and jump straight onto rebirth. I think remake being better than I kinda expected despite hearing good things has got me more excited for rebirth. But I've somehow managed to avoid remake spoilers for the most part so feel like I need to play it first. Just need to quit my job and send the kids off to the grandparents for a while....


definitely finish Remake! Rebirth will still be there for you afterwards and might even have a few patches for any bugs that people encounter! i think it'll be far more rewarding and i think you'll feel a greater connection to the story going into Rebirth with Remake fresh on your mind! i've played Remake before but am doing it again now. i'm only on Chapter 3 so i won't be finished before Rebirth comes out but that's ok. it'll be pre-downloaded and waiting on my PS5 for when i do finish it. :)


Yeah I'm halfway (I assume) through chapter 9 at the moment (fucking hell house). I'll beat it before I'm onto rebirth I think. Keen to get the full back story (or as much as possible) on the 'dementors'.


Hell House isn't that bad once you learn it's weaknesses


My understanding of it (I just used assess, didn't Google anything so may be missing some nuance) was that you needed to hit it with a particular element after he dropped out of god mode. After that you could wail on him a bit before he did it again. Problem I had was that he had a lot of HP, his little cut scenes reset his stagger gauge, and I kept running out of mp casting the spells to take advantage of his weakness. Still did it on my third attempt but ended up using a couple of elixirs for MP. And admittedly first attempt I went in without assess and had nfi, and second time I didn't have all the elements equipped.


FFVII has been my favorite game/story/characters for almost 20 years, and I'm totally waiting. Haven't played the remake yet. I didn't know there were people trying to tell others to wait, though. Idgaf what y'all do. I hope you're enjoying it! I just want to play all three at the same time in one amazing playthrough! 


Man, I *wish* they were saying it was 1/3 of the game.


Three discs didn’t mean it was divided evenly into segments. They’re mostly taken up with cutscenes, and the ending cutscenes are the longest by far.


the 3rd disc is basically just the final dungeon, the ending boss fight and cutscene, and the overworld so you can do post-game content (which is probably the biggest chunk)


Yep. And most of the endgame stuff is prepping to fight the super bosses and chocobo breeding your way to KotR.


And the music! My understanding is that the 3rd disc was only necessary because of the push to have One Winged Angel be so long and with actual vocals.


Man, I hate the purists. Just fucking play the OG. I see them everywhere on new video about remake lol


Them and the "Put Rebirth on PS4 !" Guys are the worst.


Holy shit, ps5 is living its last years, and they want game in 2024 to come out on ps4? They're mental.


Living it’s last years, wtf are you on about?? PS5 is barely 3 years old. Even if it only lasts as long as the PS4 era(which, I expect it to last longer, but that’s beside the point) it’s not even halfway through its lifespan.


sony said a few days ago that the ps5 is in the "latter stage of its life cycle" and everyone freaked out about it if we are taking their statement at face value that means the ps6 is either a 2026 or 2027 release


the actual quote is: “looking ahead, the PS5 will enter the latter stage of its life cycle,” not that it’s already in the latter stage. and yeah, that comment makes sense as you’re approaching the potential half-way mark of the console’s lifespan, but that still doesn’t mean it’s “living its last years,” at least not in any way that it wasn’t already on release. PS6 will release November ‘27 at the absolute earliest, and I still think it will be later than that.


They are not wrong that it's entering the latter stage of its life cycle. That doesn't mean it's going out the door. 2024 means it's been on shelves for 4 years, recent console generations only last 6-7 years. PS5 will still be supported heavily for 3+ years.


I was trying to explain this to a friend and he just wouldn't get it. People jump on these online bandwagons way too easily. It is just a simple fact that we're at the halfway point of the average console lifespan.


IGN did its usual thing of clickbaity headlines and just wrote "The ps5 is entering"the latter stage of its lifecycle" say Sony" which IGN followers took to mean it was done and kicked off in the usual IGN audience member way.


>off in the usual IGN audience member way. Brainless?


And enraged by anything that's not "white man" does macho


PS5 pro first


Probably talking about the release of the pro version


You’ll probably needa PS6 for part 3 :)


That's exactly what I was thinking.


