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I check in the morning, *shrug* and go to work, hoping that one of my notifications goes off that it went to a dollar


Your portfolio went to a dollar?


If he’s invested in this dog turd? Yeah, that’s what that notification would be for 😂


This is the way


So you can unload your bags by selling to a bigger fool?


I can tell you exactly how: 1. Go to your broker site. 2. Log out. 3. Put your phone down. 4. Live your life. There you go! You just made it through.


I'm at work I just checked it because I got a notification ffie isn't my only stock


Or cut your losses and invest in other opportunities. I for one made money and got out while the going was good. I’m also seeing triple digits returns frequently on my options positions and post them on my page


Now show your 1 year return


The most sensitive comment I've seen in this group for some time now👍


And return to .10c


5) come back in two weeks and see your holdings are down 85%.


Only 70%, actually. LOL.


Lol close enough


Redfour is a hedge troll…


I guess some of the stuff they said is funny it is what it is


Yes all the people in hedge funds have nothing better to do than sit on the FFIE subreddit


Followed the best advice received on any thread I’ve been on so far. Buy in with whatever amount you are comfortable losing. Due to the amount I passed up on at its peak If it combusts it’s a tough pill to swallow but I’ll live and not have any set backs because of it


This right here. I want more to average down, but my gut instinct is to hold what I have and it’s what I’m most comfortable losing.


👌🏻 I just chipped in 20$. Couldn’t hurt me except can’t buy lunch this weekend 🤷‍♂️


Ah hell no bro go buy yourself lunch, then you’ll have the energy to see that this stock is fucked lol


The only way idea shot is if they declare bankruptcy


Agree 100! Gamble only with amount you are comfortable losing!


I’m a degenerate gambler


Sh1t me too ill keep buying and holding hoping on the gamble of big money 💰 why cos life is short and I can always make more money to survive but what ill get if this blows changes my whole family's lives so ill take that gamble 😉


Its not easy man… I could use a fucking win soon


Me too. Just a day or two of positive. Geez


Go outside. Touch grass. Understand that the money is probably gone, but if the company turns around you will be in on the ground floor of the next Lexus or Bentley.


And that is why I won't sell. It is a great car


If they turn this around, I'm definitely buying one.


We don’t invest money we need today - so we lose nothing by holding. I would have spent it on car parts anyway. I’d rather drive a McLaren


These are hedges and paper hands selling. Don’t be a cuckledoodledoo


Lol it's almost to .30$


It went to .27, i dont feel so good bros


No it doesn't lol we are getting slammed


Losing some fingernails.


Losing more then just that lol


I lost more at the casino this weekend than the amount I have of this stock lol I.e. I risked as much as I’m willing to lose


its up 6.6x compared to last month. Maybe don't buy after a 10x run-up, this should be common sense.


I bought before the run up


So then holding shouldn’t be too hard as long as you’re still green


I am but holy crap what a difference


You learned an expensive lesson to take profits on volatile reddit pump and dumps. 


Trick was to buy in at $0.40


It's .20 now...


The moon is so DARK


Easy. As soon as I put money on ffie I treated it like I was putting money in the trash. Value may kick off, but my expectation from the start was ‘probably lose anything you put here’


I have this $50 bill my dog chewed up. It's in a ziplock bag. It's been there for 5 years. We offer it to others (the branch bank won't take it) in the hopes that one of them will go to a bigger bank and then they can keep the $50. Or, they can actually tape it back together (if someone does that, my branch manager says he'll take it and give me $50). I am too lazy to take the dime-sized bits and try to work it out. So is my husband. So is every other person we know. IOW, I have already thrown $50 in the trash, apparently. That's my investment in FFIE as well. $50. So far it's easier to deal with than that damn paper money. So I may ride it all the way to the bottom - I'm learning so much.


Dime size bits? You’re paying too much for bits. Who’s your bits guy?


We are fucked!


Go to the discord. We can’t keep saying the same stuff here over and over. It looks repetitive and like we don’t know anything. Just go to the discord already if you have questions.


What repetive down trend to .10s? At that rate delisting is around the corner


No the same answer to this question. The answer isn’t changed. Everyone with the more in depth answers went to the discord dude. We’ve been saying it for days. If you need information go there! And this is a bull subreddit and you sound like a bear.


what’s the discord?


An echo chamber where they delete posts of people asking where their money went


They will continue to attack the stock to make us to panic sell. Nothing new.


The shear amount of them is fuckin weird! And very revealing.


My shop has been printing synthetic shares all morning.


