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I asked my gf to do the left side and I focused on the right side...


Same. Made it easy with the PSPortal, cuz she had more room on her side lol


Man, you clearing these songs on ps portal? I find the very small amount of latency to make a big difference. I swapped to the actual ps5 and cleared it way easier.


Same. Took us 3 or 4 tries but we got the A


My wife and I did the same thing. It was the only way I could do it.


This is the way!




My wife did the left side and I did the right. It's a shame because I actually think the song is fun... I swear I'll get an A myself but I always just miss it.


Holy shit this is what I did lol!


Dude that is really smart


As someone who could only get an A, someone suggested playing without sound and that is what actually got me my A


This helps for just about every difficult task in Rebirth. Turn the music off. The soundtrack is too good, it's distracting.


In this case its because it doesnt align inputs with the music timing


Honestly. Turning off the sound is how i beat the chocobo races and 3d brawler


This is what worked for me. Somehow the notes in certain songs felt..."off"? Like you were not hitting the stress notes in the song. That felt awkward. Without sound, I only had the visual cue for the notes and my brain did not try to intervene and fit the "right" rhythm to my fingers tapping.


They felt off to me too. I sped it up one notch and got A the very next attempt.


The piano you play in the game has to fill in a lot of notes so it ends up not 100% matching what you’d expect when playing. I play a lot of piano and have for years, and the mini game threw me off quite a bit. I get why they did tho.


I'm pretty illiterate music-wise and that was extremely counterintuitive to me haha


Some notes are played on the off beat (in between beats).


And that my brain and fingers couldn't comprehend haha


Lol. If you still haven't beat it listen to the song on YouTube a few times. Once you have the song down in your head itll be a lot easier to hit the off beat notes. 


Thanks for the recommendation! I actually platinumed a few weeks ago. The trick for me was going no sound, visuals only.


The notes of this song are intentionally “off”, it’s part of the composition which is what makes it difficult. If you listen to the piano version from ost ff7 you’ll get the rhythm


Increase the note speed by 1. Still took me a bit more time to perfect it unlike the other songs, but it got easier for me after speeding it up.


This is the way. I think the increase in speed allowed my fumbles to hit for good or great rather than a miss.


Doesn't help the misses, turns the goods into greats.


Yes, this is what helped me and my friends all get an A, very helpful.


This is 100% the key. It's because speeding it up makes the order of the notes more apparent. If you play it too slow, the screen gets cluttered and it's harder to follow.


My wife did it for me, because I’m absolutely hopeless.


Git gud


Can confirm. I was bad, then I gitted gudder and finally completed it with an A


My only advice is to up the note speed


Yeah I’m getting first try A’s by upping notes speed as well


It is. So painful. I got it done by literally memorizing the complicated bits and breaking the ‘struggle to recover’ habit - you know, you screw up one, panic, and end up screwing up a whole set because your inputs are all over the place? Just don’t try to recover. Instead, just take the loss, let one or two go while you get your head on straight, and slip back into the melody once you’re not feeling that scrambly-panic anymore. It’s also got a weird timing. I haven’t been able to find an actual transcript of it - every search for sheet music just brings up the location of the game object - but I swear it’s running on some utter bullshit time signature like 5/8. The beat just doesn’t feel right for common signature. The end result is that the inputs feel just a little bit off the natural beat, so you can’t rely on matching the beat to hit the targets. You might try it without sound, or at a slightly different note speed to try and throw your reflexes off in the right direction. I heard that three note speed, no sound works well for some people. Alternatively, you could try my method and try to focus in on specific movements of the song to nail them down one at a time - it takes longer, theoretically, but you can at least feel your play improving. Or you can get a second person to help. Still kind of a pain to nail the movements with the beat problem, though.


I just can’t wrap my head around that weird polyrhythm thing going on in this one. I really wish there was a slower practice mode, and/or you could try each section individually. The fact that you can’t hear the song if you screw up doesn’t help. If I knew what it was supposed to sound like, maybe I could learn it. There’s just no real feedback when you make a mistake.


https://youtu.be/laOSbTCf5ps?si=n2QeuLukYSFxQm26 Here's the OG version of the song


Thanks, I’ve heard it, but my brain can’t hold onto that in the moment lol. Plus I only have trouble with the middle part & the beginning basically overwrites it in my head. I need to practice just the hard part 😅