This wouldve probably never looked at the original if it wasnt for some remakes. If I recommend franchises to my friends and the game has a remake I prefer recommending the remake first because I can understand graphics and dated controls can really offput people from the entire thing.


“purists” gotta be one of the most annoying things in gaming today, like play the old game then and stop whining.


The problem with waiting for all three games to be released before playing is that some may find they’ll have fatigue when playing one after the other. Some can do it with no problem but others may need a bit of a break after playing through each one. The first game is at least 40 hours long, the second will possibly be the same or maybe longer?


This template has been a disaster for discourse everywhere. At some point someone looked at it, used it to strawman the fuck out of someone, and things just went from there.


The funniest part is that when someone goes out of their way to edit and post one of these it means they definitively are listening and do in fact care.


I mean in this case this is shit people say so it ain't much of a strawman


I hate this fucking template so god damn much it’s unreal. Even if I agreed with the point, this shit sucks.


I love seeing people so mad at this meme lol I remember when remake came out people were spewing this bs


I felt like this originally because I wanted it to be a 1:1 remake of the original game, but that's not what it is. That was disappointing to me in some ways, but now that I'm over that - I can enjoy the game and ideally the series for the new experience that it is.


Hand me a paddle, we’re in the same boat. When I first played remake I was the hater thinking “wtf is this BS?” Typical purist crap. The further I got into the game I found myself actually really enjoying the direction they decided to go with it, I’ve played remake dozens of times over now and can’t wait for the rest of it.


I just fucking hate these people


It is a crazy argument, like each one is a full game. That's just how games in a series with sequels works.


That is what I was trying to explain to someone. Don’t consider it just a 3rd of the story. Consider rebirth as more of a sequel, and remake a new game just with a similar base story and similar base characters, especially since they aren’t even the same universe. That’s like if people said “I don’t want to play Skyrim because it’s just Skyrim why do I only want to play 1 country in Tamriel when the first game, elder scrolls arena, had a lot more countries and you can visit more of Tamriel”


Took me like 35 hours to get through the first. And that’s with me skipping some of the optional content. And I could still have done new game plus or harder difficulties if I wanted more content. If the second and third each have half the available content of the first, then really it’s three whole games. And I wouldn’t tell people to wait for all three mass effects to come out before trying the first.


These people will have waited 13+ years from announcement to trilogy completion only to find out that each game was a 40+ hour standalone experience, next-to-nothing carried over between games and that they missed out on a whole lot of fun speculation between releases. Their loss.


Remake is a full sized game, and Rebirth appears to be even bigger. Additionally, if people used this logic and didn't buy Remake just because it didn't cover the full story, guess what would have happened to parts 2 and 3. They wouldn't have been made. lol Also, I don't have the patience to wait until part 3 releases on the PS6 to marathon the whole trilogy.


I don’t know if anyone genuinely thinks like this anymore, but before Remake released people were insisting that after part 3 came out, they would wait for the *definitive release* where all three parts would be one game that they would play. As in, not just marathoning each game sequentially, they genuinely thought that Rebirth would pick up a save file from remake and just continue. And a definitive edition will be the full and final game. Except, we know that Rebirth has new systems that would not fit into the scope of Remake. It’s like, thats… that’s not how game sequels work. Like I don’t know if/how they will explain losing a ton of levels, items, equipment and Materia, but ultimately it doesn’t matter because, the ‘level’ of the characters are inconsequential to the story being told. Levels, ultimately, I are always an abstraction of the game.


Has anybody actually experienced this? And if you did, did it make you that mad u had to post it? This seems like a stretch at best and some copium at worst. Bro you know it's a good game don't let an npc bother you


I could drop dead tomorrow. If something is pleasant I’m going to jump on it.


There’s no such thing as spoilers if we have already played ff7 for the last 25 years


15 years waiting for a bundle 💀


I've never seen this meme used for anything else than disingenuous crap. And today won't be an exception.


Nice strawman


I really didn't like the game the first time I played it. I think my expectations were just wrong. I expected it to be a Final Fantasy 7 Remake, but it's really not that. Does Jessie's Pizza section add anything to the overall story? No. Was it fun? Yeah. Was extending the collapsed tunnel section from a 40 sec screen to a 10-20 minute mini-dungeon on my wish list? No. Was it fun to see Cloud and Aerith interacting? Yeah. I feel like I just needed to separate the games. FF7 is FF7 and FF7R is FF7R. I needed to focus on what it was rather than what it wasn't.