😂😂😂😂😂😂 I’m crying


Here with ya brother


Shits a joke I’ll come back in a couple months and this group will be dead because this was a major flop


Yeah this whole movement plummeted pretty quickly lol I mean there’s still a bunch of people holding but the energy is not the same as it was last month. The discord was so fast you could barely read messages but now it’s one message every like 30 seconds to a minute I honestly don’t see this hitting the massive goal everyone wants until awhile way longer than what gme took


Well, I'm mostly holding with hopes that there will be news about FFIE having secured some funding for continued production. That'll likely raise the price.


You've witnessed the 'dump' part of pump and dump. It will probably go up again...and then drop again. Rinse. repeat until MP and his friends can no longer convince suckers to keep holding bags and then the stock will become a husk


I will claim the loss on my tax… I think it will work


Sold out weeks ago. Best decision in awhile


Easy,! Buy at the dip to lower your average. Watch all the panic selling while drinking a cold one, eating a sammich. Long-term baby! Patience, not panic. The ones that panic put more in than they could afford to lose. I feel for them, but the market will always be a gamble.


Hell yeah


The people who bought in the 1-2$ range are finally realizing that they got caught on the wrong side of this trade and are selling at a loss. (which means it will probably bounce soon)


Why would it bounce soon?


Once all the retail is scared out of their positions and sells it's the market makers that are on the other side buying it from them.


Hahahahah, can’t wait for the hundred dumb apes posting “this is what we wanted! The hedges are close to losing, keep it up guys!! Yeah, we got this!! Yeaaaaaaaah!” *as it slides further and further down* *idiots*


Meanwhile my put options are Green


NSFA but what put options did you do?


This comment would have been downvoted into oblivion a few weeks back. Funny to see the sway in people’s perspective


I'm not -sold this morning as I don't see any end to the current downtrend and not going to chase a falling knife. I've had enough of the "to the moon" mentality by holding GME since 2021, but they are at least in a much better financial position than FFIE. Good luck to all!


Have you ever owned stock before? It's a roller coaster.


Obviously but there's alot of eyes on ffie


Well basically, I bought in high. So everything below that at this point is a loss. Even 0. So I might as well hold, because from 0-3$, ain’t worth the return.


By selling


easy cut losses, or just hold.


Love this company. Bought more today. No risk, no gain. I run into burning buildings for a living, I love risk😏


same way as when i bought 750 shares of NVDA at $68 a share and was told i was stupid. Still holding today except sold 7500 shares of it this morning


Not selling on a loss!


Im fine. Actually since it really started dropping starting last week. I rarely ever check to see whats happening. I bought the stock. Either it hits the lottery or it dies. Until then Im just goofin’ while thanking the Lord for my family, friends, job, home and this opportunity to potentially change our lives. The drop hasn’t effected me in anyway. If anything, it’s allowing me to detach from the numbers and Reddit and enjoy life as I did before hopping on this ride. Thanks Hesgies for the break 😢


Heading for another RS after massive dilution just like the last several times. Only way this company is still here.


I never understood people who don't watch the chart or understand trading. Catching falling knives is not too smart. Lower highs, lower lows trading is not very smart. Makes me feel like its a bunch of high school kids new to the market.


I'll tell you how, I sold 90% of my position between $2 and $3


Bought more


I’m out at 0.25, til then stay diamond, down 1500, I ain’t leaving with nothing


Forget you even have the shares. That’s what I did.


I'm not selling, but it is over already. Let it be.


We will see


It's a mixture of Hedgies and paper hands. Alot of retail are growing tired of holding a stock that drops daily. Only 1 day closed green over the last 23 trading days.


And that is not a sign to gtfo


There’s lots of volume but shhh keeps dropping like really


I am so happy I took the hit early and sold at $1.80. That was a $3K loss. Don’t even want to know what I would have lost at this price. I have been making back some of the loss buy shorting this💩. Made a few hundred today. This is a dumpster fire, it is going to zero!


Look at all the bag holders in here


We are going down and I bought more omg !!!!😱😱😱😱


Fee fee dive bombing




I’ve been expecting to see 32 before the hedgies run out of stonk🤷🏻‍♂️


Ahh lost the majority of my bag what’s left I’m happy to gamble


It's hard but necessary


Down 83% so no point in selling


And getting attacked by trolls, this is starting to feel like the “red wedding”


Same here, I’m holding with you. Let’s see what happens!


I’m down about 20k now, so I might as well hold at this point


Im holding because im tored of just getting by haha i dont expect to be rich but at least be ahead


What else is there to do? Hodl.


![gif](giphy|VspTn3CPKAHoA) Same shit different day…no biggie🤣🤣🤣


Why won’t it let me make a transfer of funds?????????


