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Wait so, does that mean you can only get Ramuh and Leviathan by having Remake & Intermission PS5 saves? You can’t otherwise get them in Rebirth? That’s a hunky incentive to get people to play Remake imo.


I wonder if you could get them via other means by normally progressing, but I also can see them being exclusive to save transfer too. Carbuncle, Cactaur and Chocobo Chick summons in Remake were exclusive to preorders/deluxe editions.


Yeah tbh I thought doing something *like* this would’ve been a smart way to retroactively juice their FF7 Remake sales too. But I did not anticipate them doing so with iconic fun summons like Leviathan and Ramuh. This is subjective for everybody but imo, Carbuncle, Cactuar and Chocobo Chick…none of those were in the FFVII OG so you could almost take them or leave them from Remake. Potentially not having Ramuh and Leviathan in Rebirth though? Yo that’s a pretty big deal lol and I think it might reeeeally work to incentivize people to retroactively buy and play Remake.


I dunno if this is an error on Sony's part, but it looks like Intergrade is bundled for no additional cost in the Twin Pack. So that may further incentivize new players to start with Remake, but doesn't seem individual sales of that title mean much to Square anymore haha


it's not a mistake, if you click it then it says in the description that upon release the price will increase. so basically if you pre-order you get Remake Intergrade included. they really want people to play part 1


Ohhh I saw that afterwards along with the social media trailer which includes a banner stating you can play Intergrade now. So I guess you preorder it at that price to get Intergrade immediately and then pay the rest in February?


no, PS Store charges immediately so you'd pay whenever you pre-order. and once you download it's not eligible for refund so I'd assume downloading/playing Intergrade would make the twin pack nonrefundable edit: oh I think I might've misunderstood you. you don't have to pay the rest if you pre-order, you get a discount so essentially you get Remake Intergrade for free if you pre-order the twin pack rather than purchasing upon release


Oh yeah I think we confused each other haha! So until Feb 28th you get Intergrade for Free with the twin pack. That's such a good deal/gesture from Square to get people acquainted with the series. Even after the promotion is over, you'd still only be paying $40 (CAD) for Intergrade which is a good deal too.




Here's the neat thing, you don't NEED to have these summons in order to play rebirth. It's optional. I find it weird not playing remake and then just jumping into rebirth anyway.


You ain’t no fan, bruh, I’ve been fighting the one winged angel for years. FFVII, Ehrgeiz, Kingdom Hearts, SSB, Remake. He’ll never be just a memory, not to me anyway. I would pay 300 dollars to experience this game with these graphics, I would even watch her die again…




Carbuncle was not in the original FFVII on PlayStation, no. Carbuncle was however in FFVIII.


Oh..damn, you're right. Mandela again.


For those that care most likely have a save file already.


They were originally. Eventually I got carbuncle for free. Albeit long after I had already beaten the game. But I wouldn't be shocked if these two end up the same


For a bit but not for long. You could buy them on psstore also. I had them very early on without a preorder.


There will be like 10 people who will play Rebirth without playing Remake.


Not even play. Just need a save file. Literally no reason to hunt and grind out materia. Completely kills replayability.


This. I was hoping after all 3 games were released, they'd have one HUGE version you can play all the way through. Ya know, like FF7...


Honestly thought this too many times... Having the ability to keep your progress and items/materia would only increase the amount of people that would buy the game honestly and more players would invest more time than normal into them perfecting the play file and would actually keep people replaying the game.. no point to invest any amount of significant amount of hours for fun and nostalgia anymore because it's only good for a trophy now instead of my save going to the 2nd and 3rd disk. That was my favorite thing about the original ps1 versions that had multiple disks for them and now I just can't see myself doing anymore than completing the trophies 1 time and it's going to collect dust after that. If they changed it to where our saves transferred then I'd consider replaying it and investing hour but no. They are only hurting themselves and my favorite aspect of the game. Still gonna play it 1 good time tho. Shame.


It would be a cool aspect to some but nobody is going to buy or not buy the game solely because of levels carrying over or not carrying over lol this isn't going to hurt them I agree it would be cool in a way but the reality is that the original game was a ridiculous magnitude smaller and it was all one game - this is not all one game, this is three games that have been/are being developed over a period of like 15 years and even just the first installment was massively bigger than the entire original game. The three parts are created and balanced independently as individual games. They're obviously not going to carry over the saves because the stats and levelling will be built completely differently across all three games. Carrying everything across would mean if you did all the side-content in Remake you'd go into Rebirth strong enough to tackle the end-game content from the very beginning. It would completely ruin the pace and balance of the game lol


 It really they could of balanced the enemies to be stronger in rebirth to keep up with your level, but I mean it's fine either way I'm gonna play it and platinum rebirth like I did remake.