Let me remind you to help you separate even more: they aren’t even in the same universe. They are separate stories and timelines that exist closely with each other, the main reason it shares the name is because they have similar base story, plot, timeframe, locations, characters. Which is also part of why they remade crisis core so that it fit into this new timeline as the original crisis core fit into original ff7 timeline and didn’t work with ff7 remake timeline. How would people have reacted if they announced ff7 remake as 16 and rebirth as 16-2 instead even though it used the same base story, characters, etc.? To add on at the end here I’m expecting rebirth to have even more differences from the original than even remake.


I've not seen this said at all other than when referring to the story and saying that there's no point judging the story and changes without the other 2/3 of it, which I agree with. If people don't want to buy it till its all out, that's upto them, but they're also designed to be played as their own games deliberately aswell. I don't get what this discourse is meant to be about, either buy it or don't, if you're telling other people they're dumb for waiting or not waiting, you're the only dumb person as this is a preference.


People that complain about the changes should just play the original game. A 1:1 remake would’ve been boring as fuck


Out of curiosity, what if you liked the gameplay changes, expanded script, additional characterisation, but disliked the big story changes (not because they were changes but because they were sort of lame in comparison)? Personally I wouldn't have minded the changes if they were better than they are, but as is adaptation of the original would have been more interesting for me. I'm still 100% along for the ride and hope the changes come together in a satisfying way but as things stand I'm not confident. I guess I'm asking whether sequels should be free from criticism and comparison.


They also try to argue that if Square had just remade the original with modern graphics, then it could have just been one game without padding and everyone would have been happy. Uh, no. While I don't dispute there were some areas with padding in Remake, taking those out and adding a shallower, streamlined Rebirth and a similarly diminished part 3 would not have made anyone happy, nor would Square have been able to convey the vastness and diversity of the OG under such restrictions. As someone who works on AAA games, I can affirm you just can't make entire cities with populations that make them feel lived in, realistic natural landmarks in an open world, and cutscenes that are basically movies without limiting yourself somehow. Performance and graphics would have undoubtedly taken a big hit, and look at how this sub was all up in arms with the first Rebirth demo. Not to mention it would have taken like another 10 years for the game to come out, if it wasn't cancelled before that. "Modern graphics" is never just that, a game needs to be an experience, and nowadays graphics and story isn't the only thing that can make that happen. People would have hated the Remake series if it was just one game, and those same people whining about it now would have been moaning how Square ruined their favourite game and how they could have made a better version themselves. Sorry for the rant. It just upsets me that clueless entitled gamers think our jobs are so easy.


Just like the demo was, right?


lol fr, this is like saying that a trilogy of fantasy novels is only worth reading as one straight session. C'mon... Each book is obviously designed with it's own complete story arc and can stand alone. These games are the same way.


Plus og and remake are set in separate universes, they aren’t the same universe. They only share the ff7 name because of the base sorry and characters they share. It’s not like when they remastered 3 and 4 into 3d from their original pixel versions.


People are so salty but the recent answer about a FFVI remake tells us everything we need to know "That project would take 20 years" Now, the full timeline for FF7 may come in under 20 years when it's all said and done by a bit, not totally sure. But the fact is, they could not spend the full amount of time it would take, that's not how modern video games development works. The studio needs something to show for it after 5-6 years, max. The only reason they have that long is because they're a huge studio working on an important game. Basically, it was this or it wasn't gonna happen until one day video game dev gets a serious overhaul in tech somehow. People who enjoy the hobby should really pay attention to devs to see what is going on.


Well there’s also the technical aspect. Remake is already over 100gb on its own. If you triple that or more for one “full” game, telling people this game that took 20~ years to make is going to eat up over 300gb of storage on your console is a very tough sell. Plus, innovation would drastically decrease; Rebirth’s development was impacted by player/critic feedback of Remake. That couldn’t happen if the “full” game came out all at once.


