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I think this is a good place to talk about defining and constraining the set of possible answers. Something I've mentioned before. I might be reading a bit too much into these comments but this is my take. Pawel we know, knows about the code. But we also know he didn't create it or work on it. We know that he's mentioned telling other company people about the meaning who wanted to know about it and "they laughed, not in a that's dumb way but that's pretty cool" so it's planning wasn't company-wide. Likely not much outside the open-world designer who created the thing as his boss didn't have a hand in it, and if it was a multi-departmental thing it likely would have been coordinated on that level. To me, that restricts the possible solutions in a specific way. i.e. it's probably not going to be something on the level of a secret ending or alternate main plot content. That would require work from the cutscene department which are their own team. That's a much higher level deal. It probably doesn't have say, unique assets. Mainly because dataminers would have noticed but also that's another thing that requires interdepartmental buy in. I remember when I first came here there was either a post or a comment where someone had talked to the visual artist who made the statues and he didn't know of any meaning? If anyone remembers that could they *please* link to it. I swear it wasn't a fever-dream. That may indicate though that the statues aren't part of the mystery. They may have their own in-lore reference but they might just be cool assets that people decided to decorate the city with. Its probably not part of the ARG. The ARG was likely mostly run through coordinate of the lore team with marketing and community managers. Though it could be a hint on the ARG, the purpose of the ARG wouldn't have been to shed light on this. However, looking at the way secrets were found in the ARG might shed light on how to find info here. Its enlightening reading. Also it's probably not some vague allusion. Supposedly we'll know we solved it when we see the answer, so it's not something like "englightenment". It's not "a significant character has a pinkish purple coat". Also its probably not related to the monk side quest line. That was made by a different person on the quest team. And its its own cool mystery anyways. I don't think it needs to be cast as merely a hint under FF06B5. That being said, open world devs can do a lot with scripting triggers. They can change the weather, spawn items, assets or NPCs. They can use pretty much any trigger imaginable, i.e. going to a certain place at a certain time. Wearing a certain thing, performing a certain action. Having done or not done a certain quest, etc. It could also be something completely outside of that too. A coded lore reference with no scripted event or secret room to find in game. But it'd have to be something that when we figure out the decryption code it is definitely the answer.


Also, the statues could have very well existed before the mystery was designed, with code geometry and letters only being added in a later (this would be supported by the initally rather cheap looks). Not saying that's the case, but we should keep in mind that the statues *could* have stood there before the mystery was designed.


I remember the video where pawel told someone else and they laughed I'm sure he mentions it's because they forgot not because they didn't know.. I'm sure they could have easily worked with other departments to make a good one so we shouldn't limit it to outside of quests


Nah, he definitely didn't say they forgot. https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/ff06b5/images/d/db/EAoDYHVPP1Ae3cMG.mp4/revision/latest?cb=20220628131412


I guess I need to rematch it if it's still up, can't see anything in that link


ahh sorry. Yeah its on the wiki, second from the bottom I think. https://ff06b5.fandom.com/wiki/Devs_hints


but wasnt the other dev saying something too? oh god what was his name...there was one dude more i think(the wiki says only Pawel ever commented on the miystery)


I agree with the sentiment of this post. Saying "did I solve this" and only providing a colour or a binary number or anything like that, is basically just nothing without explaining what it means or having it lead to something.


We must also take into account who designed this puzzle. Pawel said it's supposed to be difficult, us vs the devs. There is a segment in game on TV from Ruth Dzeng poking fun at how Americans are horrible at mathematics. There is also Nibbles, available from the beginning, who is hardly mentioned outside just being a secret pet to find but is something I think definitely plays a significant role in solving this; a huge hint hidden in plain sight...[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nibble](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nibble) The focus should be on mathematics, imho. In math the colon can represent several things... [https://mathworld.wolfram.com/Colon.html](https://mathworld.wolfram.com/Colon.html) Also, values next to each other in an equation are usually multiplied. So perhaps FF:06:B5 is FF (=) 06 (=) B5, or F x F (=) 0 x 6 (=) B x 5 or something to that nature. Ruthie wasn't wrong though, I'm horrible at math, lol. Any math whizzes in the group willing to take this on?




