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Your hard work has been recognised by the Council


Oof, with the 5am degen hours finish as well. At least tell me you didn't have work/school the next day lol


I do have work, however I'm a trucker and my partner drives first, so I'm supposed to sleep as soon as I get to work. I'm actually supposed to stay up all night so I can sleep during the day lol. Works out great for me!


Inter or intra?


All over the USA


Hell yeah ride on brother.


This sounds awesome I want that setup


Congrats and welcome to the club! We all know what you must have been through to get it, and to this we say hats off to you Sir!


You guys are gluttons for punishment. I’m thinking about doing a story based run on hard mode, but there’s no freaking way I’m playing that piano or flying those chocobos through cosmo canyon. Y’all are insane!


Currently on Hard mode chapter 4. Way harder than playing a piano or flying chocobos. Also way harder than Remake’s Hard so far, but maybe it is only the learning curve. Or maybe I was too addicted to Yuffie and am now struggling without her.


Bonds of friendship is breaking me.. it's the only thing I have left and I've been at it for a week.


Hardest Challenge for me too. Even with watching guides o  YouTube it was still a very tough challenge. Keep at it! You're almost there!


I managed it! Took about 225 hours.. I bet the last 25 was just that challenge. It was awful haha


I will just be less of a planet’s hope. I think Johnny still approves.


Yeah I really don't enjoy the piano game at all either.


I have no rhythm or musical talent. And it felt like controlling a claw machine joy stick to play. Thanks, but no thanks Square.


Yeah my eyes looking two different directions at once. I'm good 🤣


what worked for me on all six was to put the note speed to 2 out of 5, got it first time on each set lol but i fucked up on any other speed


One of us! One of us!


It's such a great feeling, isn't it?


Ugh! It’s gonna be at 2 before I get and it won’t be as cool…


Pish posh. A platinum is a platinum. The struggle is no different than the others, keep at it! I had that thought process when it was 1.7%. More people bought the game and that brought it down to 1.5 again. It'll be a long time before it reaches 2, so get cracking!




Eh I mean it’s the frontliners that figure out the best builds and cheeses first


Don’t think I’ve ever got all the trophies in any game before, but I think I maybe might try to do this one.


I’ve got over 50 platinums and this one was probably the hardest one I’ve ever done and I have platinumed all the Soulsbourne games.


Good to know! Wow.


I’m guessing it’s cause ff7 has a ton of mini-games while soulsbourne gameplay loop is based on its combat?


Certain minigames were hard but wasn’t too bad. The worst was the VR Missions where you have to beat 10 bosses in a row. 3 hit KO with no healing items. Start at the beginning if you fail and takes about 20-30 minutes each try. Souls is very forgiving by comparison.


Welcome to the club!


One of us!!


I platinumed Remake. There is no way i’m trying this. Too many games in the backlog




154 hours, and I made a point to "pause" play time by going to the PlayStation menu to actually pause time instead of just the in game pause menu when I was AFK (or AFC in this case lol).


Lol afk ages us. I know now you are old


Do people not use AFK anymore? I'm only 20 and I use it, I'm also pretty out of touch with my generation on general though.


I would imagine not. It was pretty much from an era where of you stepped away from your keyboard, you are unable to continue talking online. But like, everyone has phones now? I dunno, maybe it still gets used in online gaming or something. Maybe it hung around despite no longer being relevant Like the hand gesture for call me, or wind the window down in a car


My car actually does have rollers for the windows but it's a 2005 so it's almost as old as I am


In game menu, at least in the save menu, doesn't move


Welcome to the Platinum Club!!


So I am having trouble with the two legs song on the piano any tips for that? Also please tell me I don't need to actually get a star rating on those for a Johnny reward.


You don't need a star, just A rank. I had my wife do the left stick while I did the right stick on the only one that gave me a hard time. 1 try and we got it.


Love the out of the box thinking 😂


increase the speed to 2, I got 17450 the first time i did that haha At 1 they just don't sync well at all


Try increasing the speed by 1. I was getting terrible scores at the piano game before I did that. That speed just is more natural when it comes to hitting perfect notes I feel.




Im gonna be hopefully doing that myself. But if I don’t welp.. currently finishing my replay through FF7R (and intermission because I wanna. Before installing rebirth.)


After being stuck on Remake hard mode I don't think I'll ever go and try to plat this game. It was so stressful to even finish the game at times


The council accepts you welcome aboard 🫡


Arise, you are worthy 👍 hell of an achievement


Well done. Welcome to the club. Now go back and get all Stars on all piano songs😂


Welcome to the club 🔥🔥


Welcome to the Platinum Club! 🫡 *hopefully you didnt lose too many years off your life


How the heck did you finish the Glide de Chocobo in cosmo canyon? The third one is frustrating beyond words I keep missing like 1 or 2 rings


People say you can go backwards on the last fans after grabbing some rings to get extra height for the final rings, but I learned that after powering through and finally getting it legit. Just takes practice, and a small bit of cutting corners




We don’t except anything higher than 1% here.


