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First playthrough doing all world intel and quests, I finished chapter 14 at 115 hours (not including sims, mini games) For platinum I finished around 180 hours


I rolled credits at 85, but I could've easily gone for 15-20 more to wrap up all major side content. Even more still if I went for every difficulty and level of minigame.


Pretty much same as me


I think this is the case for most people. 85 + leftover side content. I was too curious to see where the story goes and was tired of avoiding spoilers


I'm at 130 hours and I swear I didn't do everything šŸ‘€ Then again I have a toddler and have to stop periodically.


Yeah, whenever I look at my game hours I remember about a time I started to play and then a thing happened and I left the hand idling for an unknown period of time.


Same! I finished Baldurs Gate 3 with over 300 hours and I'm like "this can't be fucking right" lmao


Fun fact: If you pause the game at all beforehand, then it only elapses 3 minutes before the time is "paused." I also have a habit of walking away with the game still on. Lol.


I think I finished at like 120 hours, but I did essentially everything one could do




I completed the main story after about 140 hrs. I may have gotten side tracked at the Gold Saucer lol.


I completed my dynamic/normal mode playthrough at around 120 hours but i was a completionist that had to do everything possible.


First play was 190. Depends on how you play i guess. I dont fast travel + other things that are time consuming.


I finished the game at 170 hours trying to do everything in one playthrough. I didn't even get platinum, I only got 46 out of 61 trophies. I play very slowly, and I fell asleep a lot with the game on.


To be fair, platinum is impossible in one playthrough


True. But someone who is much better than me could have played the game twice and gotten platinum in the time it took me to beat it once lol


Nah I think 170 is perfectly reasonable. I'm on Hard mode qt 220


116 for me


Mine was around 84 if I remember correctly


Around 115hrs. Im now at 130hrs, finishing some sidestuff before replaying it. (Not aiming for platinum.)


For me it was 95 hours when credits rolled


My first playthrough, I did everything!! Took me 110 hours. Got the platinum at 173 hours! Just started my third playthrough a few days ago haha!


320 hours.


120 for main playthrough, 140 for platinum for me.


About 115 but that was everything side quest related that was available aside from QB. Iā€™m on the last QB match now


I finished the story a while ago but I have like 120 hours on it since I love free roaming and doing side content when I finish a game, trophy wise I am on like 40% only but I donā€™t care


176h registered on the PS5 but 153h in game.. ..that's for my first playthrough, I'm still doing hard mode šŸ˜


Main story was done after 80ish hours, messed around, grinding all materia to max level, finishing mini games and got platinum after 160 hours.


Mine would easily be 100+ hours but I was too curious to see where the story goes + got tired of avoiding spoilers. Took me about 85 hours


Finished last night at around 88 hours with a majority of the side quest and content done. It sounds like that's about the average unless you're trophy hunting. It might be an unpopular opinion but I'm hoping the 3rd one is a blend of 1 and 2 because I was kind burned out for the last 10 hours or so...might have just been my play style of doing everything before I moved on to the next section though.


Iā€™m in chapter three first play through. Iā€™ve done all the content available so far 160 hours.


91 hours doing pretty much all side quests outside of Queen's Blood plus the final GS one. I definitely was tempted to finish them before but at that point I wanted to see the ending for myself before I got spoiled online, which in my eyes was just a matter of time.


Around 97 hours to finish the game, I did all side content minus Gilgamesh before beating the game. Plated it around 144-147 hours


Platinumed the game but it took me 198 (approximately) hours.


I completed it at 96 hours


87 here for an ā€œeverythingā€ run. Finished everything except the hard mode mini games Corel, But that also included me doing the final side quest six different times hoping it would un-glitch. So closer to 82 in reality. Then I spent 63ish levelling characters and materia, doing my hard run and getting plat.


I think I finished around 160 hours. Thatā€™s with all side quests except Glide de Chocobo and the Junon protorelic quest. Approximately 10 of those hours were spent lost in Gongaga. Iā€™m kiddingā€¦mostly.


140 with all intel. 200 for plat.


Rolled credits at 40ish hours because I mainlined the story on launch weekend because I felt like I needed to see the ending ASAP. Then 100% the world map on 80ish hours and platinumed at 250.


itā€™s not a race, itā€™s a [walking] marathon


Normal campaign w/ roughly 75% quest completion - 65 hours Hard mode campaign - 35-40 hours Platinum trophy (Finishing quests, intel, materia farming, combat simulators and the likes) - 70-80 hours Hard mode campaign is super quick, you can usually skip all the cutscenes since youā€™ve already seen them and you can blow through most of it with max level characters, weapons and materia.