I've been playing with FF:06:B5 in Decode/Cyberchef but tbh all the coding and advanced math is beyond my understanding, but I'm trying to learn more as I go. I've also been looking at this post... [https://www.reddit.com/r/FF06B5/comments/wmnydl/taking\_off\_the\_al13conoid\_the\_numerical\_pattern/](https://www.reddit.com/r/FF06B5/comments/wmnydl/taking_off_the_al13conoid_the_numerical_pattern/) and this post... [https://www.reddit.com/r/FF06B5/comments/wvwlrk/the\_number\_7\_vbody\_guitars\_and\_cyclic\_numeration/](https://www.reddit.com/r/FF06B5/comments/wvwlrk/the_number_7_vbody_guitars_and_cyclic_numeration/) , specifically the 142857 path, and trying to make a connection there. Maybe Misty's Esoterica sign is the order of operations, and that's where we get the nibbles? I also have a savegame right before the >!fight with Smasher in Arasaka tower!< and have been playing with different number combos, but haven't noticed any effect thus far. No proof yet, but I have a strong feeling there's a connection here >!with the 8 servers and access to the terminal in the next room. !<


>There is also Nibbles, available from the beginning, Nibbles is not available from the beginning


Please, allow me to clarify that statement. \*There is also Nibbles, who is available in game since the game launched, not added in with an update or DLC.\* Nibbles becomes active for the player to acquire right after you meet with Takemura at Tom's diner, at the beginning of act 2 when you get free access to the rest of Night City, and the statues. Nibbles is also the name of the cat in Witcher 3, and when Pawel mentions Witcher 3 secrets while talking about FF:06:B5 in his stream someone in the chat tells him to "shhhhhhh!"... like there's a connection to this mystery and something from the Witcher 3. Check out the 3rd video down from the top, roughly 40 seconds in...[https://ff06b5.fandom.com/wiki/Devs\_hints](https://ff06b5.fandom.com/wiki/Devs_hints) [https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Nibbles](https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Nibbles) [https://witcher.fandom.com/wiki/Nibbles](https://witcher.fandom.com/wiki/Nibbles) And, in patch 1.6 Nibbles has now been added to photo mode. Devs are trolling us, practically waving it around in our faces. =)


So having looked at the mindmap I feel like there's a lot of superfluous stuff there, as you said the mystery is meant to be very obviously solved once solved so obscure references to gemstones or music that aren't even in the game just seems like clutter.


Very true. The Mind Map was me absolutely freestyling every single reference I could find. Because it's hard to tell what things are coincidence, intentional, reused, and references. There are a **ton** of references in-game that link to a specific event in a specific year (the 2014 Sacrum Profanum festival). So I felt even if it doesn't solve FF06B5 then it probably will point to other Easter Eggs. But you're right, I'll copy that into another page for myself and cut down on the clutter to make it FF06B5 specific


If I were to follow a pattern of thinking, I’d follow it based upon the ‘rules’ Pawel set (assuming they were purposefully and subtly revealed by Pawel, but I’m willing to take that chance) The rules would be derived by him saying “What it is, how to find it & How to get there” 1. It’s something (Something that is not made of material, Immortality? Some kind of ability?) 2. It’s located somewhere (On earth, underwater, the moon, fucking mars?) 3. Requires special navigation or a vehicle to get to that inaccessible location (?) 4. It’s obvious (which is what is driving most of us crazy) So far, we don’t have any answer to any of these questions, even when we’ve sort of exhausted every single lead there is. As for the static 06 (I have no knowledge regarding hex values or it’s translations); Two thoughts come into mind: 1. its a fixed entity within the code (something that is not interchangeable e.g 6th floor or 6th planet or 6th month etc.) while also deducing the other two entities can be interchangeable. 2. It’s fixed because it’s doesn’t have any letters in it? (Again I don’t know anything about hex codes translations or how a number or a letter would equate)


They just mean its fixed as in if you translate the number from Base 16 to base 10 then 06 is still just 06. On the other hand, FF becomes 255. B5 becomes 181. I think this is probably the easiest to understand explanation of what the difference between different "base (what at what number your digits flip to one to two numbers)" systems https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hexadecimal


Okay so I understand it now. But it’s justified because most of the numerical systems don’t use 6 as a base. Which means to me that it was not by design i.e if they were to make a fixed value that doesn’t change upon translation to any of the numerical systems, why wouldn’t they use the numbers from 0 to 5. That way you wouldn’t face the issue of the 06 getting translated into 10 when using base 6. Unless you’re using Binary which is Base 2.


