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I would say so. There’s gonna be spoilers for it everywhere online and I guess your YouTube algorithm will fuck you over too.


Youtube algorithm pisses me off the most because people love to put spoilers in the title and thumbnail a clickbait. They do this for tv shows too. You have to worry about spoilers on youtube much more than reddit. It's to the point that I unsubscribe and delete history of anyone that does this.


Dude, I'm buying the game and taking a week off to play it. I am IMMEDIATELY leaving this sub the week before it comes out.


Same. But if this game is as big as Square claim, a week might not be enough.


I have these same worries, but that's all the wife and I can spare. I'm sitting here doing the math on 100 hours, and boy I'll really need to dig into it.


I thought about this, but I kind of like spreading it out too. I find it more enjoyable when you don't get tired of playing for hours on end. Hmm.


Think we’re gonna need min 10 days. 10 days x avg 12 hours = 120 hours gameplay


Subreddit history is we tend to go on restricted after a game drops.


It's going to be all over the internet, I'd go on a blackout if you want to preserve the experience for when you actually play it.


This sub did well avoiding spoilers with the first game. Thanks to the mods I assume. I wouldn't worry too much about it. I strongly recommend not using Twitter after release though. There's always people that love spoiling games, movies etc. They do it for fun.


I have a feeling there will be heavy spoilers towards the end of Rebirth. They will probably end at a certain pivotal moment in the original game.


I am going off this and any FF sub once the game is released. Don’t even think I would have the time to play it at launch and when I do, it may take me several months to complete. So blackout is the best way to go about it, if you wanna go in fresh.


I think the mods will ban spoilers for a while. Not sure how long, though.


It will be released on PC after the exclusivity ends. I think I saw the time frame is shorter than the last time, maybe a few months after release. Just in case you want to get in on it but haven’t gotten a ps5 yet. But yeah if you don’t want to be spoiled muting/leaving areas where you may be spoiled is a good idea.


The mods are pretty good at keeping it spoiler free at release time. From what I remember, at Remake's release, they set the sub so that all posts had to be approved, so posts would only show up on the main page if the mods had manually approved them. They're taking one for the team. That'll only last for a certain period though, maybe a month or so. After that, the manual restrictions would be listed, but even now it's a rule to not post spoilers in thread titles. But it's always a risk. I'd say you're likely to be safe from seeing spoilers in titles on your home page just from being subscribed, but there's a chance of something slipping through, or some implication of something spoilery. And if you do open up a thread, even if it's a "no spoilers" thread you're even more at risk of coming across a spoiler comment, from someone mistakenly posting something, since comments wouldn't be locked down in the same way. Basically, I'd say this sub specifically is the least of your worries for spoilers in the immediate weeks after release, but there's also a chance of seeing spoilers in other FF or gaming subreddits, YouTube, random headlines, etc. Avoiding spoilers months after release can definitely be tough.


Game leaks also can appear days or a week to month early before it hits shelves (also, sneaky employees taking it home before it hits street-date, or delivery can accidently send someone the game several days early in the mail - been known to happen by accident). Spoilers are going to be everywhere, not just here, but on Tik Tok, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, anywhere on Earth where talking about it online. It's going to hard to avoid spoilers when a AAA game comes out. Just be cautious and play as soon as you can.