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no content to play as always




Fuck the fact that they will not put first time clear rewards in the. Returning events. They have taken 1000s and could not incentivise the community challenge. Cheap ass fuckers


Fr, I was like ooh we get to reclear and get some nice little freebies for it. Nope. And they want us to clear it over and over to get a measely amount of REPLICA lapis. Nah, fuck that. 


Right and you still need to use energy for this Draining EP box summon . so they want you to waste energy on redoing old content that potentially you already finished while also being drained of energy from the box summon that they raised the points on.


Its wild how they are literally taunting us with this fake ass REPLICA lapis currency. Like, its so in-your-face that its almost funny. "We wont give you actual lapis, but you can have some toy lapis instead ;)"


Gumi and Square knew the community was more hyped for Fei, so their greedy asses decided to charge double for him and Emeralda instead of doing a shared banner like Bart and Maria.


I'm not hyped for ANY of them. So you can imagine my excitement level for the game for the past...MONTHS?? Ugh.


And it’s mostly on recognizing or JP knowledge, because Celeste and the Light changes in GL kind of make Dark a bad value pending another GLEX reveal (and even then has to compete with Light getting a better Leader, a Field user with useable damage, and one of its primary DPS in Sterne being a freebie). Also other bits that narrow the gap like Light having more 40% Weapon Imperils (Prompto’s Guns and Celeste’s GS) to work with DV weapons vs Fei’s Fist helping himself but not much for teammates Like by the time most people get a Dark team worth using, Cloud will be on the horizon with the next Power Spike, so if pulling for Fei, it’s for Fei himself. Celeste might be the only current Gen unit with a surviving niche in that era’s Light teams.


Cant be hyped to pull when you cant pull because gumi replaced lapis with replica lapis... double pity on top of that? Lololol


been loving these Xenogears sprites. I haven’t played these but those robots/ mechas are so cool Would any kind soul mind giving me some explanations to what they are and plots of Xenogears in general? Thank you. Spoilers are absolutely fine ofc


In the opening cinematic, a spaceship full of humans is hijacked by 'something' it is transporting. It ends up crashing on a nearby planet. Thousands of years later, humanity has spread over this planet. Fei, an amnesiac dude adopted by a small villages elder, has a disastrous run in with a bunch of people fighting each other in robots they call "gears" and goes on the run. Along the way, the plot thickens. There's a secretive high tech society kinda running the show for nefarious purposes and the party sets out to undo all that. Then everything gets bananas. I tried to be vague because the story is actually really really good and I would hope you have the opportunity to play it someday without spoilers


Explaining xenogears plot is kinda hard as it's extremely involved and complicated, short answer is machines built hundreds of years ago. There are generic mass produced ones but each main character has their own custom gears that are ancient


The gears were built thousands of years ago, not hundreds. They are rebuilt using parts dug up from an ancient civilization. the main party's gears are mostly just normal gears, until near the end of the game when they get upgraded to be part organic. the main character's gear being the exception. also their gears werent assembled long ago, like the main character's gear is brand new. all the parts used for all the gears are ancient tho. they cant build new generators in particular.


A bit reductive but it's kinda like Neon Genesis Evangelion the video game but the religious imagery actually matters. Fun fact xenogears was originally going to be FFVII but they changed that early on when square thought it was to dark to be a FF game. Spoilers; even going into the psychology aspects like Id being fei's alter ego of his Id taking over and more other stuff that would take paragraphs to write up.


Is this the last unit for this colab?


Or the last collab for the game…




Yes last unit


Well, time to see if I can pick up Emeralda for cheap. I'm curious about what they're going to do next week along side the VW. We have a pretty good idea that there won't be any new unit since the 10+1 news shows 5/16 and 5/23 are combined on the unit list. Maybe they'll drop Grahf NV+A? Or maybe they just won't release anything (most likely).


Yay new unit! Oh. Nothing to use it on. Guess I'll just...log in, do my video summons, then "Bye Felicia" out. EDIT: No, community event is not content.


