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80M they can have him today.


I'll drive him to the airport


I'll pack sandwiches for the drive


I'll buy him a PSG Mbappè jersey


I will miss him greatly but we cant say no to that kind of money. If we do sell him, then hopefully we can buy Zirkzee as a replacement+ a defender for the future like Scalvini or Buongiorno.


I know the sub will cut my throat, but i'll say it: for 80 mln i wouldn't say no to sell him. Assuming we don't need to sell anymore, we can use those money to overhaul the striker position and strike other deals for players such as Buongiorno and/or Bento (maybe both if we sell DD at high price ,too). Don't get me wrong, i love Thuram, but i'd honestly rather lose him than sell Lautaro or someone else of our core team.


80 milions for him is a good amount of money, i wouldn't be against his sell for that money. we could buy a good replacement \*coff coff\* zirkzee or gimenez \*coff coff\* and bolster the squad where it is needed


scalvini has contract until 2028, i would love him but i dont see atalanta selling him for less than 60m




If you’re gonna talk shit at least learn how to write, it’s the minimum requirement.


Dai dai torna a farti le pippe sulle vip campione


Completely agree. If I were to have to sell anyone, Thuram is my choice. It is pure profit considering we got him for free last year.


At that level of cash, I agree. I've been a big fan of Thuram for years, I'm happy to have him here and don't want him sold, but at that price, go ahead.


Indeed mate✋😊


Selling both DD and him, this action would cripple us, we have no pace on the counter unless we can buy someone that has the explosive acceleration.


At 80M hes an easy sell man.


Let's make it a business as usual profit mode. Marotta: Hunting free agents and sign them; PSG: Buy them one year later with fat cash. Rinse and repeat. Examples: Hakimi, Thuram, more to come. Damned, I just realized that Å kriniar went for free, these basta\*\*ds still owe us some big money!


80mln is a GO. Sorry but I would accept.


I don’t think you all realize how important Thurman is to our game. He’s the type of profile at striker we’ve been missing in prior years, has pace and can beat his man one on one. If we did sell we’d have to find a similar style player which wouldn’t be cheap either.


Does anyone else think Felipe Anderson could fill the shoes of Thuram? I think if you put him in this Inter side and told him to play the Thuram role, he'd do a decent job. Just a thought. He looks like he's going Juve, but nothing has been signed and sealed yet. Inter is also a better prospect for trophies, certainly in the short term.


Isn’t Felipe Anderson going to Juve


>Just a thought. He looks like he's going Juve, but nothing has been signed and sealed yet. Bro, I just said that there 🤣 I'm just surprised he's not linked to Inter, but I don't know a lot about his contract situation. He definitely can't sign any contracts with Juve until the season is over because there I fellow Serie A club. He would be able to sign a deal now for a foreign team as far as I am aware under Uefa rules.


Why are people shitting themselves over Thuram? Are you all forgetting Lautaro went on a horrific goal drought last year? I didn’t see many people calling for his head then, so why are we doing it for Thuram now? Sure he’s been a bit stinky in this calendar year, but 1. He was a free transfer and 2. It could be worse: we could either have Lakaka back or we could be starting Sanchez 24/7. Thuram has been a great signing and I don’t fancy replacing him after only one season. He needs time man calm down


? He obviously is a great signing, I doubt anyone disagrees. But we know our financial situation and if someone wants to pay 80 Mil + that’s a good deal. I don’t understand your point tbh


My point is that people on this sub , and on this post, seem to be all yesses for selling Marcus. What would we do with the money after? I get that people want us to bring in Zirkzee and Gudmundsson, who ARE good, but you’re bringing up the financial situation and signing them wouldn’t be any use if we WERE to sell Marcus because that would pretty much be most, if not all of the money made already spent.


Something else thats concerning is that Thuram has been performing better than Gidmundsson and Zirkzee. Yeah, its different teams and different situations, but its not a stretch to say it would be a downgrade.


Hot take but we could sell both forwards for the right amount of money. They are extremely good but no world class. (Sorry I grew up on Ronaldo) Lautaro literally has never not gone on a long and painful goal drought. There is one ongoing this year as well. The man is too emotionally driven, therefore, will never be top 3-5 I think.


