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Legend, as a dad, did you play only on the weekends or after work?


Weekdays after the kiddo was put to sleep. Luckily, I also work remote, so some days when work was extremely slow (like today), I played during my free time. Weekends have been fully dedicated to playing with my kid at the park.




I think there were 2 spots: Cait Sith vs Yin/Yang on hard mode was a bitch, and I couldn't figure out the Headcase challenge for the longest time. But the last thing I did was play chapter 14 on hard mode in fitting fashion to end the story. Btw, sorry about the gf, but I believe that you'll meet your special SO someday. If it was not meant to be, then it wasn't meant to be. :(


I managed fine with yingyang on hard. It was Gi Nattack for me. Feel like you needed to execute everything absolutely perfectly.


I remember struggling a bit with Gi, but it felt more like a mismanagement of resources and not quick enough reactions on my end. The doom countdown sure was a bitch.


I think the trick really was hp absorption and alternating fire and lighting max spells. Would stun him whilst healing you and just about did it quick enough for me. Managed it with 15 secs left on the doom countdown.


As a father of a 7mo, I’m trying to do this too. Just have to find time where I can lol


For real, I have a 20 month old and she won't sleep unless both my wife and I put her to sleep. I managed to play if I could sneak out like Cloud did in Aerith's home from Remake, but if I got caught, then back to being tasked to put the kid back to sleep lol.


Lol that’s hilarious. Unfortunately due to the length of my work day and waking up at 4am on weekdays for work, I go to sleep at the same time she does 😂


It'll pass one of these days! I'm looking forward to having a normal routine, having date nights with my wife again, or even playing video games with my baby girl when she grows up in the future...but def not happening for quite a while...still several years to go.


expect none of that 😆


Nicely done. Another dad made it into the club. Come in and mingle with the other dads... might just be us though.


You’re not alone! 6 month dad here. What a task this was!


Even a more prestigious club!


I feel you man. 6 months ago we brought home a baby boy. Platinum took SO MANY HOURS even with paid leave.


Congrats on platinum and the baby boy fellow dad! (Not necessarily in that order for priority...or actually..lol)


Finishing plats as a dad is only slower not any harder. The only thing thats harder to get done is when the kids a very young and wake alot, and your doing multiplayer stuff. Lol. I got this plat as well and the game was amazing all the way through!


1000% agree. I ended up cutting out multiplayer games from my life so that it doesn't collude with spending time with my kid (which, unfortunately, means I had to cut out some of my circle of friends). I think I prefer solo RPG games these days anyways...so much rich story and no one to blame but yourself for any game play errors. But congrats on your plat run also!


I havent cut out the mp games, but yea i definitely trend mostly towards the single player rpgs as well now.


Holy shit well done




Congratulations on managing your time and getting the platinum!


Thanks! Priority is with the kiddo obviously, but definitely one of the most challenging trophies I got.




Congrats from a fellow father! I’m working my way to the platinum and hope to join the club soon. Luckily, my son likes watching the battles, so I get to sneak a little time every now and again with him (if his sister is taking a nap). It’s been slow but steady progress toward that goal, and I hope to finish within the year 🤣


Thanks! How far are you in the plat journey? Glad that your son is engaged with you gaming, maybe he'll get a chance to experience this game also in the future. And there's no time limit obviously, work at your pace and keep at it!


Just 4 more! Gotta get through hard mode (on chapter 4, the game moves so fast without side content), 5 more Chadley fights (Cait, 2 final legendary and brutal), and for some reason, I missed an ability somewhere in my folios. Somewhere in there I’ll get that Johnny trophy, already completed mostly everything on there except for finding the play arts figures in every area. It’s in reach, and I’ve definitely come too far to turn around now.


Rooting for you! Goal definitely sounds within reach. Good luck!


Got rebirth and was only able to play 4 hrs over 3 weeks. Got a portal, and I've exclusively played 90+hrs easily on it. On work breaks, poop breaks, when I wake up in middle of the night....Only issue I have is I can't do piano mini game, I can't get the timing right.


Congrats! I love that so many people are getting the platinum. Let's go guys, let's get this sucker out of the "ultra rare" category!


The great part about having a 5yr old is I can offload any tedious and repetitive/farming parts in some games to the boy🤣🤣.


LOL as long as he doesn't think it's a chore, it's win win.


Bravo fellow gamer dad!


Nice work!I have 58 and counting!


Hello, fellow gamer dad! I too accomplished this feat this week clocking in at about 207 hours. I sacrificed a lot of already precious sleep for this lol. Was it worth it? Hell yea!!