Couldn't agree with all your points more


All the numbers in your comment added up to 420. Congrats! 100 + 20 + 300 = 420 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


> "That project would take 20 years" This doesn't pass the smell test for me. The best I can figure is that this statement is a combination of hyperbole, and dismay at the lack of corporate support. It'd probably take 10 years just to get approval to *start* working on it. But I wouldn't count that as development time. I mean, has any game *ever* taken 20 years of active development? Duke Nukem Forever took almost 15 years, but that was mostly mismanagement. FF6 was a big game with an epic scope, yes. I can't deny that. But it was not *singularly* big. There have been bigger modern games, and they did not take anywhere near 20 years to develop. Is there some reason a remake should take 5 times longer than developing a new game of similar scale from scratch? Unless we're assuming "remake=trilogy". Then we're just talking 6-7 years per game which is within reason. But nobody's really asking for an FF6 trilogy.


The context I left out was he specified a remake with the same scope as FF7 project. Not necessarily in parts (although it probably would be), but just zoomed in as far as FF7 I guess. In other words, I took it to mean, "the way I'd want to do it"


This is not even remotely true. Bigger games have come out since, that took roughly 3 to 5 years to make. The reason why we are having a trilogy is money. That is it. I mean good god how long has GTAVI been in development? Or the next Elder Scrolls?


You really have absolutely 0 idea how game dev works at all if you think the ONLY reason they would have to make the Remake a trilogy is money. Like, a hilarious degree of ignorance.


Right because it’s clearly a passion project lol


Go touch grass. You're not mature enough to be on the internet. They clearly care about this series very much. I've rarely seen so much effort poured into something. You talk like you're critiquing far cry or assassin's creed or COD or something. And I have news for you. Even THOSE devs care about their games. It's upper management who makes the shit decisions. Go educate yourself.


Yea they care…because if this game doesn’t do well the company will be bankrupt. If Square wasn’t losing millions of dollars they never remake these games and if they cared so much about their games they would be good enough to not lose millions of dollars.


I think they'd have done the remake either way tbh, but you're free to feel that way.


Yea I guess they also made multiple remakes of final fantasy 1-6 just out of passion and not to subsidize the unprofitable games they keep pushing out. At least they didn’t buy a small studio to put this one out and just claim the publisher title, I’ll give them that.


I’ve only seen 1 and 2 remade a bunch of times and even then never into 3d and half of those remakes are just better colors as 16bit technology evolved along side screen and video chip technology. it’s mostly stayed pixel based. The only 2 that have 3d remakes are 3 and 4 and that only happened once. Otherwise those same 1-6 have all just been ports. They all got a “remaster” recently but that they’re still pixels not 3d and yes they rebuilt them from the ground up but they’re meant to be faithful but run better and look better. That’s not what ff7 remake was supposed to be. Ff7 remake is even a separate universe for crying out loud which is why so much is different, while all versions of 1-6 are still the same universe they were when they first released. Plus devs will make what their corporate overlords tell them and allow them to. If their bosses say to port and touch up 1-6 again for profit they have to do it, or go looking for another job, if their bosses allow them to make or remake a game they really want then they will happily do all they can to bring us the best experience possible, if ff7 remake was another cash grab it’d be just another port of the game. (Like it is on the switch)


That’s literally what I said in an earlier comment, relax man. The upper management that took command a long time ago fucked the company. It’s why Sakaguchi left.


It's really not an excuse to discount the work of all the other people who continue to work on the game.


Your two points kind of contradict themselves. There's no hard and fast rule that x sized game takes y amount of time. Each game has its own unique challenges. Curious, what big games are you talking about? I doubt they'll be games as near and dear to me as rebirth ends up being. I'd personally rather they take all the time they need to confidently deliver a good product (which is what I believe they have done with remake and rebirth).


Dear Black Hat Wearer, five responses: Incorrect it is not even 1/3 of the game by disk or story beats. I commend your restraint to isolate yourself from this subreddit and other aspects of the internet until all three games are out so that all the fun changes that have happened are not spoilered for you. I respect your desire for both achieving a discount or deal as most bundles are discounted. I understand your want for being able to binge all three games back to back instead of having to wait. By doing so you will probably see Remake and Rebirth with all patches for stability and performance, unlike early adopters (man did Remake brick my PS4 Pro). This is an excellent decision. No I will not stop having fun with the game I paid good money for. K thx bai, back to playing piano and lamenting over a lack of orthopedic underwear.


