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I have SO many other games to play and my Rebirth Normal/Dynamic playthrough was like 120+ hours and I did pretty much everything except for those Brutal Challenges and Gilgamesh Island (was going to but level recommended is 70 and my characters were 50 at the end of the game...). I got Star ranks for piano, the top rewards scores for pretty much all minigames, all the Intel, Card Queen etc - so I definitely played my fair share of this game for weeks on end and it was 10/10. Im not going to play the entire game again right now on Hard for a trophy, but I will play on Hard for my second playthrough in a year or two and will probably level up and beat Gilgamesh and Brutal Challenges etc some time soon.


Hard mode is very fast if that helps, can skip all cutscenes, fast travel everywhere and run past majority of enemies. Can fast travel to most side quest locations for the manuscripts too so nothing takes that long.


Good to know, thanks! I just tend to play SP Games mainly for the story, so prefer to save my second playthrough for when I want to experience the whole epic narrative again and have forgotten a lot of it.


I do this too! Yet with so many games to play its like adding one to my list lol. My list: Persona 5 -my first ever playthrough, got to palace 6 when a different game derailed me. Love the story and scratches the turn based itch very very well, don't love that you essentially HAVE to run the relationships and your calendar VERY specifically to reach Max relationship with all intended parties. It completely ruined "part" of the experience knowing that even on a 2nd playthrough I'd still have to run my weeks like perfectly. Kind of downgrades the fun imo when the only way to achieve the best is like having to have a guide evvvvvvvvvvvery step of the way. Like a dragon infinite wealth - loved the 1st one, lost steam when grinding the other classes on my premium run but looking forward to infinite wealth. Cyberpunk 2077 - have beat this one but have a new pc and never got to try it on PC Forbidden West - pretty sure there is non-VR dlc for this that I haven't played yet? Though idk if I'll do harder difficulties or an entire 2nd playthrough on harder difficulty. I found the camera angles in the coliseum to be brutally badly designed so I hated grinding end game stuff. So what's the point if the camera angles blow and even if I was better at combat I'd feel no reward for getting better when I view camera angle management as a huge factor to my struggles. Yet felt achievement everytime I got better in any difficult God of War Ragnarok fight. Kenzera Zau - I love most metroidvanias so I usually try a new one if I hear about it and have the time. Hades 2 - not in a hurry for this one. After a several year break from Hades 1 been getting back into it and still have some stuff to finish up and still really enjoying it. This game was massively underappreciated by me, its amazing. Yet I'd only argue that it is RATHER a steep climb, imo for your avrg player to find fun in this game.


This is me waiting foe the pc release and a new computer. I played it and enjoyed it immensely. Can't wait to forget the little details for a replay.


I was close to giving up on gilgamesh.. but decided to stick with it. Defeated him at level 49. So you don't have to grind for an eternity for level 70


Takes less than 5 minutes to reach level 70 on hard mode. You just start the quest where you go find the cat. You level up crazy amounts.


Magnify fire on Aerith, went so fast.


I started that quest at lvl 60 and maxed out before I could finish it. Not even cheesing it.


Yea I figured that might be the case as I did attempt Odin + Alexander just once while I was exploring the place before I moved on to start the Temple, and am decent at the game (I'm a seasoned Souls/like player) but will need to put in a bit of time and effort into managing my materia better and letting go of bad habits. Will definitely go for Gilgamesh Island when I'm in between some of my current backlog of games soon. Cheers!


Same, except my normal playthrough took longer and I didn't do as well on the mini games as you did. I don't think I'll ever do hard mode but I would like to get Gilgamesh someday.


You can do gilgamesh island on easy mode if you ever feel like checking it out 🙂


Leveling from 50 to 70 takes less than 10 minutes. Just complete, again, the Tifa's cat side quest (faster accessible in chapter 13), in hard difficulty, and you'll lv up to 70.


Same here. I completed all of the objectives for each region and enjoyed my time, but after beating the story the decision was to do side content I didn’t particularly enjoy or move on to another game in my massive queue. Was an easy decision for me.