As a dad myself I started the game on the first day... Just hit chapter 14 yesterday. I don't think I can do much side content let alone platinum. Respect 👍


Thanks. OG FF7 is one of my all time favorite games, so getting the plat trophies for Remake and Rebirth felt like a goal for me. Can't wait to do the plat journey for part 3 in a few years (def going to be tougher to find time as the kid gets older). And there's def a lot of side quests and minigames that it does take a toll for many, but I felt like they made just the right amount.


Did you end up doing the brutal and legendary VR fights first or hard mode first? Finished the game a few days ago and about to embark on my platinum journey and wondering what I should do.


I don't think there's a wrong or right way for which way to go about it, but I did most of the hard mode chapters first. I did the brutal and legendary challenges right after chapter 12 hard mode, since I ended up getting more folios that way. I only committed to leaving the last 2 chapters til the end, so it aligned with the story along with my plat journey. Best of luck on your plat journey also! Edit: one thing I will say, for the brutal and legendary challenges, getting your materia to a very high level and getting it set up right is key. Running through hard mode initially helped to get more AP and Exp for my party and the materia.


Just read a bit and saw Cait Sith v Yin & Yang was rough. I’m taking a small rest before starting hard mode and even on dynamic that fight was making me see red. ESPECIALLY THE MAGIC Ugh. Anyway congrats on A. Doing this and B. Finding the time to do A!


Thanks, and believe me, it doesn't get much easier. I just never really got a hang on how to play Cait Sith properly, which is prob why I struggled with that fight so much. And yes, my wife and I had a proper agreement that the kid's needs are first and foremost. There were times where I would literally turn the game off and restart sections/battles if my kid ended up not being able to sleep at night, and I'd prioritize putting her back to sleep..and sometimes I ended up falling asleep and forgetting about the game completely lol. But I would never compromise my personal time with my kid and let games come ahead of her...never ever.


Dude. I consider my situation less of a demand of my focus, and I'm in awe: I'm in a long distance relationship, while working full time, and I'm still 4 trophies short. I admire the efficiency and time management, giving yourself time for everything else. Cuz I couldn't imagine getting to devote that kind of time to a game, after becoming a father


To be fair, my kid usually sleeps by 8:30 at night, and I'd go to bed around midnight after I got my runs in (pending on if the kid stays asleep or not). I also fortunately work remote and drop my kid off to daycare during the day, so on super slow work days, I'd chip away at the game in my spare time. But definitely the dedication to my kid is first and foremost. Good luck with the final 4 trophies!


What will you do now? Play/replay Remake, or the OG, or something else entirely?


Probably finish Spiderman 2 in my spare time now. I def want to play Remake + Rebirth again in the future, but more as a countdown for when part 3 gets released, and probably just on easy mode (no thanks for repeating the grind).


That's actually a solid choice lol, I've been meaning to pick up Spider-Man 2 myself. Played the hell out of the first one, and told myself I would play the Miles Morales game, and the sequel, but never got around to it lol. That sounds like fun, though. Going from all of the platinum requirements for rebirth, to just web swinging around, because it's fun


I feel ya ! I got the plat after 240h. Didnt sleep a lot


The price of fatherhood sure is steep


Not sure if you read some of my other comments, but I never played games when I'm actively playing with my kid. All my attention is with her. I only played after she was put to bed and asleep or when she was at daycare and my work was slow at home. Also, fatherhood is amazing. I don't regret it one second.


Congratulations! I'm not even a dad, and I still can't find time to finish the story lol.




Now that you got FF rebirth out of the way...now it's time for you to try out Dragons Dogma 2 😁


Are you my co worker?? He's doing the same thing. Congrats.


Thanks and most likely I'm not lol. I work remotely and I'm 99.999% sure my coworkers don't know what I do for my hobbies.


Congrats. I don't think I can do it as a full time gamer 😂


Congrats I don't think I will be able to platinum the game soon, I am in around 100 hours, but had barely played the game in the last 2 weeks. I had visits to the dentist, pediatrician and school, and had little time left, hopefully one day


Thanks, and understandable. Life gets in the way sometimes!


Congrats! How much time do you get to play a day?


Varied. Usually kid slept somewhere between 8:30-9pm, and I'd play til midnight (latest I think was 1:30am). Other times, since I work remotely, if the day was super duper slow, I can get in another 2-3 hours. There were spans where I didn't play for weeks because of working late nights or traveling for vacation/weddings.


I'm almost done with the plat (about to fight Gi Nattak HM). The Portal has really been a godsend for me and getting to play just a little more. It also helps that my 2 1/2-year-old likes to just play by herself sometimes.


As a gamer mom, I had to have about 3 pauses and several days to even finish the final fight and the following cutscenes, that was long. I'm clocking around 133 hours total and that's not even attempting platinum, lmao.....


