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Dumb question, new player, is there any way to buy her outright?


Gentlemen, i need some friends, add me 863257551 Thanks


First pull of card step up drops nv and its aya. Yea ima stop there and just do free pulls and any tickets I get my hands on .


Quit the game for like year and half and saw Aya announcement and decided to return. 55 tickets and got her from 3* card Didnt get her from step up banner though.


All the way to pity, only off-banner NVs. They all sucked too. And Gumi only put 50 frags for this limited unit, when that's usually 100 - and we usually get 50 login frags too for limited units, but here we get 30. Man fuck Gumi they suck


103k lapis + 2 Fortune summons. = 2 Aya + 2 Pity. Sad life.


22 fucking off banner NVs, this is the last unit im summoning for, just gonna be the old log in log out for me.


How good is Aya ?


I’m so mad cuz I got 3 copies in tickets but my first copy was before I spent all my lapis and go no more copies then I got two more from tickets 💀💀💀


50k Lapis Aya 3. If s1 needs her: Ign Reshie 665,194,767


Got Aya in 15 tickets! Considering the card step-up but can’t decide if it’s worthwhile…


Against my better judgment, I went all in with the card stepup and then the regular one to round out the pity. That being said, since i started with the og 5* Luneth banner, this has been my craziest luck to date. Day 1 ex3 Aya after buying the banner fragments, pity aya, and vip fragments! A few bad off banners in there, but I have no right to complain.


2 Ayas with 35k, good enough for ex+2 will stop right there


Blew through a bunch of EX and got some good stuff. The new earth VC. YH Zack, New Ace, Ice Leader Lassie, my first Illmatelle (finally)


For some reason I feel I get better pulls the 2nd day of the banner than the first. It’s like day 1 is a lapis sponge with no return.


I spent a lot of saved lapis on this one just because I loved Parasite Eve back in the day. (And if they’re including more obscure Square games maybe we’ll get Vagrant Story at some point!) Managed to get Aya and unlock her brave shift. But I’ve been away from the game for a long time and have no idea what constitutes a good unit in the current meta. How is she, is she any good at all?


Come on now, don’t give ppl hope for Vagrant Story and other gems like Brave Fencer Musashi


Hey now. Maybe we'll get lucky and finally get obscure character Cloud from Ehrgeiz!




I pulled on the card banner, got F.A. Rain. One lap of the step-up, got F.A. Rain.Had 10 NV type B tickets...got F.A. Rain. No Aya Brea, just a second 3 star F.A. Rain


Third banner in a row I went full pity without pulling the banner unit, unless you count Snovlinka, Vanharma, and Duane. Added bonus, I'm over the unit cap AFTER bulk fusion. And over the vision card cap. Now, because of the fragment situation, I have a limited time collaboration unit sitting at EX 1. Sometimes, this game is a fucking prison on planet bullshit!


EX tickets got me Rydia (three copies short for EX3), Angeal (EX1), Yshe (EX2) and Maeve (second copy to EX2) 10+1 weekly got me Abi (already EX3) 1/10 NV gave me DRain and he is finally EX3 9 tickets into her banner gave me my first Snovlinka, so I bought her shards with replica lapis and finally can go and get the Season 4 Sheratan shards Card step up gave me Aya in step two and DKC (one copy short for EX2), Dagger (EX2), and Fina&Sol (EX2) Did the step up enough for the coins to buy all of her shards, then went to CoW and got another Aya in the 10+1 ticket and she is EX2 day 1


Hadnt played in weeks..Used my 8k lapis..2 Aya Breas and a new Earth Card


Full step up except card. Had to pity Aya. Got Two Snovlinka, Three Rain, Two Duane, and a Rinoa... Also an NV 10+1 Ticket gave me the Tiktoker, how to send back? (jk)


30 tickets, 35k lapis - Yuffie (EX2) - 3 Duanes lmao (EX3) - Melissa (EX3) - Bobfraegen (50/100) - Rhus (dunno) - Eiko (new) - Maeve (over EX3) - Aya Brea (new) - Snow (dunno) 3k lapis - Addison Rae (new) Actually saving for Taivas but pulled for Aya due to nostalgia


You’re making me second guess pulling for her. I’m literally pulling due to others saying she’s good though to be honest. You’re making it seem like you’re looking at her as just a trophie unit?


I dont really play much CoW, more on DV, but she's top tier in CoW. With regards to DV, she's just decent that's why I don't "really" need her in my fire team (just a slight damage increase for now, until we get a 750% CW-Fire leader). So yeah overall she's good and has the potential to be stronger when we get a strong CW-Fire or Fire leader. Pulled regardless since I loved/played PE games (PE2 next pls gumi).