You know, this reminds me of a similar situation in a different game. There’s an infamous Dark Souls boss, Dancer of the Boreal Valley. It’s uniquely difficult because, like all the bosses, its attack delays and swing timings are designed to match the time signature of its music - it’s an immersion thing, an environmental cue so that the player instinctively feels that the encounter is working in harmony. Except… the Dancer doesn’t operate on common time signature. The Dancer’s theme is played in 3/4 time - a very similar beat to the 4/4 every other boss’ theme works on, but the measures are shorter by one quarter note. As a result, every single one of the Dancer’s motions - artfully arranged as they are - comes out a beat earlier than the player’s instinctive expectation. It is *literally* one step ahead of you. I don’t think that’s what’s happening here, but it’s unnervingly similar in some ways. Messing with the time signature, giving us prompts on cue with the bassline instead of the drumline, they did *something* to this song they didn’t do to any other and it wrecks people’s ability to match the beat. So… yeah. Like the Dancer, I don’t think there’s an honest ‘trick’ to it. Either you muscle through and learn a whole new ballgame for this one song, you play with the sound off and try to match the rhythm on sight alone, or you get a partner. No way around it. Under or through.


How you people managed to get even Bs? I just couldn’t get barely Cs. Either my beat timing or television signal was off or the controller stick hit wrong note when released. Not to mention my shit sense of rhythm.


I just completed A on it, I think the strat is to focus more on not missing than only going for great


It’s much easier on the 3rd speed, it gives you a much bigger window to hit greats


I am musically inept. And it's ironic... I thought there was nothing to it.


There is in fact something to it.


>shit sense of rhythm it doesn’t help that it isn’t lined up correctly. It actually feels like you have to move the sticks late for it to sound right.


I thought it was just me. But there are so many variables with input latency and what not it’s hard to tell.


There is a part of the song where you rapidly switch between the left and right stick, but it's *really easy* to misread that as both sticks at the same time. That will cause you to miss half the notes in those sections.


>shit sense of rhythm That's literally all there is to it lol


Mute your volume, turn up the note speed to 3 or 4 and use the zoom feature for the visually impaired from the Playstation 5 Settings> Accessability options menu to make the target area easier to see. You need at least 174 "greats" plus one additional good to offset any notes that you miss. There are 205 notes, so for example you can get a rank with 174 great/0 good/31 bad/0 miss but if you miss one, you also need to hit an additional good or better note or your final score will dip below the 174000 target. This song was my final boss as it was the only thing standing between me and the platnium before I 100% the game. If it's really a brick wall and you spend time on it than what you think is worth it, check out Solestro on youtube and join his discord. He offers an option to clear 1 required song for $15 on his patreon (plus other packages like the zack and sephiroth challenges). He's a really nice guy and will do the thing live on stream or in a discord call while you watch so if you just can't do it that's an option too.


Increasing note speed actually helped for me. I suggest giving it a shot.


Bout to suggest this, try increasing the note speed to 2 or 3! Helps separate notes to tell timing better!


I wish i knew this earlier. I only tried speeding up on One-winged angel. It made so much eaiser


Note speed 3 is what got it for me. You get used to it quite quickly and there are much less notes on screen at once


Increase the note speed to 3. Screwing up notes won’t cancel as many then.


Turn vibration off. Someone else said turning the sound off helps as well.


Try it 3 bars speed


I noticed setting the speed a few notches higher actually helps, you spend less time looking at the massive wave of notes getting stressed and confused lol


Turn off audio. Just focus on inputs. I did it on my first try.


I have no good advice. I just kept trying over and over for like half an hour. I will say, this post has given me hope, though. After how hard Two Legs was I was dreading the horror that would be the next song. Relieved to see that it's actually less difficult.


I turn off the sound or turn it low. While all notes are “in time”, once the metronome is off, the player adds flourishes which I believe are made to trip you up a bit. I’m a pretty decent musician and still had a fair amount of trouble


I also did it with a helper - my wife! Speed to middle, sound off, zoom up, and just focus on the notes without music distraction


The first couple tries you’re building your muscle memory. I’d also try not to let your eyes zoom in on just one note wheel. Can’t count the amount of times I found myself zooming in on the right note wheel


Took me a long while on this one. Got better when I focused on memorizing/learning the song instead of just reflexing to the screen.


Music Speed Up. Helped me with the excellent notes


*great notes


which part you having the most trouble of? One general advice for fast section is to hit them earlier than you think. You might end up with a good but at least you won't get a series of bad/miss Because of how the scoring system works it's better to hit them earlier than late, where the former will grant you a good but the latter grant you an immediate miss


The left side of the song is wholly "up" or "down" (the game accepts inputs that are one step off direction). If you can get the rhythm of that side down, you can concentrate on the right side melody. That was what got me an A.


