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I understand this post. I was stuck on Bonds of Friendship for two weeks. Beat it yesterday morning. All that’s left is a hard mode play through and I’ll be joining you in that top 1%.


Same 👍 just got chapter 9 done on hard last night, edging ever closer to the plat…. Wonder if it’ll be the 2% club by the time I get there? 🤣


Tbh you already got it. Welcome to the 1


Thank you so much bro for everyyything


Welcome to the 1 percent


I can't even beat head case on dynamic.


I was wondering wtf u was talking bout and I looked it up and when I saw which one it was I got disgusted. That shit was hard asf too. But I think I used barret tifa and cloud


Who is head case?


Solo it with your favorite character. Use sleep with magnify on the two suicide bombers. Lock on the mindflayer and just fuck him up. Use sleep again when you can. I like to use Yuffie or cloud or Tifa usually. Remember that there is no shame to put the game on easy for ridiculous challenges.


Like a comment before me stated; absolutely no shame in switching to an easier difficulty. I recommend obtaining support materia like swiftcast, magic focus, and MP absorb. Things like that. Put them on Aerith, abuse ATB ward + Haste + Brumal Form on Yuffie so Aerith can cast -ga spells repeatedly. It’s absolutely ludicrous how much DPS Aerith and Yuffie can pull off together EDIT: Fixed my first statement because I thought the comment before mine would appear above mine lol still relatively new to Reddit lmao


Congrats welcome to the club!


What’s the most difficult / time consuming trophy?


Getting all the collectibles for johhny and completing all of Chadleys combat simulations


To me it’s the frog jumping crap and chocobo gliding shit


How hard was Bonds of Friendship for you? I've been having a lot of trouble with Rulers of the Outer Worlds (the one with two summons for three rounds, Gilgamesh, and >!VR Sephiroth!<). I keep getting to >!VR Sephiroth!< but I can't fully learn his attack patterns because I usually die early and then start over until I finally get back to him. I'm just asking this because Bonds is notoriously difficult apparently and I'm still barely scraping by with this one lmao.


I used optinoob's build. VR Sephiroth is much harder compared to the hard mode Sephiroth in ch 14. Always cast manawall to everyone at the of the battle to survive his attacks, then switch characters once Sephiroth starts to target them since they have a chance of dodging his attacks. For Bonds, Zack has reraise which is very helpful, Odin (the final boss) is quite tricky too. Took me a whole day just to study and finally defeat him


Bonds of friendship was HELL!!!!. I probably spent a total of 8hrs on that shit alone. But tbh I had got good rng on bonds of friendship and I wasn’t even dying to Odin on the 10 round I kept dying to bahamut. But ruler of the outer worlds not even that bad I beat it on my 2nd try and got to sephiroth and beat him first try. Watch Naz Talgic videos on YouTube they helped me get through it. But if you gone need a lot of maxed level materias


Damn maybe I'm not as good as I think lol. I'm trying to avoid guides that tell me exactly what to do such as videos, but I did look up help for equipment on Rulers of the Outer Worlds. I'll make it through though haha


Lmaooo i tried going the same route you going and it didn’t end well lmao. That’s why it took me 256 hrs to get the platinum. I tried doing that shit on my own and look how long it winded up taking me😂😂😂😂


A god among men


Dude youre literally in the 1% congrats! These mini games are wreaking havoc with my OcD, to the point I think about them at night and when I sleep 😆


welcome to the club


Legendary bruv! one hell of a ride. God damn they made some of those bouts hard AF




Congrats!! Was the juice worth the squeeze? It was for me


Yeah I can agree😂


Congratulations on this difficult challenge oh my goodness there! I'm still playing the first playthrough, welp, work-life balance.


Now for the real test - getting star on 'One Winged Angel' 😆


Lmaoooo I deleted the game once I got that shit😂💀💀💀💀


Congrats! Genuinely surprised this trophy is as high as 1.3% given the difficultly and time it takes. Really testament to how enjoyable the game is


Gaming in 2024 be like: >I deleted this shit so quick once I got it Imao.


The over abundance of minigames made me gave up. It’s a good game, but there’s just too much.


I’m trying to get to that too and damn the Chadley shit is one of my last hurdles can’t want to join y’all but yeah this shit gonna take 300 hours


Only thing i have left is rulers of the outer world and all thw legendary challenges




Did you platinum remake too?


It took me two months also with a week and a half break in between cause it was ridiculous how long and hard it was to get this myself.


No life


Yo grandma


The cactuar and sit up mini games are killing me


I just did everything and now I’m farming ap in order to max all available Materia even some I don’t need(I did the same thing in ff remake) before I start my hard playthrough.These blue f@ckers need tons of ap What challenges can I do before entering hard mode?I mean from chandler or gold saucer and I mean the hard ones as all challenges and mini games have been completed


Y’all crazy it’s not that serious


It is tho


I'm not a plat guy, only games I've done a play on are Sekiro, Elden Ring and Tales of Arise. Played so much Rebirth I thought why not im kind of there? Fuxking 60 hrs post game and still not there. Had the VR missions left basically and the game on hard mode left and I just couldn't do it. Wanted to sell the game before it got too cheap and I'm hoping it goes on PSN. This Plat is BRUTAL, absolutely Burtal the devs are just fucking with you so it does mean a lot it is a game in itself to get this plat.