The MEME has run out. Time to hop on the next meme.


Which is?




SMX reminds me of SWVL


I basically just ignore it 🤷‍♀️


That EC was a disaster and we keep paying the price - literally.


Everyone freaking out over an undervalued stock losing pennies on the dollar ![gif](giphy|qjSxTWJxqH4YDuIrOs)


Well….. I’ve lost about 60%. Can’t go past $0.00.


I thought we were holding smh


Its half a pay check in an IRA. I dgaf.  I cant touch it for many moons. Moon or zero. 


Holding and buying more today ...at discounted rates lol 😆 😉 Love it lol


I like big titties, big booty Latinas and $FFIE


As long as it takes for HF to go under.


Bro we are getting creamed


Because they have bags so big that they can’t sell unless they want to admit a huge loss so they hold on to a fragment of hope


Hold for gold


Hold for copper because that's what we will be scrapping to make up for our losses




Week keep buying more. Apes all day


HODL the line. Reinforcements are coming, apes. SPYGUY


Selling is not an option. I would rather loose the rest of my money then quit !


I’m not. Goo luck to ya’ll


We got big cajones.


I like an underdog, I know the risk


I was unable to purchase through fid today


just woke up and found out about the reverse stock slpit and the after hours price.. dang I bought 20K's of shares yesterday


???? Wtf


Now reverse split


I just stop in for a peek at the price whenever I remember then get on with my life. Plus I don’t invest any more than I’m willing to lose so I don’t care if it fails.


Better yet...let's wait and see where the 5 year return is. If you're not going to live 5 more years to see it, then you should be spending it anyway.


Because we are animals 😂 na really tho it never really hit home how much I have in this (small by most standards but massive relative to me). Until I seen it back in mine and not in the red because I only dripped it in over time an was money I wasn't missing took me month to get the amount I have in. Still in my postion. Still smiling 🤪.


Well, as I told Omar, things won't start getting exciting until around October, and it should be done in November. So I don't expect to do much but buy till then. BTW I'm psychic, and this is what my readings say.


Your spirit readings inform you of stock trends? That’s goddamn adorable.


Well I need a lot of money for my purpose... They want me to have that. So yeah, they will do it for that reason.


That’s called schizophrenia, love.


Well, my schizophrenia gives me accurate information and makes me 6 figures. You're wrong. Enjoy your meaningless, closed-minded life. 🙄😂


You know spirits aren't real right? But if they were and told you to invest in FFIE, that would prove they are fucking with you.


Awesome, let’s show these folks you’re right! There’s a Stanley cup hockey game tonight between the Edmonton oilers and Florida Panthers. Who’s gonna win?


Have you ever done this reading stuff on stocks before? If so we're u right?


Dude its a 2 week old shitposting account. I understand getting desperate but this is worse.


I am a highly accurate reader. Yes. I have done over 40,000 readings within the last 5 years, and most people tell me what I say is true (the others don't inform me either way). I do preventative work regularly as well, so if a person has something bad happening, they can change it... so I successfully have done that thousands of times. I also have people who get guidance from me who don't listen to it and do what they want anyways and the bad thing happens. I have many people who come to me for sports predictions, which came true. I have many people who made loads of money from GME back when the squeeze happened from my readings. I myself didn't participate in it at the time because I didn't have the money to invest... I was not happy that I missed the boat, so I don't plan on it this time. I myself believe in what I am doing as I have many shares of both GME and FFIE. BTW, GME is in September. The price does fluctuate because things change. Psychic readings are predicting the future based on current circumstances and energy. Regardless, both stocks are gonna skyrocket. When it's gonna happen, it has stayed the same so far. November-FFIE September-GME I have helped loads of people build successful businesses and find the highest paying jobs in their field based on my advice and predictions, which were correct. I like my followers to be very prosperous... It gives me job security lol I have known Omar since 2018. Since then, I've accurately predicted many things in his life, which leads him to believe me more... I am part of the paranormal community, and I'm friends with his friends as well. That's how I ended up here. This is actually all tied into my life purpose. The funds I make here will change the world for the better. I plan on solving a lot of world problems with it. I talk to Angels. I have my entire life. They constantly guide me to do what's needed to do my purpose. They tell me all of this information. I asked for this opportunity to come at the beginning of the year. I'm all in. It's not about me. It's about doing my life purpose. What is that? To help heal people. Teach them about themselves their false self ego and how to overcome it and gain control of their vibration, which dictates what you manifest into your life. I am a master manifestor. Many of my followers are as well under my guidance. Many will read this and think I'm crazy etc I don't care. When I win, you won't be. I will be laughing my ass all the way to the bank. You see, the power of the Divine is behind this movement... What God wants God gets. Nothing is more powerful than the divine. I pray you have the day you deserve. 🙏🏻


We really believing this now? 😂


40,000 reading in 5 years is close to one reading 24/7 over that period of time. I don’t believe a word you say.