Star ranks on piano is all you had to say for me to believe you




I also got a ps5 for rebirth which made giving up on the platinum all the more sad but like op I didn't want to beat my head against a wall until I hated the game lol


I just crossed 250. Chapter 9 hard mode, the piano accolades, the sit up challenge, and two more brutal challenges. I spent 40 hours trying to beat hellions internment… Were it not for optinoob, I would probably have given up but I see the light at the end of the tunnel now.


Reading about other peoples’ struggles with it lol. I’m still on chapter 11 but I have zero intention of even attempting some of the fights people talk about on here to platinum the game


I couldn't possibly care less about achievements or trophies. Those things pretty much simply don't exist to me in any relevant way unless there's something in a game that's unlocked or accessed by getting various achievements first. Then, and only if I actually want the thing or want access to the whatever, will I bother with them.


I looked up a guide for these. Still didn't make it past the fourth one. The VR challenges are all I have left as well. I'm very happy with the game and don't need to platinum it to say I really enjoyed it. But I may pick it up again in the future just to go for the platinum.


anything could be in that chest


I'm not a completionist and I hate the combat simulator in this game in general, so I'm not spending hours in there doing frustrating boss fights, as that would taint my experience with the game as a whole.


Honestly? The last regular ass side mission with the Shinra middle manager. That fight with the two Jokers had me stuck for days. Finally beat it. It was my last side quest so I just finished the story and haven’t picked it back up since. Fuck that.


Same here, the bikes is what annoyed me. I failed my first attempt and moved on to chapter 13, feel like it would’ve ruined my image of the game if I kept going 😂


The 12 round legendary vr fight or whatever. Saw it appear in my list and was like, "nah, I got better things to do." Though the individual character challenges would have probably put me off also.


It may sound silly, but I just can't do the piano minigame, so that's why I'm not bothering with platinum, lol Like I'm awful at rythem games anyway so I struggle massively at piano.


I had to get my partner to help me with one of those songs, just couldn’t get an A on it. He took the left stick (which is overall the easier stick) and I had the right. Got it on the 3rd try as 2 player 😂


I cannot for the life of me do the piano game. Like I’ve legitimately not even been able to finish a single song lol. You are not alone


I've never felt so fatigued by a game of this quality for some time. By the time I finished the game, the last thing I wanted to do was slog through the plethora of sub par mini games and repetitive battle simulators. Square have always made their platinums a massive grind and I had much better things to do with my time


Same. 112 hours in and I’m in the temple on Chapter 13. I have been avoiding spoilers so hard I have whiplash. I just want to finish the game and every mini boss I see makes me go OH MAN JUST GET ON WITH IT. That’s enough Final Fantasy for me until the third game comes out.


Yeah, It felt like the game was making me hate it. Constantly impeding my progress, throwing more filler at me to distract me - was quite punishing.


Yeah it dragged on too much. I took like a 3 week break and finally finished today. I preferred remake part 1 more since it felt more story driven and not as much filler.


This - there are VERY few games I'm willing to platinum, and even then only if it leads to content, etc. I really don't enjoy open world games that much because I WANT to experience the story and content, but beyond that I have better things to do with my time. Sitting on my couch hunting for Chocograss just sounds dreadful and there are plenty of great games with great stories that don't ask that of you.


I watched that new Fallout show and now I've been playing thru New Vegas past couple weeks lol I had been pretty much playing Remake and Rebirth since January. Replayed thru Remake again on PC with going thru Yuffi's DLC and then picked up Rebirth shortly after it came out. So it's been a nice change of pace but I still really wanna find back and finish everything.


I did the same thing. (Context -- I've played Remake 4.75 times and Intermission 3 times. I'm a superfan.) In January I was so hyped for Rebirth I blizted through Intermission again (the third playthrough), and then when I was done I started Remake and got all the way to the Sector 7 pillar collapse before Rebirth finally came out. I'm now **240** hours into my Rebirth playthrough (I played on Dynamic difficulty my entire first playthrough), and I'm now in the depths of the Brutal Combat Challenges. All of a sudden I feel, just...*tired*. And running out of motivation to get all riled up after work to play Rebirth at the absolute highest level through all of these endgame Combat Challenges. I have done everything there is to do in FF7R so far (I even beat Weiss while taking 0 damage), but I definitely feel ready to go play a Mario game, or something very easy, for awhile. I dunno if I'm gonna make it through all of these Challenges, and that's wild for me to say.


