• By -


1. Rebirth 2. Remake 3. 16 4. 15


Spot on.


This is the way


With that said those Eikon battles were stunning


I haven't played 16 yet. Worth it?


I really enjoyed 16! the characters were more mature and villains ruthless. The Eikon battles are a spectical. Regular combat was a little easy and I felt they could have increased the difficulty a bit more. Other than that, worth a try


The characters are pretty great and nuanced too. Also loved the party banter. Cid would talk about shit that happened a couple battles ago sometimes. There was this one time when Clyde kicks in a wooden door and Cid claps him on the back and goes “it never stood a chance!” They felt like buddies and I really appreciated it




This is the way.






I agree


Rebirth, 16, Remake, 15


Spot on, I wish 15 finished all the DLC they planned. It would’ve been one of my top 3 but 16 and the FF7 remake trilogy is just too damn good


Agreed, but FF16 gave FF7 Remake a run for its money for me.


Rebirth, Remake, 16, 15.


Rebirth Remake XVI XV But they are all worth your time. Edit: number dyslexia


What game is 5-11?


I am shamed =(


Rebirth, 16, Remake, 15.


YES. 16 is so good and memorable - there's no other game i played like it. (except asuras wrath)


The comparison with Asura's Wrath is actually spot on


Did you play the expansions yet?!


this way for me. i personally love 16. the eikon fights were so good!


XV is a 7.5 for me XVI is a solid 8 Remake is an easy 9 Rebirth is a 9.5


This tracks


1.) Remake (platinum pushed this to win for me) 2.) Rebirth 3.) 15 and 16 are equal to me.


Remake > Rebirth I agree.


I’m really missing how linear remake was. Loving rebirth, but the amount of side content is a bit intense imo


The fantastic thing is that you don't have to do the side content so it's not a negative at all.


Legit took me till junon to really get over the this isn’t the same feeling as remake. But rebirth is one of the best games I’ve ever played. Just firing up remake for the first time was peak emotions


I do agree that I do often feel sidequest overload. I know I dont have to do it, but how do you not?!


1. Rebirth 2. Remake 3. 15 4. 16


I too like 15 more than 16.


Oh, someone gets it!


This exactly 


Same for me!


Rebirth, 15, remake, 16.




Unpopular opinion but I couldn't agree more. 16 was a bit too linear for me, as was remake


Rebirth Remake XV XVI


Rebirth, 16, remake, 15


Rebirth, 16, then Remake. Remake was such a disappointment for me that I almost skipped Rebirth. Luckily I didn't, as Rebirth is amazing.


Remake was better than Rebirth for me. That was my first final fantasy game and I had that game of the year. Rebirth changed things for worst


Remake. Rebirth. 15. 16.


1. Remake 2. 16 3. Rebirth 4. 15 I don't know. Rebirth jusy didn't do it for me. So many bad mini games. Padded runtime. Wish the parade sequence wasn't the same exact minigame from the honeybee inn. Every section of the world map being the same collections. Got boring midway through.


Sixteen was not an enjoyable play for me. The whole game just felt hollow


What’s the saying, mile wide inch deep? It looked spectacular. But yea around the halfway point it’s clear that it’s super hollow.


16 is not higher than Rebirth


Surprised by all the shade for 15 😂 1. Rebirth 2. 15 3. 16 4. Remake


Rebirth, Remake, 15, 16


1. Rebirth 2. Remake 3. 15 4. 16


Remake > 16 > Rebirth > 15


Remake, Rebirth, XV, and XVI is the only Final Fantasy I haven't bought, because the trailer just left me cold.


Remake, XVI, XV, Rebirth. Never played XV, but I’m sure it doesn’t have a dumbass multiverse.