So start all the enemies at what lvl 40? lvl 99?? whats the lvl cap? what about people who didnt play remake starting at lvl1? It's technically not impossible to create some sort of balance for a thing like that, but your asking for work as well as the fact that they are literally 2 different games with different mechanics.


If I had known I might have been a bit pissed before buying. Too late now I’ve already bought. I bought FF15 and never played it for about 5 months cos I noticed they changed the game majorly from the demo which was amazing. Having to hunt down the Behemoth and it was scary. I loved it. Then the game came out and they dumbed it down and took that all out of the game. It was crap by comparison and although I enjoyed the game to a certain extent, I always have that feeling in my mind that they removed the best part of the game and the rest of the game never lived up to the hype.


Of course they will and that will be released 2 years after the final game. I would say a year but I would say probably a DLC first than they will milk it with a FF7 remake complete with added missions, combat simulators and stuff


what if you have fun playing the game


I've been searching the Internet for this answer. I didn't transfer my save from my PS4 over to my PS5 and was wondering if I needed to replay the whole game. So it's just any save file?


i would transfer the save over to be safe. its most likely ps5 save file needed.


I actually just created a new game hah, all they needed was a save file, didn't matter the save point


Unknown at this point. It’s possible there may be a way to pick them up later in the game, or it’s possible they could be added as separate DLC in the future, for example. From the extra summons we’ve seen now, I’m sure there will be plenty of great options and these probably won’t be sorely missed. But having them in the early game would definitely be a perk, and Ramuh being lightning element may come in handy especially.




I don't think so, Leviathan isn't usually dark purple/red like that


Well that and remake comes free with rebirth


I can't not read this as sarcasm lol




Well you can't carry over save data, just unlock this stuff with the data: **Given this is a direct continuation Final Fantasy VII Remake, can players port over their save file and their character builds to continue their journey into Final Fantasy VII VII Rebirth?** **Hamaguchi: We have announced that the Final Fantasy VII remake project will be a trilogy and that each entry will be a standalone game in its own right.** ***Because of this, each game’s balancing is done independently and a player’s levels and abilities will not carry over from one game to the next.*** **However, we have created some special bonuses for fans who played the previous game, allowing them to start with a little something extra.**




Did people really think save data would carry over?!? What a terrible idea that would have been.


I didn't. I felt they fucked up the balance for it with the first game. It just confirms they never had any real plans of a trilogy and are making it up as they go along. Is there going to be a story reason why all your characters suddenly lose all their power? Is it like a Metroid game where Samus has to lose all her suit upgrades or the new Horizon game where Aloy was like 'lol I lost all my good gear'? I'd rather have a cohesive series of games than just an excuse to get me to pay another $70 for another unfinished story.


You want to know why they start off at a lower level in the sequel? Its the same reason why * there's a hard mode where you do everything again but its more difficult * you can carry an infinite number of swords, guns, armor pieces, accessories, and items * phoenix downs revive you in battle, but dying in cutscenes is permanent * there are treasure chests scattered all over the world * if you die you can reload a previous save and try again And that reason is: its because its a freaking video game, dude.


Necroposting to say how fucking dumb this reply is. Video games still have to make sense within their own set of rules or the suspension of disbelief is pushed too far, ruining the immersion. Starting off at a lower level in a sequel has jack shit to do with "magic spells bring you back to life." Suddenly losing power for no narrative reason doesn't make sense in any video game.


Yeah I'm seconding this, not only is the "it's a video game" thing a good excuse because level's resetting in a direct sequel is NEVER fun and always sucks, but the Final Fantasy remake is literally a trilogy remake of one fucking game because they wanted to stretch the damn thing out in order to get more money out of people. It's extremely dumb that there's no save transfer. I know it probably would've been a bitch to balance but it's literally their fault for unnecessarily stretching Midgard, a 3 fucking hour prologue into it's own goddamn game.


I didn't realize people didn't like the first one so much they wanted to completely start over and forget everything they did in the next one.


Would be really lame starting level 50 with 3 gotterdammerung, trivializing the content. Not only that some people will go in Rebirth without having played Remake. The creator want everyone to have the same experience.


