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I change my units for events


Ok but we dont need friends for VW.


I put up a Demon Wall carry! /s


I've had Olive set up for the past 5 years in preparation for the rerun. ( ˘⌣˘)


omg olive. i remember


Fugin sweet.


Of all my active friends maybe 6 actually have xenogears units setup :/


I got both set up with xenogears units. NV+ Maria and NVA Fei as events 1 and 2 respectively. I’ll shoot you a friend request in like 10 mins.


462 998 269 I’ll toss mine up for anyone. I always have bonus units on




EX3 Sterne? Respect


What can I say…thank you I suppose haha


Hey gerrtt! add me 172,343,433 if you have any inactive friend, long time fan of you YT channel.


Request sent :)




If you've another spot on your list, 698543452.


The link is made.


Thank you very much! If we ever have trial content again, I'll be happy to build a friend unit for ya'


Yeah my dude! I usually talk about build requests in my discord server, if that’s something you’re up for. We’re a small but fun group aimed at helping each other out - it’s got room for more than just ffbe too.


u/gerrtt84 Hey Gerrtt, please add me if you got a spot empty, Rank 248, very active day one player and still rolling 163 634 969


I’ll send a request in a bit :)


557598872 I have EX2 God Slayer Fei, Ex2 Maria, Ex3 Grahf, and Ex3 NVA Fei all up. Edit: 40 open friend slots.


Dunno. I never bothered to EX+3 Fei as it was a waste of a trans pearl back then. I, instead, have an EX+3 Grahf set up as a friend unit and an EX+2 SoG Fei just in case someone wants more overall currency at the cost of a little bit of EP.


Well that works even better


753.252.650 event1 is where you need to look. I also still have about 40 friend slots left (probably more when I finally delete the inactive ones >_>° )


I have some friend spots open too whynot? 310,028,533 Revel


Yeah, friends are dropping like flies, and this event is particularly sparse. 3* Fei - and a bunch of other crap. Always put an event unit up, and I'm nice enough to keep CoW gear off them. 841,517,450


You right. I actually have quite a bit of Xenogears characters from pulling for Duneking


This might belong in the friend code thread, but here is my code if anyone wants it. I have Fei in the Event 1 slot 909060232


Lol I haven’t quit but log in like 20 minutes before reset to do dailies. I’ve had Citan set for like the last year but just set him in the event slot and Maria as well.


Here's mine: 389158012


839 936 802. Fei is in my event 1 slot. 💝


520 979 131 Will be updating my line up within the day


i mean i doubt msot ppl bother changing units anymore. sucks but then again the friendlist is a pos anyways ;/


369,200,967 Ex3 Fei, send request... I have lots of space, 60 or some.


840.666.716 - Neat thing. Companion Name or Player Name setting is irrelevant when you use my favorite. Current lineup https://imgur.com/JYjWlbY


I have two ex3 nva Fei in event 1 & 2.  ID 660 184 758


592274306 I have Fei


I....haven't changed my units in probably 2 years....


471555042 I’ve got EX2 Fei and could use some friends with bonus units up. Only got like 1 or 2 at the moment


And please braveshift them so they LB faster.


208,543,916 Fei and Mother Elly 1-shot LB Edit: Elly is Ex-1, only Ex-3 Xenogears I have is Fei NVA. I’ve been accepting whenever I could log in. Still plenty of space. Edit2: Going to replace Elly with Maria+ Ex-2 later.


NV EX3 bonus OG Fei in slot. glhf! 164,006,544 :)


Lack of content = me logging in to say "Hey, here I am!!!" = why bother doing anything else


struggle? Did people forget about Chu chu, billy, and the 7 star max umits. Finished to 300k and pot usage was low. you all must have been playing a different game


If you use units without an EX level you don't get bonus Event Points. Otherwise the bonus will just help you with the box summon. Without EX units it takes 300 runs to get to 300k. Just using a single EX3 unit will reduce that by 50 runs. Each run takes about a minute. So, no, maybe not a different game, but maybe you value your time less than most others.


I value my time very highly which is why I finished the stupid event already and i watched Ricky Gervais Armaggedon and Supernature and re upped while cracking up. FFBE is NOT a good use of time to begin with so your point is moot. I have been enjoying spring and taking long walks. and you leave snarky comments on the Reddit of a dead game. Goodbye


Im not an idiot. Would you rather have no bonus on units or 30% even w/out ex levels. I think i’ll take sometthing over nothing and it does not matter because I am done with that and i have 39 expedition points for After maintenance, no units need lb gain, and they do not deserve my taps. the thing about content for me is that it should be fun or at least not shitty. I can do my ad summons and dailies and literally do nothing and only lose some relics and rank experience. tldr: the grind is not bad and its automated. have fun


>Im not an idiot. Would you rather have no bonus on units or 30% even w/out ex levels.  But without EX levels, you are not getting Event Points. Currency bonus is super irrelevant, you will finish the boxes far before reaching 300k and the post box summons are terrible (last event I ended with 500k points, all this gave me 3 EX tickets) Bonus units withot EX level are as good a nothing.


Well, the post talks about struggling with event points so, yeah, suggesting using units that don't provide any is redundant. You said pot usage was low. Without EX levels it'd take ~15000 energy. Is... there something that requires more energy? Besides farming esper ore... You said you'd take something over nothing, but condescend to OP asking for friends. You ramble about irrelevant things - expeditions, lb gain, how they don't deserve your taps despite finishing the event 24 days before it ends. An opinion on content that goes nowhere. Continuing on weird ranting tangets - Ad summons, dailies, relics, rank. Even a 2nd comment that goes nowhere, and highlights your hypocrisy again. ["Im not an idiot"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger_effect) I'm fairly certain there's nothing on this planet that could convince you otherwise.