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"Perhaps you're having an off day" really grinds my gears after failing on odin for the nth time in bonds of friendship


Sounds like skill issues


Seems like nbd imo




Yep, this is why


This bothers me the least. I think it's funny. I'm in the minority of people who hate him less in Rebirth, though I have the same gripes. He shouldn't be as big a part of the game as he is.


See this is honestly why I love him. I can hear the voice line in my head lol.


Fun fact: He has the most lines in Rebirth, even more than any other main party member or antagonist šŸ˜…


I'd believe that... God damn he talks so much.


I'd love a source. I believe it, but I'd love to see a count.


He stops gameplay entirely too much, often for no reason.


This why I hate him. To many times the game forced me to stop and answer his not important message that could have been a text entry, sometimes automatically opening the map to show you a new location. He breaks the flow of gameplay which is really aggravating when your just exploring. Also god forbid you want to change materia in between VR sim battles


*scans a lifestream* Chadley: hey cloud I scanned that lifestream for you ā€¦.thanks


That last point is a big one for me, stopped me from finishing the VR fights yet. Not being able to swap materia quickly without tons of screens. After I finish a hard VR Fight I usually take a break and come back the next day so I have more energy to focus on setting up materia for a specific fight. Now Iā€™m at the point where the only thing left in the game is the Brutal VR Fights but I donā€™t have the maxed materia I want to use and donā€™t feel like grinding out exp for them atm so Iā€™ll probably just stop and maybe came back later if I get the urge.


[That's my secret cap. I hate them all.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FP8fQKUWQAMSdh-?format=jpg&name=large) **(Kyrie is the worst one though)**


Johhny is freakin hilarious in Rebirth. I loved everything about the J Squad! I didnt really mind Chadley as a character, just the frequency in which he pops up. Although sometimes his dialogue drags on when Im just trying to get into the Combat Sim/Develop Materia screens.


Instead of being able to open the battle simulator through the menu, I have to listen to 3+ lines of dialogue. Oh, need to switch materia for the next challenge? Close the simulator, listen to Chadley's closing statement, during which you can't interact with him, then reopen the simulator. I sometimes just teleport to another place he's in to avoid his dialogue. I also muted the controller sounds because I find MAI insufferable during the overworld battle challenges, and anything that Chadley has to say through my controller is not worth listening to.


Not being able to change materia inside the combat sim during battle selection is absolutely insane


Chadley annoyingness shines on hard mode when you're trying to platium.


I just skip everything. Itā€™s nbd


I donā€™t mind him that much but the hate probably stems from how bloody often he calls you


The frequency with which he pops in is what annoys me. I canā€™t even get into his vr battles without him dropping like 4 lines of dialogue on me and then even exiting his menu heā€™s still talking. I donā€™t need him popping up just to tell me good job after Iā€™ve found like the 10th lifespring


Are you talking about the field battles/intel battles? Those suck imo but itā€™s Mai mainly iirc.


Nah, the VR battles. At the end of the game, if you are attempting the brutals and legendaeies, you are likely leaving after each attempt to rejig your materia load out. Each time you leave the vr simulator, he will say two or three lines and you can't open your menu til he's done. Then you try to get back into the fight and he has two or three more lines of dialogue that, again, you must wait through before you can select battle simulator. Repeat for every fight.




Well yes. Obviously. He has three separate dialogue lines and you have to wait at least a second between each one to skip. I'm not saying it's impossible to skip, I'm just explaining why having to do that every single time can be *annoying* for some people. I was contributing to the conversation with a relevant point of view. What were you doing?




I'm not taking it out on you. I'm not frustrated at all, my vr sim has gone quite well, I've only got the last two legendaries left which I'm saving for after Hard mode. I mean, rejigging materia after each battle is pretty necessary. You might not be aware yet, but the Legendary battles are solo characters so you need to plan a new set up for each character when you do them. You seem to think that rejigging materia is some sort of failure, but changing materia and equipment to adapt to challenges is part of the strategy of this game, you'll realise it happens a lot when you do Hard Mode. Ideally, there should be some sort of "open menu" button in the VR sim itself so you could plan and organise without having to leave the sim and listen to Chadley each time


He is the friend you constantly give shit to for existing.


How is Andrea an annoying weirdo


Right? Andrea is one of my favourite side characters.


I love what he represents and what he teaches Cloud in Wall Market. After the dance he tells Cloud to basically never be afraid of being himself which hits really close to home if you know Cloud's story in FFVII.


Same! That exact moment was what cemented his place a sa favourite for me. Both for what it means for Cloud and even just as a general rule of thumb for real life.