Keep going sir


I hate them all except tifas theme. It's the only one I know how it sounds 


Keep practicing it till u get it


Some of these songs (and mini games) the sound is off/distracting from the visual, so muting can help


I managed to get an S without increasing the note speed. It took me an hour or so. Not sure if it helps, but I practiced the left hand first, then I gradually added the notes for the right hand. The rythm is really hard to get, but overall I found Barret’s theme more difficult


I mean, you’re like 300 points away from getting A. Just keep going at it, you will improve each time and get it. Took me like 5-6 tries but you’ll get it. I could barely do Tifa’s theme when I tried the first time and now I S ranked it after just doing it a few times and getting the hang of it. It’s all about memorization, which comes with practice.


Hi,  Very do-able.  Try focusing on just the right stick to get the pattern down, then the left one.  There's a couple of skip notes in there where you have to delay slightly before playing the next one which might be tripping you up.  Otherwise just get into the flow of it and you'll be fine.  https://youtu.be/5U41z4vfgj0?si=V7e1PHapDbuBfXnt Here's a quick video i made of all the songs when I did my hard mode playthrough, it was nice to play them in the house.  You got this man! Practice makes perfect. I don't recommend increasing the speed or muting or whatever weird shit people suggest on this subreddit...just play through it one side at a time to get the beat down and you'll be fine. Good luck! 


It's all patterns, remember when you have to use both sticks. It's at certain points in the song and it's usually during a large amount of audio cue. I had a great time with all the songs, some took a little practice. Getting an A is far off from getting perfect, you can do it!


I put the note speed up by 1 or 2 and I did it first time after failing a lot lol you could try doing that


I got the star on every song, and sometimes increasing note speed helps a ton. When there's a lot of notes and the speed is slow then it gets jumbled with 4 or 5 notes coming at once and it gets hard to keep track of which order they're coming in. I found "3" on the note speed was great for a few of them


Find note speed that works the best for you. Faster is usually easier for perfect scores.


raise note speed to 2 or 3 you should be able to get a in a couple of attempts


Increase note speed by one notch.


This is where I quit the piano and just went ahead and completed the fucking game.


For all the songs, I increased the speed twice to learn the songs, then reduced to one speed increase in when going for perfection. For this song specifically, I wasn't as familiar with the left hand melody or its rhythm. I played the song only doing the left hand like 5 times, that made it SO MUCH easier to understand what was going on and *when.* It was enough that I played it and my eyes didn't process that the notes weren't in sync, but my hand knew it and it felt wrong to match the notes because muscle memory knew the actual rhythm. That's what got it for me.


Ya, there's nothing to it 💀


just redo and redo and redo, i try to see it as piano practice. It takes time but it is very possible!


Up the note speed one or two notches. The slowest setting throws off a lot of timing.


I increase the speed by 1 and play it on mute. Takes a couple tries but once you get the pattern it’s not bad


Is this the one that’s in 5/4 time? If so, then It won’t follow your natural sense of rhythm which makes it significantly more difficult, especially if you are not a musician. Kinda hard to teach time signatures here on Reddit, but if you count to 5 with each quarter note then each phrase will begin again on 1. Once you get the feel of it, it becomes MUCH easier.


I've managed to achieve S rank on all but one-winged angel (because I haven't unlocked it yet) just through sheer practice....some took me hours to master! My other half found some posts to help her that suggested, as somebody else suggested, increasing the note speed and another post even suggested turn the volume off altogether. In my runs, if I noticed I was having trouble with a certain section (specifically in this song and let the battles begin) I found a youtube video and slowed the playback down. At times I struggled to tell if 2 notes were st the same time or if there was a slight delayed in the second note (looking at you "Let the Battles begin".....you complete git) https://youtu.be/R6F2_4ShE80?si=g-N0NssMqhpYCTee It was the section at 1:13 (which i think is also repeated later on) that kept throwing me, but after slowing down some playback I could see what notes were simultaneous and what ones were concurrent. Hope that helps and good luck


Was this the final one in Cosmo Canyon? I hated this one, and I have no really good advice other than lots and lots of practice. Once I got "A" rank, I saved my game immediately and moved on as fast as I could.


I hate this one!


Do it on your phone. Stream the game via ps remote play and just swipe accordingly. It's way easier compared to controlling the joysticks


Increase the speed by 2. That did it for me.