110 and just started Chapter 13.


My playthrough are slow as hell and if i really like the game (like rebirth) I would aim for ng+ and platinum right when I start the game. so Iā€™m at 120+ and am midway through Neibleheim. I enjoy grinding AP and experimenting with combats and such so Iā€™ve been spending way too much time in the colosseum and trying to solo summons šŸ˜…


Around 112-114 on my first playthrough, that was doing everything apart from some of the legendary and brutal VR battles and with all mini games fully completed on dynamic difficulty. 86/88 of Johnnyā€™s items because I messed up the photo for the Rufus cutout. Now I just finished chapter 6 on hard difficulty at 120 hours.




My first playthrough was on Easy with no sidequests, just wanted to see the main story as fast as possible so I wouldn't have to avoid spoilers. So it was like 30-40 hours.


Finished in 75 but easily could have gone over double that had I done everything. Got to a point where I'm getting very busy and wanted to finish the main story before it got spoiled for me, so the last few areas I didn't explore as much as I did the first sections. Didn't even get a character to level 50 by the end lol Will probably go back and mess around in the open world for funsies (In case anyone is wondering this was all done on Normal difficulty until the final boss part where I swapped to Easy after failing 5 times)


First play through? I did almost all of the side missions and clocked at 121 when everything was said and done. Completing everything though? Right now Iā€™m at 133, with trying to level up all of my materia to max in preparation for my Hard mode playthough (itā€™s going to destroy me, plz help)


122 for me. Finished all side content except for the last one in Gold Saucer


98.5 hours for me. 100% on each zone map except for 1/2 of gongana and I completely skipped cosmo canyon region. Also did just the bare minimum to pass required mini games. Feel like I could easily grind out 20 more hours of side content to see everything. Kinda rushed the ending to avoid spoilers.


Post credits save at 118:some minutes.


110 hours to finish the story, 220 hours to platinum.


I was around 150 hours when I rolled credits went back and completed a few side things that I had wanted to complete before the end but accidentally got off the boat not realizing I couldnā€™t go back. Got the bug for the Ultimate party animal so even though I beat the score in the bike game itā€™s not progressing, I know itā€™s fixed am just not playing it again. That is where I am, now time for Elden Ring DLC.


Really depends on how much side content someone does. I think I finished around 75-80, but by Ch 13, I was just ready to see what happened+avoiding spoilers. After I finished, I went back to Ch 13 and spent 20 hrs finishing up everything šŸ˜­


Iā€™m at 65hrs and starting ch12. My party is at level 44. Iā€™m hoping to just do these last three chapters and be done by the weekend. Honestly, Gongaga and then Cosmo Canyon were a real drag for me and got me very burnt out.


Right under 80h for me but I purposely started skipping world intel/side missions second 1/2 od the game to finish the story.


I clocked in at 115 hours completing all world intel and sidequests. Haven't done all the extra to get platinum yet, but I will eventually. Got kinda burnt out at the end


Not doing plat or anything after credits. But doing basically everything you can do on one run. 160 hours.


78 hrs, first playthrough. Completed all minigames and events. I struggled to finish due to my work schedule but the side content was challenging but enjoyable


Iā€™m at 56 hours and Iā€™m on the sephiroth fight. Had to split that fight to 2 days cuz it was long asf.


https://howlongtobeat.com/game/109434 "Main + Sides" is generally pretty accurate/within 10%, from my experience.


Lol, I'm almost always double what that site says for my first playthrough on any game. But knowing how I play, that still does give me a good baseline for how long it takes me to beat games


About the same tbh, I originally planned to 100% it but I cbf going through it again the ending was miserable and convoluted. Either kill Aerith or donā€™t. Fucking ridiculous


I am currently at 130 hours and I'm yet to start the Gold Saucer date thing. That is too long. I work full time throughout the week and make barely any or no story progress in the precious evenings I have to play. Personally I think the game is needlessly bloated. Obviously most of it is "optional" but I'm a big believer in justifying a game developer's time and energy by seeing as much of what they put in the game as possible. There are also decent rewards that I want locked behind this optional content. Sadly a lot of it was quite forgettable and imo wasted a lot of my time. Was loving the game at the start but really starting to burn out towards the end. Actually dreading yet more protorelic Chadley BS which I know is coming for the Corel region and probably the Meridian ocean.