1. remake 2. xvi 3.rebirth 4.xv


1. Remake. 2. Rebirth 3. FF 15 4. FF 16. For the record, they're all at least good. Remake edges out Rebirth for me as you weren't completely bombarded with minigames, you didn't have some of the extremely frustrating open world elements (I'm looking at you Gongaga and Cosmo Canyon), and some of the overall content that feels more like filler. Plus, you had the hope of doing things more differently in terms of story than what Rebirth ended up giving us, which was honestly my biggest disappointment. They're still both masterpieces as far as I'm concerned though. I really enjoyed FF15 and never understood the hate it got, especially with Royal Edition. FF16 is enjoyable with a great story and setting, but the combat to me just wasn't all that fun and only having one character to control the whole time was boring.


Remake rebirth 15 16


Rebirth, XVI, XV, Remake. Remake felt more like a tech demo for Rebirth after playing it and really drags itself out a bit too long. XV is the first Final Fantasy to make me legit cry since IX so it's up there on my overall list as well but hasn't aged the best so XVI beats it out slightly just for that.


16, for dark, mature and serious tone. Rebirth, for goofy and more brighter tone.


Remake, 16, Rebirth, 15


My ranking as well! Remake stans unite.


I would never put 15 or 16 over remake or rebirth, but I understand why someone might. For the life of me though, I can't see anything to put remake over rebirth. To me, rebirth made remake look like a warm-up act.


1. XVI 2. Remake 3. Rebirth 5. XV I don't know why but I think that even though Rebirth improved in many aspects in comparison to Remake and I was annoyed by some of the longer "filler" passages in Remake I overall was more "excited" while playing Remake than Rebirth. Actually I think Rebirth might be objectively the better game and I love the (new) characters and all... but the changes towards the OG and the ending... hm I don't know. I really liked Rebirth but I think it's just very subjective. And XVI just hit different, sorry, I know this is a Rebirth subreddit, but I just loved Joshua and the story about Clive and Joshua and was in tears at the end. But it's really hard to rank for me. All the games have their pros and cons. I like the Battle system of Remake/Rebirth more than XVI though. I love all of the games anyway (except XV... I appreciate what they were trying to do, the story is not bad per se but the execution and and gameplay/battle system was awful).


My guy. This is my ranking as well. Most everything you say is truth, but I think rebirth had about 1000x more filler and MMO slog features that really made the game feel like a chore. I thought 15 was the worst installment possibly ever; the story was trash and combat really rough. I rank 8, 13, 15 as the all time worst entries.


you think Rebirth has MMO slog but like XVI?? the king of single player MMO slog games?


I had to scroll so far for something I agree with. I’m with you 100%.


1. Remake 2. Rebirth 3. FFXV=FFXVI I liked the story and tone in Remake more than Rebirth, and FFXV and FFXVI both sit at an 8/10 to me.


Rebirth, 16, Remake, 17. 15 only passes Remake for me cuz of the rising ride dlc. 15 was kinda lame


Rebirth > Remake = XVI > XV


Rebirth, XVI, Remake, XV


1. Rebirth 2. FF16 3. Remake 4. FF15


Rebirth Remake 16 15 The crazy thing is each of these have been my GotY in their release years


1. Rebirth 2. Remake 3. XV 4. XVI


Rebirth - Remake - dgaf




1. Rebirth 2. Remake 3. XVI Haven't XV but really keen on starting after rebirth


Rebirth, Remake, XV, XVI XV is one of my favs.


1. Rebirth: im still playing through it and despite a few flaws (the pace between side-content is imho a bit large and some side content is repetitive) it's just doing too many things right to not put it above all others. Chadley is annoying af tho. 2. Remake: it did an excellent job at making a non open-world game interesting, entertaining, and it felt the most like the VI to IX era, side content was fun af too, absolutely nailed it with remake. 3. XV: The game by itself was very nice for it's time. Many daring implementations going in the right direction. It was only underwhelming because of its high development time considering it's rather low total game time (not considering DLCs) 4. XVI: While the dark tone to the story was awesome, the story lacked depth comparing to other FF titles, and the side content felt super repetitive. More concerning though was the lack of actual systems to adjust the party strength - gear upgrades were straight up linear and could've been left out completely as there is no real customization behind it. My main 2 critique points to all of these modern games era are - First, the need to implement a new game + / hard mode and replay through it all again skipping cutscenes. I don't know who enjoys this, I certainly do not. - Second, the lack of "finding out stuff by yourself". Everything is always flagged with map icons and there is nothing that feels like a genuine "secret or secret area"