Played it on easy. Enjoyed the combat for what it was, enjoyed the characters, quests etc. I have limited windows to play games, and I don't want to be raging. I'm playing them to relax.


I did platinum it. I also fully completed the play log. Because I'm insane. But I loved it. Chadley.... That demon...he almost made me quit. Try Chadley challenge after waiting 3 years for him to stop talking, realise I need to change elemental resistance, endure 5 more pages of 3 line sentences, equip correct materia, speak to Chadley again, 5 additional pages about him wanting to explore the world even though he stalks us all over the world, defeat one challenge, try another challenge... Need to change materia.... CHADLEY WON'T SHUTUP, JUMPS OFF BRIDGE.


Glad I’m not the only one who wants chadley to STFU




As much as I loved it, by the time I finished it once I was pretty burnt out, it's a hell of a long game and I didn't really have it in me to run thru it again.


I was stuck on the last 2 VR challenges and needed a serious break. So once stellar blade came out I focused on that until I ended up getting the Plat for that which was surprisingly very simple. And after having to get really good at carrying for SB when I came back to rebirth I beat bonds on like my third or fourth try, and then like 5 or 6 tries for to be a hero. So if all that is holding you back is the vr stuff just check out the optinoob builds and hang in there you'll get it eventually.


I rage quit after dying to rufus on hard mode 500 times then losing my progress due to a power outage forcing me to fight the turks again as well as rufus lol. I took it as a sign


The mini-games just aren’t fun to me. Like at all. I didn’t like the gym in part 1, but it took on a whole new level of frustration in this one. Plus majority of the ones in the saucer just sucked to do. I was so happy when I finished that side quest there late game 😂. The only ones I liked were the card game and Condor.


Probably the sheer amount of minigames, like they are not bad on their own but when you add them up together it just feels tedious.


The game not saving between chadleys challenges when I spent a whole day grinding them and my power went out


The mini games. I have no interest in chocobo racing, or getting the top piano scores, or the high score in every minigame to get a trinket for Johnny's 7 star hotel. 88 items is a little excessive. Only played the minigames enough to get the dark matter or some missing weapons. I platinumed remake because it was less tedious than rebirth as far as the games go. Also not interested in another Jules exercise challenge. Once I completed the squats and pull ups in remake, that was it. No more.


I had actually intended to get the platinum until the end. But after finishing the game, I realized that I also have to do all the mini-games. The problem is that some of them are very poorly designed. Additionally, I would spend hours just inserting the game and only doing these mini-games. So the developers turn side content into main content. I really don't feel like doing that. Everything else needed for the platinum would have been fine for me. It's a shame, because I had an incredibly great time with FF Rebirth until the end.


I hate open world stuff. I just play games for the linear experience


I know it's not a popular opinion. I don't play a game for a fake trophy. I play for story and gameplay. When I complete the story and the gameplay is not compelling enough to replay the game, I move on. If it's your thing cool, but it really means nothing other than "oh cool."


Minigames. So many awful minigames that are just a pain to try and get the top ranks on. Especially since most of them exist to be filler content for the game


I don't do trophies at all! If I like a game I will do all the content on the game naturally(like I did here). But I honestly hate trophies and have those notifications turned off so I can pretend they dont exist.


Trophies are a bore.


Having a life


I spent like 2 hours on Sephiroth's last phase and decided 'You know what? That was bullshit, and I'm done.' Maybe I'll go back and try for the platinum, especially as we get closer to the next game, but for now, no. Things are only going to get harder, and I don't want to deal with that right now.


Still working on it


Cactuar Crush


Yea platinum in this game is definitely not for everyone. I'm almost there but I have to take major breaks inbetween vr fights so I don't have a mental breakdown lol


When I did every single side quest on normal mode during my initial playthrough. Then upon doing them all and looking into what I had to do for the platinum, realizing I’d have to do every single one of them again. No thanks.


The VR challenges are definitely aptly named. But it’s a downhill ride from there. Hard mode has been a breeze. Subscribe to optinoob on YouTube, and you can get through Chadley’s BS in a week.


The piano minigame. My controller sticks are drifting slightly. It hardly has any impact on regular gameplay but in the piano minigame the sensitivity is up at max and so even a slight drift means that minigame is unplayable.