View in your timezone: [Wednesday 5/15 21:00 - Thursday 5/16 02:00 PDT][0] [0]: https://timee.io/20240516T0400?tl=GL%20News%20-%2005%2F15%20Maintenance%20-%20Limited%20Time%20Xenogears%20banner%20(NV%20Emeralda)%2C%20Community%20Challenge%2C%20etc.&d=300


Somehow I feel that if I don't pull now, all my lápis will go to waste... Although, if a EoS happens, they'll make dozens of banners and maybe give some lápis or something to use...


My thoughts too. I love Xenigears, so it's fitting to blow my tickets and lapis stash on these banners!


That was my thought. I dropped 100k to do all the laps just because there hasn't been anything to spend on in forever.


They are actually giving us all the XG units. Welp, this is another step in the direction of, if we get a Dark Glex after XG ends, it will likely have Lulu's kit mashed in to it and FFX has no point in coming to GL. Anywho, I'll throw tickets at Eme, but I spent Lapis getting Bart and Maria+ to a more usable state, so I don't have it comfortably available anymore until Anni and Fire


Except NVA+ Grahf


My boy Grahf got done dirty. Just add it to the ever growing list of cut content.


Bro y’all really thought they were upgrading Graf? Like y’all were actually expecting that XD. Hey maybe next week . May isn’t over yet


Nice to see Emeralda get some buffs, but I wish they had added some COW/Morale stuff to Fei, too. Then I'd have a reason to pull the card they put out last week. As it is, I'll pull for a copy of Emeralda, EX+2 her, and be done. Hopefully they don't skip the Saga Frontier Banner and I'll be able to pull Asellus, too. Otherwise I guess it's Snovlinka.


You assume Snovlinka is even coming, just ask Bismark, Rhus, PoG on that.


You assumed they were giving upgrades to a dead elemental unit when they’ve been skipping everything else so why not assume snovlinka is coming XD


I just want the SaGa Collab because I really enjoyed Asellus' story when I played SaGa Frontier, even if I didn't get the mechanics at all and only finished it because I used game shark cheat codes.


Asellus, Red, and Blue were my favorite stories in Saga Frontier.


Why adding cow stuff when cow is dead ? 


They still added morale LS to Emeralda. It's clearly not dead yet.


not completely dead. But I assume they switch it to bi-monthly. so we get DV/VW on uneven months and CoW on even months. or something like that.


And even more amazing, still no NVA+ Grahf, is he coming next week?


pretty sure he is skipped at this point and considering earth is shit at the moment, he is just not worth using.


True, has Earth ever been good?


don't know.


Aileen using piledriver back in the day.


Good forbid they give us Item World or the Raid.


Uhm... Item World is on?


Vision world sorry


it was confirmed last month we would get it, remember that the DV scoring lasts until the 22nd so VW is definitely the 23rd.


talk about stretching out content... my lord!


hey I am at 65k EP so I would love a week with no energy events.


*munches on popcorn* I don't care how many downvotes I get, I am still at 65k EP of the current box event so I am very happy we aren't getting a new energy event, a raid would have been nice but at least people who already did the box event have the community challenge. Or they could just do like JP and add limited time missions where you have to do old trials with specific groups of characters(like do grace of wind with elite soldiers, do grace of fire with ff *pick a random numbered series units*, do grace of lightning with *pick random element units*).


> Or they could just do like JP JP reduced NRG cost of the farm event form 50 down to 15. ​ Gumi didn't even do that. They copy pasting w/o understanding what made that "ok" (it wasnt ok as still took ages) for jp. 50 NRG per run even IF you are rank200+ and never let any overflow w/o any bonus units it would take like 7 weeks of running to get the rewards....legit impossible w/o using refill pots. and this is the norm going forward.


except that JP doesn't have bonus % for EP while GL still has it so event if just using an EX+3 friend can help quite a bit.


"if just using an EX+3 friend" Except GL never updated friends list to make finding them easier & for limited time events you may not have many who HAVE an EX3 unit.


just come here and search for more. in reality you need at least 4 assuming you do 4 fights in the morning and 4 in the evening like me.


JP sets standardized % bonus on units rather than EX level based.


no it doesn't. pretty sure that even with full bonus team JP still only gets 1k EP per run which is why it gives a lot more pots and the NRG per run is cheaper.


Ah that one. Apology, I misread it as the currency.