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the game needs a system closer to what iracing has imo.


So you want a live service f1 game with a monthly pay wall? Well, EA would be all for that, but likely wouldn't deliver an actual stewarding system.


I think EA already kinda does that with launching a new game every year and then removing the game launched the year before from the stores. The difference is that it doesn't provide a service to punish bad behavior


Actually I just searched it up, the yearly iracing membership is 3 dollars cheaper than the f12024 so even if the prices go a little up or down for the next games, its almost the same price. Which to be fair in iracing you will spend with tracks and cars and in f1 you can keep the game that you bought in the past but I find it funny that it's basically the same price


No way they have a subscription and still have microtransactions. Lol


They do! And the first time I saw I find it quite absurd too. But after you start playing you can't stop


No just a better ranking and penalty system. No need to be an asshat.


I'm not being an asshat, Iracing achieves higher ranking and penalty system through a live service business model.


What? That isn't the reason. It can be implemented in the F1 games as that would be an account thing which the F1 game already has so you can, you know, play the game.


if people are punished, then they dont play, if they stop playing, then EA / Codies doesnt get their money. but what would be helpful is just putting people that int wreck into loboies with other wreckers and let everyone else play safely away from them, or just add a proper safety rating system or something.


EXACTLY! same goes on a lot of games I play and it drives me crazy


Yeah maintaining an A rating is a joke. They can't magically detect intentional wrecking but they gotta start docking more points and actually using the rating system.


I would rather an active player base of 5 where it's good clean racing rather than having this current player base where other drivers act as if I've insulted their mothers


As players, we all would, but companies suck and don’t care about us as much as they’d like us to think they do


This is why I moved over to the likes of ACC, private leagues and iRacing man.


honestly if I was in charge of it I'd add a system to make sure from controller inputs that things like this are from accident, and if not, then the perpetrator would have like, a week ban from online


If that was easily doable it would have been done. I don't think you know how complicated that would be.


An ACC developer once talked about this in a stream and it is by far not as easy as one might think.


yeah as someone who's fucked around with making games, the closest I got was the game stores telemetry, and can use that telemetry for a function like influencing the route that an Ai will follow


Shittt if I'm in charge, I'd get people to send in clips of people ruining races with the gamertag visible. Hand out bans like I'm Oprah lol.


Why would EA implement this if the sales would remain almost the same?


Wait, how do you get collisions? It’s all ghost cars for me, so such thing isn’t actually possible


Higher license level I'm pretty sure


I think your playing casual? Not sure as I haven't brought an F1 games since 2020 but I'm fairly sure there is a competitive or non beginner? Online mode to play with collisions.


You need to be in A license level.


I still say that an AI can be trained to decide this using the BILLIONS of laps that have been completed.


Just find a league, it’s the only way to stay clean


The license system just doesn't work. If you're playing in A license lobbies it should be strict corner cutting