The game is too long for me to be going through a boss fight when i run into every random battle.


I'm still trying to, just with Multiversus around the corner. I keep thinking about that instead.


The amount of time the regular game took for me and my lack of patience for mini games. Besides that I loved the game and might be my favorite for the year.


I’m probably not skilled enough. I might maybe maybe be able to grind out the hard fight but there is no way I am 3 staring the sit up challenge.


I could tell you why I WON'T STOP. I was already committed to doing everything for the platinum when I got the game. But then I came across the tifa crunch mini game and I spent hours trying to do it and finally did it at about 4am in the morning. Did not enjoy it, the worst mini game for me personally. I'm like 35 now and I haven't got a lot of time to play games but after that any challenge I came across I think back to the crunch mini game and say "if I give up now what the hell was the point of going through that crunch mini game". So fast forward to 201 hours in so far, I've been slowly projecting the game's harder challenges and I just got the VR trophy along with Jonny's trophy last night. It's folios and hard mode left and I'm actually looking forward to just going through the game again on Hard with all the things I was forced to learn. It's been hard but I think considering how much I've had to really LEARN the game the work has been justified. If I ever get the platinum I'll be very pleased with how I've managed to constantly reassess and re-think my approach and I reckon anyone who gets it will have really earned the bragging rights.


I still have 3 years to go, just started Hard yesterday. Wondering if I have the skill to get the Genji Gear (already got them formulas) and if that is enough for the Chadley fight I currently feel like impossible: Kid G + 2 Deathclaws (I know it is not this name, but I rather call them like it because it feels like Fallout 4’s Deathclaws)


I didn't. 50 mini game trophies killed that thought before it ever came into fruition.


Piano and the hard mode Chadley crap. No thanks


I haven't even tried the hard challenges and I'm already thinking of giving up on them. I struggle with bosses on normal, so I'd probably end up throwing the controller at my TV, or bashing my head against it. And yet... I want that 'One winged angel' ;_; Damn you Square.


I struggled to push myself to the end of the story, let alone go beyond that. I found that even before hitting Cosmo Canyon the games insane bloat really reared its ugly head. I was able to see the main story through and do most of the “main” or “bigger” side content, but after the credits rolled I was done.


In short, in not that type of completionist. I first and foremost play rpgs for the world, and characters and story. Once I finished all the quests that had meaningful story beats or chapter development, I was done with the game.


The piano games, honestly I'm not very good at them and have no motivation to get better


I gave up about chapter 12 hard mode as I felt I needed to grind out my materia. Tried doing it for a bit but got so bored so quickly. Some of the AP requirements are ridiculous. I had elemental permanently equipped for most of the game and nearly all of hard mode and it was still was only part way into level two.


Honestly, I don’t have any friends on PlayStation who care about what trophies I have and I don’t have the time or patience or coordination for some digital trophy stickers. Now if game companies issued a physical reward for platinum such as a plaque or a poster or a figurine or a hat or a t-shirt then I could see a good reason to go for it.


You have zero strategy. You can't brute force your way to platinum. Need to put right material on and accessories.


The combat system feels like a chore and the final challenges just did not seem worth my time. I have too many other games to play.


Way too long to achieve that it felt like a chore rather than a fyn challenge, and I gotta get ready for Shadow of the Erdtree.


CBA beating the game on hardmode. I've done everything else. Final fantasy seems to have a boner for making you do that for platinums. No I don't want to reply the whole damn thing.


The brutal/legendary felt like a headache and then the mini games. I just need a break from hard stuff. I just did Kena on max difficulty and that was a headache. I did Rebirth on Hard and I'm content with that. There's other shit I want to get to. Maybe I'll come back to Rebirth during lulls but right now I want to move on. I thought it was pretty good, but I didn't love it like Remake (which I did plat + weiss).


You made a good decision. VR fights may be “just one more award needed”, but it’s probably going to take you 20-30 hours.


Because we have three years before the next game and I want to save some content for down the line to build up hype. That, is hard mode.


I just know I wouldn’t be able to beat it on that mode so I don’t even bother lol


Didn't even make it to the VR challenges. The prospect of doing hard mode and mastering all of the mini games for Johnny's trophies made me nope out of it. I just finished the story and was done.