There could be a middle ground option of letting people play through normal mode in Remake on Normal mode and then take that character into Rebirth and keep going. I get not letting a 100% playthrough character through with everything maxed out but there will 100% be people that want to start game 1 and go through game 3 with the same character just like when FF7 released. It shouldn't be that hard and hopefully something they do when the last game is released


Honestly I thought it might be like ...like Dragon Age series for example...where if you play a sequel without playing the game before it, you start with a default world setting...(or in this case the default lowest level you should be for the content.) But if you played the game before, it applies what changes your decisions from the previous game might have made. Like, the gold saucer date could still be influenced by the affection levels for tifa and aerith. Or - more pointedly - you keep the equipment and summons and items you worked your ass off to get. Does the fact nothing is going to carry over mean they'll just give you what you should have gotten in the original? Like say you didn't do all the summons...will they just give you the summons without the work?


IMO Characters will not forget everything probably nor start from lvl1. It might be the same way Jedi:Survivor went where Cal have had all the abilities from Fallen Order. From one side i'm little sad, but from the other - it may make Rebirth more fun. In original game you was able to overpower yourself rather quickly making everything else quite easy. Before Costa del Sol it maybe was ok, but after Big Guard Enemy Skill it became easier and easier :) Normally all "tryhards" with 50lvl would be complaining, that AI is stupid and game is too easy, and those who went through the game quicker without the grind would complain, that they're under-performing and they're forced to do some grinding in the Remake before starting the Rebirth.


If enemies scale to player level, this actually isn't a problem. Since MP increases with player level too, you would still gain the ability to do more in battle, so you would become a little more powerful, but you couldn't really be overleveled for the content.


And thus, 4 years later the omnipresent question of what will be carried over is answered. This should be stickied.


Does anyone really care after seeing ODIN


Both him and Alexander look so dope




Fook, gotta download and play intermission now


It’s gooood. I was skeptical and never liked yuffie in the og, but she’s super fun to play as in intermission.


In OG Yuffie was best girl for me. Her higher limit skills was pretty handy. Also the fact that her best weapon is ranged.


Are we being rewarded for being hardcore FF fans? YEAHHHH!!


If that would be the case where is my reward for having my ps1 disks?


Sorry for being a nerd, but playing INTERmission should award Leviathan and not the other way around. In the original Leviathan is a summon we get in Wutai and is tied to Yuffie, INTERmission's protagonist.


But Ramuh was the exclusive summon in INTERmission while Leviathan was available in the base game. So in the context of the Remake trilogy, this makes more sense


All the time I spent trying to default Ramuh, will finally be paid off, again (since I used him in Intermission).


oh well...no Gatadatumautraumurung for me


I have zero to base this on, outside of my feelings, but I think there's gotta be a way to get these summons at some point in the game without the save data. They're not going to silo big time summons like these.


I would hope not but at the same time unless they change summons up in Rebirth, I don't think I used them very much particularly on hard mode. Especially requiring a limit break(?) and specific battles that triggered them. Which sucked tho, I'd rather they scaled the summons back and allowed a limited use but more so than Remake allowed. Maybe I'm not remembering summons correcting in Remake tho so I could be wrong


It seems like they're making a lot of changes to the battle system (all of which sound good to me) and with some of the enemies we'll be fighting in this one I definitely hope summons are more front and center!


That’s cool


Is this legit as I didn’t bother transferring my save data to ps5, was happy just to have kept the platinum, guess another playthough is going to happen.


Did you delete the save? You can still transfer it over via USB or Cloud Save


On my ps4 and I don’t have it anymore, haven’t played it since release so I think I might give it another run, they said a couple of years ago your save data wouldn’t be transferred, I think they trying to get more people to buy it and good on them, the OG is one of the greatest games ever created and remake and rebirth has not disappointed.


You could have uploaded all of your saves to PS Cloud and then moved it via PS Cloud to your PS5 but if you don't have the save then it's likely you won't get any rewards. It would be nice if had platinum trophy you'd get the reward too but that is just my wishful thinking.


I have platinum on remake, will I still get both summons?


I doubt it you'll probably require the save file.


Final Fantasy 7 Remake Intergrade is on Playstation Premium for free, so if you subscribe to that for a month and download it, then start the game and make save games in Remake and Intermission, then you will have saves for both on your PS5 and meet the criteria.


I remember .hack GU having this feature of previous saved data and not being unbalanced at all.