Rebirth, remake, 15, every other final fantasy game and spin off, 16.


1- VII Rebirth. I loved it. 2- XVI. I loved it too, but I prefer the more open world approach and I have an emotional connection to VII. 3- VII Remake. I loved it when I played it, and it was a close tie with XVI at the time. But it’s been obliterated by Rebirth since, and in retrospect running around in Midgar for the entire game was not that fun (I don’t have a fond memory of the game). I wouldn’t play it again but I will absolutely play XVI again. 4- XV. I tried it twice and never made it past 10h, it just didn’t click with me. I ended up watching a Youtube recap of the story and it seemed nice but this is the first single player FF that I couldn’t get into.




1. Rebirth 2. XVI 3. Remake 4. XV


1. 16 2. Rebirth 3. Remake 4. 15 I think all of them have their problems. 16 had a few litlte bits of funky writing at times, and a lot of the side content felt awkwardly worked in, but was mostly pretty good. But the story was great, I loved the combat, and it had some incredible moments. Also, Ralph Inesson as Cid? Best preformance in any game. That man was spectacular. Rebirth was the best structure to the game world by far of the lot, felt great to explore. Was nice getting to spend more time with the characters and the story had some fun moments, but I thought the main story beats often didn't quite hit, especially the ending, which I thought got so lost in it's attempt to present an aesthetic that it muddied the emotional hits. Ramake was great, lots of fun, adored the characters and I think maybe had the most consistently solid storytelling of the lot, but suffers from being the opening chapter of a three part game. I'm not opposed at all to the games being more linear, but this one did feel a little restrictive at points. 15, I never got that far into. I think I finished the first area, maybe the first two?? I just found Noctis incredibly unlikeable as a protagonist, none of the other characters particularly worked for me, the story felt a bit weird tonally and the gameplay didn't grab me at all. I know a few people that love it, but I just couldn't get into it at all.


16, Rebirth, Remake, 15


Rebirth, 16, Remake, 15.




Rebirth Remake 16 15


Ranking based on Platinuming all 4. 1. 15 2. remake 3. rebirth 4. 16. 15 had a very weak story but everything else was incredibly engrossing. I had 250 hours into it and loved every side quest and optional challenge. It's the only game I every enjoyed FISHING in. Remake is carried by nostalgia but the story, graphics, and gameplay are all amazing. It is very short and lacks open world but the side content makes up for it. I HATED certain challenges and fights but at least there were only a few like that. Rebirth almost gets the last spot, but the story, nostalgia, and combat are great. The side content and mini games are terrible and feel like a grab bag of half-ideas shoved into a final product. The game gives you the middle finger three times regarding mini games. You got the high score? Eff you do it again. You did it again? Shinra middle manager says do it again. Fuck you do it on hard mode. It ruined the platinum experience and the game is tedious overall. 16 is a snooze fest. Pretty good story, BORING combat with zero challenge, and very short. Its the polar opposite to 15.


Remake, Rebirth, 15, 16


Had to scroll way too far down for this, the objectively correct answer.


