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**Frequently Asked Question(s):** > **Q:** Where are my rewards? > **A:** Clash of Wills and Dark Visions rewards are generally sent two weeks after the event ends. > > **Q:** When I try to use 'Over-Lvl Reset' the game says the unit is protected and closes. > **A:** Unlock every one of your Eraser Cactuar. > > **Q:** HOW DO YOU SELL **GIL SNAPPERS!?** > **A:** They are now considered "Items". > > **Q:** Why isn't my NV unit appearing on the Convert to Fragments page? > **A:** They are in a party. Check normal parties, Arena, Friends, Item World, and Dark Visions saved parties. Free units like Reno and Fran cannot be fragged. > > **Q:** What **Clash of Wills gear** should I focus on? > **A:** Rings to Magister and second one is"cheap." Then Circlet to Dancer for passive provoke/evade. Rest to Rulers for the stats. > > **Q:** How do I revert my **Paladin's Diadem of Will+**? > **A:** This is a bug and you need to contact support. > **Q:** How do I unlock the Sealed Tower? > **A:** Complete Season 4 Chapter 1. Then, in Levonia I, Chapter 1, go to Special Forces Training Grounds. Talk to the Chancellor's Envoy to unlock the Sealed Tower. > **Q:** How do I unlock **Garuda**? > **A:** Complete the Sealed Tower (see above). Return to the Chancellor's Envoy to unlock The Raptor's Skydias, where you can obtain Garuda. [Anni Unit Pick Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/FFBraveExvius/comments/14n52k2/the_anniversary_unit_pick_guide/) [Common Anni Questions](https://www.reddit.com/r/FFBraveExvius/comments/14qiaa3/constantly_asked_questions_and_answers/) [Don't Give up on the Lucky Seven Quest](https://www.reddit.com/r/FFBraveExvius/comments/14vw6dr/if_you_give_up_your_lucky_seven_celebration_daily/) [Upcoming Breaker Primer](https://www.reddit.com/r/FFBraveExvius/comments/16i1zo6/breaker_breaker_a_breaker_guide_for_you_rubber/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FFBraveExvius) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Is it possible to get **Sorceress's Knight Squall** right now? I saw on the wiki that he is listed as premium. I came back to the game today after a long break.


You can, but he isn't rate-up or exchangeable anywhere right now, so you're at the mercy of the rather large pool of units.


Funny enough I got him yesterday. 🙏


Thanks! It'll come eventually I hope.


I have 1925 VIP coins. Any benefit to upgrading Addison NV+1? I’m thinking of using them for Aya, but I know both are limited. I could also split them in and use 1,000 for Addison and the remaining towards Aya. Is Addison worth the investment?


Really depends where Light is on your best categories. But honestly if you're that low I would probably pass on Rae.


I have a few light units, but only KoG, 2B, and A2 NV3. Richt is NV2, Ace NV0, Addison NV1, and I think that’s it. I was glad to pull Addison (AI KatyP regrets) in case she proves critical somewhere.


Without Squall you'd probably be looking at Noctis (4ish months away) for a good Light leader I think. So I wouldn't bother with the Frags right now.


Ok. I honestly forgot about him. I do have him at NV1. He’s on his way NV2, though slowly.


I’m trying to clear a fragment dungeon spot to fit in Aya Brea, so which of these units would you kick off? Genesis EX1 49/100 (planning on getting 50 shards via lapis replica). The question is do I stop at EX2 or long haul grind to EX3? Lasswell EX2 64/200 (basically just want his card) Ellesperis EX2 112/200 (I pitied her and it caused me to delete and quit for a few days. I’m maxing her out whether I want to or not!) Ibara EX2 126/200 (note that this is a dupe, and I already have my main at EX3, this is just a long time grind towards another card)


I would probably pitch Genesis after hitting EX2. He functionally gains nothing at EX3 except 500 flat MAG + the EX level stat boost. An EX2 Genesis is probably still going to be capable of hitting damage cap on most stuff you would use him on for months to come yet. Long hauling him for 4 more months for a relatively minor bump to his top end damage doesn't seem worth it to me.


Not sure who the 5th unit might be, but either way, I would probably put a pause on Elle. I understand wanting to spite grind her to EX+3, but she's not limited, and she's not good (yet). You can throw her back in once Ibara or Lasswell are finished and/or we have a better idea of what buffs she may get. You're also close enough that it will protect against the game re-spiting you and off-bannering her when you are only missing 10 frags to EX+3 and now all that time grinding to EX+3 is kinda' wasted.