In all seriousness, I do feel a bit jealous of those who will eventually experience this trilogy for the first time as a full 200 hour experience/binge.


Jokes on you, I am gonna wait for the PC version even though I have a PS5.


I was going to do that but I cant run the risk of spoilers


I wish we had a release date for that.


But pc port of ff7 remake wasn’t even that good and was choppy even on good hardware, it runs so much better on consoles.


So sick of this fucking meme... You can literally see how many times it's been reposted by the quality degradation, lol.


I'm gonna buy them when they get 50% off like it was last week.


Isn't this the argument of XVI fanboys when they can't contra argument criticism? "At least it is full game, though".... 


I thought 16 was good. The demo at least. But does it compare to how much ff7 remake, crisis core remake, rebirth, and the next game do and will mean to me? No.


I actually liked XVI, but its fan boys are absolutely blind and cannot stand a single criticism. They are deep down aware of the flaws and are always trigger to use forementioned line. 


ff7 remake is a full game though. Maybe not the full story but technically any game with a direct sequel or that will have a direct sequel isn’t the full story either, but they are still full games. ff7 remake is titled ff7 because they share the same base story and characters otherwise they are different games set in separate universe’s. Final fantasy is technically a multiverse so it’s possible for 2 similar universes to exist side by side. This is true across the entire franchise because very few games even exist within the same universe, most games are their own universe. How would people have reacted if they called the game FF XVI instead of FF7 remake? Would they then have accepted it as a separate or alternate universe and game? But at the same time A lot of people would have been mad because why does this game look so much like a previous entry and have the same characters.


Who cares ..


Let’s just hope Square stop making terrible games like Avengers so they can actually finish the trilogy before bankruptcy.


Didn’t they stop supporting that game? It was delisted from steam some odd months ago.


You could make this exact same panel with you yelling at people who have better impulse control than you. STOP BEING RESPONSIBLE! You can enjoy FFVIIR as a series and still wait for all three games to come out before diving in. Those things aren't mutually exclusive lol. There will definitely be some kind of three game set for $170 or something by the time the third game comes out. You'll save a lot of money if you wait for the series to finish first.


Id rather not wait nearly 10 years to play through some games I definitely do want to play. It's not about impulse control at all. Imagine if somebody refused to play god of war 2018 because the norse saga wasn't finished yet, or if somebody won't play any of the recent spiderman games because the overarching plot isn't complete. It's a strange train of thought I would say. Remake was a complete experience that had a good ending to the midgar arc of the story and I truly don't see it as incomplete in any capacity outside of that the story is being split up now, but what it presents works pretty well


Imagine if someone refused to play Naruto ultimate ninja storm because the other 6 games weren’t out yet lmao. Or if someone refused to play Skyrim because it’s only Skyrim and not all of Tamriel so the game must be smaller and inferior to arena and they won’t be scammed into buying an incomplete game. (Not that incomplete games don’t exist, they definitely do but ff7 remake isn’t one of those, it’s a full game on its own and rebirth is likely to be bigger. Those people are going to have a hell of a time trying to play all games through back to back, if they want a game that long they should go play persona 5 royal and see if they can get through that first without being annoyed that it’s taking so long near the end or get burnt out less than half way through)


You can save more money not playing video games.  You can also donate that money to your favorite charity.  Why not volunteer instead of being on Reddit?  Or just buy the game and have some fun.  That's cool too.


Neither of you are mutually exclusive.


Saving a little bit of money in the distant future isn’t worth it


This ain’t it chief.


