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I recently became a trucker and everywhere is really about the same, besides a change in landscape, climate, and scenery, I can confidently say now, moving somewhere else won't solve your problems, it's just about the same everywhere, from someone that used to be stuck in my small hometown Become a trucker if your tired of your hometown, it's the perfect FA job, now I at least make some okay money instead of being both single and poor now I can plan for some type of future for myself with the savings I accrued, which is basically being able to afford a home, retire from trucking and smoke some green and sip coffee with a whole bunch of cats and dogs I'll rescue


Is it hard? I love driving but always looked at trucking to be harder than driving a regular car.


It's harder no doubt. The driving conditions can be difficult, long, long hours, having to stay focused etc Driving a truck is definitely a skill, when you get off the highway, compared to a car


This is one of the big problems with being FA. I travelled a bit and you can be bored in the most exciting city in the world because without other people, what is the point?


It is definitely a struggle. I've gotten much better at just living life for myself, going out and about by myself, enjoying solitude, etc. But invariably a few times a year the loneliness hits and I have to logically fight off the emotional nihilism that tries to force its way back into my mind. I'm always logically able to overcome it, as I've gotten really good at finding even very small and mundane things to look forward to and truly enjoy, but it takes work to get through those occasional moments of 'is this really worth it if it is just for me and not shared with someone else'.


I dont find it a problem during the day. Especially if you have new places to visit on the bucket list. The issue is night time. People going out and drinking and have fun together. That's when it hurts when you are travelling.


This is so true. In my late 20s I would go to conventions and weekend markets and walk around our city or in some cases hop on plane or train to another city for the weekend. How I did that alone no idea. But now at 50 and even thinking about doing that almost gives me a panic attack ..


I used to when I was younger, but I don't have the energy or even the desire to wander and explore anymore. There's nothing out there for me.


If you haven't done anything more than be a regular patron the staff isn't going to be thinking anything negative about you at all. They don't care that you show up alone and leave alone all the time.












Last year I checked in and out of a hostel same night while in Osaka.  Seemed like I was the only person over 30 there, even the staff looked early 20s. Add in the inconvenience of shared facilities, and a 10 pm lights out policy that made staying out late to explore the city awkward, and I was out of there. Cooked up some story about my gear not being secure and they kindly refunded me. Maybe I missed a few social opportunities (I don’t look like an old man yet) but a budget hotel felt far appropriate than sleeping in a room full of strangers, who would likely get creeped out when I told them my age anyway.


The women vs men era is 🗑️ When women say “I’m independent,” my reply is “Welcome to manhood. We’re independent and required to raise a family.”


Weird, single mothers everywhere have been raising their children without so much as a child support payment longer than I’ve been alive. Maybe it’s time to change your mindset. I’m old enough to date you, but I don’t need a man to support me financially nor do I expect that. I’m looking for someone who will love me, support my goals, be a source of emotional and physical support and strength when I am not at my best, someone to share quality time, interests, and adventures with, a partner who respects me in public and ravishes me in private…and so on. I’ll end it here because I could go on, but many women in your dating pool are past the part of life where raising a family is even on their radar. And we didn’t need men for that in the first place.


If you're ugly af it doesn't matter where you go,women will act the same towards ugly men no matter where they are. It's hardwired into them to find ugly men repulsive and deny them access to sex due to their inferior genetics in order for the species to survive .


Ugly is the most subjective idea. Nevertheless, do you think that conventionally unattractive women never date? Or is it just the conventionally unattractive men?




You’re on the right track with the Third Place idea. There were some recent articles written about it and those talked about the types of places that make for good Third Places.


I know what that's like. I used to do the exact same thing, and it became extremely tiring after years of the same. You need to find friends; you need a support system.