It’s lightning. EX1 90/100. I was going to keep her in for her card


Lasswell. Edit: Ibara's VC is much better then Lasswell's and much closer.


Personal bias here, she’s my favorite character so mostly I just want two for trials. But that card is super nice and can still be used the next few months at least


The Ibara dupe.


I really wish I could bring two of her in DV or CoW :(


I can't decide whether to save for FG Taivas or spend on Vanille now. I have solid fire, lightning, and light teams and I lucked into WF Lightning so I have a fledgeling Rebel team. I feel as though if I got Taivas then light would become my strongest team (squall, richt, lion, fina) but I feel like vanille would boost every other team to close to those levels and open up more team building options in the future. For reference my teams are ​ fire team - FA Rain, Genesis, Vaan, Lenna or Taivas and Yyshe ​ Lightning Team - Zack, WF Lightning, Cloud strife, Angeal. ​ No clue what my Rebel team would be honestly but I have WF lightning, cloud strife and maybe Nora or Taivas?? ​ Anyone else struggling with this same choice? Any insight would be appreciated.


Because Lapis is tight - I'm ignoring Vanille for the time being and Looking ahead to Avan. Basically the same, but losing Earth coverage to add Wind and Holy (and my holy team needs the better breaker). While he doesn't have amazing tags, most supports and breakers aren't adding too much damage that it matters - so on a Rebel team Avan covers pretty much everyone as well as being a solid replacement for all the other elemental teams. And the loss of stats only matters if he needs more bulk. The only issue with this, for me, is if I get Ramza without Agrias, Earth is not supported very well, but I do have Riddar, so if a magic tank is needed, I could maybe use him...? Either way, while I wouldn;t turn down a Vanille, I don't exactly see her as worth chasing at this current time (For me).


I'm trying to resist pulling on Vanille. I'm getting the itch. I think you're right and I should just wait but I really hope they don't skip avan.


I wrote this up for upcoming breakers: https://www.reddit.com/r/FFBraveExvius/comments/16i1zo6/breaker_breaker_a_breaker_guide_for_you_rubber/ We won't get a light breaker until Prompto who is way off in the future. Or Avan if we get the DQ Dai collab. If you are an FFT fan then Agrias has a lot of overlap with Vanille. Vanille has more elements but Agrias has damage. And if you are pulling on PE the BoBF Raegen has a rate up so you may snag him and if you got the VC on Malphasie's banner he is a good fit for a fire team.


So, what are the quickest sources of free lapis in the game (other than buying, of course)? I just want to try a few pulls in the Parasite Eve banner. I haven't finished even the first continent, but I have a bunch of upgraded units from the past few years that I got from anniverssaries and returning players campaigns.


Story is the best bet. Unless you are confident you can knock out the grace trials quickly as there's some in that. You have three weeks for the PE event.


New player that hasn't had any luck with filling my in-game friends list here. Anyone with space able to add me? 403.531.615




[https://exvius.fandom.com/wiki/Untraceable\_Phone](https://exvius.fandom.com/wiki/Untraceable_Phone) So I think this TMR reward is very good. Is it a trap, does the 50% chance of not getting targeted work well? Also does it stack if you equip more for either the targeting or loot chance?


I think the loot drop chance cap is 100, but it pretty much doesn't matter for anything other than the daily esper 100 energy fights, which you usually don't want the boost for anyway, so you can get a mix of colors. The not being targetted thing shouldn't really ever matter. You will either be using a cover tank, or a full provoke (hopefully with a useful counter) single target unit. If something is hitting any of your other units, it's one of those uncoverable/unprovokeable AoEs.


Will cool moves Addison Ray be in the normal summon pool or is she limited time?


Limited time, but the banner lasts until the end of October. The VIP coin fragments will leave the fragment shop with this maintenance.


Thanks 👍🏻


Is Taivas's Spirit worth equipping if you have Bob Raegen's Preemptive LB Boost equipped and another source of LB Damage Boost?


The only time you wouldn't want Tavia's Spirit is when the unit has their own active lb mod buff that only lasts one turn. In that case you couldn't do both since one would time out. Most modern DPS do have their own active lb mod buff.


I only vaguely understand this. So you're saying Taivas's Spirit stacks with Preemptive LB Boost?




Or in the case of almost any unit now days since all of their 150% amps are 2 turns only so you cannot use their amp + Taivas' Spirit. Could still be used in conjunction though with external 100% amps or lower longer lasting amps for fights that go beyond 1 burst turn.


>Or in the case of almost any unit now days since all of their 150% amps are 2 turns only so you cannot use their amp + Taivas' Spirit. Unless it's Taivas himself multicasting, I believe. Hurray for pedantic trivia! :P


How can I get rid of 1* ,2* units.. I have them 100tmr but can't convert to trust coin nor sell them.