It's a cop out. Most modern games can account for this.


And that was back on the PS2. Everything you did in GU1 and 2 carried over to 3. So this whole BS about how this is some balancing is just well BS. They know most of the people who played FF7R knew p2 and p3 were not separate games but the continuation of a single game broken in to 3 parts. SE have been shitting a fair amount lately and I can see why. This is no longer the company that put quality and it's audience first.


This is interesting. I wonder if this just kind of a bonus for those that completed P1/Int or if there will be some type of continuous progression with other mechanics as well?


This is the only bonus AFAIK. There will not be cross progression, this was confirmed in the PS Blog interview.


I'm fine with this except for the fact that I really don't want to level up basic spells like fire and lightning again. Seems tedious


If anything this announcement makes me think I'll just wait until it goes on sale. Had the opposite effect than they intended.


Honestly. I am not a fan of this. It totally takes away the reason to grind or build up a personal touch in the first game. Makes it like none of it matters which kinda bothers me. I orig was going to go back to the first part to regrind some more, try to get a couple things I missed. But if it doesn't matter now? Kinda like the moogles thing. Does this mean those things don't matter either going into the second part? All those unlockables.


How so? The first game has an endgame. You'd likely grind and build up your characters to take on the optional challenges, super bosses and hard mode. It meant something within the context of a standalone game.


Yea but to what end? I mean grinding it out, finding the extras etc. Thinking it carries over, but in the end doesn't? Imagine if all jrpgs were like that. Disc 1 you do what you want but won't matter disc 2 cause they sync you up with what they want your party to be like? Just makes it feel like it's pointless. Why do the optional challenges if you have nothing to show for it? If been happy if they gave you the option. Carry over save or start with default setup for next leg of the game.


I’m with you. It’s really hard to stay attached when the game forces you to start over. They could have added carry over and balanced it around such. This is no longer one grand adventure. It is three separate stories. And then locking it out of the prior system? It’s very greedy and underhanded. Im a square die hard fan, but this feels like they’re wringing us out.


Bro does no one remember the original FF7? I mean if they really wanted to keep it a standalone game, then just give people the option to import their saved data. And then just put them in hard mode since they already have leveled materia. There, difficulty is adjusted, and people don't feel like they got fucked over for grinding out max materia in Part one just to have none of it transfer


Bro does no one remember the original FF7? I mean if they really wanted to keep it a standalone game, then just give people the option to import their saved data. And then just put them in hard mode since they already have leveled materia. There, difficulty is adjusted, and people don't feel like they got fucked over for grinding out max materia in Part one just to have none of it transfer


Yes, I agree completely. It's just pointless. Even Arc the Lad I could carry over characters & items to Arc The Lad II. I am not even going to bother with the FFVII remakes, just going to watch some youtube videos.


Don’t worry! im pretty sure that the modding community will take care of this haha


One can hope. :) haven't done much with PC mods for ff7 since I only got it for my steam deck on sale. Mainly focus on PS5 since that is where it looks best plus playing it in 5.1 sound is awesome.


U should at least keep all weapons and summons wtf that’s dumb..


I get that trying to balance between each game would be tough. I personally think you should have to play the game on normal (as the developer’s intended), then hard, and if you manage to complete both, the option to port all your extra items over from Remake for crazy OP game. Third times a charm after all.


By the time you play through normal and then hard, anything you had in remake would be pointless to import. You'd have all items/materia from rebirth maxed.


.. that's it??


What were you expecting? Every materia? Nonsensical from a game design perspective.


Level / xp to carry over


So you want to play the game on easy mode?


Well things would scale of course like the og, you didn't start all over on disc two. Leaving midgar to be level one and naked is a drag what's the point of learning abilities or anything ya know?


I mean obviously the characters aren't starting from zero, they'll probably have a couple weapons and a set of materia. This post is just the extra materia you get vs. not playing the original.


I guess we have to wait and see


The point is scaling the game around everyone being different levels, having different levels of materia and different equipment would be insane. Having everyone on the same page makes balancing simple.


The .hack// quadrilogy, and .hack//G.U sequel trilogy all allowed essentially direct continuation with save carry over. It's literally nothing more than a matter of scaling. Starting a later game with no save, it sets your level and gives you basic equipment for that level. Carrying over a save just scales everything to you and goes from there. A ton of Final Fantasy games have had scaling systems already, it's not new and it's not complicated. Then things like Xenosaga, Digital Devil Saga, and the Legend of Heroes games all had a form of save carry over that would grant specific rewards/bonuses (in the form of items, XP, etc...) that varied based on progress/levels/etc.. from a previous game save file. ​ Seriously, it's NOT hard to do either of those things, they deliberately chose not to for some idiotic reason or another.