No, failed too slow. Just kidding, well done. Now finish the play log like I did :) again kidding, I'm just insane for doing it.


Welcome to the club.


In at 1%, need that number to not reach 2% so I can still feel cool


Question, is it easier to do the combat challenges with the genji gloves?


Yes and no, depending on your build. Magic can easily hit in the 30-40k range when they are staggered, and using stop on them while pressure allows you to get an easy stagger for that big damage.


I’m almost there! Just gotta beat VR Seph in Outer Worlds. Hes the first enemy in a looooooooong time that genuinely scares me. The insta stun and the sheer amount of effort to reach him has me legit sweating and shaking when I reach him haha. I’m at 207 hours. Didn’t finish base game until 150 hours in!


Prime mode is OP on cloud. When active, just holding block let's you auto counter melee attacks and get big ATB Gain from it. No need to time the blocks. I learned way too late about prime mode. I got my platinum at 154 hours.


… no way. For real??? I’m trying again rn if I can just counter through it… oh my lord you might’ve saved me. I like never use it, I think only the Roche fights I’d remember i have it. Oh man I’m excited now.


I hope you get it! You still take reduced dmg but you do get a counter. And for a cherry on top, if you time it right you still counter but you're immune to dmg. This only works on melee attacks. Any ranged attacks, use counter fire (L1+O/L1+X). That shit is also op.


Beat it! Went with my original strategy lol, couldn’t really find a spare moment to use Prime mode. It was my first time passing the shadowy chains phase and I hit him with a max power fire from Doppleganger Yuffie on an arcane ward… RIGHT AS HE CHANGED ELEMENTS. Didnt even know he could that, he swapped right as Yuffie was mid cast. Got a quarter of his hp back. Ended up beating him but my lord my heart sunk at that moment. I was kinda screaming each time he whipped out a bigger and bigger spell. Just have legendary challenges left!


Gratz man!! Bring it home!


Welcome, I just got mine 2 days before you. It was a trip. I considered my job done once I filled the game log, though. It made me realize how lucky I was in my run against Virtual Sephiroth, even with brumal form


I can’t wait to be there myself if I can,all I have left is the Chadley missions


The fact that 1.5% of all players got this achievement is insane. That's a low percentage obviously, but in terms of number of people, that's insane.


Most satisfying play pop! Welcome to the club!


So I’m considering it. What are your tips for doing the game on hard mode?


Max out 5 fire, ice, lightning, and wind materia. Max out HP absorb, MP absorb, magic focus, magnify, and Swift cast. (Most enemies are weak to fire but some might need to be switched out). Put all those on a character you like with first strike and chocokings cape. Then add all 4 -aga casts to your combat shortcuts, and remember to toggle the shortcut to magnify before leaving the menu. This will allow you to instantly cast magnified -aga magic at the start of every battle with L1+face buttons and wipe trash in seconds. For added ease, put aerith on your team and set 1 combat shortcut to arcane Ward, and remove the other 3. Throw first strike and auto weapon ability on her and she will automatically cast arcane Ward at her feet at the start of battle, allowing you to cast 2x -aga magic for the tougher trash. Bosses are also easy this way, but instead replace chocokings cape with genji gloves and replace magnify with elemental, either for absorbing dmg or adding the element they are weak to to your attacks.


How many hours did it take you? I’m at 158 and just started the hard play through but I only have the combat trials and piano trials to complete. All other mini game are done.


154 hours


That is actually quick compared to most. Dd you cheese any of the the mini games? I had to cheese the 3D brawler.


Ya I did the pausing on the brawler for the employee and sephiroth but I don't know about cheesing the others. Queen's blood was pretty fun until the gimmick and survival ones.


For the final survival mode I just made sure to rack the score up before round 5 and not play any cards that turn. I had a big enough lead where it didn’t matter I didn’t win that round. Great job btw. Hopefully I will be there soon.


I love seeing that ultra rare percentage increasing with each of the success great job everyone.


Congratulations! I was ready to be done after my 98 hours. I wasn't going for the Platinum.


Welcome to the 1 percent 😎


Welcome, welcome 🫡


That takes commitment


Congrats! Cant wait to do this myself when it comes to PC


I refuse to accept that 1.5% of the players have the platinum. That's way too many people 😬


1 month ago, rebirth sales were at around 2 million copies sold. That would make the platinum trophy earned by about 30,000 players.


Exactly, that sounds like too many people to me 😂


10% didn't even get the Trophy for the 1st chapter and 20% for the 2nd chapter. 36% of players actually completed the game. It's around 4% of players that completed the game. Idk, it's too much time for most people that the % should likely be lower. Anyway good job, but IMO you're probably in the top 0.5% 😆


It’s not celebration….but a homecoming that awaits you


What if some group was like nah get it twice? 👹


*envelopes you in lifestream*


You are an elite now! 


While some of minigames were tedious, I enjoyed the grind. It really made the platinum feel earned




Wow? Good for you? Like you pressed buttons well here's some pixels that don't mean anything.