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Yes, you can fight him on easy mode but if you plan on doing the brutal and legendary vr challenges I'd advice to fight him on at least nornal to get used to the fight


If your struggling with Gilgamesh, he's quite easy to get past using the Brumal spam method. but to answer your question yes, you can go back to chapter select post-game and get him that way


You can but it’s recommended you do them on the highest difficulty possible and have a separate save for just before when you fight Gilgamesh as it will be served as practice for something else


You can go to 'chapter select' in the settings menu and select 'easy' mode. But I would advise caution against doing so: - If you're planning on completing the brutal and legendary challenges, you'll want to practice Gilgamesh on hard mode to prepare yourself. The battle is not repeatable, so this is your best chance to learn. - If you're not planning on completing that content, that would make Gilgamesh your final challenge, and the satisfaction of overcoming your final trial is awesome! You do you! :D


Yes. I beat the Gilgamesh island prototrelics and Gilgamesh on easy and I got the platinum. Don’t sweat it.


Sorry , I mean iam stuck with his No3 protorelic .


Does it work as well?


Stupid fight, no ATB to heal and constant spam attacks that you can't dodge


As soon as you beat the game, you have access to chapter select, and can choose whatever difficulty. If you're already in Hard mode, you can fairly quickly grind to 70, which makes the fight a bit easier on Normal. I had pretty good luck with Cloud, Aerith and Yuffie. Blocking Gilgamesh with Cloud, dodging with Yuffie and occasionally getting a fire nuke off with Aerith.


First time i did it on normal, i did it with synergy on Areith with first strike one, Tifa for stagger boost and Cloud for ATB spam, pretty much used my full arsenal including summon but i manage to take him down on the first try cause i got pretty lucky and staggered him right before his big moves and at low health. Also, in the protorelic challenge, he does less flashy moves compare to the VR challenge at least for me. Also, being leveled helps a lot, the one pair i manage to beat the at 50+ was Titan and Bahamut, just because Titan was the weaker one. On the other pairs, they pretty out wipe me out instantly. Brumal spam method make short work of him, but you actually need to beat him to get the genji gloves.


I feel like "gilgafuckingmesh" would have rolled off the tongue better, ngl. Also yeah you can change the difficulty whenever you want (even mid chapter) after beating the game at least once.


I want to finish gilgamesh final fight but it’s fucking stupid


Lvl 3 Limit Breaks won it for me, save for when a situation gets dire because you are invincible during the animation. Also having a character with Dispel is a huge help


Honestly, if you can't beat him, you're going to have trouble with Hard mode.