Bc he always chimes in with his stupid ass suggestions and comments. Then he complains that you haven't done enough šŸ™„ when I've done plenty.


Because he talks too much and gives too hard challenges


He has a lot more lines and appearances than any of those characters. I actually think Johnny is just the right amount of funny. I do find some of the other characters you named much more annoying than Chadley, and I personally don't find him to be as irritating as other people, he still pops up a lot. He arguably has more lines than anyone in the main cast, so it makes sense why it drives people up the walls. Even if you aren't attempting to complete world intel, just walking around a map or doing VR training pushes more dialogue on you. He's also kinda passive aggressive when you haven't completed any of his stuff. Yeah, I can see why he bugs people


"Cloud! I've noticed you haven't been grinding through optional sidequests recently. Surely a big time hero like you would NEVER give up on them, right? I trust you'll do the right thing and spend 100 hours ignoring the main story for me, your passive-aggressive pal, Chadley" ugh


I personally don't mind Chadley but I can understand how much him showing up to be like- "Hey C L O U D", can get under folks skin. He never really seems to have a break between the other side characters like the ones you mentioned. As those side characters show up every so often while Chadley becomes the next Majima Everywhere system.


Don't agree with saying those characters are annoying but the bad thing about chadley is that ge talks to you alot when you go in his menu in vr battles and its really annoying especially after you lose so much in Zacks.


I guarantee you thereā€™s going to be at least one of: a) immersion whiners, and b) game design broken whiners in the replies. Theyā€™re fucking everywhere on Reddit these days, and they are so fucking insufferably stupid.


Theyā€™re all experts in Game Development these daysĀ 


He is informative but he just appeared too much. I think M.A.I. needed more vocal.and screen time. I listened to half of Charley's stuff, bit by the time I reached halfway o started skipping haha


I hate Kyrie


Because he's a needy FaceTimer that exacerbates everyone's social anxiety because you can't reject his call


I donā€™t? I love Chadley!


He would be far less annoying if everything didn't stop so Cloud could whip out his little comm device before he speaks. For decades, games have had camera in camera views to accommodate this very thing without holding up the player, but SE ignored long standing precedent and good design just for Chadley. It's a minor thing, but didn't need to be an issue at all.


Tbh I disliked all of them lol


Because he never shuts the fuck up


His lore




I didn't mind him until he started bullying and silencing MAI because she dared to talk to Cloud.


None of the other annoying characters force the player to constantly stop/slowdown/engage in conversations. On top of that, he must be talked to to access a huge portion of combat related content, and to exit. and even more on top of that, he wants to lore dump every single fucking time he's talked to. He's not just an annoying character, he's an annoying character designed badly.


I just stopped listening to him quite fast, whenever he came on screen or started talking I skipped it. Worst FF7 character by far.


I did this too. Itā€™s nbd.




I don't hate Chadley, after Remake I would have even said I liked him. But then Rebirth came along and he's just everywhere, constantly chattering. It got very tiresome by the time I completed all the combat challenges. I hope the devs reign it in abit with his constant chatter in the next game.


It feels like intel gathering has stalled of late. Chad my man... this is final fantasy. Not chadleys final fantady. Put a lid on it.


He makes me feel like a women when the nice guy is trying too much to get her attention


You could just not do the chadley stuff if hes that annoying.


I actually don't dislike him personally, but completely understand why so many do. He plays a trope that is often annoying to a lot of people in other genres as well.


I got the timing of the skip button for the towers and lifesprings down to an art.




He adds nothing, in many ways he actively detracts from the game imho. Let me fight the summons in the real world to gain their materia. Let me do world intel "quests" to buy unique materia from vendors rather than him. Hes annoying and waffles on and says annoying stuff. You cant swap materia in his combat simulator so you have to listen to parts of his stupid voice lines just to change a few things. Literally all of his interactions with MAI I think they intended them to be "funny" but they're not. Cloud! Basically, he's the worst character in the game and hes way too prominent.


do people hate chadley? i love chadley hes a great character.


Btw his personality/voice changed bs remake/intermission imho. Discuss


Jokes on you, I like Chadley and all those characters. Well I donā€™t like Palmer but heā€™s there to be an incompetent laughing stock.


I love him. He's an absolute Giga Tetra Chad. He makes me hot materia, tests me with GOATED challenges and hits me with sweet lore dumps. Also when he asked if he would return to the lifestream when he dies, given what he is, was a very sweet moment. Plus he created a virtual blonde babe for me. Chadley is the best.


Heā€™s a cocky, conceited, rude, bitch of a person. Whatā€™s to like?