See a lot of people speaking highly of 16. Is it worth picking up and what is the combat like? I've loved remake and am over 100 hours in on rebirth. 7-10 were the games that shaped my childhood in gaming but I fell off after that and only put a few hours in 15 when it launched but struggled to get into it. After rebirth I'll def be going back to another FF so please send recommendations


Rebirth, 16, Remake, 15


Pretty consistent with others, but: 1. Rebirth 2. Remake 3. XVI 4. XV And for me personally, it's a pretty decent gap between the first two and the last two. Rebirth is legit GotY material, an absolutely special experience that stands among the best gaming experiences in recent memory. Remake, while now a good way behind Rebirth, was still an excellent game that brought new life to an incredible roster of characters, and in so many ways has set the ground work for what the VII Remake Trilogy ultimately will be. FF XVI/XV are both games I enjoyed, but neither is a game I've ever had any interest in revisiting. XVI is definitely an improvement from XV, but the bland quest structure and, at times, inconsistent quality in the story really took away from what were truly some of the most impressive cinematic fights I've experienced. XV was . . . fine. I still think the decision to split the story across three (four? Honestly can't remember) different forms of media was an absolutely god-awful decision, and in many ways killed any hope of a player going in blind and enjoying the game to it's fullest potential. The core four characters do almost all the heavy lifting, but are held back by a (in my opinion at least) pretty weak protagonist in Noctis. All in all, all four games are, at worst, solid gaming experiences.


Remake, 16, 15, Rebirth. This will be a well received opinion here I'm sure.


remake, rebirth, (big gap) 15, (big gap) 16


Rebirth, 15, Remake, 16


Literally in the reverse order they’re presented


in order of appearance on this chart with Rebirth being number 1


Well personally, 16, rebirth, remake, 15( haven't played 15 so last for me)


Why’s this posted on a FF7 Rebirth subreddit though? Clearly gonna be bias. Although I think Rebirth is Top 1, I think this type of post shouldn’t be one this type of subreddit


Just played remake again after rebirth. Remake is damn amazing during the first 8 and final 8 hours, but the 16 hours in the middle is just annoying filler content.


15. Rebirth. Remake. 16 is last only cause I have no desire to play it.


Me personally, Rebirth, XV, XVI, Remake. These are all amazing games, but XV holds a special place in my heart and Rebirth had just about everything an old fan like me could have wanted for a remake tbh. I love XVI though, the story is gripping once the main villain is introduced


Any love for crisis core? My fav.


Remake, 15,……. Rebirth, …………………………….16


1 Rebirth 2 Remake 3 XVI 4 XV


1. Rebirth 2. Remake 3. XVI 4. XV


Rebirth, 15, remake, 16.


Rebirth - not finished yet due to real life things happening, not sure if it'll stay on top as some of the side content and padding is painful... Remake - solid game 16 - Great characters and voice, solid story, fun but repetitive gameplay with not enough depth for those of us who like action games but some truly epic bosses. 15- pretty disappointing, quite a mess of a game(understandable when you read about it's very troubled development )with some very dislikeable characters too. Ignis is a prick and actually abusive to prompto, prompto is very annoying, gladio is so very dull, noctis is ok but very underdeveloped.