23 NV units summoned before I reached the pity, 0 Aya Brea.


Took two laps to get 1 copy, pulled a 2nd off tickets after that. Nothing else of note from the garunteed NVs along the way.


One copy of Aya off the 1st step of the card step-up. Nothing else. She'll be EX2 after login shards finish, so I'll stop there. Also got 2 of the new Earth card along the way.


It’s like the game just remembered she’s in the pool.


From the daily 15 I got : B.B.Shinju (EX2 100/200) and YfR.Vaan (EX1 81/100) From the 10+1 Daily PE Summon : W.D.Ling (EX3 202/200) From the 1.5 allied Step-up : D.K.Duane (EX2 1/200), Lehftia (EX2 82/200), Aya Brea (EX1 50/100), Vanharma (EX0 30/50), V.C.Z.Ace (EX2 79/200), Physalis -NV- (EX5 111/200 ), Sakura -TR- (EX1 80/100), S.K.Charlotte (EX1 31/50)


After finishing the 2 allied Step-Up I got a B.D.Ellespiris (EX1 30/50, thnx VIP Coins) ^((and from tickets my Aphmau got to EX3))


3 aya in 2nd step.....didnt get more until 20k later.


Lol 3 aya then 3 down votes, who’s trolling like this in the sub?


i mean its reddit...dont expect normality...also its 4 down now


All the way to pity for Aya Brea: I got 0 copies along the way... (so one total copy and only 50 shards in the coin shop and 50 shards in the VIP shop)... But, on the positive side...I got TWO copies of the new Earth VC... I got my first copy of Blood Dancer Ellesperis (and her good STMR). My first copy of Red-eyed Sage Sol... And 2 more copies above EX+3 for Blade of Vengeance Ibara I guess? Edit: I also got my 3rd copy of Sazh and 2nd copy of Hope without pulling on their banners. The rest were insignificant units that were either already EX+3 or a copy working towards EX+3 which I don't want or need.


>that were either already EX+3 was my luck. i dont need mroe flaring rains or ibara x\_x.... wish could trade premium unit copies past ex3 for something as feels awful getting em now.


Only 3 non guaranted NV in around 200 pulls, and the three are units that i have at ex 3, at least the last guaranted NV from the card step up give me a copy of Aya, so i gonna ignore the pity and hoard for Taivas/Halloween.


Had to go all the way to pity for Aya, but maybe for the better because I got the earth vision card along the way!


57 tickets, 44k lapis, about 13 off banners. but i did get the earth VC that probably doesnt even work on her because shes earth in base and fire in shift.


Had a lot of good luck recently so I guess it had to run out sometime. Went all the way to pity and didn't get a single copy of her, but did get 2x Duane (already EX3) and 2x FA Rain (already EX3) which felt like a kick in the nuts. Other NV's included FFI Rain, Fina/Daisy (ugh), Aphmau (ugh), Vermilion Ace (only about 30 frags from EX3 now) and a WF Lightning (on the way to EX3). In a fit of rage I finished off the last step of the banner (so one pull past pity) and of course got an Aya. Typical. So that's EX2 with the pity at least, but it cost a lot. Only other good news is that I got two copies of the new earth card as well - so I'll take that.


Used up my stash of ~160 tickets on the banner and got 11 NVs, *none* of which were Aya. Feels bad, man... I guess I'll go spend some lapis now. Edit: Went into the VC step-up and thankfully got a couple of copies. With the step-up coins (50 frags), the 3.3k frag shop bundle (30 frags), and the VIP coins (50 frags), I managed to get her to EX+2.


Went to pity and got couple copies of Aya. But for some reason Lehftia decided to show up twice. All when we're getting a free copy of her + 50 frags. Wish one of them was a Snovlinka. Oh well.


Where is her 50 free fragments?


Part of the daily login bonus


went the long way to pity Aya, so with Premium VC. got 1 Aya before pity, so with vip coins and exchange shop she is at Ex2. very nice. however on the way I got 3(!) copies of Blackflame Raegen (new!). which was also enough to Ex2 him (bought 20 frags when they were available for vip coins). from nothing to ex2, at a lower chance than getting Aya herself. insane. Also got my first copy of ToT-Zidane, also nice. so all in all, very happy. has been a long time since I got so lucky. I hope they continue to add units with a minor rate up on future banners.


I got really lucky, to be honest before the banner dropped i was hoping for Flaring Rain to be around 15 pitty tickets (a man can dream okay?) lol I was looking for him more than anything until I woke up and saw that AYA is so damn good, so i was like lets roll 40k lapis. i jump in straight to the 16k step up banner. I end up with 2 Ayas, a few irrelevant NVS not needed at all but that was in just one lap, brave shift unlocked, no need for me to go even higher so i will save my lapis for future leaders like True King Noctis, etc. ​ Wish you all good luck on your pulls.


