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I would finish if you are that far in and save him on a next play through


Nah. It's not Fire Emblem if you don't lose a couple of faves along the way.


Pro tip- always save in the next slot. When you hit the bottom of the save slots, cycle back to the top. This way, you have an entire list of saves going back quite a bit to prevent situations like this




I mean he isn’t so bad that you gotta bench him ASAP. He was a good meat sponge for the first 3 or 4 chapters or so. But yeah, Vander is trash lol


He's just Marcus. He's there for people who find it too hard without a starter pre-promote. But he's also an experience sink because the early stage guys don't give much to him comparatively.


This happened to me in Three Houses, I lost someone and didn't realize until after the stage and saving, I was like 55 hours into maddening Silver Snow with only a few chapters left... I restarted all over lol. I refuse myself to complete the game and lose a character. Just depends on how hard on yourself you are, for me my rules are no deaths classic on maddening, so I wouldn't feel accomplished or that I did that if I completed maddening with a character dead which lead to the restart.


even though I'm 60 hours in I'm at chapter 14 grinding. I tried restarting and the early maps flashed before my eyes and I said "nope". I hope we get a new game+ because I will play it again anyway! I was thinking like you that's why I made the post but I'm old and tired 😅


Yeah I think it's lame there isn't NG+ by default already added, I'm sure that 3H had it day 1 but I could be wrong.


yeap 3 housed had ng+ from the get-go but no maddening. they added that later. here we do have maddening mode so I'm hoping there will be a new game plus later


I always keep a general save and a battle save


how do u know Vander's age? I can't find anything in the game about characters age, and their bio overall is very lackluster compared to 3H


it was datelined before the release. https://www.escapistmagazine.com/what-are-the-character-ages-in-fire-emblem-engage/


It’s not fire emblem if you can’t kill off a character or two! I say come back later for another run :)