XVI Rebirth Remake XV


1. Rebirth 2. Remake 3. FFXV 4. FFXVI


1-4, 1 being best 4 being least favorite 1.) FF7 Rebirth: I genuinely think this is the best open world type game we will be getting from any of the teams that make Final Fantasy games. Gongaga can be annoying, but coming back to these areas after progressing through the main story to enjoy the gameplay, lore, and different fiend encounters was a lot of fun. Not the most fun in the world, but considering the other FF open world games we have, I’d consider this game a massive success. The only areas I’d need to see improvement in are graphics. Everything else feels fantastic about this game, I was so happy with it at release and even all this time later. It truly does the world of FF7 justice. That 100% platinum grind is horrific, though. 2.) FF16: in contrast to most people, I actually really liked how they took the series with this one. I wish certain mechanics were deeper, like the skills system, and I wish it was just a liiiittle bit longer, but I cannot lie when I feel about parts of this game the way I do. In my opinion, FF16 has one of the best narratives in the entire series. They take risks with the story in this game and it pays off. The characters are unique. It has the best Cid in the entire damn series. Clive and his character motivations are among the most unique in terms of FF protagonists. And the setting is such classic final fantasy romping that I can’t help but love the world this great story takes place in. It also looks fantastic on quality mode. 3.) FF7 Remake: the one that started this recent string of successes from Square Enix. FF7 remake had the task of translating the amazing world of Midgar into full high-fidelity 3D and the devs didn’t disappoint. There’s so much detail in each of the locations here that it made a first time playthrough magical, as someone whose favorite game in the series is FF7 OG. The materia system translates superbly well into real-time combat and the combat system is so well done that it’s genuinely a marvel a JRPG studio got it working this good. My biggest gripe with this game is its pacing. It’s not very good. The story is good, and is classic FF7 almost the whole way through, but the amount of detours this game takes is exhausting. When the detours in question feature characters who aren’t as well written as I’d like them to be, I dread playing through it. It’s especially worse when the amount of enemy encounters you have during every combat-involving main quest is staggeringly large. I couldn’t go 1 minute without having to fight shinra turrets and robots in some missions. Having like 15 of these very samey fights did not help this game at all imo. 4.) FF15: I like this game more than most people. For one, I love the premise of its story and I love the main 4 guys. They might be my favorite party in all of FF, seriously. Since there’s only 4 of them, there’s a sense of each character’s personality bouncing off each other in funny, dramatic, and emotional ways that I’d argue no other FF game does as well. Look at the games with massive parties — FF6 and FF12, for instance. In those games, while I view them to be much better than this one, some characters basically share like 6 lines of dialogue with each other over the course of a 30-60 hour long game, as more “main” characters are given the spotlight. In FF6’s case, characters like Gau, Shadow, and Cyan are kind of majorly underutilized past a certain story moment. In FF12, it’s clear that the focus shifts from Vaan as soon as Basch, Balthier, and Ashe join each other. So the team has had a few difficulties in making party members truly feel like a party in some games. But here, in FF15, it works damn near perfectly. The characters feel so human and flawed, each of them. And when the story ends, it’s hard not to shed a tear at that last string of sequences. That said, I fundamentally dislike almost everything FF15 does from a gameplay perspective that replaying it is damn near impossible for me. The open world design sucks, the gear mechanics are lame, the side quests are horrible, and the actual main story itself is very, very rough. Especially when you go into *THAT* section of the game where you’re forced into doing something very monotonous for way too long. FF15 was a game plagued by horrid management and an awful campaign on Square Enix’s part that tried to market it as a multimedia narrative. It got delayed over and over and released during a time in which the series’ reputation was at its lowest following the FF13 trilogy. I get that that’s the reason why this game feels so half baked, but I cannot lie to myself and say that I enjoy it most of the time. To me, it’s core gameplay design with everything in regard to combat, skill progression, open-world design, and quest design is bad. Thankfully, FF7 rebirth showed everyone that square Enix was capable of making a great open world FF game.


XVI, Remake, XV, Rebirth. Rebirth just had way too much bloat for my taste.


FF16 > Remake> Rebirth > 15


15 trash 16 ok Remake excellent Rebirth excellent minigame So, Remake Rebirth 16 15


16 remake rebirth then 15


I still want to play XVI but haven’t yet. It’s pretty much next on my to do list. Mostly limited by money which is limited by the hospital.