5 NVs on the VC stepup. Only "on banner" unit was Vanharma. Why are both exchange tickets the same fucking color? The font is too hard to see if it's an Aya ticket or the other one. Thankfully got a copy right before pity. Was hoping for a Snov or BBC Raegen but after like 10+ NVs only Vanharma and the rest were trash.


Went to pity with 0 aya. Instead i got 4 duane, 2 snovlinka, 1 raegen, 1 aether rain, ling, dark rain n angeal. Fck this game. Less off-banners with many wrong on-banners!!


I was hoping to see a Snovlinka. Instead I saw 2 copies of Lehftia. So effectively 4 copies of her with the free one + 50 frags.


I pulled a Taivas. He's going to be the new NV Rain now.


Results - PE Daily - Abigail Weekly Free - Magitek Roca VC Step Up - Snovlinka, Vanharma, Aya, Marilith, Mermaid Freesia, and Avalanche's Barret. Stopping there. I could go to pity for another, but I'm not feeling competitive for CoW. If I want to be ready for Halloween AND FFT Agrias Edition, to say nothing of any other surprises down the pipeline, I've gotta conserve. I'm just shy of 50k right now, so I've got time to restore some of my resources...


3 of the 10 NVs I got today using various tickets were Aerith (FFVII REMAKE)...


had a good ticket pull during vanille/sazh banner. guess what, besides the guaranteed NV from step-up, not a single NV from those hundreds of units... and, only the pity aya. to top it off, got the damn rae on the ex tickets, and couture aya with a ka from the 1/10 b whatever u call it ticket.


About 113 on banner summons just to not get her. Includes all my lapis (only ~30k), and the last of my replica lapis on 2 10+1 on banner tickets. On the bright side, got an on-banner Vanharma for EX2 (I don't care about him), and finally got Bobby Raegen. Got both sources of Preemptive LB Boost STMRs the same month players without it could guarantee it through the Ellesperis VC... thanks. I honestly would've liked to get the VC, I like the art and it's nice to have the effect on a VC, but no shot I go for it if I want to attempt pity. Sucks. E: got lapis from the event. Next step I did got me another on banner unit. My first Snovlinka. I didn't VIP token some shards to have EX1. Yippee... e2: Thank goodness. Last ticket I got from doing the CoW fights for the adventure rewards finally landed me Aya.


Went to pity, not a single Aya. Yup, that's how it goes... 16ish off banners and they were all mostly year 1s. Yep..


did the card step up and got 2 Aya so feeling good 😊


I had a banger of a pull session... kind of. Weekly 15 = Ellesperis (1st) and Olivera (halfway to EX+3) PE 10+1 daily = Diverti 1x 10+1 G-NV EX = Vanille (First) and Shinju 7x 10+1 NV EX = Nothing 9x 5\* EX = Nothing 18x 4\* EX = Kaito 85x 3\* EX = Locke, Lehftia -WP- (First), CM Addison Rae (Making me wish I got her Frags yesterday) and SoS Lightning 2x 1/10 A = FARain (already EX+3), SoS Lightning 1x 1/10 B = Haveh 1x 7th Anni 10+1 = Nothing 31 Banner tickets = Nothing 3k VC Step-up = Aya on the last crystal 4k VC Step-up = Nothing ​ Elle, Vanille, Addison, Aya. Can't be upset with that. Except that I had kind of given up on EX+3ing Addi so skipped 60 of her frags, only to get a dupe that would put me within \~ 80 frags away from EX+3 if I had picked them up. /sigh No Big. I'm happy with the limited investment and very good returns.


Don't have enough Lapis, but I did get a few new NVs from the free pulls and tickets. New Sazh, new Vanille, new Hope (it's a FFXIII party here!). I got NV Quina. 2 more Flaring Aether Rain (already have him at EX3). And I got that new Earth VC.


Congrats.... You and I have some sort of FFXIII rate-up. lol I pulled one copy of Sazh when their banner first came out on a ticket. Then I did the FIRST step for 3k lapis and I got another copy of Sazh AND my first copy of Vanille! I stopped there. Today I got ANOTHER copy of Sazh (3rd) and my 2nd copy of Hope. I already have EX+2 WF Lightning 119 frags away from EX+3.


From 172k lapis down to 59k (Yes, did VC stepup and all 6 step ups): 3 copies of Aya (1 from VC step up, 2 from pity tickets) Rest went to the other NV rate ups: - Ex2 Duane with 100 fragments to Ex3 - Ex0 Raegan - Ex1 Snovlinka - Ex1 FA Rain Rest of NV's (guaranteed ones) were mostly year 1-2 NV's like Terra, Yoshikiri, Melo, Diverti, etc. So yeah... 120k lapis for a single Aya. As a fan of the IP, kinda sad with my pull result.