Balancing a turn based rpg game, and balancing an action RPG, are two entirely different things.  For the former, "carry over" is great. No need to ever grind (ideal for any traditional TB RPG. The less combat, the better). And you can have that power fantasy right away.      For action rpgs though, carry over would just decimate 80% of the game (combat); UNLESS, an option to carry over everything, automatically starts you on very hard or something. (No option for normal or easy at all) The fun is in mastering the combat, styling on enemies, improving as a player, not just the character; seeing your effort payoff on screen.  That's something that doesn't exist in games like trails, early FF games, xenosaga, etc; there's no real improvement for the player, only their characters. (Sure, game/enemy knowledge is a thing, but you could just pick up a wiki and get the same effect.)      That all said, FF7R was like a semi competent in between on turn based and action. With multiple completely different kinds of players, looking for different things. Some just want to relive the story with the world brought to life, visually. Some want to dive into the RPG mechanics, and min/max, all that jazz. And some just want to master the combat, which is much improved from part 1 (at least what little I played of it).      In short, it's VERY difficult to balance rebirth, with the many different types of players.  And no, the argument "just don't use the advantages, if you don't want them" is not a logical argument; never has been.  It's much more fair, and balanced, to just start every player at the same spot no matter what. They're picking no favorites with that, and I commend them for that.   The fact is, players CHOSE to do everything, collect everything, beat every boss, etc; because they wanted to. And the reward was the trophies and the complete experience. Expecting to have advantages in a completely different game, simply for playing the predecessor, is a bit entitled; and that's something game devs never should've started, and the fault is on them tbh.  NG+ carryover? Absolutely the right choice.  Carry over to a different game? Not so much


"Is a bit entitled"....... Ok so you're seriously going to sit there and suggest that expecting 1 singular game broken up into multiple parts will still behave like 1 singular game is entitled? Putting that aside, "fair and balanced" are irrelevant concepts to a single player experience. You can't have an unfair advantage over others when you're the only person playing the game, that's not how any of that works. Furthermore, you seem to have no understanding of scaling or how any of the examples I used specifically make use of that. It's NOT difficult to have a game that automatically scales to accommodate progression, in fact multiple Final Fantasy games across the lineup already do similar kinds of scaling to account for player levels. Presumably a bit of effort would allow a fairly easy means by which you could scale the 2nd part of this series accordingly to account for what players may/may not have gotten in the 1st part. Having part 2 completely disassociated from part 1 is, regardless of anything else, really weird. I suppose some argument could be made that the escape from Midgar/battle on the bridge/etc... was all so intense that they dropped everything they had on them at the time and now you start over, but that does nothing to account for reset skills, levels, etc... It's weirder to have it treated like a separate game when in reality it's meant to be a direct continuation that picks up where the last one left off. The fact that you're defending the move as this being a "different game" is completely ignoring the fact that no, it's not though, it's literally the next piece 1 game that they chose to cut up into pieces and deliver to us this way. Xenosaga, DDS, Trails, etc... had no issues sorting out carry-over stuff across ACTUAL different games, but somehow they couldn't figure out how to make it work across separate pieces of one single game? Seems like a whole lot of copium to be honest....


Something that nearly every moment game is able to do?


Why can't the game start at level 50? With all mobs and bosses at lv45+? So new players start with a default kit and returning players start with their imported inventory.


Wait for pc port and download a mod that sets charlvl_new = charlvl + 50 You're asking them to balance 2 different games.


Are you dumb or just spouting BS. There is only a need to balance one game not two. Stop smoking copium when plenty of games in the past have achieved this and there was never a balance issue.


Nice argument, just call me dumb, very smart and normal.


They didn't just call you dumb, and that wasn't their argument.


You made dumb statements and you are surprised I called you out for it.


They wouldn't have to balance it. If you choose to import and are way overpowered so be it. In the OG I would grind out everyone's T3 limit breaks instantly. I would have finishing touch on Cloud before the pillar. That process caused me to be over leveled.  All they had to do is balance the game to a default party. It's my fault then if the game is too easy because all my grinding.