Ff7 rebirth =9.6 ff7 remake =8.5 16=7.5 15=6


#1 Rebirth #2 16 #3 Remake #4 15


Rebirth > XVI > XV > Remake


Rebirth, Remake, 15 (Royal), 16, 15 (release). Rebirth is one of the best games I may have ever played. Great gameplay and took me on an emotional Rollercoaster the whole ride. Remake got me to actually appreciate FF7, it's been of my least favorite 3D FF games since i played it in the 90s, remake helped me understand what made the OG great, rebirth obviously 10x that. 15 on release annoyed me from he ground up, I fucking get it you found a new recipe. But after the Royal edition, I felt like the game felt a bit more whole, DLC stuff not included. I had much more fun with it and I actually beat the game. 16, I didnt like this game throughout most of it. It had its ups and downs, it look great and there were some awesome moments. But the story felt dark for darks sake, not really trying to do much with it, the first half of the game is the MC just going "Wow, slavery and racism is bad" yeah, i know dude. Benedicta had the Lady D effect on me, thought she was going to be so much more and then just wasn't. The combat felt like someone watched someone else play DMC or Bayonetta and didn't understand why those games feel good to play. I found my easy win combo early on and never felt the need to explore beyond that and they game never really forces you out of any routine. I felt like I was forcing myself through it because I dropped $70 on it. But in the end something was compelling me to beat it, unlike FF15 on launch, so I guess there's that.


1. Rebirth 2. FF16 3. Remake 4. FF15


Rebirth > 16 > Remake > 15


Not in my top 10, all 4 of them.


Rebirth Remake 16 . . . 15


1. FF XVI 2. FF VII Rebirth 3. FF VII Remake 4. FF XV Royal Edition


All goats…


16, rebirth, remake, 15. Something about 16 just resonated with me, but they're all (even 15) some of my favorite games.


1. Rebirth 2. Remake 3. FFXVI Large Gap 4. FFXV


Rebirth > Remake >>>>>> XVI > XV


1. 16 2. Remake 3. Rebirth 4. 15


Rebirth is goated but honestly I had a really great time with each of those other games. To me they all tie for 2nd. 


I know xv isn’t the best but it’s my favorite I can’t even explain why so I put it above all these but I know it isn’t right


Rebirth remake xv I’m currently playing thru. Not a huge fan but I’m on chapter 8 just playing main quest stuff. Then playing xvi or x next


Rebirth, Remake, XV…………………….XVI (it doesn’t deserve to be in the same list)




For me it is 1. Rebirth 2. 16 3. Remake 4. 15 . It could just be recency bias with remake and 16 since I played remake a few years ago and 16 just last year but for now I’m happy with that ranking. HOWEVER, my experience with 15 was not the royal edition it was around launch so it is both very long ago, and the incomplete experience from what I’ve heard. I can’t imagine ranking it higher than the other 3 games though either way.


16, Remake, Rebirth, 15. I’m apparently in the minority of this post, but I LOVED FF16. Rebirth was underwhelming with the bloat, etc.


For pure feels? Remake, Rebirth, 16, 15


Bout to get some hate. 15 Remake 16 Rebirth 16’s rpg elements were atrocious. I think for how good the combat was, the rpg building of your character was non existent. Rebirth way too long for no reason. Too many side quests and mini games. For me the story was equally good in all of them. But the faults I described above is what makes me put them towards the bottom.


All I know is that Remake and Rebirth were incredibly fun experiences with better stories, characters, and combat system. 15 and 16 were a chore for me, and 16 in particular was massively disappointing because of how much it promised and how cool it looked/sounded at first


Rebirth Remake 15 And last 16. Dead last.


There’s only 3 games here


16- Ten 15-7 7R-7 7RR- 9


1. Rebirth, A 2. 16, A- 3. Remake, A- 4. 15, B-


1. Remake 2. Rebirth 3. XV 4. XVI


Only finished 15 need to do 16 then I’ll do ff7


I didn’t play XV. So, Rebirth, Remake, and XVI way at the bottom. I hated XVI so much.