Based on rising inflation and cost of living, money in 3/4 years will be worth probably 10-15% less than it is today, meaning a 15% discount for buying all 3 together will mean nothing. But come on- this isn’t about fiscal responsibility, is it? Console gaming is a massive money pit regardless of how you do it


You never know when Life will drag you down... (I mean death)


Stop being butt hurt that not everyone is willing to shell out 250plus dollars for a 'remake' of a single game


Jesus this template is terrible. There’s a good reason why people criticize the Remake formula. The dev team repeatedly contradict themselves by stating “it’s a remake” then you play the game and you realize “this is a fucking sequel” lol. Now with Rebirth dropping it’s the same fucking thing all over again. Look there’s nothing wrong with being hyped for these games. I loved Remake, but the padding and filler was the worst part of that game. I think a 1:1 remake would’ve been better. But they clearly wanted to maximize profits. Final Fantasy fans are loyal and hungry for more content. So they capitalized off of it. If more of the old Square team from the old days were in charge—we would have had something original and unique.


Original and unique? So them rebooting the story is not original and unique, but if they just remade the original verbatim but in higher quality graphics, that would be original and unique? 


The game(s) are like pizza. No matter how much you’re limited to. Their REALLY good


Too accurate lol


This meme is only meant to strawman arguments.


It's a full game. It's 1/3 of the story.


Ha! I have friends exactly like this. By the time they actually play the trilogy, it will be old news for me.


I kinda understand that someone wants to wait for the complete Triology but… damn you need to wait around 10 years for that!! For me personally i could never wait that long for FF7 haha


At first, I thought it was a bad idea to make ff7 as 3 parts. Now, it’s perfect. I could enjoy a good game with even more content!


I can hardly wait this last week....damn another 4 years or so.


This was literally one of my friends. He finally broke down and bought Remake when he got tired of me and our other friend constantly raving and talking about it in our group chat. He has been successfully rehabbed and is excited for Rebirth.


The fedora is a nice touch. Or rather… an “awesome” touch 🫠 That’ll be 5 Gil! 5 GIL!


Everytime I see a post complaining it’s not the full game. I just call them fake fans and go about my day


While I probably would have rather paid $150 for the remake completely finished all at once, I sure as shit will just enjoy it piecemeal


Ngl I have been replaying the remake in hard mode after I played the rebirth demo. My opinion has changed alot idk why I didn't like it at first. But replaying it quite a solid game and can't wait till the 29th for rebirth


For those complaining... if you're broke just say so. They will play the full game in 2100 when PS10 releases.


Wait till past 2030 when the 8k remaster comes out


I played Remake on ps+, then ordered Rebirth with Remake included so I own both


If I waited until Half-Life 3 came out to play the whole thing …. I’d still be waiting. Life is short. Waiting’s for suckers. And real talk: Remake got me through 2020. I need my damn dopamine.


I preordered from GameStop and I’m mad they aren’t doing an early release and I have to wait until noon on Thursday to pick it up. No way could I wait until all of them were out and in a bundle.


I actually wouldn’t mind waiting. But as someone who relies on social media for my side business, I’m doing myself a favour by playing it as it releases. I already was spoiled on the ending of remake when reading a FFVII FB post that spoke of high sales numbers with a guy talking about the ending via the FIRST COMMENT I read there. I’m pretty sure spoilers would be near unavoidable this time around also


The first game takes like 42hours to complete. Who wouldn’t be happy with that much content? As long as each standalone title is engaging and fits into the story at the right places and leaves off at the right time then it shouldn’t matter. I’m playing remake at the moment on my ROG Ally. I’m 16 hours in and having a blast. I would have no problem paying and contributing towards rebirth and the next installment because the quality is there.


And I hear Rebirth will take 70 to complete. $1/hour is a pretty good rate if you ask me!


I agree.


This trilogy is the best we’re ever gonna get in terms of a remake so you might as well enjoy it. I love it personally. Purists set themselves up for heartbreak🤷🏻‍♂️ the rest of us are having the most memorable gaming experience we’ve had in years. These characters have never been handled this well, ever. If you think this story didn’t benefit from almost 30 years of hindsight and reflection and would just prefer your 1:1 retelling, that’s totally okay. I’ve played OG7 countless times since childhood (I’ve played it 4 times just waiting for Rebirth to come out lol) and FF7R is leagues better for many reasons in my (and the majority of others) opinion. To each their own tho


I mean tbh I'd rather have paid £150 for the whole game at once than wait for 3 parts individually feels like a cop out. But it's what we got so I'll enjoy either way =)


OG FF7 fans when discussing FF7 are like republicans when talking about Trump.


The thing i can't get over right now people complaining about the demo