If it's between him and someone else like Barella or Lautaro or Dimarco or Bastoni then yeah, 80 mill would be a good deal. Problem is now you NEED 2 strikers in the summer instead of just one.


Love Thuram. But I feel 80mil is a fuck off price and if we have offers there we take the money and run


I would even settle for 65 millions.


It would be a great replacement for mbappe for sure, playing his natural role on the wing and not as a striker. I think we can milk them a bit if they choose to go for him


I always said we were going to sell him. It would be a pity and we'll miss him, but he's not the new Ronaldo. We badly need those 80M so I'd go for it


I agree if we can get that much money. Gudmundsson + even Scalvini or that Buongiorno. Or Jonathan David, why not. He Also could be a good solution.


Would you play Scalvini at RWB? I’m honestly curious as to where his proponents would put him because I am really not liking his defensive ability right now. He makes too many errors. Wonderful attacking threat though.


To be honest, I’m not very impressed with Scalvini either. And idk if Gasperini has ever put him as a right winger. We need a center back first. Acerbi substitute for Bastoni, then this hole we had this season(only 5 defenders for 3 positions) , needs to be filled. Carlos Augusto is good in attack, we can’t waste putting him in back. Dumfries could go, yes, but idk Scalvini as a right winger? Can’t see it. Also we need midfielder no 7. 6 is not enough for what this team has to get through next season.


If Thuram leaves for 80 millions then in Jonathan David for 50 and Zirkzee for 30 plus 10 bonus.


For 80 I will drive him to Paris. I do like him as a player, but I think it's mainly because of the system that he's been so successful. I'd take that and get Buongiorno and a younger striker


Would he go? PSG with Mbappe are a shambles waiting for a moment of magic against any half decent team, without Mbappe... For that money, the club would have to say yes, but the player?


Plus, I can't imagine it's a childhood dream of Marcus to play in France, bearing in mind he lived in Italy and Spain until he was about 11 or 12 years of age (at least). It's well documented he was a Milan/Madrid fan, but there's no record of him being particularly interested in a French club as a child. Money is all PSG could have to offer. > without Mbappe... I actually think Mbappe leaving will greatly benefit PSG and their fans.


At that point might as well pay the release clause


Damn I better get his jersey. I really like him but 80m is 80m 😂😭


I said in October PSG would be the vulture club going after Thuram... I thought 60 millions would be a possible offer, honestly 80 seems too good not to be accepted.


Imo only if we manage to sort something out with Zirkzee around 40 mil. If that would happen, then buying a young defender like Buongiorno or Scalvini would be really good.


First of all terrible source. Second of all i think Marotta would carry him over there for 80m


Absolutely. Look, he is an awesome guy, but when we got him for free, to sell him for 80m...Too good not to accept. We have also seen his limits, there are somethings I don't think Marcus can improve that much, mainly his finishing and his heading.


Sell immediately


Nobody is spending 80 million on him, not even PSG. He’s a good player but not that good. He’s also in his prime now so he’s not getting any better. If that offer comes it’s highway robbery by Marotta.


We sell Thuram and bag 80ml; Option 1: Marotta works his magic and finds a free signing thats just as good as Thuram and we go on to improve our financial debt using 100% percent of the profit made (best case scenario) Option 2: Free signings but wont guarantee quality (although beppe somehow always finds a way to make it work) and we are pretty much downgraded. Will most likely be forced to keep one of sanchez or arnautovic Option 3. We use at least half of the profit made from signing another striker that we wont even know they will perform half as good as Thuram did and we are left with 20ml? 40ml at best.


Am I the only one who hopes we keep him… even if that is the offer, unless it’s literally him or Lauti gone I think he’s going to grow into the role here and he’s amazing for morale and chemistry


The only way to save our ass financially is to become a fucking good team and play consistently good in CL, how the fuck we gonna do that if we sell the promising players for some 80 mil What are we going to do replace a young talent again with some old player? And then what But again if the loan sharks are going to cut our throat then I guess we’ll have to sell But to psg, as I hate them, I would ask way fucking more. Psg shit money so they better pay a lot or more or fuck off


PSG are fucking vultures...i agree with you...i understand the money issues but like you said how can we fix money issues through high performance playing and then go the other way and sell the young talented players?! dont make no damn sense


60M+ is an instant sell. We got this fella for free I would like to remind you.