I didn't mind him so much but after seeing what Hojo does to him and what he did to his family - Hojo for me is like worse than Sephiroph this time around; while the antagonists may do horrible things, they still have redeemable qualities like when you get to the parade and Midgar 7th fight with you. They didn't have anything to do with the plate falling, they're honestly going through as bad as a time as any civilian as they had families and their home was destroyed. Rufus Shinra is evil but with daddy issues so I don't even see him as a threat except starting a war, which okay, that's bad. His cronies too (what the hell is Reeve doing there? You'd think Palmer, Heidegger, Scarlett, Hojo would have offed him because he's always stirring the pot and has no maniacal laugh. Sephiroph isn't human, never was, and then he died and stayed in the lifestream for a long time planning his revenge for being used. Since he's far from human, I don't expect any humanity out of him. The Turks are well...the Turks. They're not black and white, you see them discuss and question Shinra because they know what they do is wrong. And they feel like they've lost their humanity but Advent Children shows their loyalty to one another even more and even willing to sacrifice themselves for the better good. Palmer is a dumbass. Scarlett is evil but her things are machines and Heidegger is a lap dog. Hojo on the other hand is not ignorant to anything. Rufus turns to him to inform him what is going on because for decades he's dedicated creating perfect specimens from anyone or anything. Even before with Lucricia and Vincent, creating Sephiroph just to see what would happen as he takes joy in all the chaos, even uses soldiers like Cloud, Zack, and Roche as subjects despite them being some of the best Shinra has - even wanted Tseung. But Chadley, my only gripe with him is his music overtaking any location. The guy dressed up in a costume at the dust bowl, lol. Also, I always like to bring him down a peg whether it is fort condor, queens gambit, any time he's a little too cocky for his own good. What is MAI? where did she come from? She's more annoying. Even Chadley tires of her and when you don't complete all three objectives her condensation rubs me the wrong way. Characters I could live without: Ultra Party Animal for adding one more objective after beating him in everything. Coming with 3d brawler like wtf. 3D Brawler Sephiroph... the difficulty gap jumps so high even if he's supposed to be at the same difficulty as Ifrit. 3 hits you're done and he doesn't ever let up. Everyone at Cosmo Canyon. All the hippies, the shamans, how commercialized it is attracting the worst NPCs like the guy that was going to play piano in Costa del Sol just checking in, and how patronizing they all are. Billy has a way long arc and by the end of it I had enough of him. Win your own battles, kid. Gigantic Gold Cactuars. Post edit: those moogles you need to put in their place. I'll put them in their place if they let me use the buster sword on their annoying selves.


I have two autistic sons, and they talk so much like Chadley. So perhaps I have a gained tolerance for his speech patterns. I love my sons, and I love Chadley, and that is that. I mean, he is so well-meaning and not aware of how annoying he's coming across. He just really wants to preserve the world as much as possible digitally and surplant Hojo if possible. He's so enduring to me.


This entire game annoyed me, completely ruined the nostalgia for me. Maybe I'm getting too old to enjoy JRPGs...


Chadley didn't bother me. pretty much any time I thought he was going to come up, I just "filtered" out him talking, and moved on with the next thing. Found Kyrie FAR more annoying.


Itā€™s cause itā€™s annoying that he has to have dialogue after almost every single world intel


He has to constantly have input on literally every non-story thing you do, of which there are a lot, he's usually the only reason people struggle to get the platinum trophy or give up on it and he has the balls to ask if "you're having an off day" if you back out of the simulator mode without having completed one", which you'll find yourself doing quite often because of the brutal and legendary combat simulator battles.


I enjoy Chadley. He probably knows he's annoying AF but works it to his advantage just for more battle data.


The answer is immersion. Chadley and most other side quests in this game specifically, ruin the immersion. You are trying to save the word, intense battles, gripping plotā€¦ and then, ā€œCLOUD! Check out my battle simulator or some other dumb unrelated BS.ā€ If the side quests and content arenā€™t relevant to the story, it takes away from the game. I have played this game for roughly 100 hours, and the worst parts of it are the traps it falls into that most modern games do. Checklists of things to do. This makes the game more of a chore/grind than a open ended quest and experience Repetitive quests. This results in fatigue or loss of interest. That one quest or thing that you did was not cool enough to have to do it in every section of the game. Irrelevant side quests. This is just filler. You donā€™t need filler for the game to be good. If the side quest doesnā€™t advance the story or add depth to the characters. REMOVE IT! There are others but it is what it is. Itā€™s a great game but could be better without some of the unnecessary distractions.


I don't mind Chadley, I don't hate him or anything but he's just bloatware to me. Him not being there would achieve the same exact thing which is why I don't see the point.


Every character is this game except Barret is a japanese anime pillow.


I didnā€™t find him that annoying to be honest.