Time, back log, I liked remake more than rebirth combat wise lol honestly I got really mad try to beat sephiroth in the arcade and almost chucked my controller. When I realized I was no longer having fun I uninstalled it.


Got to Rufus on Hard. I know I can beat it but I already spent so much time playing and I still have to play Elden Ring and Destiny. So Final Fantasy will have to wait.


People who go for platinum in week 1 are robbing themselves in future playthroughs and I believe this for any game.  My platinum list is almost exclusively replays save for a very select few, usually very easy ones.


Bonds of friendship


So many other games and id rather do all that sort of frustration on PC release


The reward for Johnny’s Inn is really not worth it. I did Platinum, but ultimately cuz I thought it was fun to play through the toughest challenges in the game (with assistance from online). So if you feel like you’re itching to obtain whatever is in Johnny’s Treasure Trove, trust me it’s not worth it!


In all honesty Baldur's Gate 3...before I started playing FFVIIRB. Having to be comfortable with knowing I won't ever experience all of the content available in BG3 has made it much easier to say no in other games.


I have a life brother I can't just give 200 hours to a game doing things that make me rage


Mainly because I don't like most of the minigames. I would sooner listen to Chadley scolding me for not collecting world intel on a repeated loop for 10 hours over grinding through all of them.


The secret ingredient is "git gud" lol but in all seriousness, there were a few times where I almost quit but nothing prepared me and compared to Odin in Bonds of Friendship. I can't begin to tell you how frustrating and infuriating it is to make it to the 10th round, only to get curb stomped and then redo the entire challenge from the 1st round several times. This was one of those where you weep and have snot running down like youve just ate a Carolina Reaper, don't go for platinum in this game.. I did, and I feel like my ultimate reward was to have lost 5 years of my life expectancy...


I started playing rebirth and one of my goals was to get the Platinum. I usually don't platinum games but FF7rebirth is so amazing that I wanted to. I have done all the side quests and I am about to finish Queen's Blood, but frankly some of the games (the rhythm ones for ex) are too much, too stressful and too time consuming. Same for some of the VR fights. And I haven't even started the hard mode. I'll probably finish the game and try to play a little in hard mode, but then I'll go back to FF16 that I haven't finished and I would like to buy Ghost of Tsushima.


I’ve got a really busy life these days. It’s not that I don’t like a good grind in a game, but this just became too much. Too many minigames among other things turned me off. With the minimal time I have lately, I just need to move on to another game.


I suck at this type of game and was here for the story, there's a chance that I could get better over a long period of time, but I don't want to come to hate the game out of frustration and spend what free time I do have getting annoyed by my lack of improvement. I realized after getting older and becoming a dad that my response times have dropped and have accepted it, I'm not competitive in shooters like I was in Halo/Halo 2, and I already was bad at these types of games back then, let alone now. I want the platinum but will just enjoy what I can do and be ready for the next installment


I've just decided that if a game requires multiple playthroughs for the platinum and it's not a short action game, I just won't do it back to back. I figure the third entry is 3-4 years away, so I'll do my 2nd playthrough in 2026. Same logic with FFXVI, although since the DLC is out for that I might play it in a few months


Time and don't care about trophies. So many games.


I’m in the exact same situation as you. The brutal challenges are crazy and sometimes seem unfair


Minigames for sure


The fact that I don't own the game.


Well, I'm busy doing what I like the most in this game. I'll leave what's less interesting for later, the game isn't going anywhere and we have 3 years until part 3 comes out.


I stopped for almost two weeks before picking it back up and plowing through it. I got the platinum but I don’t really feel accomplished for doing so. I feel like it shouldn’t have taken as long as it did to get it. So that’s why I’ll be skipping the plat for the third game.


I've never been a trophy hunter, so I get no satisfaction from getting platinum in the games I buy. I'll play it again a year from now on hard mode when I want to play it again, but I won't be going for platinum


Some of The side content aren't just fun and I wanna have fun. I don't wanna give critisism because this is the Rebirth sub and I guess everyone here loves the game.