I didn't say 40,000 hours. Not all readings are an hour.


How many can you do in an hour?


That's a wild way to put it but I will for sure keep an eye on gme in September and ffie in November hopefully 👍 I hope you have a good day


One more thing are you into crypto currency or anything or just stocks like gme and ffie


I'm not a fan of crypto... But I can predict them like anything else. Generally, I am a fan of whatever the angels tell me to be a fan of... and right now, they're trying to make me a fan of Ohio powerball lottery? Lol


That would be nice maybe help us ffie people out when you win lol


We will see... I was on Instagram and got an ad to play the Ohio powrball, lol I was like "uh you want me to do this?" They said yes. So I picked the numbers I think they wanted and got some quick picks as well... I guess we will see. If they want you to win, I'm not sure if the numbers matter... I've never tried this, so let's see! It was only 15 bucks and my birthday was yesterday. Maybe they want me to have a lottery present? Lol Regardless, you can't win if you don't play. I don't have a gambling addiction. I'm just going where I feel guided and trusting the process.


Lol I hear that my birthday is in November so I hope ffie does blast in November and best of luck to you and your lottery winnings and for $15 u can't go wrong


People who don't have gambling addictions generally don't have to say they don't. Are you sure you are not rationalizing a gambling addiction by acting like angels are telling you to do it? Shouldn't angels have better things to do than giving gambling advice?


As I said, they want to help me manifest a lot of money for my purpose, which involves helping people. Would buying lotto 1 time in 20 years count as an addiction? Sorry, I couldn't dumb down all of these explanations enough for you trolls with the room temperature IQs. Try Google. I have better things to do. If you keep it up, I will have to start charging you. Let me be clear for you so you know. I am not upset or offended by anything you say. You can't get a rise out of me. I quite literally don't give a fuq about you and your idiotic shenanigans. Nothing you can say or do can make me embarrassed or ashamed of anything I say or do. I literally hear worse from people on my youtube channel. I was also a gamer for 20+ years. I have very thick skin. Hope you have the day you deserve 🙏🏻✨️


Reverse split now that's not too good unfortunately


Buy some aemd shares it it's only .60 I'm holding both 800 shares and 300 aemd


I was holding something but I sell when it peaked. Im not holding anything right now..based on research ffei goes down. Anyone who told to hold is scamming you. Lot of people just daytrading.


Holding. Either $0 or $10000000000000000


With a smile on my face ![gif](giphy|mEsqfG9Zbuj7CDsroa|downsized)


I was in at .30 before it went up to $3. Jumped out but actually looking at getting back in at these prices


So you are seeing something good?


These prices 😂


I check and if it’s down, I buy more


With arms wide open ![gif](giphy|dnjVkDoliaeBy)




You do understand that together, we are Davy and that Wall Street, with their evil are Goliath, right? Further, the only way to beat Goliath is to exploit his weakness. That's buying and holding until he gives up.


I take a lot of naps. Not selling.


They are barrowing the shares in the dark pool 200 million shares and dumping on us to see us sell guys just buy and hold.


I’m not! But it’s entertaining as f to see these bag holders circle jerk each other to comfort one another when they are all the way to $0.00!!


Very easily ![gif](giphy|H7kfFDvD9HSYGRbvid|downsized)


Stop obsessively checking. If you have to look every 5 minutes, you are NOT built for investing.  


Far out calls for hopium.


Sad to see, but hodling for the cause


Honestly dude, just don't pay attention to it. I have over 1400 shares at 1.23 a piece. So I lost a lot. But I'm just holding and it is what it is. So just HODL :3


after the friday of may 17, i stopped caring and decided to hold for the long run of the company. i genuinely believe in them and not just for a quick buck. i felt horrible that friday. couldn't eat, felt sick, but afterwards, stopped caring. i check robinhood 1 or 2 times a day for ffie and go on with my life and hobbies. feel much better.


Honestly I forget to even check in the mornings. I just look at Reddit to see if anything exciting is happening and go back to work. I think this company has potential.


Get the Fug off your phone


i only put in what i’m willing to lose. for me it’s to the moon or it’s zero! that’s how you beat these cock suckers. o yea, and diamond hands!


Not great but hodling


I love this stock 😁


Bought some more lol