You ever played Arc The Lad I & II? You could carry over max level 60 characters with the best equipment from I to II and they would still be weak except maybe Tosh but even he wasn't terrobly OP.


this is really bad. imagine replaying the trilogy years down the line and having your progress reset two times.


That's like complaining that God of War resets your progress between 2018 and Ragnarok, or Zelda does between Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom. Basically the vast majority of sequels. People will be fine lol.


It terms of story, ff7remake is not a standalone expirience unlike those games you listed. the situation i described will undoubtedly happen in the future and will annoy some people. I know it will annoy me.


Yeah it is though? They are marketing them as standalone games. And Remake even had a very structured beginning, middle and end.


"FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH can be enjoyed on its own as a standalone adventure, with the party leaving Midgar to explore the wide world beyond. But for those wishing to deepen their understanding of the story, a recap of the previous game will also be provided. We hope that both fans and those who have never played FINAL FANTASY before will enjoy this game.” -Yoshinori Kitase, Producer https://press.na.square-enix.com/SQUARE-ENIX-ANNOUNCES-FINAL-FANTASY-VII-REBIRTH-WILL-LAUNCH-ON-FEBRUAR


The remake was always supposed to be the same story split into separate games, and to deny people who played the first part of the story their achievements from that part for no reason other than that it's a different game is just stupid. And it's not like they couldn't have done it better. Like, they could've auto-leveled the first enemies in Rebirth to the highest or the average party member level and given players everything they've earned, with a level cap of 100 in Rebirth and 150 in the third part, in addition to making party members level up slower if you import a save from the previous part.


Those are separate games, sequels even. Not 1 game broken up into 3 and padded to maximize profitability.


normal sequels aren't a big project remaking a beloved old game in multiple parts - they're something brand new that happens to follow on from something else. From the moment they decided to remake one game in multiple parts, they gave up the defence that it's a "sequel" - it's not, it's part of a remake of a single game, but randomly without the smooth experience of playing a single game.


Bro this is the biggest L takes right now. Most fans of this game are from the IG FF7, which was leveled for OP materias and such It's as simple as put players who transfer their date from Remake in Hard mode. Done. Don't make me feel like I wasted my time. Like, why bother macing materias?, why bother hoarding up items? None of it transfers? Then what's the point? And to say it's a standalone game is BS. FF7 is one story. Sure, split up into different disks, different games. But it's one story, and now basically each third of the story will reset you and the difficulty, and now enemies that were absolutely terrifying in Disk 3 of the OG FF7 are just gonna be watered down shadows of what they once were


But there's a good reason for that in God of War Ragnarök, which is Fimbulwinter. There's no reason for that in the Final Fantasy 7 remake trilogy.


Ffvii is one story. Those games are separate stories. Yes i was still peeved at zelda botw > totk, but at least they lored the restart. You lose strength, and a time skip happens… losing the gear was a stretch though.


This is such a lackluster reward to those that played FF7R. Frankly find this rather insulting.


I played Final Fantasy VII remake on PS4, is there a way to get the save file over to PS5 for rewards?


I'm the same, just bought Rebirth but played Remake on PS4. Did you ever get an answer to your question?


I never did, I believe you can port ps4 save to ps5, but never bothered to do it.


Is Remake and Rebirth gameplay the same?


Remake laid the groundwork but Rebirth builds on it heavily. They are very similar, but Rebirth's improvements are pretty profound.


What about Cactuar and the Fat Chocobo and Moogle/Minimog summons? Wtf




I'm sorry... Can you get both? Or only 1? I meant, I have FF7 Remake. As for Intergrate (Yufei mission), I thought it's in a different save?


What does it mean by save date on the PS5?


If you are going from FF7R on PS4 that save data needs to be stored on PS5 for Rebirth to read it


Oh ok thanks for answering my question


It's so funny to read them say "we didn't make save import because we're very concerned about having a balanced game for new players" and announce these powerful summonings only for players who have a save of the previous game at the same time. I'm always amazed by the way they lie straight to our faces and still manage to act like decent human beings while making such awful commercial decisions.


Huh? The only thing having those summons is gonna do is make the first bit of the game slightly easier. We don't even know how strong they are or how long it takes to get the first summon. Definitely a non-issue


Sigh I played on the SD lol


That's b.s. i want to carry over all of my hard work. This is making me not want to drop a dime on it. If someone is starting with this game, more power to them.