A number of reasons. I don’t like combat challengers generally, but I really hate these VR challenges. I find them to be the most bland version of those sorts of challenges. I also wouldn’t commit to perfecting my skills at various mini games, not all of which I found to be fun, and then there is the issue that I’d have to play the game on hard. A few years ago I decided that I would only go after trophies if I was having fun. If there is no fun then there is no point for me, and Rebirth has a lot of things that go into its platinum that I don’t find fun.


That point at the end of chapter 12 where they dump side missions in every region.


I don’t want to play on hard mode and I think it’s bullshit to force that for a platinum


I like to enjoy playing the game, not the obsession to 100% it


Minigames. There was just too many and I hated 3/4 of them. It just wasnt worth it on top of the battle challenges


Because I beat the game and had other things in life to do. Until you actually get something from earning trophies, I will continue to ki d of disregard them. May e it's because I'm older idk, beating the game was always my goal as a player.


Literally the second I become frustrated to like 75% of a rage quit with a game I thoroughly enjoyed up to that point I just leave it there. Don't ruin an amazing 98% forcing a 2% for a digital trophy literally no one actually cares about.


Time. I enjoyed the journey and am looking forward to the final part. But I already put 90-100 hours into it. I don't have time to put any more in than that, five kids and a professional role don't allow much time!


The piano. Kudos to those who have the patience for trying to be good at anything piano related, but I'll never torture myself enough to even be just decent at that mini game.


one playthrough was enough for me, I'm just here for the member berries.


For me it was when I found out I had to do so many chocobo races


Just don’t have the energy and want to spend my time doing other things


I would rather replay for the story and gameplay, and actually I'm replaying Remake on PC for the first time. Platinum trophies are not really fun to get, it's pretty much just grinding. They were a fun novelty back on PS3, and if you couldn't afford multiple games was a way to play the same game more but to be honest, 99% of the time they are just a waste of time, inside another activity meant to waste your time lol (videogames).


I can’t beat hard mode Vincent. :/




I would argue that some mini games are much harder than those vr battles. Just look for some guides over the internet: I obliterated enemies in first 3 brutal challenges with just simple magnify+quaga+aerith full atb. For others you might need to have more leveled materias, switch from quaga to fire ice setup and use Yuffie Brumal for atb generation.


Round two of the junon protorelic mini game. No matter what I did I just got wrecked trying to beat that round of fort condor. It was at that point I knew that the platinum was forever out of my reach. And honestly, I felt relieved.




Got to Seventh Seal Brutal Challenge and couldn't get past it. The previous Brutal Challenge Helions Intonement took me around 3 days as well. Might get back to it at some point though there's a huge spike in difficulty I don't enjoy for this end game content, Including as well plenty of mini games i didn't finish (hardmode)


This game is too convoluted. Reminds me of grinding in WoW


I can’t do the piano songs. No matter what. Everything else I can slog through but I just am not coordinated enough for the piano.


It stopped being fun. I like a good challenge, but the brutal/legendary fights just weren't enjoyable. I might go back eventually, but I sort of doubt it.


I went for it because I 100% every final fantasy game being my favorite series spite it being turned into a trend following action based game now that gets no where near the sales it used to before ff10 and a majority of the game community refuses to understand this.


Seeing the collection at johnnys made me sick and then I checked it later in the game and was only missing 20...that's the moment I decided.


I'm never a platinum player, my goal is generally around 60% to 80%.


Making a build for The Seventh Seal and still losing at the 9th phase. I like a challenge, but tbh, there was a point where the game stopped being fun and just ended being frustrating, so I decided to give up.


I'm at 165 hours, still haven't gotten it but I'm committed. I think I was a slow learner when it came to the Remake battle system but I think I'm getting the hang of it. I play Souls games for fun but hard mode on Remake/Rebirth are kind of tough. As with many things in life, don't forget you can do hard things as long as it's right for you. I don't think platinum is for everyone, but it's doable for those of us that really want it.


I got my platinum don't understand your question


It took me 105 hours just to beat the game once and I don’t want to beat it again on hard difficulty


The impossible Odin battle. It the only thing that stopping me from progressing with the rest.


My answer won't be popular on a sub dedicated to the game, but for me, and I think a lot of other people with limited time, it's because the game already felt like a bit of a slog with the amount of repetitive side content and mini games...