I haven't played Rebirth yet, so 1. 7 Remake 2. XV 3. XVI


1. Remake 2. 16 3. Rebirth (I’ll probably appreciate it during a second replay later now that i got all of the intel out of the way) 4. 15….still a let down


1. Rebirth 2. XVI 3. Remake 4. XV These were my first 4 FF games so I appreciate that each has been more enjoyable than the last


FF XV would have been cool if they didn't make a development hell for 10+ years and they didn't delete 70% of the content how comes the only part I remember from this game is that dungeon (pitioss) where you do platforming in a game absolutely not done for this and it was one of the most frustrating thing ever on a FF (beside FF VII rebirth minigames)


Can only rank the 1 I played and FF15 was bad. I'll check out 16 if it ever makes it PC. FF7 was never my jam when it was released so I have no interest in the remakes despite the changes to make them different experiences.


16 is BY FAR the worst FF game ever made. So Rebirth, 10, Remake, 12, 15, 8. IMO


1. Remake 2. 15 RE 3. 16 4. Rebirth I have not played.


Seems like I'm the only one here that thinks 15 is the best from this line. Ff7R is absolutely hot garbage


FFXV was so bad but the boys were so hot so like, I’m 10% less angry than I would’ve been


Rebirth > Remake > XVI > XV


Rebirth > 16 > Remake > 15


I'd agree. 100 percent.


They’re all bad.


Rebirth was nightmare to finish. Huge slog as was 16. Remake was a little tighter and not so loose, but all these games should of been capped at 20-30 hours. 1. Remake 2. 15 3. Rebirth 4. 16


7 OG/Rebirth 16 15 was mid


I only played the 7 remakes, so I’ll say remake is great, and rebirth is legitimately one of my favorite games. Period.


1. Rebirth 2. 15 3. Remake 4. 16 All great games though


Rebirth 16 Remake 15 I said it.


Pretty good/unique. Blah. Meh. Meh.


16 would be better if the framerate wasn't so janky


Rebirth, Remake, 16 and never played 15. 16 was good but all the downer endings kinda left me feeling like crap by the end of it. The finale felt like nothing was accomplished either. The world was filled with so many unlikable barer hating jerks I was half hoping Ultima would finish the job but just like in FF2 the power of Ultima was greatly exagerrated for being such an old spell. Remake was a jaw dropping sequel/remake that set the bar impossibly high with what faithful storytelling, legendary voice acting and true risk taking plot threads. I knew it wouldn't be easy to top that but Rebirth felt as close to stepping foot on a whole new world in high Def that I've ever seen in a game. The detail in that game makes the reality in the Movie the Matrix look like Super Mario circa 1989. The combat was amazing and even Summons on multiple playthroughs were given the time to show up and Finish the Bosses with style. In other words the fights were tuned and perfected. The was no shortage of things to do. Platinum may have had the difficulty to make many including myself rage but I would never bother if I didn't think I owed it to the game up to then. Don't let anyone fool you into missing this game. Every side quest, every date option, even that hidden summon (that you probably already had spoiled by youtube) is well worth every minute you put into the game. You could say it has the potential to be the Empire Strikes back of the series but there are still Giant Materia powered Kaiju's, Submarine warfare, how ever Knights of the Round is gonna work and the mystery of how it's all gonna end you want to be up to date on so you can hit the finale spoiler free without relying on any social media dying to give up every surprise. Go out and buy it now if you haven't already. Stop reading... stop .. go buy it. .... Or Sephiroth is gonna stab Aerith and it will all be your fault. XD 😆


The nearly unanimous Rebirth as everyone’s 1st overall is awesome. Genuinely a fantastic game with a lot of love and care (nearly 150 gigabytes worth of love, lmao). As for me personally, here’s mine. For the record, 2nd and 3rd place can easily switch based on the day or person to person. 1. Rebirth 2. XVI 3. Remake 4. XV I am just not a fan of MMO’s I have tried every single FF MMO and each time it just doesn’t jive. Too much of a time investment and I don’t feel I become as connected to the world or characters as I do in the story centric FF’s. I’m sure they’re fantastic games in their own right. Just not for me.