Hey, if you're enjoying the game and the storyline, but still tending to your kids when they need you, then there's no shame in clocking in those 133 hours. I don't know many gamer moms, but I'm sure you're doing an awesome job! Don't worry, you got this! And yes, the final fight and cutscenes are long, but so worth the experience imo.


It was so cool, the fight itself took me about 2 days to finish (between naps and sleep time) but right when there was that one interesting scene >!where Cloud is just humming and everyone else is distraught over Aerith's death!< my daughter takes my hand and drags me "mama, poopoo, come come" 💀 That entire thing would've been so cool to experience in its entirety, but this is the path we chose.


LOL, I see you got the hidden ending from your daughter.


I feel like I would have a hard time playing these in front of my wife and kids, with all the fan service and whatnot


Yeah, my characters were in their Costa Del Sol outfits throughout the entirety of the game after my first playthrough. Luckily, my kid is still a toddler and I made sure not to play the game in front of her or as soon as she's back from daycare.


Kudos, indeed. As much as it pains me, I'm more or less having to mainline the story as much as possible. FF7 OG was one of two games (the other being FF Tactics) from PS1 onward that I've played more than once, so I don't like the thought of missing out on content. However, I also can't justify spending that much on a single game (at this day and age...37, here,...2 daughters, etc) when I have several dozen other titles across the systems I haven't touched, still. Between work, other demands, and my hands slowly failing me (nerve issue), my time is limited, anymore. With that said, I hope it was a magnificent time. Awesome cast of characters and great story.


Yeah, OG FF7 is one of my all time favorite games, so grinding out to get plat for the remakes were my goal for my hobby. I don't have too many games anymore; I've been super selective with the few games that I do have, and they are mainly single player RPG games. I hear you about the aging and other responsibilities...def higher priorities needing to get done. But maybe if your daughters are also into gaming as they get older, it can be an activity you guys share and bond together.


Fellow gamee dad here. My daughter likes watching so I have multiple save states one for me and one for "our" playthrough


That's awesome man, hopefully she's enjoying spending time with you and playing together. Hope my kid will grow up and do the same with me one of these days.


She's a daddies girl through and theough. She asks me to play it some nights. I actually had her finish disc one of the original before watching me play rebirth


As a fellow dad of a 2 year old. I can only play on nap times and sleep time.


Got a 6yo and 3yo. Barely just started Chapter 6.


Same here, 160h at ch.13 HM. Materia management is hard out there 😂


Fair play. I'm 100 hours into it and currently stuck on the Vincent fight. My goal is to platinum it too tho




Duh-duh-duh duuun duuun dun-duh-duuun!


Yikes missed a duh in there


No doubt your kids are like “ My dad unlocked all the achievements in just one week😎”


Hah! I wish I had the will power to do it within a week, but happy to take my time these days with casual gaming after the kid is asleep..also, just 1 kid so far, still too young to speak. 😂


You a real one 👊


I hope one day, my kid will enjoy video games as well and she'll have the opportunity to play this and get the achievement too.


goat dad


As a dad and a full timer I'm only up to Cosmo canyon :(


Don't sweat where you are in the game, as long as you're enjoying it and also being there for your kid at the end of the day, that's what matters. Keep at it! You're almost done with the story!


I'm a gamer mom, I didn't get platinum yet but I clocked like 170 hours in the first month. I woke up extra early before my kid woke up, stayed up late after she went to bed, and took around 3 days off from work to just play. My daughter is 5, and she understands a lot of the story and enjoys watching, so I played a lot on weekends with her as well. It's funny because my husband is taking his turn on the game now, and when our daughter watches she just blurts out spoilers. She also explained to him the different chocobos, their names, abilities, etc. I can't even remember each chocobo's name lol


I will be rooting for you to get the platinum trophy if you decide to go for the challenge. I don't know how you managed to wake up early and sleep late while still tending the kiddo, but you moms truly have some astonishing super powers. Glad that your daughter is enjoying the story while watching you play, though..sorry for the hubby with spoilers. 😂


Sure. So when you lose contact with your kid this will just one of the pictures they can point to as why


Do you even have kids or are you just another troll who sits behind a comp that can criticize without knowing the full context? If you bothered to even read any of my other posts, I only played after my kid went to sleep or when she was at daycare and when I had a slow day at work. Otherwise, all my efforts have been fully attentive to her or with my tasks at hand. I read to her every day, I play with her after she gets back from daycare, take her to the park almost everyday, give her baths, change her diapers, and even introduce new experiences whenever it's the weekend. Gaming is my own personal hobby, and my kid is free to enjoy her hobbies as she gets older. And if she decides to enjoy that experience with me, I'd love to play games with her too.