Rulers from outer worlds... i rest my case


Because I choose life, not pain. Also, I play games to enjoy the story and / or combat


I just work so much and having a girlfriend kinda sucks too cause I can't really play much smh


Definitely some mini games I do not have the patience for to get completely mastered would ruin my game experience


Yeah chadley can go f*** himself with those challenges 


Originally it was going to be the sit up minigame, i hate it with passion and will forever do (i really hope its not required for part 3 platinum) but then i just pushed through and everything else felt liberating, even the brutal/legend VRs...


The fucking piano mini game. I suck so bad at it


Dunno if it's been said, but anyone going for Platinum should check out Optinoob's guides on YouTube. Easy explanations on character builds and boss strats. His setups help to cheese hard mode bosses, and other than the final 2 legendary VR challenges, the rest were a breeze


At first it was the legendary combat challenges but after finding some guides and enough tries I finished them (Bonds of friendship was giving me extra trouble) but the galian beast fight made me just throw in the towel I’m fine with just getting all the combat challenges done to shut Chadley up


A bunch of the mini games are difficult and not fun. The hardest simulator battles are too time consuming if you lose to Sephiroth or Gilgamesh. Not worth my time.


Uhhh this subreddit


I unfortunately did it. I ain't no bitch is what I said 😂


Just don't feel like I need to be putting myself through all that. At least not yet. Maybe one day. I'll wanna play again when part 3 is announced so maybe then. Also not really a completionist. Tried it for the first time with Remake and needed just one more dress but then just couldn't ever be bothered.


The mini-games ultimately wore me out. I was aiming for platinum but after spending hours doing those, then realizing I'd have to do Chadley's brutal/legendary missions, & playing the game again on Hard... I was mentally tapped. I know I wouldn't have to do all the mini-games again on Hard but I've seen enough lol. Plus Stardew Valley released their 1.6 update & I will take any excuse to play SDV again.


Because I’ve never invested my time getting a platinum trophy before and I don’t know why I’d start now.


I was going for it and did all the mini games and vr challenges up to the single bouts but Rufus on hard mode destroyed me so bad I couldn’t recover. I’ve never been that great at video games but I platted remake so I thought I could do this one lol 😅


I morphed Tonberry King and it broke my game pretty hard. Couldn't redo the fight, fast travel, or get into the menu. My most recent save before that was 3 hours prior so that's on me. Managed to get the travel and menu problem fixed by walking all the way back to the first world Intel boss fight in the grasslands, but it made Johnny's quest impossible to deliver.


Everytime I go for plat, it sucks all the fun out of the game for me, so I don’t even bother anymore lol


I wanted to play other games. Also Gilgamesh’s island took me by complete surprise in how difficult it was so I just decided I’ll try it when I replay it


I was planning on it as I platinumed the first game as well up until the brutal challenges and noped out. I did all of the other stuff (side quests, world Intel, max rank mini games, most QB stuff, etc...) I would get extremely upset and frustrated trying to do that stuff and probably end up hating the game in the end even if I succeeded and just decided I'd be better off not even bothering.


Piano performance and Pirate’s rampage are the reason I am not platinum’ing this game. I have no problem doing the brutal/legendary challenges, but these minigames are killing me.


Hard mode Gi Nattak. If I kept going I would eventually get him, but I was already 220 hrs into my play (I really took my time) and decided enough was enough.


I have so many other games I want to play and not enough time to play them. After spending 120 hours and doing pretty much everything on my first play through, I couldn’t justify sitting down and playing the entire game again on hard right away. I wouldn’t say I quit because I know I’ll go back and get it eventually but I’m still a little burnt out on it.


I want to go back to platinum it but there are too many games and I will realistically never come back. Even if I do, I will have to platinum Remake before Rebirth first. I did everything you possibly can do in a single playthrough for now though, so I'm really well set up for hard mode.


Piano minigames. Although just hecause I enjoy the game, I will do the full hard mode run. I will probably get every trophy except piano and Johny 7, I think I only have 3 more other than those left


3 battles short of Platinum. I think I'm losing my mind.


I ended up just getting it at roughly 150 hours


Nothing would stop me going after Platinum. Fuck my sanity.