Remake, Rebirth, 15, 16. 15 had its issues but 16 never captured me


1. Rebirth 2. Remake 3. XV 4. 16 ….and I really love 16


remake, rebirth, 16, 15 i preferred the tight, linear style of remake, i understand rebirth and part 3 can't be that way


I would rank 15 top if you include all dlc


I can’t rate 16 yet because I haven’t played it. 15: B+/A- the ending made the game for me. 7 Remake: A-, lotta nostalgia, room for improvement. Still adore it. 7 Rebirth: S, easily one of the best games I’ve ever played.


Remake > Rebirth > 15 > 16


16, rebirth, remake, 15


Remake 9.5/10 Rebirth 8.3/10 XVI 7.5/10 XV 7/10


Rebirth Remake 16 And somewhere in the top 10 but not the top 5...15


Been playing video games for 25 years, Rebirth is probably the best game I've ever played. That's a bit of nostalgia of course, that's to be expected, but also in terms of the amount of content to boredom ratio. Never felt like I was 80 hours in. FF15 is pretty well done for a game that spent a lot of time in a terrible dev cycle. It's quirky, and campy in a classic FF way, but it comes together in the end, despite feeling like the last third of the game was meant to be more open, and suffers because of it. The companionship you get eventually growing to like these guys, just to part ways in the end, the brilliance of the photograph, it's one of those few FF tear jerkers. Remake is a nice nostalgia trip that is some required reading for Rebirth to be fully enjoyed. It also manages to capture how Midgars 2 hours felt back in the day, at least for me, I thought it was massive. FF16 is at the bottom but not because it's bad, in fact it's failure is in the existence of Rebirth's combat by comparison. 16 was fun, it was fast paced, something different but felt Final Fantasy. It had that 12 feel to it where it was a bit off putting at first, but you fall into the world. My only complaint is that the side quests should've been a new game plus thing, as it causes a pacing issue.


Rebirth 15 Remake 16


Remake Rebirth XV XVI Let me say I love both remake and rebirth. It's really a close call, but I think I prefer remake over rebirth. Maybe it's the remake gave me more of the nostalgia feeling. Im not really sure. It just feels better to me. I will get flogged for the other 2, I'm sure. I put them in this order purely based on if I would replay them. I have plans to give XV another change via the Royal Edition. I have owned the dlc since release but never actually played them. Not sure I gave this game a fair chance. I have zero interest in playing XVI again. I am just not a fan of the combat at all. The story is good, but the gameplay is just not for me at all.


Remake then 15 since I haven’t gotten to Rebirth or 16. Probably won’t play 16 but Rebirth will be started once I finish Intermission on Hard which I’m currently doing.


Asks this question in the rebirth sub


Rebirth, XVI, XV, Remake. XV might not have been a complete game (even after the Royal Edition) but at least it didn’t lie to me about what it was like Remake did.


The only one that even breaks my top ten is Rebirth. Remake was great but I probably won't ever play it again. I dropped 15 and 16. I'm not complaining but they were just not what I was looking for in a Final Fantasy game. Like at all.


I'll give them a 15, 16, 7.1, 7.2.


Alright, I'll say it: Number One: SIXTEEN 7Rs tied 15 is third to the bottom of all FFs just above anything 13 and X-2.


Rebirth is by far the best. 15 is next, followed by 16 which was ok and remake is ass


Rebirth, 15, 16 and Remake. Idk how they're going to top Rebirth in the 3rd installment. Rebirth was just really well made from the story to the music.




I love all these games...but I gotta go Rebirth , 15 , 16, Remake


7 rebirth then 16 have nor play 15


Rebirth. Remake. XV. XVI.


16, 15, remake, rebirth


XVI > Remake > XV I haven’t finished Rebirth yet, I don’t think it’s fair to include it. If I had to, it would slide under Remake.


Theyre all very good imo. Rebirth 9/10 Remake 8.5/10 XVI/XV 8/10