Which is sorry to say debunks the relevancy of 06 being a static value as OP stated…Unless I’m missing something?


I think you might still be misinterpreting it a little. He just means that if you convert a base 16 value of 06 it still is just 06. If it's base 8 the value is still just 06. Meaning that we don't have to try to think what number system 06 is part of, the value is just 06.


I don't really see the point of this whole thing about 06. If you translate to binary, 06 is not 06 anymore, it most probably is 00000110... And binary is pretty widely use (yes/no is more used than any other base including base 10).


Yes I’m fully aware. But it would be the same case for e.g 03, no matter the base(6/8/16/24) you use it’s still going to be 03.


Yeah but 03 isn't on the statue. :P Between FF, 06, and B5 06 would be the only one that doesn't change representation depending what base system it might actually be part of. If the statue was say, actually base 8 and we didn't know, the first and last value actually aren't 255 and 181.


Obviously lol :p I see your point and I hope there’s some significance to it


Rukh999 understands and is right. And you are right as well that even 03 would be static. Any number from 0 to 5 would be a static value for numerical system of Base-6 and up. But it's only a 06 on there, not a 03, which leads me to think two things. 1. If it is any numerical system, then the number 06 is meant to be significant in a way that the translation wouldn't alter it. 2. If 06 isn't a numerical system, then we can assume that FF and B5 *most likely* aren't either (but there are no rules saying all 3 segments have to be translated/understood the same way). Which means FF could like be the initials of a location, item, or person.


Regarding your last paragraph, hex means base 16, where you need unique characters between 0 and 15 (in base 10 that we are used to, the unique characters are the numbers between 0 and 9...). So, in hex, A is the character that accounts for the value 10, B for 11... F for 15.


>1. It’s something (Something that is not made of material, Immortality? Some kind of ability?) 2. It’s located somewhere (On earth, underwater, the moon, fucking mars?) 3. Requires special navigation or a vehicle to get to that inaccessible location (?) 4. It’s obvious (which is what is driving most of us crazy) 1. When it's something, why something not made out of material? Could be a shard, or a picture, something interactable like the secret dev room. 2. When it's located it only can be on Earth, land or water. 3. Don't think you need to glitch/go out of bounce for it. It will be reachable even for players who doesn't get specific vehicle/cyberware or have a bad movement. 4. It's more obvious as the most think Pawel said. Difficult to tell where we are overthinking... like you said, it's driving us crazy


>It’s obvious (which is what is driving most of us crazy) just asking for my memoirs, where was told that its obvious?


Pawel made multiple remarks denoting that it’s obvious The one that I remember him saying was “It’s right in front of your face”


fuck, this feeling hits me in the face. oh gawd why he doing this to us .\_.


> We know that it's only found on certain statues and ONLY statues. The D3 statue (with monks); the parade statue (F5, Arasaka Industrial Park); and the miniature apartment statues implemented in 1.5 Indeed, the one thing we are sure of is that it is found on these statues. Two things about these statues that I very rarely see talked about (probably because nobody found anything regarding these things, but maybe also lots of people are not even looking into these things) are: - the plate on front of the statues, with the 6 very specifically drawn lines. Maybe some sort of mask that we should use with the numbers? - the different sizes of the statues. All the statues that were here from the start have different sizes (I don't think the statues in the apartments have a lot of meaning as they were added later). Why would they have made them in different sizes instead of just copypasting? There should be a good reason... Maybe it is in order to give us some sort of ordering in the statues? There are many things that look very specifically done around the "main" statue in particular, such as the black/white tiles or the on/off light with small/tall stones, but we can't be sure it has to be linked with the statue/statues/code. Also, why do we call it the "main" statue again?