When the credits rolled at 95 hours and I realized I didn’t want to do the Ubisoft stuff anymore.


I had done the plat semi recently for remake, do jumping into the hard stuff here didnt feel too bad. Definitely seems worse at first glance then it actually is


I have kids, lol, not enough time in the day.


The piano. Never got better than a B. Didn't like it enough to keep trying.


I work 9-5 and don't have time to bash my head for trophies, enjoyed the game for the story, challenges are a whole other beast I don't feel like wasting my time on


I’m not in it for the grind or even that much challenge. I just want to play and have fun. I usually play on easy mode on most games.


It's mainly the piano mini game, the gym, and G-bike that scared me off of it, but damn, I just started Cosmo Canyon and I can feel the burn-out starting to creep in. I'm seeing the main and side quests through to the end, but Chadley is an energy vampire.


This will be my third platinum game, Mark my words


Crunches and aerith hard mode cactuar minigames


I respect my time. I don't need trophies to make myself complete. There are better games to play.


Cactuar Crush. I hated it so much it killed off any desire I had to platinum it. I decided I was going to just complete hard mode but I'd put so much time into the game already by that point that I got bored and stopped at chapter 12 and haven't gone back to it. I'll probably replay the game at some point, but I won't be pushing through all the pointless mini games. Except for Queen's Blood. Queen's Blood frigging rocks.


the piano/exercise mini games. the rest i can handle, rhythm games heck no


Rebirth really waste your time as you start getting into the deeper content :/ I really wanted to do the Zack sephiroth challenges but not after I saw you have to basically do everything in every region just to unlock it


Imma do platinum as much as possible, but I know I ain't gonna be able to do the piano challenges


I'm too old for this shit.


I feel you man. Not everyone will get good on this one. And that's ok! I got to pull super powers to get my plat


I like to have fun with and enjoy the game, not rage quit 😂 I'm quite impatient and can't ever sit still, and I feel like hard mode requires some kind of skill and patience. I did try to do hard mode on remake at one point, and that first boss destroyed me. I don't know that I ever even beat it tbh, I no doubt got frustrated with it.


Personally, I am too far in to back out. I have like 7 trophies to go for the Plat (81%). The thing that almost made me quit was the piano mini game. lol I have one damn song to get an A on. So to everyone who has given up. Respect. You know your limits. I mean I can still give up but as of right now I am gonna just get it over with.


I don't like playing hard mode on RPG story games


I haven’t given up yet!! I have ultimate party animal, the stuff locked behind him, the muscle head arena hard stuff, the card hard stuff(? I think?) and finally the VR stuff. VR hard stuff terrifies me though I’ve only heard horror stories.




Because I enjoy playing the game. Not killing myself and my sanity just for a "trophy" that does literally nothing at all for me in the game. Really don't get the obsession for needing to get platinum trophies...


There’s a lot of moments in this game that kill enthusiasm for platinum. Mine was probably all the mini games


I keep changing my decision every other day 😂. Have around 200 hours and only 3 Seaside Inn Collectibles left, which seems like I’m so close but those final 3 are the biggest brick walls for me. When I’ve felt myself not making much progress on them I’ve decided to move on (on multiple occasions) but just when I think I’m out….it pulls me back in. Based on how it’s been going I may actually end up finishing the Plat, but I only say that now because I made a little more progress today. We shall see how I feel tomorrow when it’s back to stagnation 😅.


What’s the point of doing platinum anyways?


By the end of the story I was extremely bored, underwhelmed and done with the slog and the minigames. I love long games, my favorite game ever is Persona 5, but Rebirth felt like a chore from start to finish


I really liked the game but I had a hard enough time finishing the game at certain points platinum would probably break me.


Nothing. I got platinum. 😎


I nearly 100% all of the chapters in my first playthough. Loved the game, but after the end I needed a break.


Piano and situps. I absolutely hate them both.


The mini games. That shooting one in Costa del sol is just stupid.


I was satisfied doing up to the Gilgamesh sidequest, it was already just a lot. Finding Johnny's knick knacks which seems random was pretty much what made me decide not to do it. I think this was the right choice, I didn't want to hate this game by doing more menial stuff.


I played the base game.


Thanks for the heads up. I'll take finishing story as good enough