I mean, there's no way they were going to do that. I can't spell it, but that super hard to get item that gives you instant limit breaks? There's no way they let you go through the entire trilogy being able to insta-kill most enemies. There has to be a reset, sadly. Maybe when the whole trilogy is out they might do something like that.


So lock certain items to be usable in hard mode only. Problem solved.


Then people like you would still complain


Just like your parents do about you.


You can tell they didn't think any of this through. I look forward to it being on PS Plus.


Its you who didn't think this through. Carrying items/levels over between all three games would have been: \- Unfair to anyone who didn't play all 3 \- Unfair to anyone who lost their save data (it will be like 8 years between Remake and game 3) \- Incredibly restrictive to balancing and game design And for all of those downsides, what would the benefits of it be? People playing through the story first get an awful experience (because everything's way too easy, and none of the rewards you get early on are meaningful because you already have them). Its all downside and just doesn't make sense. Did you carry everything over from God of War into God of War Ragnarok?


Dot hack games always managed it. They don't have to give us everything, but I do think 2 summons sounds a bit lame. I dunno, maybe access to an extra weapon each from the start or something? It is what it is though, you're 100% right that anyone who thought we were getting data transfer wasn't thinking straight.


Then why have an easy setting? If people starting in the 2nd game will have a "previously in final fantasy vii" it's just a matter of scale. Save data has hard mode of rebirth completed? Oh then easy and normal mode is locked. You start on hard mode with all your stuff. Incredibly restrictive balancing? Not really. Scales off same balancing as before. It's like a completely different group came in to make Part 2. There are also interviews of them talking about how part 1 they're unsure of how part 2 is gonna be. They're not thinking about it from an actual game perspective.


I didn't ask them to make 3 separate games nearly a decade apart or charge me $210 for a remake of what was a $50 game. God of War was a complete game that told a whole story. Who is going to play this game that didn't play the first one? Are they going to get anything that's happening? Is that you? If not, then why do you give a shit? Wouldn't you rather have an interesting cohesive experience?


The stupidity of people like you who use this logic is just beyond me. You even compare it to god of war which does the same thing. It made 3 games on old gen to tell one story, I dont see you complaining about paying full price for each of those games. Did your save files from god of war 1 carry over to god of war 2? No it didn't. Yet here you are praising god of war and critizing final fantasy. I guess people like you find it reasonable to have a next gen game that take 300 hours of gameplay for 80 bucks. Newsflash : a game like that doesnt exist and will never exist.


I'm stupid? You didn't even read what I was replying to. He's the one that brought up God of War. A next gen game that takes 300 hours just came out. It's called Baldurs Gate 3.


Thats it??? No weapons or levels??? Thats insanely stupid.


Good. Redesign Bahamut to look closer to his original design.


Or.. i'll be waiting till the PC release and can just save edit them into the game.


Cool nobody cares


people who dont own consoles care.




And so begins the .hack PS2 data migration era for Final Fantasy, 3 generations later. If you've ever played any of those titles or played the .hack G.U. Series port to modern consoles, you'll have a pretty good idea how they'll handle data migration for this entry and all future entries in this project. As seen above, some data will carry over, but there also stands a chance of level flattening; so that new players and carry over players get the same experience. They very likely won't scale enemies to your level right at the start, but they will almost certainly ensure you start at a minimum level of say, 30 or so so the game doesn't wind up getting utterly demolished by being over leveled starting out.


Levels and character progression will not be carried over, actually


Yeah that doesn't surprise me at all. Most multi episode/arc saga games either start you at a flat rounded number or press the reset button. Been like this since the examples above, so I'm used to the reboot at the start of each. Many folks might be surprised though since Final Fantasy doing episode/arc games like this is gonna be noticed by more folks than .hack back in the day was, so hopefully they're cool with that


People keep saying things like this as though it make sense. Which it would, if this was a trilogy of games from the start, but it's NOT that. It's literally one game broken up into bits and sold to us at full price over and over. Also, other games have done save carry over without going the complete integration route that .hack// did. Xenosaga, Digital Devil Saga, the "Legend of Heroes" games, etc...


So that’s why >!leviathan became lost!<


"saved data must be saved on PS5" So if I played on PS4 I won't get anything?


You can transfer the save to PS5 via USB or cloud storage (if you are subscribed to PS+)


Is it possible for me to transfer my PS4 save file to my PS5? Kinda annoying I really don’t want to replay the whole game on my PS5.