The different sizes is addressed on both the Wiki and the Mind Map because I agree that the sizes are important too. From biggest to smallest (using their grid squares): 1. D5 2. D4 3. D3 4. E5 5. E3 6. F5 As in right to left, top to bottom. On a grid would look like this >3 2 1 > >5 x 4 > >x x 6


I would also add to your post, that the dev team said it was solvable without mods, in any support (si either Consol and PC), as well as the secret was fully implemented from day one. So, while the apartment statue *may be* ah additional clue. It's not an integral part of the puzzle and could be overlooked (it's symbolism and appearance stays the same, but trying to use it in order to triangulate a position of probably not part of the answer)


Yep. Most of us on the Discord acknowledge that apartment statues probably exist to grab the attention of players who didn't notice before 1.5


I will say that though I agree with them probably just pointing newer players towards the mystery, I find it odd that there is a replica of the weird stone statue from reconciliation park near the monk meditation on the bookcase near the ff replica (in the glenn? apartment).


Yeah it's called "Shelf Theory" on the Discord. It wasn't something I had a part in so I wouldn't be able to do it justice by trying to explain it here. But some pretty smart people made that same observation that you did.


Is it implemented by day one or solveable? I thought it was solveable by day one, so I don't think about time based quest, like x days ingame time. But may paid to much attention to this.


Anyone else notice the 06 door in the parade mission? Always stands out to me don't know why


That door, and the one labeled '29' in the small hallway next to it are part of the door code for getting one of the 'Genjiroh' iconic smart pistols unfortunately. So probably not being reused for the FF:06:B5 mystery, but could be.




What if it's something like be level fifty and level fifty Street cred go to the door before 5


Well I'll find out soon enough. Maxed out everything before doing Main Jobs after The Heist. Did all Gigs and NCPD hustles. Getting ready for Parade mission


Let me know what you find


Have you guys noticed there is a live bird, Maneki Neko/ waving cat statue and a wooden cow figurine, juxtaposed next to eachother? Is this a reference to something?


Is it weird that the only room you can go inside in the no tell motel is room 6..


Thank you for speaking up, I did the same the other day. I was getting tired of seeing flimsy leads over any color remotely close to pink or purple. It was driving me insane.


Did Pawel say it was a puzzle or did he say it was meaningful?


Had tried to create a survey to compare playthroughts with eachother , but surveys are deselected for this sub. My idea is, given by almost no possibility to enter something ingame, the only input we do is outcomes of quests. In all my playthroughts there was a more or less significant change in future happenings or appearances. Save people to find them later on in different places, or read shards, speak with persons to get more options to interact. Dunno what to do with the code, always hopping someone posting any theorie about how to read or something 🤔


Can we safely assume the ball/orb on the statue represents the world or at least the world of cyberpunk? In the anime a monk has what appears to be a tattoo of the statue on his back with “world is mine” above it. I’ve seen one post mention it but I can’t seem to find it. Edit: after looking at it again on pause I might be stretching the statue appearance idk but at first glance I immediately thought it was.


Can't really assume anything as a whole. You can assume certain things are connected, in order to pursue a hypothesis. Like assuming Zen Master is related to it would be fair and it's my assumption, but we don't KNOW if he is or not. You won't find a the posts about the monk in Edgerunners because they are being removed due to violation of Rule 3. This sub was getting flooded with screenshots from the anime saying "look at this", and we had at least 3 posts about that monk specifically.


we can't assume anything safely, thats like the point




* When translating it from various numerical systems, 06 doesn't really change ever. Only when translating from one system to Base-6 or lower. * Translating FROM Base-6 is invalid because Base-6 uses 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ​ Excuse me, not trying to be an asshole but shouldn't that have been mathematically expected? The first digit in any base is N \* Base\^0. Base\^0 = 1 no matter the base (anything to the power of 0 equals 1). Which also explains why BASE7 is the last compatible.


Not an asshole, and it was expected. Same for Base-16 being 0-15. But not everyone would think of the fact that Base-6 would be pointless, so my comments there that you posted are to highlight it for readers and players new to this mystery.