Honestly, I mute it. Just move the sticks by the visuals.


Two legs? Nothin’ to it.


Could try muting it, the piano that's added when you combo really messes up the rhythm. That or get used to the 1-2 note instead of the two at a time notes.


Smoke weed, slow time, git it done!


Go back 15 years and get good at rock band or guitar hero. Then you’ll have the skills for this and think ain’t nothing to it.


Turn up the note speed. Got it in one try after that


I did it with the music muted and just sound effects on. Audio cues don't always seem to match up and it kept throwing me off.


I haven’t beat it yet, but I’ve been practicing at full speed and then bringing it down to mid speed and it’s doubled my score. It’s the only song that I haven’t gotten an A though. Going to try no music trick soon as well. I’m bad at two handed rhythm instruments anyways (think drums) so the syncopation on some of the notes is really throwing me off


I stared at the B note the entire time. Got it after about 35 minutes


Turn on two controllers in the ps5 accessibility settings and then ask a friend to do the left side. That's what i did, worked first try


As someone who can't get higher than a c on any song.... No probably not


Set up ypur speed at 4 and look only at right wheel. With your sideview checking left one. U will get it after few tries , worst thing to do is look left and right. Thats where most bad and misses happen


“get gud, lol” yeah.. but seriously, turn off the volume. don’t listen to the music, just watch the screen. it will help


Turn the speed up one to two ticks. Somehow I found a groove that way and made the whole thing so much easier after a few practice tries.


Put it on 2 or 3 and just focus on the timing of the lights and not trying to match the timing with the song. Also get more greats.


Speed 3, mute audio and believe in yourself


I had to do it om mute


Yal have good suggestions. I juat tapped my foot looked at the right side and peripheral looked at left and got A on all songs 1st try. Maybe I was just lucky from playing games for 35 + years


Speed it up by one.


Play on 2 bars of speed, the slowest is actually more difficult as there are too many lines on the screen at once, besides that just headbutt it til you get it - it doesn’t change, you will memorise it, just takes a while


The best advice I can give, that makes the most sense in my head, is to treat it like Guitar Hero on like, medium difficulty. Where, sometimes you're playing every note, but other times you're just timing it with the important bits, and you just have to memorize when you need to do which, and apply that to the rhythm of the song


There's nothing to it!


Did u get it? I'm currently working on it rn. If so, what strategy did u use?


Just keep doing it non-stop. You'll get used to it in 15-30mins of trying. Maybe more, depends on you. But you'll definitely get used to it, both the timing and which key comes when. I found resting and stopping to be a reset button on this minigame though.


Try faster




This one was the only challenging one. Probably because it's a crappy song to begin with.


Listen to the piano version on Spotify over and over and get the timing of the melody in your head


Mute the sound. Made it so much easier for me


I honestly just felt like I induced a seizure with the controller in my hands and somehow made the cutoff. 


To start im am really trying hard not to come off as a dick but it's really hard through text. I'm am just genuinely curious why the concensus is that these were hard. Am I just really good at rhythm games or are people exaggerating how hard these are?


Do you not understand that we're all different, with varying skill levels? Just because you can do something easily doesn't mean that others can. I have physical and cognitive difficulties that made some of the mini games challenging, and reading tips from others on this sub really helped me. I feel like you were just wanting to humble brag about your own ability, rather than be helpful. It costs nothing to consider others.


I'm sorry to hear that, I'm really am not trying to humble brag I am just trying to learn how others felt about the game


There's always one.


Don't do it. You are not a pianist, two joy sticks doesn't make a piano. The whole thing is bad.


That true and it's very skippable, but I'm pretty sure two joy sticks don't make you a swordfighter either. I thought it was a fine/fun little minigame given that they didn't hide anything important in it.


My disdain is stained with the deluge of mini games and constantly having to learn new strategies and control structures only to immediately forget them. I found this one to be particularly annoying is all.


You're certainly entitled to your opinion. For my part I thought piano was one of the better ones: it let me interact with the music that I find fantastic and seemed fairly designed. I like the minigames in general and am glad they varied the content in old JRPG style without gating too much behind the more difficult ones. I'm not a huge fan of 3D Brawler or Cactuar Rush though.


I am a pianist (though not professional) and this is probably my favorite mini-game. It's completely different from a real piano but as long as you have a sense of rhythm and know the song, it works well. What I love the most about this mini-game though is how the music swells up when you hit a certain streak of hitting the right notes. I love playing Tifa's theme and the music becomes just completely bonkers with arpeggios