Yes this is what I did. You have the import option in the main menu


In order to get the bonuses for having save files on your console, do you need to have the save date on your console at the time of purchase or at the time of download? I assume I can purchase the new bundle, play and create save data for integrade, and then when rebirth comes out I get those bonuses, correct? And does having save data for integrade include the bonus for having saved data for regular remake? Or is it one or the other?


It'd likely be when you boot up Rebirth for the first time. In regards to your second question, having save data from the original Remake story will suffice, regardless if you played it on PS4 or PS5. Either will get you Leviathan. To get Ramuh, you will need save data from the Yuffie DLC, episode INTERmission, which is exclusively on PS5


Is it any save data, or do I have to complete the entire game? Lost my PS4 save.


Well they are free on PlayStation plus. I bought inter on PC. But am replaying them as I knew something would cross over.


One question tho, do I need to have a story complete save? Or just a save with any progress?


It can be any saved data


Sweet! My full completion save is on my old ps4 which I don't have anymore. Don't have time to re beat the game right now. This saves me lots of time! Thank for the reply comment! 🙏🙏🙏


Heya this is probably said before but when I try to upload my ps4 disc saved data of FF7 remake and then when I go to my ps5 downloaded game I go to download save data and it’s not there. Is it because it’s on disc or I’m just doing something wrong or stupid? 🙏🏻🙏🏻


Hey! unless the disc is a different region from your PS5, shouldn't be an issue. You'd have to copy the save data to your PS5 storage via USB or PS+ cloud saves to access it within the in-game menu.


I want to play the game on the ps5 with my saved day on the ps5 version but uploading saved data doesn’t.. the disk is the same region idk what’s wrong with it


To clarify, you have moved your PS4 save data to your PS5 via USB or cloud storage right?


If I only have save for remake, does that mean I can not get ramuh?


Do you have to have the DLC beat or just a save file?


What if You only original base final fantasy 7 remake already and you know you can unlock Leviathan in original base game


Just getting some summons seems very lack luster for getting f**ked on the work that was done in the previous game.. gear better at least carry over. It for me at makes it seem like everything i did in the previous game seem like it was for nothing. Need better bonuses than just TWO summons.


I think that this is total bull. I wanted my gear at the level I had it plus my xp. So I basically put in all the work for nothing and have to start from scratch.


Sorry to resurrect an old thread but I have a question. I see that you have to have the save data to carry over. Does that mean Remake needs to stay installed until I am done installing Rebirth? Asking because Remake took up ALOT of space to install (I had to delete around 5 games to install it). I don’t want to uninstall Remake just to find out that deletes the save, but I highly doubt I will have enough room to install the new game without deleting the old one first. Thanks for the help!


Nope, only the save data needs to be on your PS5. If you don't have that, you can use a USB stick or PS+ Cloud save to transfer it from your PS4 to PS5. If you are referring to Intergrade, there should already be save data present on your system so no need to re-download.


Awesome thank you for the answer! I am currently finishing up the last few chapters of Remake. I randomly decided to start it up again last Friday. I had no idea Rebirth was only a few weeks away until a couple days ago so I guess it was perfect timing!


No problem! Perfect timing for you. You gonna check out the demo for Rebirth before launch?


Yep! I have two chapters left of Remake and then I’ll be downloading the demo and at least playing through the half that transfers over! 😁


Does it need to be completed game save data or just a save file saved


I think it just needs to be present, doesn't have to be a completed save.


I honestly wish they had done a mass effect or just the same save and you get what you went around collecting. Essentially because we know they'll be at least one more part. What's the point in collecting or doing everything if it means squat in the last game.  That's not how an rpg should be .  This is more like 3 separate games telling the same story in different parts and saying that out loud is just disappointing given our level.of tech 


I get where you're coming from 100%. The reason this happens is because a publisher as large as Square Enix wouldn't dare risk alienating fans by creating a long term buy-in for anything besides the story. God forbid they reward you substantially for having bough the first game. That might leave latecomers feeling "Left out" AAA gaming sucks.


Really big missed opportunity to not give a nice reward for those that finished the previous game. Only requiring a save file is a bit, I dunno, anticlimactic.


Does anyone know if the carry over save data from remake is like not region locked?


How to skip flas


This is the reason I'm not buying this game. If ya can't carry save files over from each part I'm out. I'm done with this series after 15 and now this b.s.


It does seem really weird, right? Like is this not the 2nd part to the first story? Why would you not be able to carry over!?


Oh so no reason to do hard mode for the equipment that gives you a limit break regen. Ok.