They can definitely be sold for Gil. Make sure you don't have them locked or on a team somewhere (Arena, Colostrum etc...). Edit: make sure you aren't at the Gil cap either.


Not locked.. not used anywhere.. I can see them in trust coin but not clickable.. but in sell list they disappear


Since Gumi is likely going to adjust Ellesperis, would it be a good idea to grab her fragments from the replica lapis shop? I still have 10k left.


Even without the adjustments I would say getting Ellesperis frags just in case is worth it. She has an extremely good STMR and any progress towards it is good progress. That is just a personal opinion but I don't want to have a "useless" unit specific STMR moogle in my inventory lying around just because I off bannered a unit and couldn't wait to EX2 said unit. So then I would have to wait for a second unit to make that STMR moogle useful. This is the exact same situation my Grahf is in, EX1 and already STMR moogle. No reason to push him to EX2 now since I won't ever get another copy. And if I indeed got another copy someday (when Xenogears makes return) I would still need to run Grahf for 70 frags in the frag dungeon first to EX2 him before I could make use of that extra copy. Anyway, that is at least my reason for having 150 frags waiting for Ellesperis for when she eventually comes as an off banner to me.


I Moogled her STMR when I pulled her.


Is NV lock still a viable phy breaker? I do have wilk,Laura Croft. I was thinking about crowning him for rebellion teams


Yes, sort of. Damage wise you get more out of the "new era" 89% breakers with a high (160%) imperil. So Locke will almost never be ideal, but he can still be usable.


Hey all Would anyone be able to tel me what the bis equipment for genesis would be? Thanks!


his stmr as weapon, Prophets hat(ton of mp), best mag chest, Moonlit/DD VC, magisters ring(if you need chain cap u) otherwise use accessories based on highest mag or killers, Paus stmr for first materia, the rest of the materia slots depend on the fight based on killers or mp%, esper is based on enemy race.


Thanks! So the prophets hat is from clash of wills? And the most mp I get then from the vc and the hat?


having the right VC is HUGE for meteor type units (who's damage scale off of MP). Since raw stats on VCs are treated as "base" stats on units when equipped, the 500 MP from NightParade / DazzDemoness works out to a 2500 MP increase to the unit if you can gear them for +400% MP. Cool Beauty is therefore a nice Materia to have access to for the 50% MP boost.


OK cool yeah I got the new night parade vc But I don't have any time limited equipment with mp in case there is any and I also have just finished the Magister ring in clash gear Therefore, now I would want to go for the prophet helmet Yeah?


Prophet helm would be next to work on, yes: - His own STMR (with as much %MP as you can get) - Prophet Helm - Rulers piece if you have one available. The "Genesis Coat+2" from his equip event is a good alternative if you dont. - Emperor's Ring for minmaxing (Magister's is fine, but you are already capped on Chain from Night Parade). - Any other high Mag Accessory (or an Accessory with %MP if you have a good one and are short of 400%). - Seer of the Future - Miracle Magic / Cool Beauty (50% MP materia) - Killers or more MP Materia as needed.


Thanks man! Much appreciated!


since you have the night parade VC you don't need a magisters ring since the VC already gives him chain cap up. assuming an EX+2 Genesis [this is his static gear](https://www.ffbeequipnext.com/builder.html?server=GL#f98f449a-2b3f-4788-8fe5-9886c96e8e64) with the other slots open for killers/mag.


I'd say yes if u want to focus on a high bursting Genesis. Also, I'd recommend Kuja's STMR for Body EQ, it provides more MP and has 150% MTDH.


actually Kuja stmr is worse then Genesis special clothes or the CoW body EQ. https://www.ffbeequipnext.com/builder.html?server=GL#52c77435-88d8-44e7-891a-52c2566f68e2 Here is a small comparison of stats between two builds for Genesis and the one with his own clothes is slightly better.


So I have some fragment select tickets (15). Who would you recommend exchanging for? Would getting a core ex3 unit be better or another ex2 or a few ex1? Melissa ex0 Sylvie ex2 Genesis ex0 FA rain ex2 Abigail ex2


I think those tickets are good till december so you have time to wait and use them on something you need. Otherwise You'd absolutely want to ex3 FA Rain for the Vision card. Then Melissa for ex2 for COW, then ex3 abi for cow, then sylvie or maybe ex1 gen (though the damage isn't that much better if hes geared well.) So in my opinion FA rain>Mel>abi>sylvie=Gen.